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gozdni nadzornik
1 Končna redakcija
gozdni nadzornik
forest ranger
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1598
V skladu s členom 16(1) Direktive 1999/105/ES se od držav članic zahteva, naj z uradnim nadzornim sistemom zagotovijo, da gozdni reprodukcijski material iz posameznih enot odobritve ali partij ostane jasno prepoznaven skozi celoten proces od nabiranja do dostave končnim uporabnikom.
In accordance with Article 16(1) of Directive 1999/105/EC, Member States are required to ensure, by an official control system, that forest reproductive material from individual units of approval or lots remains clearly identifiable through the entire process from collection to delivery to the end user.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1598
Če med procesom od nabiranja do dostave končnim uporabnikom gozdni reprodukcijski material potuje iz ene države članice v drugo, lahko uradni organi države prejemnice dobijo informacije o trženju pred vstopom v nadzorni sistem države prejemnice samo od uradnega organa države dobavitelja.
If during the process from collection to delivery to the end user forest reproductive material moves from one Member State to another, the appropriate information on the marketing prior to the entry into the control system of the receiving Member State can be obtained by the official body of the receiving Member State only through the official body of the Member State of the supplier.
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gozdni nadzornik