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fitopatološki pregled
1 Končna redakcija
Vlada Portugalske republike izjavlja, da bo, razen za sveže agrume, z dnem podpisa Sporazuma o pristopu h Konvenciji iz 1990 poenostavila fitopatološke preglede in zahteve glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin po določbah člena 121 Konvencije iz 1990.
The Government of the Portuguese Republic declares that, except in respect of fresh citrus fruit, it shall apply the simplification of plant-health checks and requirements referred to in Article 121 of the 1990 Convention from the date of signature of the Agreement on Accession to the 1990 Convention.
2 Končna redakcija
Vlada Kraljevine Španije izjavlja, da bo razen za sveže agrume in palme z dnem podpisa Sporazuma o pristopu h Konvenciji iz 1990 poenostavila fitopatološke preglede in zahteve glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin po določbah člena 121 Konvencije iz 1990.
The Government of the Kingdom of Spain declares that, except in respect of fresh citrus fruit and palms, it shall apply the simplification of plant-health checks and requirements referred to in Article 121 of the 1990 Convention from the date of signature of the Agreement on Accession to the 1990 Convention.
3 Končna redakcija
Vlada Helenske republike izjavlja, da bo razen za sveže agrume, bombaž in semena lucerne z dnem podpisa Sporazuma o pristopu h Konvenciji iz 1990 poenostavila fitopatološke preglede in zahteve glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin po določbah člena 121 Konvencije iz 1990.
The Government of the Hellenic Republic declares that, except in respect of fresh citrus fruit, cotton and lucerne seed, it shall apply the simplification of plant-health checks and requirements referred to in Article 121 of the 1990 Convention from the date of signature of the Agreement on Accession to the 1990 Convention.
4 Pravna redakcija
Odstavka 1 in 2 se uporabljata samo za blago, ki se proizvaja v Skupnosti ali v državi Efte, razen če blago po svoji naravi ne ogroža zdravja rastlin ali če se ob vstopu na ozemlje posameznih pogodbenic opravi fitopatološki pregled blaga in se pri tem ugotovi, da blago izpolnjuje fitopatološke zahteve, ki so določene v zakonodaji pogodbenic.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to goods other than those produced in the Community or in an EFTA State except in cases where, by their nature, they present no plant health risk or in cases where they have undergone a plant health inspection on entering the territory of the respective Contracting Parties, and are found, at the time of such inspections, to meet the requirements relating to plant health laid down in their legislation.
5 Pravna redakcija
Odstavka 1 in 2 veljata le za blago s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali Švice, razen kadar je iz njegove narave razvidno, da ne predstavlja nikakršne fitopatološke nevarnosti, ali pa kadar je bil opravljen fitopatološki pregled ob vstopu na ozemlje ene od pogodbenic ter je bilo ob teh pregledih ugotovljeno, da blago izpolnjuje zahteve glede zdravja rastlin, predpisane v zakonodaji vsake pogodbenice.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to goods of other than Community or Swiss origin except in cases where, by their nature, they present no plant health risk or in cases where they have undergone a plant health inspection on entering the territory of the respective Contracting Parties, and are found, at the time of such inspections, to meet the requirements relating to plant health laid down in the legislation of each Contracting Party.
6 Pravna redakcija
Fitopatološki pregledi uvoza se odvijajo v obliki naključnih pregledov in testiranja vzorcev, razen v utemeljenih okoliščinah.
Plant health inspections of imports shall take the form only of random checks and sample testing except in duty justified circumstances.
7 Pravna redakcija
Fitopatološki pregledi pri uvozu se razen v ustrezno utemeljenih okoliščinah opravljajo samo z naključnimi preverjanji in pregledovanjem vzorcev.
Plant health inspections of imports shall take the form only of random checks and sample testing except in duly justified circumstances.
8 Pravna redakcija
V skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti pogodbenice ne zahtevajo fitopatološkega pregleda in fitopatoloških potrdil za vrste rastlin in rastlinskih proizvodov:
In accordance with Community law, the Contracting Parties shall waive the plant health inspections and presentation of plant health certificates required under Community law for the types of plant and plant products:
9 Pravna redakcija
O ukrepih v zvezi s pristojbinami, ki se zaračunavajo za fitopatološke formalnosti in preglede, odloča Skupni odbor EGP v skladu s členom 93(2) Sporazuma.
