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gospodarski položaj podjetij
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
Za izboljšanje položaja in povečanje konkurenčnosti podjetij v tekstilni in oblačilni, usnjarski in obutveni industriji, pa bo Vlada do konca leta 2003 nadaljevala izvajanje programa prilagajanja slovenske tekstilne in oblačilne ter usnjarske in obutvene industrije pogojem notranjega trga EU 2000-2003.Po tem obdobju bo za izboljšanje položaja in povečanje konkurenčnosti podjetij v omenjenih panogah namenjena pomoč v obliki razvojnih spodbud in pomoč v skladu z določili Zakona o pomoči za reševanje in prestrukturiranje gospodarskih družb (Uradni list RS, št.
In order to improve the position and increase the competitiveness of companies in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear industries, the Government will continue till the end of 2003 to carry out the programme of adapting the Slovene textile, clothing, leather and footwear industries to the conditions of the EU internal market 2000-2003. After that period, aid will be provided for improving the position and increasing the competitiveness of companies in the above industries in the form of development incentives and pursuant to the provisions of the Act Governing the Rescue and Restructuring Aid for Companies in Difficulty (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 110/02).
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
Vlada je za podporo podjetjem, ki zaključujejo tranzicijsko prestrukturiranje in za izboljšanje položaja podjetij v težavah pripravila Zakon o pomoči za reševanje in prestrukturiranje gospodarskih družb (Uradni list RS št. 110/02), ki predstavlja pravno podlago za dodeljevanje sredstev tem podjetjem, v skladu s pravili EU o dodeljevanju državnih pomoči, za namene poslovnega, finančnega in kadrovskega prestrukturiranja teh podjetij kot izhodišče za njihovo konkurenčnost v prihodnosti.
The Government has, in order to support the companies which are about to complete the transitional restructuring and to improve the position of companies facing difficulties, prepared the Act Governing the Rescue and Restructuring Aid for Companies in Difficulty (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 110/02) which represents the legal basis for granting funds to those companies in accordance with the EU rules on granting state aid for the purposes of business, financial and human resources restructuring as the starting-point for their competitiveness in the future.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
tržni položaj udeleženih podjetij ter njihovo gospodarsko in finančno moč, druge možnosti, ki so na voljo dobaviteljem in uporabnikom, njihov dostop do dobav blaga in storitev ali trgov, kakršne koli pravne ali druge ovire pri vstopu, gibanje ponudbe in povpraševanja po upoštevnem blagu in storitvah, interese vmesnih in končnih potrošnikov ter razvoj tehničnega in gospodarskega napredka, pod pogojem, da je v korist potrošnikom in ne ovira konkurence.
the market position of the undertakings concerned and their economic and financial power, the alternatives available to suppliers and users, their access to supplies or markets, any legal or other barriers to entry, supply and demand trends for the relevant goods and services, the interests of the intermediate and ultimate consumers, and the development of technical and economic progress provided that it is to consumers' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition.
4 Pravna redakcija
ker bi morala biti glede na težek gospodarski položaj navedenih podjetij takšna posojila brezobrestna;
whereas, in view of the difficult economic situation of the said undertakings, these loans should be interest-free;
5 Pravna redakcija
Kadar člen 2 Uredbe o združitvi določa, da naj Komisija upošteva "tržni položaj udeleženih podjetij ter njihovo gospodarsko in finančno moč", to vključuje tudi skupine, v katere sodijo.
When Article 2 of the Merger Regulation provides that the Commission is to take into account 'the market position of the undertakings concerned and their economic and financial power`, that includes the groups to which they belong.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0215
Treba je opozoriti, da se je obseg prodaje preostalih podjetij Skupnosti uporabil samo za ugotavljanje porabe Skupnosti, ne pa za oceno gospodarskih kazalcev, ki pojasnjujejo položaj industrije Skupnosti.
It should be noted that the sales volume of other Community operators have only been used to establish the Community consumption and not for the evaluation of the economic indicators pertaining to the situation of the Community industry.
7 Pravna redakcija
obveznost, da ne bosta sprejemali ukrepov ali dejanj, ki zaostrujejo pogoje za ustanavljanje in poslovanje gospodarskih podjetij druge pogodbenice v primerjavi s položajem, ki obstaja ob takšnem pregledu, če v tem sporazumu ni posebej predvidena,
the obligation not to take any measures or actions which may render the conditions for the establishment and operation of each other's companies more restrictive than the situation existing at the time of such examination, where not already foreseen herein, or
8 Pravna redakcija
Vrednotenje virov in gospodarskega položaja sektorja zahteva zbiranje bioloških podatkov, ki zajemajo celoten ulov, vključno z zavržki, vrednotenje staležev rib neodvisno od gospodarskega ribištva, zbiranje informacij o ribolovnih zmogljivostih in uporabljenih ribolovnih naporih ter zbiranje podatkov, ki razlagajo oblikovanje cen in omogočajo oceno gospodarskega položaja ribolovnih podjetij in predelovalne industrije ter gibanja delovnih mest v teh sektorjih.
