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enotni postopek
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Enotna pravila določajo postopek, po katerem se železniška vozila in drug železniški material odobrijo za uporabo v mednarodnem prometu.
These Uniform Rules lay down, for railway vehicles and other railway material, the procedure for the admission to circulation or use in international traffic.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Enotna pravila določajo postopek potrditve tehničnih standardov in sprejetja enotnih tehničnih predpisov za železniški material, namenjen uporabi v mednarodnem prometu.
These Uniform Rules lay down, for railway material intended to be used in international traffic, the procedure for the validation of technical standards and the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Če gre za prevozno pot, ki se dotika carinskega ozemlja Evropske unije ali ozemlja, na katerem velja enotni tranzitni postopek, mora biti vsaka pošiljka opremljena s tovornim listom, ki izpolnjuje zahteve 7. člena.
7 In the case of carriage which enters the customs territory of the European Community or the territory on which the common transit procedure is applied, each consignment must be accompanied by a consignment note satisfying the requirements of Article 7.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Sodišče lahko do izdaje sodbe o prekršku iz tehtnih razlogov ali zaradi smotrnosti odloči, da se postopek za posamezne prekrške ali zoper posamezne obdolžence, sostorilce, napeljevalce ali pomagače izloči iz enotnega postopka in dokonča posebej.
(2) Before the misdemeanour judgement is issued, the court may for reasons of cause or expediency decide that proceedings for individual misdemeanours or against individual accused persons, accomplices, abettors or aiders be excluded from the uniform proceedings and completed separately.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Če je storilec z enim dejanjem ali z več dejanji storil več prekrškov, o katerih še ni izdana odločba oziroma sodba, postopek pa teče pred istim organom oziroma sodiščem, se določi najprej sankcijo za vsak posamezni prekršek, nato pa se izrečejo kot enotna sankcija vse tako določene sankcije.
(1) If the perpetrator, through a single or more acts, commits a number of misdemeanours for which no decision or judgement has been issued, and the related proceedings are held before the same authority or court, first sanctions shall be determined for every individual misdemeanour and then an aggregate sanction shall be imposed on the basis of thus determined sanctions.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Če v postopku za izdajo lokacijskega dovoljenja, gradbenega dovoljenja ali enotnega dovoljenja za gradnjo, ki se je začel pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, o zadevi na prvi stopnji še ni bilo odločeno, se lahko takšen postopek nadaljuje kot postopek za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja po določbah tega zakona, če investitor to sam zahteva in zahtevi priloži projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, izdelan v skladu z določbami tega zakona.
If a case has not been ruled on in the first instance in a procedure for issuing a location permit, a building permit or a standard permit for construction that commenced prior to the entry into force of this act, such a procedure may continue as a procedure for issuing a building permit pursuant to the provisions of this act if the investor so requests and appends a project for acquiring the building permit formulated in accordance with the provisions of this act to the request.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Če na pristojnem sodišču iz prvega odstavka teče postopek zaradi zahtevka, ki temelji na enotnih pravilih, ali je sodišče v takem pravnem sporu izreklo sodbo, potem ni mogoče vložiti nove tožbe zaradi iste zadeve med istimi strankami, razen če sklepa sodišča, pri katerem je bila vložena prva tožba, ni mogoče izvesti v državi, v kateri se vlaga nova tožba.
2 Where an action based on these Uniform Rules is pending before a court or tribunal competent pursuant to paragraph 1, or where in such litigation a judgment has been delivered by such a court or tribunal, no new action may be brought between the same parties on the same grounds unless the judgment of the court or tribunal before which the first action was brought is not enforceable in the State in which the new action is brought.
8 Končna redakcija
Do začetka veljavnosti enotnega volilnega postopka in ob upoštevanju drugih določb tega akta urejajo volilni postopek v vsaki državi članici njeni nacionalni predpisi.
Pending the entry into force of a uniform electoral procedure and subject to the other provisions of this Act, the electoral procedure shall be governed in each Member State by its national provisions.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Tak postopek mora zagotavljati pravno varnost za sodelujoče subjekte in ustrezen proces odločanja, ki bo v kratkih rokih zagotovil enotno uporabo prava Skupnosti na tem področju.
Such a procedure should provide legal certainty for the entities concerned, as well as an appropriate decision-making process, ensuring, within short time limits, uniform application of Community law in this area.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41993D0024
V skladu s členom 23 Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma nekatere države pred uresničitvijo ukrepa vračanja tujca uporabljajo postopek skrajšanja veljavnosti enotnega vizuma.