The measures pertaining to the fees to be charged in respect of plant health formalities and inspections shall be decided upon by the EEA Joint Committee in accordance with Article 93(2) of the Agreement.
10 Pravna redakcija
V skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti pogodbenice za nekatere vrste rastlin in rastlinskih izdelkov ne zahtevajo fitopatološkega pregleda in fitopatoloških potrdil, potrebnih po zakonodaji Skupnosti.
In accordance with Community law, the Contracting Parties shall waive, for certain types of plant and plant products, the plant health inspections and presentation of plant health certificates required under Community law.
11 Pravna redakcija
Vlada Portugalske republike izjavlja, da bo razen za sveže agrume z dnem podpisa Sporazuma o pristopu h Konvenciji iz 1990 poenostavila fitopatološke preglede in zahteve glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin po določbah člena 121 Konvencije iz 1990,.
The Government of the Portuguese Republic declares that, except in respect of fresh citrus fruit, it shall apply the simplification of plant-health checks and requirements referred to in Article 121 of the 1990 Convention from the date of signature of the Agreement on Accession to the 1990 Convention.
12 Pravna redakcija
Vlada Kraljevine Španije izjavlja, da bo razen za sveže agrume in palme z dnem podpisa Sporazuma o pristopu h Konvenciji iz 1990 poenostavila fitopatološke preglede in zahteve glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin po določbah člena 121 Konvencije iz 1990.
The Government of the Kingdom of Spain declares that, except in respect of fresh citrus fruit and palms, it shall apply the simplification of plant-health checks and requirements referred to in Article 121 of the 1990 Convention from the date of signature of the Agreement on Accession to the 1990 Convention.
13 Pravna redakcija
Ta odstavek se zlasti uporablja za nadzor upoštevanja pravil o dovolilnicah za komercialne prevoze, za opravljanje preskusov primernosti prevoznih sredstev za vožnjo po cesti, veterinarske preglede in preverjanje zdravstvenega stanja živali, veterinarsko-sanitarne preglede, tudi za preglede mesa, fitopatološke preglede ter nadzor prevoza nevarnih snovi in nevarnih odpadkov.
This paragraph shall apply in particular to monitoring compliance with rules on commercial transport permits, roadworthiness of means of transport, veterinary inspections and animal health checks, veterinary checks on health and hygiene, including meat inspections, plant health inspections and monitoring the transportation of dangerous goods and hazardous waste.
14 Pravna redakcija
Vlada Helenske republike izjavlja, da bo razen za sveže agrume, bombaž in semena lucerne z dnem podpisa Sporazuma o pristopu h Konvenciji iz 1990 poenostavila fitopatološke preglede in zahteve glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin po določbah člena 121 Konvencije iz 1990.
The Government of the Hellenic Republic declares that, except in respect of fresh citrus fruit, cotton and lucerne seed, it shall apply the simplification of plant-health checks and requirements referred to in Article 121 of the 1990 Convention from the date of signature of the Agreement on Accession to the 1990 Convention.
15 Pravna redakcija
Pravila, ki urejajo opravljanje identifikacijskih pregledov uvoza za blago, zajeto v zakonodajo o zdravstvenem varstvu rastlin, se opredeli s sklepi, ukrepi glede zaračunavanja za fitopatološke formalnosti in preglede pa so predmet priporočil skupnega odbora v skladu s členom 17 tega sporazuma.
The rules governing the carrying out of identify checks on imports in relation to goods covered by plant health legislation shall be determined by means of decisions and the measures pertaining to the fees to be charged in respect of plant health formalities and inspections shall be the subject of recommendations made by the joint committee in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
preglede, opravljene iz zdravstvenih, veterinarskih ali fitopatoloških razlogov.
inspections for sanitary, veterinary or phytopathological reasons.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Blago, namenjeno za izvoz, lahko poleg carine pregledajo tudi drugi pristojni organi, na primer veterinarski, fitopatološki in drugi zdravstveni organi.
Goods to be exported may also be subject to certain controls by competent authorities other than the customs, for example veterinary, phytopathological and other health controls.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Če morajo blago pregledati tudi drugi pristojni organi (zaradi veterinarskih, zdravstvenih, fitopatoloških ipd. kontrol), mora carinska uprava, kadar je to izvedljivo, svoj pregled izvesti sočasno.
If the goods must also be inspected by other competent authorities (for the purpose of applying veterinary, health, phytopathological, etc., controls) the customs should, where practicable, perform their examination at the same time.
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fitopatološki pregled