The evaluation of the sector's resources and economic situation requires biological data to be collected covering all catches, including discards, fish stock evaluations independent of the commercial fisheries for a set of resources, the collection of information on catch capacities and the fishing efforts used, and data explaining price formation and enabling the economic situation of fishing enterprises and the processing industry to be assessed, as well as job trends in these sectors.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0964
(89) Takšno pomanjkanje sodelovanja potrjuje, da pribor (fitingi) za cevi predstavljajo zelo majhen delež vseh proizvodnih stroškov teh treh podjetij in da trenutno veljavni ukrepi niso imeli večjega negativnega vpliva na njihov gospodarski položaj.
(89) This lack of cooperation appears to confirm that the tube or pipe fittings represent a very small part of total production costs for these companies, and that the measures currently in force did not have any substantial negative effect on their economic situation.
10 Pravna redakcija
"položaj, kadar eno podjetje ali več podjetij uveljavlja gospodarsko moč, ki bi omogočila preprečiti ohranjanje učinkovite konkurence na upoštevnem trgu tako, da so jim dane možnosti,da v veliki meri delujejo neodvisno od njihovih konkurentov, kupcev in nenazadnje potrošnikov" fn.
a situation where one or more undertakings wield economic power which would enable them to prevent effective competition from being maintained in the relevant market by giving them the opportunity to act to a considerable extent independently of their competitors, their customers and, ultimately, of consumers" fn
11 Pravna redakcija
Če bi sprejem nove zakonodaje ali predpisov v Ukrajini poostril pogoje za ustanavljanje podjetij Skupnosti na njenem ozemlju in za poslovanje hčerinskih gospodarskih družb in podružnic podjetij Skupnosti, ustanovljenih v Ukrajini v primerjavi s položajem obstaječim na dan podpisa Sporazuma, se ta zakonodaja oziroma predpisi ne uporabljajo tri leta po njihovem sprejemu za hčerinske gospodarske družbe in podružnice že ustanovljene v Ukrajini na dan začetka veljavnosti zakona ali drugega predpisa.
Where new legislation or regulations introduced in Ukraine would result in rendering the conditions for establishment of Community companies into its territory and for the operation of subsidiaries and branches of Community companies established in Ukraine more restrictive than the situation existing on the day of signature of the Agreement, such respective legislation or regulations shall not apply during three years following the entry into force of the relevant act to those subsidiaries and branches already established in Ukraine at the time of entry into force of the relevant act.
12 Pravna redakcija
tržni položaj udeleženih podjetij ter njihovo gospodarsko in finančno moč, druge možnosti, ki so na voljo dobaviteljem in uporabnikom, njihov dostop do dobav in trgov, vse pravne in druge ovire pri vstopu, trende ponudbe in povpraševanja po ustreznem blagu in storitvah, interese vmesnih in končnih potrošnikov ter razvoj tehničnega in gospodarskega napredka, pod pogojem, da je v korist potrošnikom in ne pomeni ovire za konkurenco.
the market position of the undertakings concerned and their economic and financial power, the opportunities available to suppliers and users, their access to supplies or markets, any legal or other barriers to entry, supply and demand trends for the relevant goods and services, the interests of the intermediate and ultimate consumers, and the development of technical and economic progress provided that it is to consumers' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
(b) tržni položaj udeleženih podjetij ter njihovo gospodarsko in finančno moč, druge možnosti, ki so na voljo dobaviteljem in uporabnikom, njihov dostop do dobav blaga in storitev ali trgov, kakršne koli pravne ali druge ovire pri vstopu, gibanje ponudbe in povpraševanja po upoštevnem blagu in storitvah, interese vmesnih in končnih potrošnikov ter razvoj tehničnega in gospodarskega napredka, pod pogojem, da je v korist potrošnikom in ne ovira konkurence.
(b) the market position of the undertakings concerned and their economic and financial power, the alternatives available to suppliers and users, their access to supplies or markets, any legal or other barriers to entry, supply and demand trends for the relevant goods and services, the interests of the intermediate and ultimate consumers, and the development of technical and economic progress provided that it is to consumers' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
Kadar člen 2 Uredbe o združitvi določa, da naj Komisija upošteva "tržni položaj udeleženih podjetij ter njihovo gospodarsko in finančno moč", to vključuje tudi skupine, v katere sodijo. 11.
When Article 2 of the Merger Regulation provides that the Commission is to take into account 'the market position of the undertakings concerned and their economic and financial power`, that includes the groups to which they belong. 11.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0964
Takšno pomanjkanje sodelovanja potrjuje, da pribor (fitingi) za cevi predstavljajo zelo majhen delež vseh proizvodnih stroškov teh treh podjetij in da trenutno veljavni ukrepi niso imeli večjega negativnega vpliva na njihov gospodarski položaj.