Pursuant to Article 23 of the Schengen Convention, some States use this procedure prior to the expulsion of an alien.
11 Končna redakcija
Proizvajalec mora svoje komponente interoperabilnosti predstaviti v obliki enotnih serij in izvaja vse potrebne ukrepe, da lahko proizvodni postopek zagotavlja enotnost vsake proizvedene serije.
The manufacturer must present his interoperability constituents in the form of homogeneous lots and shall take all measures necessary in order that the manufacturing process ensures the homogeneity of each lot produced.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0057
Točka 1.4 poglavja V Skupnih konzularnih navodil o vizumih (Postopek preverjanja drugih dokazil, ki jih je treba predložiti vlogi) predpisuje uporabo enotnega obrazca za dokazila o namestitvi.
Point 1.4, Chapter V of the Common Consular Instructions on Visas (Verification of other documents depending on the application) lays down the use of a harmonised form providing proof of accommodation.
13 Končna redakcija
(3) Minister, pristojen za finance, predpiše natančnejši postopek odpiranja ponudb v odprtem in omejenem postopku ter postopku s pogajanji in enotni obrazec za vodenje zapisnika o odpiranju ponudb.
(3) Minister of finance shall prescribe in detail the procedure for the opening of tenders in the open, the restricted and the negotiated procedures, and a standard form for keeping records on the opening of tenders.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
Pomembno je zagotoviti enotno uporabo te uredbe in v ta namen pripraviti postopek Skupnosti, s pomočjo katerega se določijo načini izvajanja v ustreznem časovnem okviru in pripravijo potrebne tehnične prilagoditve.
It is important to ensure the uniform application of this Regulation and, in order to do so, to make provision for a Community procedure to help determine the implementing arrangements within an appropriate timescale and to make the necessary technical adaptations.
15 Končna redakcija
Do začetka veljavnosti enotnega volilnega postopka ali postopka, ki temelji na skupnih načelih, ter ob upoštevanju drugih določb tega akta, urejajo volilni postopek v vsaki državi članici njeni nacionalni predpisi."
Pending the entry into force of a uniform electoral procedure or a procedure based on common principles and subject to the other provisions of this Act, the electoral procedure shall be governed in each Member State by its national provisions.`
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
Zaradi enotnega izvajanja postopka odločanja na podlagi osnovnih uredb naj se s tem uskladijo tudi postopki Sveta za druge odločitve na podlagi osnovnih uredb, za katere je večinoma predviden enak postopek kot za uvedbo dokončnih ukrepov.
For reasons of consistent application of decision-making procedures under the Basic Regulations, the procedures for other decisions by the Council under the Basic Regulations which provide essentially the same procedure as for the imposition of definitive measures should be aligned as well.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0549
"postopek", kakor se uporablja v okviru uredbe o interoperabilnosti, pomeni standardna metoda za tehnično ali operativno uporabo sistemov v smislu dogovorjenih in potrjenih operativnih konceptov, za katere je potrebno enotno izvajanje v celotnem EATMN;
"procedure", as used in the context of the interoperability Regulation, means a standard method for either the technical or the operational use of systems, in the context of agreed and validated concepts of operation requiring uniform implementation throughout the EATMN;
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0808
Statistični podatki, ki jih je treba zbrati, vključujejo informacije, ki so potrebne za postopek zgledovalnega primerjanja pri eEvropa in koristne za strukturne kazalce, ter druge informacije, ki so potrebne pri oblikovanju enotne podlage za analizo informacijske družbe.
The statistics to be compiled shall include information required for the eEurope benchmarking process, and useful to the structural indicators, and other information necessary to provide a uniform basis on which to analyse the information society.
19 Končna redakcija
Na podlagi člena 21(3) Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo, člena 138(3) Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti in člena 108(3) Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo Skupščina pripravi predlog za enotni volilni postopek.
Pursuant to Article 21 (3) of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, Article 138 (3) of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and 108 (3) of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, the Assembly shall draw up a proposal for a uniform electoral procedure.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Zato je treba za ta zdravila opraviti postopek ocene okoljskega tveganja, ki je podoben postopku iz Direktive 2001/18/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 12. marca 2001 o namernem sproščanju gensko spremenjenih organizmov v okolje, ki se opravlja vzporedno z vrednotenjem po enotnem postopku Skupnosti o kakovosti, varnosti in učinkovitosti zadevnega zdravila.
