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geografsko področje uporabe prepovedi
1 Pravna redakcija
Geografsko področje uporabe klavzule o prepovedi konkurence bi se običajno moralo omejiti na območje, na katerem je prodajalec ponujal ustrezne proizvode ali storitve pred prenosom fn.
The geographical scope of a non- competition clause should normally be limited to the area in which the vendor offered the relevant products or services before the transfer fn.
2 Pravna redakcija
Geografsko področje uporabe klavzule o prepovedi konkurence se mora omejiti na območje, na katerem so matična podjetja ponujala ustrezne proizvode ali storitve pred ustanovitvijo skupnega podjetja fn.
The geographical scope of a non- competition clause must be limited to the area in which the parents offered the relevant products or services before establishing the joint venture fn.
3 Pravna redakcija
Take klavzule o prepovedi konkurence pa upravičuje legitimen cilj izvajanja koncentracije samo takrat, ko njihovo trajanje, njihovo geografsko področje uporabe, njihov predmet in osebe, za katere veljajo, ne presegajo tistega, kar je potrebno za doseganje navedenega cilja.
However, such non- competition clauses are only justified by the legitimate objective of implementing the concentration when their duration, their geographical field of application, their subject matter and the persons subject to them do not exceed what is reasonably necessary to achieve that end.
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geografsko področje uporabe prepovedi