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1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Ko gre vzorec skozi fazni prehod, ki vključuje spremembo entalpije, se ta sprememba pokaže kot endotermni (vrelišče) odmik od bazne črte zapisa temperature.
When the sample undergoes a transition involving a change of enthalpy, that change is indicated by an endothermic departure (boiling) from the base line of the temperature record.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Ko gre vzorec skozi fazni prehod, ki vključuje spremembo entalpije, se ta sprememba pokaže kot endotermni (vrelišče) odmik od bazne črte zapisa toplotnega pretoka.
When the sample undergoes a transition involving a change of enthalpy, that change is indicated by an endothermic departure (boiling) from the base line of the heat flow record.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Ko gre vzorec skozi fazni prehod, ki vključuje spremembo entalpije, se ta sprememba pokaže kot endotermni (tališče) ali eksotermni (zmrzišče) odmik od bazne črte zapisa temperature.
When the sample undergoes a transition involving a change of enthalpy, that change is indicated by an endothermic (melting) or exothermic (freezing) departure from the base line of the temperature record.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Ko gre vzorec skozi fazni prehod, ki vključuje spremembo entalpije, se ta sprememba pokaže kot endotermni (tališče) ali eksotermni (zmrzišče) odmik od bazne črte zapisa toplotnega pretoka.
When the sample undergoes a transition involving a change of enthalpy, that change is indicated by an endothermic (melting) or exothermic (freezing) departure from the base line of the heat flow record.
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