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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
- zmerna gospodinjska opravila (z dviganjem ali nošenjem hišnih pripomočkov),
- moderate housework (such as lifting or carrying objects):
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0616
Skupni upravni odbor za Sporazum (v nadaljevanju odbor) je na svoji seji dne 27. in 28. februarja 2003 izdal priporočilo v zvezi z določitvijo enakovrednosti sistemov certificiranja za naslednje živalske proizvode: živalska čreva, kožo, hrano za hišne živali, kosti in proizvode iz kosti, predelane živalske beljakovine, kri in proizvode iz krvi, mast in topljene maščobe, surovine za krmo, farmacevtsko ali tehnično uporabo ter proizvode iz perutninskega mesa.
The Joint Management Committee for the Agreement (the Committee), at its meeting on 27 and 28 February 2003, issued a recommendation concerning the determination of equivalence of certification systems for the following animal products: animal casings, hides and skins, pet food, bones and bone products, processed animal protein, blood and blood products, lard and rendered fats, raw materials for feedingstuffs, pharmaceutical or technical use and products obtained from poultrymeat.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0414
Funkcija, npr. fungicid, herbicid, insekticid, repelent, regulator rasti 3.2. Vpliv na škodljive organizme, npr. kontaktni strup, inhalacijski strup, želodčni strup, fungitoksik, itd. sistemičen ali nesistemičen v rastlinah 3.3. Predvideno področje uporabe, npr. polje, rastlinjak, shranjevanje hrane in krme, hišni vrt 3.4. Kadar je potrebno z vidika rezultatov testov, kateri koli posebni kmetijski, fitosanitarni ali okoljski pogoji, pod katerimi se aktivna snov sme ali ne sme uporabljati 3.5. Nadzorovani škodljivi organizmi in varovani ali tretirani posevki ali proizvodi 3. 6. Način delovanja 3.7. Podatki o pojavu ali možnem pojavu razvoja odpornosti in primerne strategije ravnanja 3.8. Priporočeni postopki in varnostni ukrepi v zvezi z rokovanjem, skladiščenjem, prevozom ali požarom 3.9. V primeru požara narava reakcijskega produkta, vnetljivi plini, itd. 3.10. Izredni ukrepi v primeru nesreče 3.10.1. Postopki uničenja ali dekontaminacije aktivne snovi 3.10.2. Možnost predelave 3.10.3. Možnost nevtralizacije Nadzorovana izločitev Nadzorovan sežig 3.10.6. Čiščenje vode 3.10.7. Drugo 4. Analizne metode
Flash point Surface tension Explosive properties Oxidizing properties Reactivity towards container material Further information on the active substance Function, e.g. fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, repellant, growth regulator Effects on harmful organisms, e.g. contact poison, inhalation poison, stomach poison, fungitoxic or fungistatic, etc., systemic or not in plants Field of use envisaged, e.g. field, glasshouse, food or feed storage, home garden Where necessary, in the light of the test results, any specific agricultural, plant health or environmental conditions under which the active substance may or may not be used. Harmful organisms controlled and crops or products protected or treated Mode of action Information on the occurrence or possible occurrence of the development of resistance and appropriate management strategies Recommended methods and precautions concerning handling, storage, transport or fire In case of fire, nature of reaction product, combustion gases, etc. (;) These data must be submitted for the purified active substance of stated specification. ($) These data must be submitted for the active substance and the purified active substance of stated specification. Emergency measures in the case of an accident Procedures for destruction or decontamination of the active substance Possibility of recovery Possibility of neutralization Controlled discharge Controlled incineration Water purification Others Analytical methods
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