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1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0037
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
d) izraz dokument pomeni vsak zapisan podatek ne glede na njegovo obliko ali značilnosti, vključno s pisnim ali natisnjenim gradivom, karticami ali trakovi za obdelavo podatkov, zemljevidi, kartami, fotografijami, slikami, risbami, grafikami, skicami, delovnimi zapisi, kopijami in pisalnimi trakovi ali reprodukcijami s sredstvi ali postopki ter zvočnimi, glasovnimi, magnetnimi, elektronskimi, optičnimi ali videoposnetki v kakršni koli obliki ter prenosno opremo za avtomatsko obdelavo podatkov z vgrajenimi računalniškimi sredstvi za shranjevanje podatkov in odstranljivimi računalniškimi sredstvi za shranjevanje podatkov.
(d) the word "document" means any recorded information regardless of its physical form or characteristics, including, without limitation, written or printed matter, data processing cards and tapes, maps, charts, photographs, paintings, drawings, engravings, sketches, working notes and papers, carbon copies and ink ribbons, or reproductions by an means or process, and sound, voice, magnetic or electronic or optical or video recordings in any form, and portable ADP equipment with resident computer storage media, and removable computer storage media.
3 Končna redakcija
Sestre pa naj bi bile Grafika, Novi tednik (sedanji nt&rc), Globus, Gospodarski vestnik in Studio marketing (Interno Delo, november, 1989, Referendumu na pot, december, 1989).
The sister companies were to include Grafika, Novi Tednik (current name NT&RC), Globus, Gospodarski vestnik and Studio Marketing (Interno Delo, November 1989, Referendumu na pot, December 1989).
4 Končna redakcija
Z delitvijo televizijskega ekrana na dva dela - na prostor, kjer je voditelj in na prostor, kjer je reporter ali grafika, postane prostor 1. reda z voditeljem bolj realističen.
The division of the television space into two segments - the space of the newspresenter and the space of the reporter, or graphics - makes the first order space with the newspresenter more realistic.
5 Končna redakcija
Prostor 2. reda je torej lahko statična ali gibljiva slika grafika nad desno ali levo ramo voditelja, lahko pa reporter, ki v živo poroča s terena in se pogovarja z voditeljem-posrednikom med njim in gledalci.
Thus the second order space can be static or moving picture-graphics above the left or right shoulder of the newspresenter, or it can present a reporter who is reporting live from the field, who talks with the newspresenter acting as a mediator between him/her and the viewers.
6 Končna redakcija
Projekcije teh točk na navpično vzdolžno ravnino se nato izrišejo na grafikonu.
The projections of these points on a vertical longitudinal plane shall then be plotted on a graph.
7 Končna redakcija
Največji upniki so bili gradbeno podjetje sct in Info grafika15 s po 340 milijoni tolarjev terjatev in Krekova banka s 25 milijoni tolarjev terjatev.
Slovenec's biggest creditors were sct and Info GraWka,18 with claims amounting to sit 340 million each, and Krekova banka with sit 25 million of claims.
8 Končna redakcija
Poleg uveljavljenega videza imena in utečene uporabe grafike sestavljajo besedilo naslovi, ki kažejo na prevladujočo modno vsebino in specifiko revije glede na druge.
In addition to the recognizable logotype, the texts on the front cover include headlines alerting readers to the magazine's distinctive content that sets its apart from other magazines on the market.
9 Končna redakcija
Kritika diskurza 'zadovoljnega kramljanja', analiza estetske ikonografije televizijskega prostora (scene, garderobe, grafike) in melodramskega ozgodbenja ne pomenita, da kličemo k vrnitvi nazaj k objektivistični koncepciji novic, k nevtralni figuri bralca-posredovalca novic in hard news žurnalizmu.
A critique of the discourse of 'happy talk' and an analysis of the aesthetic iconography of the television space (set design, image of the newspresenters, graphics) and melodramatic storytelling do not mean that we are pleading for a return to the objectivist conception of the news, to the neutral figure of the newsreader-mediator of the news, and to hard news journalism.
10 Končna redakcija
Za sodobne teletabloide so značilni velik poudarek na vizualni estetizaciji novic (od sofisticirane grafike do stilizacije voditelja), na retorični simulaciji dramatskega konflikta v pripovedovanju in na povečanem tempu prezentacije, oddaljevanje od racionalnega realizma in predvsem personalizacija voditelja.
The characteristics of contemporary tele-tabloids are a strong emphasis on the visual aestheticisation of the news (from sophisticated graphics to stylisation of the newspresenter), rhetoric simulation of the dramatic conflict in narration, an incredible pace of presentation, abandoning of rational realism, and, in first and foremost, personalisation of the anchor.
11 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Tiskalniki z barvno grafiko
Colour graphics printers
12 Pravna redakcija
kadar je določena sestavina ali kategorija sestavin poudarjena na označbi z besedami, slikami ali grafiko;
where the ingredient or category of ingredients concerned is emphasised on the labelling in words, pictures or graphics;
13 Pravna redakcija
Telefaks za prenos in samodejno sprejemanje dokumentov, ki vsebujejo besedilo in/ali grafiko, po telefonski liniji.
Facsimile machine for the transmission and automatic reception of documents containing text and/or graphics via the telephone lines.