It is thus necessary to subject such products to an environmental risk-assessment procedure similar to the procedure under Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms(13), to be conducted in parallel with the evaluation, under a single Community procedure, of the quality, safety and efficacy of the product concerned.
21 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba, za enotno izvajanje te direktive, uvesti nadzorni postopek Skupnosti;
Whereas, in order to ensure uniform implementation of this Directive, a Community inspection procedure should be established;
22 Pravna redakcija
Da bi zagotovili enotno uporabo zahteve, ki jo določa člen 8, se uporablja naslednji postopek:
In order to ensure the uniform application of the requirement imposed in Article 8, the following procedure shall apply:
23 Pravna redakcija
ker bi bilo treba za zagotovitev enotne uporabe te direktive določiti postopek inšpekcije Skupnosti;
Whereas, to ensure uniform application of this Directive, a Community inspection procedure should be established;
24 Pravna redakcija
Takšen postopek bi pripomogel k razvoju enotne interpretacije pogojev, ki urejajo veljavnost modelov Skupnosti.
Such a procedure would assist the development of uniform interpretation of the requirements governing the validity of Community designs.
25 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi uvedejo postopek medsebojnih pregledov, da bi dosegli enotno razumevanje pristopa k registraciji v praksi.
A peer review process shall be put in place by the competent bodies for the purpose of developing a common understanding of their practical approach towards registration.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Seznam polj, ki jih je treba izpolniti ob predložitvi blaga v carinski postopek pri uporabi enotne upravne listine, vsebuje Priloga 37."
The list of boxes to be used for declarations for placing goods under a particular customs procedure using the single administrative document is set out in Annex 37.`
27 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Če se postopek dodelitve izvaja na podlagi avkcije ameriškega tipa, se za vse zneske, dodeljene nasprotnim strankam, ne uporablja enotna mera;
If the allotment procedure follows a multiple rate (American) auction, no unique interest rate is applied to the amounts allotted to the counterparties;
28 Pravna redakcija
Postopek za vzdrževanje tega standarda je določen v Prilogi H k direktivam za enotno načrtovanje in predstavitev Eurocontrolovih standardnih dokumentov.
The procedure for the maintenance of this Standard is laid down in Annex H of the Directives for the Uniform Drafting and Presentation of Eurocontrol Standard Documents.
29 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v določbe glede enotne carinske listine se navede statistični postopek na nosilcu podatkov, kjer države članice ne zahtevajo carinske deklaracije.
Without prejudice to the provisions concerning the single administrative document, the statistical procedure shall be indicated in the data medium where the customs declaration is not required by the Member States.
30 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je v izvozne operacije vključena več kakor ena država članica in je bila vložena prošnja za enotno dovoljenje, se uporabi postopek, predviden v členu 751(2).
Where more than one Member State is involved in the export operations and an application for a single authorisation is made, the procedure provided for in Article 751(2) shall apply.
31 Pravna redakcija
Postopek za vzdrževanje tega standarda je določen v Prilogi H k direktivam za enotno načrtovanje in predstavitev Eurocontrolovih standardnih dokumentov, Sklic 000-1-92.
The procedure for the maintenance of this Standard is laid down in Annex H of the Directives for the Uniform Drafting and Presentation of Eurocontrol Standard Documents Ref. 000-1-92.
32 Pravna redakcija
Države članice določijo barvo in tiskarski postopek v skladu z enotno obliko, določeno v tej prilogi, ter tehnične zahteve, ki bodo določene v skladu s členom 2 te uredbe.
The Member States will establish the colour and the printing process in accordance with the uniform format set out in this Annex and the technical specifications to be established in accordance with Article 2 of this Regulation.
33 Pravna redakcija
ker je pomembno zagotoviti enotno uporabo te uredbe in v ta namen predvideti postopek Skupnosti, s katerim bi se v ustreznem času omogočilo sprejetje postopkov za njeno izvajanje;
Whereas it is important to guarantee the uniform application of this Regulation and to provide, to that end, for a Community procedure which enables procedures for its implementation to be adopted within a suitable time;
34 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s členom 23 Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma nekatere države pred uresničitvijo ukrepa vračanja tujca uporabljajo postopek skrajšanja veljavnosti enotnega vizuma.
Pursuant to Article 23 of the Schengen Convention, some States use this procedure prior to the expulsion of an alien.
