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gostiteljska struktura
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Merila za izbiro gostiteljske strukture
Criteria for selecting the host structure
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Pri izbiri predlagane gostiteljske strukture EICC se uporabljajo naslednja merila:
The following criteria shall be used to select applicant host structures of the EICCs:
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Delno financiranje za gostiteljsko strukturo EIKS je mogoče pridobiti iz pomoči, odobrene v okviru EPD ali regionalnega sodelovanja.
Part-financing may be made available to the EICC host structure from the grant aid available under the SPD or regional cooperation.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Naloge EIKS, orodja in storitve, ki se jim dajo na voljo, postopki ustanovitve in merila za izbiro gostiteljske strukture so predvideni v Prilogi V.
The tasks of the EICCs, the tools and services made available to them, the establishment procedures and criteria for selecting the host structure are set out in Annex V.
5 Pravna redakcija
Vključevale bodo podporo za dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo fizične osebe, gostiteljske strukture vključno z mrežami za usposabljanje in tudi evropske raziskovalne skupine.
They will involve support to actions carried out by natural persons, host structures, including training networks, and also by European research teams.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Pristojni organi države ali ozemlja naslovijo na Komisijo zahtevo za ustanovitev korespondenčnega središča z izbrano gostiteljsko strukturo na načine, ki so določeni v členu 59 tega sklepa.
A request for the establishment of a correspondence centre and the choice of host structure should be addressed to the Commission by the competent authorities of the country or territory through the channels provided for in Article 59 of this Decision.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0041
Če prejme pristojni organ matične države članice obvestilo v skladu z odstavkom 2 in če zanj ne obstaja noben dvom o upravni strukturi ali finančnem stanju institucije ali ugledu in poklicnih kvalifikacijah ali izkušnjah vodstvenega osebja glede na združljivost z dejavnostmi, načrtovanimi v gostiteljski državi članici, posreduje v roku treh mesecev po prejemu vseh informacij iz odstavka 3 pristojnim organom gostiteljske države članice te informacije in s tem seznani institucijo.
Where a competent authority of the home Member State is notified under paragraph 2, and unless it has reason to doubt that the administrative structure or the financial situation of the institution or the good repute and professional qualifications or experience of the persons running the institution are compatible with the operations proposed in the host Member State, it shall within three months of receiving all the information referred to in paragraph 3 communicate that information to the competent authorities of the host Member State and inform the institution accordingly.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Na zahtevo upravnih organov ČDO in v skladu s postopki iz naslova I dela tri se lahko v ČDO ustanovi Evropsko informativno-korespondenčno središče, v nadaljevanju besedila "EIKS". Delno financiranje za gostiteljsko strukturo EIKS je mogoče pridobiti iz pomoči, odobrene v okviru EPD ali regionalnega sodelovanja.
At the request of the OCT authorities and in accordance with the procedures specified in Part Three, Title I, a Euro-Info Correspondence Centre, hereinafter referred to as "'EICC", may be set up in an OCT. Part-financing may be made available to the EICC host structure from the grant aid available under the SPD or regional cooperation.
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gostiteljska struktura