Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Končna redakcija
analiza fotografije Prezentacija mode je gotovo ena od poti prikritega in neprikritega oglaševanja izdelkov.
analysis of photographs Presentation of fashion is certainly one of the ways to advertise products, either explicitly or covertly.
2 Končna redakcija
V cerkvenem časopisu piše znan katoliški intelektualec o posebnem virusu 'antislovenin', katerega bistvo je 'odpor do slovenstva', nakar ugotavlja, da so najbolj odporni proti tej okužbi kristjani, medtem ko je 'ta virus najbolj na delu v psihah ljudi brez vere'. V isti številki, v kateri izumijo ta virus, objavi časopis na naslovnici fotografijo Antona Mahniča, teologa, ki je najzaslužnejši za kulturni boj na Slovenskem, zraven pa njegov citat 'Resnica je ena in nedeljiva kakor Bog' (Družina, 17. 9. 2000).
In one of the Church newspapers, a renown Catholic intellectual wrote profusely about a curious virus called 'antislovenin' whose essential effect is 'resistance to Slovenianness', and concluded that those most resistant to this infection were Christians, while the virus was most aggressive in 'people without faith'; the same issue of the newspaper that invented the virus featured Anton Mahnič on the coverpage, that is to say, the theologian who was most responsible for the culture war in Slovenia, and quoted his words: 'There is one truth only and it is indivisible as is God himself' (Družina, 17 September 2000).
3 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka fotografija se posname dvakrat, ena od njiju pa se priloži k prijavi o domnevni kršitvi, ki se izroči poveljniku plovila v skladu z odstavkom VIII.
Duplicate photographs shall be taken, one of which shall be attached to the notice of alleged violations provided to the vessel master in accordance with paragraph VIII.
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