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1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0378
Dejstvo, da je zahtevana zakonodajna podlaga sestavljena iz dveh ločenih pravnih instrumentov, ne vpliva na načelo, da SIS predstavlja in bi moral še naprej predstavljati en sam integrirani informacijski sistem in da bi morali uradi Sirene še naprej opravljati svoje naloge na enoten način.
The fact that the legislative basis required consists of two separate instruments does not affect the principle that the SIS itself constitutes, and should continue to constitute, one single, integrated, information system, and that the Sirene offices should continue to carry out their tasks in an integrated manner.
2 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32004E0031
(5) Te ukrepe je primerno združiti v en sam instrument in razveljaviti Sklep 94/165/SZVP.
(5) It is appropriate to consolidate these measures in a single instrument and repeal Decision 94/165/CFSP.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
Če upravljavec dela s sistemom nepretrganega merjenja emisij, se mora uskladiti z odredbami EN 14181 ("Emisije iz nepremičnih virov - Zagotavljanje kakovosti avtomatskih merilnih sistemov") in EN ISO 14956:2002 ("Kakovost zraka - Ocenitev ustreznosti postopka merjenja v primerjavi z zahtevano negotovostjo") za instrumente in upravljavca.
If the operator is working with a continuous emission measurement system, the operator shall comply with the orders of the EN 14181 ("Stationary source emissions - Quality assurance of automated measuring systems") and of the EN ISO 14956:2002 ("Air quality - Evaluation of the suitability of a measurement procedure by comparison with a required uncertainty") for the instruments and the operator.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0201
(8) Dejstvo, da je zahtevana zakonodajna podlaga sestavljena iz dveh ločenih pravnih instrumentov, ne vpliva na načelo, da SIS predstavlja in bi moral še naprej predstavljati en sam integrirani informacijski sistem in da bi morali uradi Sirene še naprej opravljati svoje naloge na celovit način.
(8) The fact that the legislative basis required consists of two separate instruments does not affect the principle that the SIS constitutes, and should continue to constitute, one single, integrated, information system and that the Sirene offices should continue to carry out their tasks in an integrated manner.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0378
(8) Dejstvo, da je zahtevana zakonodajna podlaga sestavljena iz dveh ločenih pravnih instrumentov, ne vpliva na načelo, da SIS predstavlja in bi moral še naprej predstavljati en sam integrirani informacijski sistem in da bi morali uradi Sirene še naprej opravljati svoje naloge na celovit način.
(8) The fact that the legislative basis required consists of two separate instruments does not affect the principle that the SIS itself constitutes, and should continue to constitute, one single, integrated, information system, and that the Sirene offices should continue to carry out their tasks in an integrated manner.
6 Pravna redakcija
Z namenom jasnosti in preglednosti je treba tiste omejevalne ukrepe Evropske unije, ki so navedeni v zadevnih skupnih stališčih Sveta na tem področju, združiti v en sam pravni instrument in zato se Skupna stališča 96/746/SZVP fn, 1999/727/SZVP fn, 2001/154/SZVP fn in 2001/771/SZVP fn razveljavijo.
For the sake of clarity and transparency, those European Union restrictive measures as referred to in the relevant Council Common Positions should be compiled in one legal instrument and therefore Common Positions 96/746/CFSP(1), 1999/727/CFSP(2), 2001/154/CFSP(3) and 2001/771/CFSP(4) should be repealed.
7 Pravna redakcija
Tahograf sestavljajo kabli, zaznavala, elektronska naprava za obveščanje voznika, en (dva) čitalnik(-a) kartic za vstavljanje ene ali dveh vozniških pomnilniških kartic, vgrajeni ali ločeni tiskalnik, prikazovalni instrumenti, oprema za snemanje podatkovnega pomnilnika, oprema za prikazovanje ali izpisovanje informacij na zahtevo in oprema za vnos krajev, kjer se začne in konča dnevno obdobje dela;
This equipment includes cables, sensors, an electronic driver information device, one (two) card reader(s) for the insertion of one or two driver memory card(s), an integrated or separate printer, display instruments, facilities for downloading the data memory, facilities to display or print information on demand and facilities for the input of the places where the daily work period begins and ends;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
Določbe tega sporazuma in dela XI se razlagajo in uporabljajo skupaj kot en instrument.
The provisions of this Agreement and Part XI shall be interpreted and applied together as a single instrument.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004E0031
Te ukrepe je primerno združiti v en sam instrument in razveljaviti Sklep 94/165/SZVP.
It is appropriate to consolidate these measures in a single instrument and repeal Decision 94/165/CFSP.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2322
"posredni ukrep" pomeni dejavnost RTR, ki jo opravi en ali več udeležencev z instrumentom šestega okvirnega programa;
"indirect action" means an R& TD activity undertaken by one or more participants by means of an instrument of the sixth framework programme;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R1103
Vsako sklicevanje v pravnih instrumentih na eku v smislu člena 109g in kakor ga določa Uredba (ES) št. 3320/94, se zamenja s sklicevanjem na evro po tečaju en evro proti enemu ekuju.
Every reference in a legal instrument to the ECU, as referred to in Article 109g of the Treaty and as defined in Regulation (EC) No 3320/94, shall be replaced by a reference to the euro at a rate of one euro to one ECU.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
Ker se vprašanje uporabe pravil o starševski odgovornosti pogosto pojavi v okviru postopkov v zvezi z zakonskimi spori, je bolj ustrezno imeti en sam instrument za zadeve, povezane z razvezo in starševsko odgovornostjo.
Since the application of the rules on parental responsibility often arises in the context of matrimonial proceedings, it is more appropriate to have a single instrument for matters of divorce and parental responsibility.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0201
Dejstvo, da je zahtevana zakonodajna podlaga sestavljena iz dveh ločenih pravnih instrumentov, ne vpliva na načelo, da SIS predstavlja in bi moral še naprej predstavljati en sam integrirani informacijski sistem in da bi morali uradi Sirene še naprej opravljati svoje naloge na enoten način.
The fact that the legislative basis required consists of two separate instruments does not affect the principle that the SIS constitutes, and should continue to constitute, one single, integrated, information system and that the Sirene offices should continue to carry out their tasks in an integrated manner.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0378
Dejstvo, da je zahtevana zakonodajna podlaga sestavljena iz dveh ločenih pravnih instrumentov, ne vpliva na načelo, da SIS predstavlja in bi moral še naprej predstavljati en sam integrirani informacijski sistem in da bi morali uradi Sirene še naprej opravljati svoje naloge na enoten način.
The fact that the legislative basis required consists of two separate instruments does not affect the principle that the SIS itself constitutes, and should continue to constitute, one single, integrated, information system, and that the Sirene offices should continue to carry out their tasks in an integrated manner.
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en instrument