This lack of cooperation appears to confirm that the tube or pipe fittings represent a very small part of total production costs for these companies, and that the measures currently in force did not have any substantial negative effect on their economic situation.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
"položaj, kadar eno podjetje ali več podjetij uveljavlja gospodarsko moč, ki bi omogočila preprečiti ohranjanje učinkovite konkurence na upoštevnem trgu tako, da so mu/jim dane možnosti, da v veliki meri deluje(-jo) neodvisno od njegovih/njihovih konkurentov, kupcev in nenazadnje potrošnikov"
"a situation where one or more undertakings wield economic power which would enable them to prevent effective competition from being maintained in the relevant market by giving them the opportunity to act to a considerable extent independently of their competitors, their customers and, ultimately, of consumers"
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
tržni položaj udeleženih podjetij ter njihovo gospodarsko in finančno moč, druge možnosti, ki so na voljo dobaviteljem in uporabnikom, njihov dostop do dobav blaga in storitev ali trgov, kakršne koli pravne ali druge ovire pri vstopu, gibanje ponudbe in povpraševanja po upoštevnem blagu in storitvah, interese vmesnih in končnih potrošnikov ter razvoj tehničnega in gospodarskega napredka, pod pogojem, da je v korist potrošnikom in ne ovira konkurence.
the market position of the undertakings concerned and their economic and financial power, the alternatives available to suppliers and users, their access to supplies or markets, any legal or other barriers to entry, supply and demand trends for the relevant goods and services, the interests of the intermediate and ultimate consumers, and the development of technical and economic progress provided that it is to consumers' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
Programi in projekti sodelovanja bodo podpirali prizadevanja držav AKP za vzpostavitev in izboljšanje njihovih pravnih in institucionalnih okvirov in virov za razvoj in izvajanje trajnostnih politik in programov za razvoj turizma, med drugim pa tudi izboljšanje konkurenčnega položaja sektorja, zlasti malih in srednje velikih podjetij (MSP), podpiranje in spodbujanje investiranja, razvoj proizvodov, vključno z razvojem avtohtonih kultur v državah AKP, ter krepitev povezav med turizmom in drugimi sektorji gospodarske dejavnosti.
Cooperation programmes and projects will support the efforts of ACP countries to establish and improve the countries legal and institutional framework and resources for the development and implementation of sustainable tourism policies and programmes, as well as inter alia, improving the competitive position of the sector, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), investment support and promotion, product development including the development of indigenous cultures in ACP countries, and strengthening linkages between tourism and other sectors of economic activity.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Podjetje se šteje za podjetje s pomembno tržno močjo, če bodisi samostojno ali skupaj z drugimi uživa položaj, ki je enakovreden prevladujočemu položaju, to pomeni položaj gospodarske moči, ki mu omogoča, da ravna v precejšnji meri neodvisno od konkurentov, strank in končno tudi od porabnikov. Kadar nacionalni regulativni organi ocenjujejo, da imata dve ali več podjetij skupaj prevladujoči položaj na trgu, morajo ravnati zlasti v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti in dosledno upoštevati smernice za tržno analizo in ocenjevanje pomembne tržne moči, ki jih je objavila Komisija po členu 15. Merila za tako presojo so določena v Prilogi II. 3. Kadar ima podjetje na določenem trgu pomembno tržno moč, se lahko to podjetje šteje za podjetje s pomembno tržno močjo tudi na trgu, ki je tesno povezan s prvim trgom, če povezave med obema trgoma omogočajo, da se tržna moč z enega trga prenese na drugega in s tem krepi tržna moč podjetja.
An undertaking shall be deemed to have significant market power if, either individually or jointly with others, it enjoys a position equivalent to dominance, that is to say a position of economic strength affording it the power to behave to an appreciable extent independently of competitors, customers and ultimately consumers.
20 Prevod
Če bi sprejem nove zakonodaje ali predpisov v Gruziji poostril pogoje za poslovanje hčerinskih gospodarskih družb in podružnic podjetij Skupnosti, ustanovljenih v Gruziji, v primerjavi s položajem, obstoječim na dan podpisa tega sporazuma, se takšna zakonodaja ali predpisi ne uporabljajo tri leta po začetku veljavnosti za tiste hčerinske gospodarske družbe in podružnice, že ustanovljene v Gruziji na dan začetka veljavnosti ustreznega zakona.
Where new legislation or regulations introduced in Georgia would result in rendering the conditions for operation of subsidiaries and branches of Community companies established in Georgia more restrictive than the situation existing on the day of signature of this Agreement, such respective legislation or regulations shall not apply during three years following the entry into force of the relevant act to those subsidiaries and branches already established in Georgia at the time of entry into force of the relevant act.
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gospodarski položaj podjetij