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fizikalno-kemijske preiskave
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0777
Navedbe iz Priloge III k tej direktivi pa so dovoljene, ee upoštevajo ustrezna merila iz navedene priloge, ali ee teh ni, merila, ki so doloeena v nacionalnih predpisih in temeljijo na fizikalno-kemijskih analizah, in kadar je to potrebno, farmakoloških, fizioloških in klinienih preiskavah, izvedeni h po priznanih znanstvenih metodah v skladu z oddelkom I, odstavek 2 Priloge I.
However, the indications listed in Annex III to this Directive shall be authorized if they meet the relevant criteria laid down in that Annex or, in the absence thereof, criteria laid down in national provisions and provided that they have been drawn up on the basis of physico-chemical analyses and, where necessary, pharmacological, physiological and clinical examinations carried out according to recognized scientific methods, in accordance with Section I, paragraph 2 of Annex I.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
Preiskava je pokazala, da postopek metalizacije, ki sestoji iz dodajanja kovine, kot je npr. aluminij, po postopku naparevanja, ne spremeni osnovnih fizikalnih, tehničnih in kemijskih lastnosti PET folije.
The investigation showed that the metallisation process consisting of the addition of metal, such as aluminium, by a vapour deposition process, does not alter the basic physical, technical and chemical characteristics of PET film.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0964
Kot prejšnja preiskava je tudi ta preiskava pokazala, da ima pribor (fitingi) za cevi iz železa ali jekla, proizveden v zadevnih državah, ki se prodaja doma in/ali se izvozi v Skupnost, enake osnovne fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti kot izdelki, ki jih v Skupnosti prodajajo proizvajalci Skupnosti, ki so vložili prošnjo, in veljajo za podobne izdelke v smislu člena 1(4) osnovne uredbe.
As in the previous investigation, this investigation has shown that the tube or pipe fittings of iron or steel, produced in the countries concerned, sold domestically and/or exported to the Community have the same basic physical and chemical characteristics as the products sold in the Community by the applicant Community producers and are considered to be like products, within the meaning of Article 1(4) of the basic Regulation.
4 Pravna redakcija
V drugi fazi, ob upoštevanju stopnje izpostavljenosti okolja proizvodu, ter ob razpoložljivih informacijah o fizikalno-kemijskih, farmakoloških in/ali toksikoloških lastnostih spojine, ki smo jo dobili med izvajanjem drugih preskusov ter testov, ki jih zahteva ta direktiva, mora raziskovalec premisliti, ali bi bila potrebna nadaljnja preiskava učinkov proizvoda na eko-sisteme.
In a second phase, having regard to the extent of exposure of the product to the environment, and the available information about the physical/chemical, pharmacological and/or toxicological properties of the compound which has been obtained during the conduct of the other tests and trials required by this Directive, the investigator shall then consider whether further specific investigation of the effects of the product on particular eco-systems is necessary.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2263
Med predhodnimi preiskavami je bilo ugotovljeno, da obstajajo še drugi oblikovalniki črnega barvila, ki niso ODB-1 in ODB-2, za katere se je pokazalo, da imajo enake osnovne kemijske in fizikalne lastnosti in se v uporabi prekrivajo (točneje, premazni papir za uporabo kot brezkarbonski samokopirni papir ("samokopirni papir") ali papir za termični nanos podob ("termoreaktivni papir")).
During the preliminary investigations it was found that there were black colorformers other than ODB-1 and ODB-2 which appeared to share the same basic chemical and physical characteristics and appeared to overlap in their use (namely coating paper for use as carbonless copy paper ('carbonless paper') or paper for thermal image applications ('thermal paper')).
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2263
Med predhodnimi preiskavami je bilo ugotovljeno, da obstajajo še drugi oblikovalniki črnega barvila, ki niso ODB-1 in ODB-2, za katere se je pokazalo, da imajo enake osnovne kemijske in fizikalne lastnosti in se v uporabi prekrivajo (točneje, premazni papir za uporabo kot brezkarbonski samokopirni papir ("samokopirni papir") ali papir za termični nanos podob ("termoreaktivni papir")).
During the preliminary investigations it was found that there were black colorformers other than ODB-1 and ODB-2 which appeared to share the same basic chemical and physical characteristics and appeared to overlap in their use (namely coating paper for use as carbonless copy paper ("carbonless paper") or paper for thermal image applications ("thermal paper")).
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fizikalno-kemijske preiskave