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faktor lestvice
1 Pravna redakcija
Faktor lestvice se navadno ocenjuje po nagibu ravne črte, ki jo je mogoče potegniti po metodi najmanjšega kota na podlagi vhodnih-izhodnih podatkov, dobljenih s cikličnim spreminjanjem vhodnega podatka prek obsega vhodnih podatkov.
Scale factor is generally evaluated as the slope of the straight line that can be fitted by the method of least squares to input-output data obtained by varying the input cyclically over the input range.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Aritmetično povprečje 10 let se ponderira po padajoči linearni lestvici, tako da ima razmerje ustreznega leta faktor ponderiranja 10, leto pred ustreznim letom ima faktor ponderiranja devet, naslednje predhodno leto ima faktor ponderiranja osem, in tako naprej, do 10. leta, ki ima faktor ponderiranja 1.
The arithmetic average of the ten years shall be weighted on a decreasing linear scale, so that the ratio of the relevant year shall have a weight of 10, the year prior to the relevant year shall have a weight of 9, the next preceding year shall have a weight of 8, and so on, until the tenth year has a weight of 1.
3 Pravna redakcija
"Faktor lestvice" (žirometra ali merilnika pospeška) (7) pomeni razmerje med izhodno in vhodno spremembo, ki je predmet meritve.
"Scale factor" (gyro or accelerometer) (7) means the ratio of change in output to a change in the input intended to be measured.
4 Pravna redakcija
"stabilnost" "faktorja lestvice" manj (boljša) kakor 130 mikro g glede na stalno kalibrirno vrednost v času enega leta;
A "scale factor" "stability" of less (better) than 130 ppm with respect to a fixed calibration value over a period of one year;
5 Prevajalska redakcija
Aritmetično povprečje 10 let se ponderira po padajoči linearni lestvici, tako da ima razmerje ustreznega leta faktor ponderiranja 10, leto pred ustreznim letom ima faktor ponderiranja devet, naslednje predhodno leto ima faktor ponderiranja osem, in tako naprej, do 10. leta, ki ima faktor ponderiranja 1.
The arithmetic average of the 10 years shall be weighted on a decreasing linear scale, so that the ratio of the relevant year shall have a weight of 10, the year prior to the relevant year shall have a weight of nine, the next preceding year shall have a weight of eight, and so on, until the 10th year has a weight of one.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1260
Vključevati morajo pretvorbeno lestvico, ki prikazuje različne vsebnosti sladkorja in faktorje za pretvorbo dobavljenih količin sladkorne pese v količine, ki ustrezajo vsebnosti sladkorja, navedeni v pogodbi.
They shall include a conversion scale showing the different sugar contents and factors for converting the quantities of beet supplied into quantities corresponding to the sugar content shown in the contract.
7 Prevod
Aritmetično povprečje 10 let se ponderira po padajoči linearni lestvici, tako da ima razmerje ustreznega leta faktor ponderiranja 10, leto pred ustreznim letom ima faktor ponderiranja devet, naslednje predhodno leto ima faktor ponderiranja osem, in tako naprej, do 10. leta, ki ima faktor ponderiranja 1.
The arithmetic average of the 10 years shall be weighted on a decreasing linear scale, so that the ratio of the relevant year shall have a weight of 10, the year prior to the relevant ye ar shall have a weight of nine, the next preceding year shall have a weight of eight, and so on, until the 10th year has a weight of one.
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faktor lestvice