35 Pravna redakcija
ker mora zato Skupnost določiti postopek za določanje najvišjih dovoljenih količin zaostankov zdravil za uporabo v veterinarski medicini po čimbolj kakovostni enotni znanstveni presoji;
Whereas it is therefore necessary to lay down a procedure for the establishment of maximum residue levels of veterinary medicinal products by the Community, following a single scientific assessment of the highest possible quality;
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Še naprej razvijati enotni zakladniški račun, informacijski sistem za finančno upravljanje in sistem elektronskih proračunskih plačil, in krepiti postopek priprave letnega državnega proračuna.
Further develop the treasury single account, the financial management information system and the system for electronic budgetary payments, and continued strengthening of the drafting procedure for the annual State budget.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
(9) Pomembno je zagotoviti enotno uporabo te uredbe in v ta namen pripraviti postopek Skupnosti, s pomočjo katerega se določijo načini izvajanja v ustreznem časovnem okviru in pripravijo potrebne tehnične prilagoditve.
(9) It is important to ensure the uniform application of this Regulation and, in order to do so, to make provision for a Community procedure to help determine the implementing arrangements within an appropriate timescale and to make the necessary technical adaptations.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
(7) Zaradi enotnega izvajanja postopka odločanja na podlagi osnovnih uredb naj se s tem uskladijo tudi postopki Sveta za druge odločitve na podlagi osnovnih uredb, za katere je večinoma predviden enak postopek kot za uvedbo dokončnih ukrepov.
(7) For reasons of consistent application of decision-making procedures under the Basic Regulations, the procedures for other decisions by the Council under the Basic Regulations which provide essentially the same procedure as for the imposition of definitive measures should be aligned as well.
39 Pravna redakcija
vsaka specifikacija, ki se nanaša na fizične lastnosti, konfiguracijo, material, storilnost, osebje ali postopek, katerih enotna uporaba je priznana kot bistvena za izvajanje sistemov služb zračnega prometa v Eurocontrolovih državah članicah.
Any specifications for physical characteristics, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which has been approved as essential for implementation in ATS systems within Eurocontrol Member States.
40 Pravna redakcija
Videti je logično, da bi moral biti zahtevek za vizum, s katerim se začenja postopek obravnave vlog za vizume in je tudi sredstvo za preverjanje pogojev za takšno obravnavo, v obliki enotnega dokumenta, ki ga uporabljajo vse konzularne službe držav članic.
It seems logical that the visa application form, which initiates the procedure for handling visa applications and also serves as the medium for verifying conditions for such handling, should take the form of a uniform document used by all the consular services of the Member States.
41 Pravna redakcija
ker je Svet v svojem priporočilu z dne 11. novembra 1996 v skladu s členom 109j(2) Pogodbe ugotovil, da trenutno večina držav članic ne izpolnjuje pogojev za uvedbo enotne valute, in je zato priporočil Svetu v sestavi voditeljev držav ali vlad, da odloči, da večina držav članic ne izpolnjuje pogojev za uvedbo enotne valute, da Skupnost zaradi tega leta 1997 ne bo prešla v tretjo fazo EMU in da bo postopek iz člena 109j(4) Pogodbe, uporabljen leta 1998 takoj, ko bo mogoče;
Whereas the Council, in its recommendation of 11 November 1996, pursuant to Article 109j (2) of the Treaty, concluded that at present there is not a majority of Member States fulfilling the conditions for the adoption of the single currency and therefore recommended the Council, meeting in the composition of the Heads of State or Government, to decide that there is no such majority of Member States, that consequently the Community will not enter the third stage of EMU in 1997 and that the procedure laid down in Article 109j (4) of the Treaty will be applied as soon as possible in 1998;
42 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba zagotoviti enotno uporabo skupnih pravil ter zato uvesti postopek Skupnosti, ki omogoča sprejem ukrepov za izvajanje teh pravil v primernem obdobju, in krepitev vzajemne pomoči med državami članicami na eni strani ter med državami članicami in Komisijo na drugi, tako da se zagotovi večja uspešnost;
Whereas uniform application of the common rules laid down by this Regulation must be ensured and to that end a Community procedure must be established enabling measures implementing these rules to be adopted within appropriate periods and mutual assistance between the Member States, of the one part, and between the Member States and the Commission, of the other part, to be strengthened so as to ensure greater effectiveness;
43 Pravna redakcija
Prevoz blaga, za katero velja skupnostni tranzitni postopek, sme potekati v okviru skupnostnega tranzitnega postopka med dvema točkama na carinskem območju Skupnosti prek ozemlja tretje države, ki ni članica EFTE, če se prek te tretje države prevaža na podlagi enotne prevozne listine, sestavljene v državi članici;
Transport of goods to which the Community transit procedure applies may be effected between two points in the customs territory of the Community through the territory of a third country other than an EFTA country under the Community transit procedure provided that transport through that third country is effected under cover of a single transport document drawn up in a Member State;
44 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor v roku treh mesecev od takrat, ko se obvesti o bistvenih razlikah med sodno prakso Sodišča Evropskih Skupnosti in sodno prakso monaških sodišč ali med oblastmi držav članic in monaškimi oblastmi v zvezi z uporabo določb iz člena 1, ne more zagotoviti enotne uporabe ali razlage, se začne postopek, predviden v členu 4.