14 Pravna redakcija
slike, kipi, grafike in drugi umetniški predmeti, vključno z reprodukcijami umetniških del, ter drugi okrasni predmeti
Pictures, sculptures, engravings and other art objects including reproductions of works of art and other ornaments
15 Pravna redakcija
slike, kipi, grafike in drugi umetniški predmeti, vključno z reprodukcijami umetniških del, in drugi okrasni predmeti,
pictures, sculptures, engravings, tapestries and other art objects including reproductions of works of art and other ornaments,
16 Pravna redakcija
Pojav razmer okrnjene učinkovitosti, s stališča napajalne sheme in grafikona delovanja, je treba ocenjevati z upoštevanjem dovoljenih zmanjšanj učinkovitosti.
The incidence of situations with impaired performance, both from the point of view of the power supply scheme and the operating graph, should be assessed taking into account permitted reductions in performance.
17 Pravna redakcija
Prisotnost oljčnega olja je lahko s slikami ali grafiko poudarjena na oznaki mešanice, kakor določa prvi pododstavek, samo kadar obsega več kot 50 % zadevne mešanice.
The presence of olive oil may be highlighted by images or graphics on the labelling of a blend as referred to in the first subparagraph only where it accounts for more than 50 % of the blend concerned.
18 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je prisotnost olj, kakor je določeno v članu 1(1), v mešanici oljčnega olja in drugih rastlinskih olj poudarjena drugje na oznaki, ne na seznamu sestavin, z besedami, slikami ali grafiko, mora zadevna mešanica nositi naslednji trgovsko ime:
Where the presence of oils as referred to in Article 1(1) in a blend of olive oil and other vegetable oils is highlighted on the labelling elsewhere than in the list of ingredients, using words, images or graphics, the blend concerned must bear the following trade description:
19 Pravna redakcija
Razen v primerih, na katere se nanašajo posebni predpisi za posamezne proizvode z vsebnostjo oljčnega olja, trgovskemu imenu živila neposredno sledi odstotek oljčnega olja glede na neto težo živila, kadar je prisotnost oljčnega olja v živilu, razen tistih iz odstavka 1, z besedami, slikami ali grafiko poudarjena drugje na oznaki, ne na seznamu sestavin.
With the exception of the cases referred to by the regulations specific to certain products containing olive oil, where the presence of olive oil in a foodstuff, other than those referred to in paragraph 1, is highlighted on the labelling elsewhere than in the list of ingredients, using words, images or graphics, the trade description of the foodstuff shall be directly followed by the percentage of olive oil relative to the total net weight of the foodstuff.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0754
Sistem lahko zagotovi približno 70 minut glasbe s kakovostjo HI-FI in grafiko velike do majhne ločljivosti.
The system is capable of providing approximately 70 minutes of highfidelity music and high to low resolution graphics.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0024
Zato mora biti natisnjeno na papir, ki je zaščiten bodisi z barvnimi grafikami ali pa ima kot vodni znak oznako proizvajalca vozila.
For this purpose, the printing shall be made on paper protected either by coloured graphics or watermarked with the vehicle manufacturer's identification mark.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0490
Četrti projekt bo razvil kratko in jedrnato, poučno in zanimivo analizo zunanje trgovine EU in območja evra z uporabo mešanice tabel, grafikonov in besedila.
A fourth project will develop concise, informative and interesting analysis of the external trade of the EU and euro zone using a mixture of tables, graphs and text.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
Agencija od vseh nacionalnih pristojnih organov pričakuje, da bodo do konca leta 2006 začeli pošiljati elektronska poročila v sistem EudraVigilance, kar je razvidno iz napovedi o povečanju števila poročil v elektronski obliki v spodnjem grafikonu.
The Agency expects that all national competent authorities will be reporting electronically to the EudraVigilance system by the end of 2006, which is reflected in the forecast increase of electronic reports in the chart below.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1019
Kadar je prisotnost olj, kakor je določeno v članu 1(1), v mešanici oljčnega olja in drugih rastlinskih olj poudarjena drugje na oznaki, ne na seznamu sestavin, z besedami, slikami ali grafiko, mora zadevna mešanica nositi naslednji trgovsko ime: "Mešanica rastlinskih olj (ali imena posameznih rastlinskih olj) in oljčnega olja", ki mu neposredno sledi odstotek oljčnega olja v mešanici.
Where the presence of oils as referred to in Article 1(1) in a blend of olive oil and other vegetable oils is highlighted on the labelling elsewhere than in the list of ingredients, using words, images or graphics, the blend concerned must bear the following trade description: "Blend of vegetable oils (or the specific names of the vegetable oils concerned) and olive oil", directly followed by the percentage of olive oil in the blend.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0754
Barvni monitor s 35,5-centimetrsko katodno cevjo visoke ločljivosti z zasenčevalno masko, z velikostjo pike 0,31 mm pri slikovnih pikah iste barve, omrežnim adapterjem in vezja za obdelovanje RGB video signalov in sinhronskih vhodnih signalov (video pasovna širina 30 MHz) ter upravljanje slikovne cevi za reprodukcijo teksta in grafike kot del sistemov elektronske obdelave podatkov in drugih sistemov obdelave informacij.
A colour with high-resolution 35,5 cm cathode-ray tube with a shadow mask, dot pitch of 0,31 mm for pixels of the same colour, mains adpater and circuit assemblies for processing RGB video and synchronous input signals (video bandwidth 0 MHz) and driving the picture tube of text and graphics reproduction as part of EDP and other information processing systems.
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