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geodetsko podjetje
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(prekrški geodetskega podjetja)
(Misdemeanours by land surveying company)
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Z denarno kaznijo od 300.000 do 3,000.000 tolarjev se za prekršek kaznuje pravna oseba, ki po določbah predpisov o geodetski dejavnosti nastopa kot geodetsko podjetje:
A fine of SIT 300,000 to 3,000,000 for a misdemeanour shall be imposed upon a legal person that is acting as a land surveying company pursuant to the provisions of regulations on land surveying activities if:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Z denarno kaznijo od 90.000 do 400.000 tolarjev se za prekršek kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba geodetskega podjetja, ki stori katero izmed dejanj iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
A fine of SIT 90,000 to 400,000 for a misdemeanour shall also be imposed upon the responsible officer of a land surveying company that commits any of the offences specified in the first paragraph of this article.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Na podlagi pravnomočne odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko lastnik objekta ali lastnik zemljišča naroči pri geodetskem podjetju elaborat parcelacije.
On the basis of a final ruling on the definition of a building plot specified in the previous paragraph the owner of the works or the owner of the land may commission a parcel partitioning report from a land surveying company.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(6) Na podlagi pravnomočne odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele, izdane po določilih tega člena, lahko lastnik objekta ali lastnik zemljišča, ki se mu je določila gradbena parcela, naroči pri geodetskem podjetju elaborat parcelacije ali elaborat pogodbene komasacije.
On the basis of a final ruling on the definition of the building plot issued pursuant to the provisions of this article, the owner of the works or the owner of the land for which the building plot has been defined shall commission a parcel partitioning report or a contractual merger report from a land surveying company.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
29. če v predpisanem roku pri geodetskem podjetju ne naroči projekta za vpis v uradne evidence, v primeru gradnje za trg pa tudi ne poskrbi za vpis objekta v zemljiški kataster, v primeru stavbe v kataster stavb in v primeru objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture tudi v kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture (prvi odstavek 105. člena);
29. I t fails to commission the project for entry in official records from a land surveying company by the prescribed deadline, or fails in the case of construction for the market to ensure the works is entered in the cadastral register, and also in the register of buildings in the case of a building or in the register of public infraworks in the case of a works of public infraworks (first paragraph of Article 105)
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Najpozneje v 15 dnevih po dnevu pravnomočnosti uporabnega dovoljenja mora investitor pri projektantu oziroma geodetskem podjetju naročiti projekt za vpis v uradne evidence, v primeru gradnje za trg pa takoj po prevzemu takšnega projekta tudi poskrbeti za vpis objekta v zemljiški kataster oziroma v primeru stavbe tudi v kataster stavb. V primeru objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture mora investitor najpozneje v 15 dneh po dnevu pravnomočnosti uporabnega dovoljenja tudi poskrbeti, da se takšen objekt vpiše v kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture.
(1) Within fifteen days of the permit of use becoming final, the investor must commission the project for entry in official records from the project designer or a land surveying company, and in the case of construction for the market must ensure the works is entered in the cadastral register immediately after receiving such project, and also in the register of buildings in the case of a building. In the case of a works of public infraworks, the investor must also ensure that the works is entered in the register of public infraworks within fifteen days of the permit of use becoming final.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Pomoč podjetjem, ki se ukvarjajo s proizvodnjo kmetijskih proizvodov, je združljiva s skupnim trgom po členu 87(3)(c) Pogodbe in je izvzeta iz obveznosti priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, če se odobri za in omeji na stroške pravnih in upravnih postopkov, vključno z geodetskimi stroški in stroški delitve zemljišč - do 100 % dejanskih nastalih stroškov.
Aid to enterprises involved in the production of agricultural products shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3)(c) of the Treaty and shall be exempt from the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty if it is granted towards and limited to the legal and administrative costs, including survey costs, of land reparcelling, up to 100 % of actual costs incurred.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Pomoč podjetjem, ki se ukvarjajo s proizvodnjo kmetijskih proizvodov, je združljiva s skupnim trgom po členu 87(3)(c) Pogodbe in je izvzeta iz obveznosti priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, če se odobri za in omeji na stroške pravnih in upravnih postopkov, vključno z geodetskimi stroški in stroški delitve zemljišč - do 100 % dejanskih nastalih stroškov.
Aid to enterprises involved in the production of agricultural products shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3)(c) of the Treaty and shall be exempt from the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty if it is granted towards and limited to the legal and administrative costs, including survey costs, of land reparcelling, up to 100 % of actual costs incurred.
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geodetsko podjetje