If, within three months of being notified of a substantial divergence between the Court of Justice's case-law and that of Monaco's courts or between the Member States' authorities and Monaco's in their application of the provisions referred to in Article 1, the Joint Committee is unable to ensure uniform application or interpretation, the procedure provided for in Article 4 shall be initiated.
45 Pravna redakcija
Eurocontrolov standard pomeni obvezne elemente Eurocontrolovih specifikacij, ki se nanašajo na fizične lastnosti, konfiguracijo, material, storilnost, osebje ali postopek, katerih enotna uporaba je priznana kot bistvena za izgradnjo celostnega sistema služb zračnega prometa (ATS) (obvezni elementi so del Eurocontrolovega standardnega dokumenta).
Eurocontrol standard shall mean the mandatory elements of Eurocontrol specifications for physical characteristics, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as essential for the implementa-tion of an integrated air trafic services (ATS) system (the mandatory elements shall form part of a Eurocontrol standard document).
46 Pravna redakcija
ker je za zagotovitev enotnosti pregledov na izvoru treba zagotoviti postopek za odobritev obratov, ki izpolnjujejo zdravstvene pogoje, predpisane v tej direktivi, da se določijo zahteve v zvezi s pogoji higienske proizvodnje, ki jih morajo ti obrati izpolnjevati, in da se opredelijo merila, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati izdelki, zajeti v tej direktivi;
Whereas in order to ensure uniformity of checks at origin, it is necessary to provide for a procedure for the approval of establishments meeting the health conditions laid down in this Directive, to determine the requirements regarding conditions of hygienic production to be complied with by such establishments and to define the criteria to be met by the products covered by this Directive;
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
"1. Deklaracije za začetek carinskega postopka z ekonomskim učinkom, razen pasivnega oplemenitenja in carinskega skladiščenja, ki jih carinski urad za vnos v postopek na zahtevo deklaranta lahko sprejme, kljub temu da ne vsebujejo nekaterih navedb iz Priloge 37 ali jim niso priloženi nekateri dokumenti iz člena 220, morajo vsebovati vsaj navedbe v poljih št. 1 (prvo in drugo podpolje), 14, 21 (država), 31, 37, 40 in 54 enotne upravne listine ter v polju št. 44 navedbo dovoljenja ali navedbo zahtevka, če se uporabi člen 508(1)."
1. Declarations of entry for a customs procedure with economic impact other than outward processing or customs warehousing which the customs office of entry for the procedure may accept, at the declarant's request, without their containing some of the particulars referred to in Annex 37 or without their being accompanied by certain documents referred to in Article 220 shall contain at least the particulars referred to in boxes 1 (first and second subdivisions), 14, 21 (nationality), 31, 37, 40 and 54 of the single administrative document and, in box 44, a reference to the authoisation, or a reference to the application where Article 508(1) applies.`
48 Jezikovna redakcija
Vendar so bili skupni vidiki razviti skladno in dodaten predlog v okviru paketa vzpostavlja enotni skupni postopek za odobritev teh snovi.
However, the aspects which are common have been developed in a consistent manner and an additional proposal within the package establishes a single common procedure for the approval of these substances.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0011
Države članice lahko določijo enotni postopek, da bi izpolnile zahteve te direktive in zahteve Direktive Sveta 96/61/ES z dne 24. septembra 1996 o celovitem preprečevanju in nadzorovanju onesnaževanja okolja [8].";
Member States may provide for a single procedure in order to fulfil the requirements of this Directive and the requirements of Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 on integrated pollution prevention and control (1).
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0023
ker bo za doseganje enotnega trga bistven postopek popolne uskladitve;
Whereas the total harmonization method will be essential in order fully to achieve the single market;
Prevodi: sl > en
enotni postopek