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hitro testiranje
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Kadar se laboratorijski testi opravijo zaradi suma nepravilnosti, razpoložljivih informacij, predhodnega obvestila sistema hitrega opozarjanja na nevarnost hrane in krme (RASFF) ali zaščitnega ukrepa ter kadar se testiranje nanaša na snov ali patogen, ki predstavlja neposredno ali takojšnjo nevarnost za zdravje živali ali ljudi, mora uradni veterinar, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko, ki je opravil pregled, ali pristojni organ zadržati veterinarsko dovoljenje in sprostitev pošiljke do prejetja ugodnih rezultatov laboratorijskih preskusov.
Where the laboratory tests are carried out on the basis of suspicion of irregularity, available intelligence, a previous notification from the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) or a safeguard measure, and when testing concerns a substance or a pathogenic agent which presents a direct or immediate animal or public health risk, the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post who carried out the test or the competent authority must withhold the consignment from veterinary clearance and release until satisfactory results of the laboratory tests are received.
2 Pravna redakcija
sprotno ali ločeno testiranje, ki dinamično uporablja predpisano natezno obremenitev na vlaknu dolžine 0,5 do 3 m pri hitrosti 2 do 5 m/s, medtem ko vlakno teče med vitli premera približno 150 mm.
on-line or off-line production screen testing that dynamically applies a prescribed tensile stress over a 0,5 to 3 m length of fibre at a running rate of 2 to 5 m/s while passing between capstans approximately 150 mm in diameter.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2432
Oprema, izdelana posebej za "proizvodnjo" ali testiranje krtačnih tesnil plinskih turbin, izdelanih za delovanje pri hitrosti nad 335 m/s in temperaturi nad 773 K (500 °C), ter posebej izdelane komponente in pribor zanje.
Equipment specially designed for the "production" or test of gas turbine brush seals designed to operate at tip speeds exceeding 335 m/s, and temperatures in excess of 773 K (500°), and specially designed components or accessories therefor.
4 Pravna redakcija
Oprema, izdelana posebej za "proizvodnjo" ali testiranje krtačnih tesnil plinskih turbin, izdelanih za delovanje pri hitrosti nad 335 m/s in temperaturi nad 773 K (500 °C), ter posebej izdelane komponente in pribor zanje.
Equipment specially designed for the "production" or test of gas turbine brush seals designed to operate at tip speeds exceeding 335 m/s, and temperatures in excess of 773 K (500°), and specially designed components or accessories therefor.
5 Pravna redakcija
Če je bila žival, ki je bila zaklana za prehrano ljudi, izbrana za testiranje na TSE, se na njenem trupu ne opravi označevanje zdravstvene ustreznosti iz Poglavja XI Priloge I k Direktivi 64/433/EGS, dokler se ne dobi negativen rezultat hitrega testa.
Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption has been selected for testing for TSE, the health marking provided for in Chapter XI of Annex I to Directive 64/433/EEC shall not be carried out on the carcass of that animal until a negative result to the rapid test has been obtained.
6 Pravna redakcija
Če je bila žival, ki je bila zaklana za prehrano ljudi, izbrana za testiranje na BSE, se na njenem trupu ne opravi označevanje zdravstvene ustreznosti iz Poglavja XI Priloge I k Direktivi 64/433/EGS, dokler se ne dobi negativen rezultat hitrega testa.
Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption has been selected for testing for BSE, the health marking provided for in Chapter XI of Annex I to Directive 64/433/EEC shall not be carried out on the carcass of that animal until a negative result to the rapid test has been obtained.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1139
Če je bila žival, ki je bila zaklana za prehrano ljudi, izbrana za testiranje na TSE, se na njenem trupu ne opravi označevanje zdravstvene ustreznosti iz Poglavja XI Priloge I k Direktivi 64/433/EGS, dokler se ne dobi negativen rezultat hitrega testa.
Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption has been selected for testing for TSE, the health marking provided for in Chapter XI of Annex I to Directive 64/433/EEC shall not be carried out on the carcase of that animal until a negative result to the rapid test has been obtained.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1139
Če je bila žival, ki je bila zaklana za prehrano ljudi, izbrana za testiranje na BSE, se na njenem trupu ne opravi označevanje zdravstvene ustreznosti iz Poglavja XI Priloge I k Direktivi 64/433/EGS, dokler se ne dobi negativen rezultat hitrega testa.
Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption has been selected for testing for BSE, the health marking provided for in Chapter XI of Annex I to Directive 64/433/EEC shall not be carried out on the carcase of that animal until a negative result to the rapid test has been obtained.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0004
uradno obvestilo o sumljivi najdbi temelji na pozitivnem rezultatu hitrega presejalnega testa(ov), kot je določeno v Prilogi II, oddelek I, točka 1 in oddelek II ali presejalnega testa(ov), kot je določeno v Prilogi II, oddelek I, točka 2 in oddelek III navedenega programa testiranj Skupnosti.
the notification of a suspect finding shall be on the basis of a positive result in the rapid screening test(s) as specified in Annex II, section I, point 1 and section II or screening test(s) as specified in Annex II, section I, point 2 and section III of the said Community test scheme.
10 Pravna redakcija
“V vseh primerih, kadar se domneva, da serija zamrznjenih ali hitro zamrznjenih piščancev ni bila v skladu s to uredbo, se s testiranjem pri minimalni pogostosti kontrol iz odstavka 4 nadaljuje šele takrat, ko pokažejo negativne rezultate tri zaporedne kontrole, ki jih je treba opraviti v skladu s Prilogami V ali VI z naključno vzetimi vzorci iz treh različnih dnevnih proizvodenj v roku največ štirih tednov.
They shall in all cases, where a batch of frozen or quick-frozen chickens was deemed not to comply with this Regulation, resume testing at the minimum frequency of checks referred to in paragraph 4 only after three successive checks according to Annexes V or VI, to be carried out by sampling from three different days of production within a maximum of four weeks, have shown negative results.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Kadar se laboratorijski testi opravijo zaradi suma nepravilnosti, razpoložljivih informacij, predhodnega obvestila sistema hitrega opozarjanja na nevarnost hrane in krme (RASFF) ali zaščitnega ukrepa ter kadar se testiranje nanaša na snov ali patogen, ki predstavlja neposredno ali takojšnjo nevarnost za zdravje živali ali ljudi, mora uradni veterinar, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko, ki je opravil pregled, ali pristojni organ zadržati veterinarsko dovoljenje in sprostitev pošiljke do prejetja ugodnih rezultatov laboratorijskih preskusov.
Where the laboratory tests are carried out on the basis of suspicion of irregularity, available intelligence, a previous notification from the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) or a safeguard measure, and when testing concerns a substance or a pathogenic agent which presents a direct or immediate animal or public health risk, the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post who carried out the test or the competent authority must withhold the consignment from veterinary clearance and release until satisfactory results of the laboratory tests are received.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0342
na razpolago mora imeti laboratorijske zmogljivosti za hitro testiranje v svojih uradnih laboratorijih ali imeti za te namene dogovor z drugimi nacionalnimi laboratoriji;
it must have at its disposal laboratory capacity in its own official laboratories or have arrangements with other national laboratories for rapid testing;
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Niso opažali bistvenega lokalnega učinka draženja pri testiranju hitro topne oblike s testom draženja sluznice lične vreče pri hrčku.
No significant local irritant effect was observed when the rapidly-dissolving form was tested in a hamster cheek pouch mucous membrane irritation assay.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0364
V tem kontekstu izraz "hitri test" pomeni vse teste, ki se lahko uporabljajo le posamezno ali v majhnih nizih in so načrtovani tako, da dajejo hitre rezultate pri testiranju pacienta na kraju samem.
In this context the term "rapid test" is understood to mean those tests which can only be used singly or in a small series and which have been designed to give a rapid result for near patient testing.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987L0566
Za vsako vzorčeno količino se čim hitreje pošlje vsaj en končni vzorec pooblaščenemu analitičnemu laboratoriju ali instituciji, pooblaščeni za testiranje, skupaj s podatki, ki so potrebni za analizo ali preskus."
For each sample portion at least one final sample shall be sent as quickly as possible to an authorized analytical laboratory or to the test institution together with the information necessary for the analysis or the test.'
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0149
9B003 Oprema, izdelana posebej za "proizvodnjo" ali testiranje krtačnih tesnil plinskih turbin, izdelanih za delovanje pri hitrosti nad 335 m/s in temperaturi nad 773 K (500 °C), ter posebej izdelane komponente in pribor zanje.
9B003 Equipment specially designed for the "production" or test of gas turbine brush seals designed to operate at tip speeds exceeding 335 m/s, and temperatures in excess of 773 K (500 °C), and specially designed components or accessories therefor.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0428
Tehnika PCR je hitra (rezultati so običajno na voljo v 24 urah), dokaže vse genotipe virusa vezikularne bolezni prašičev in je dovolj občutljiva za testiranje vzorcev, odvzetih prašičem, pri katerih obstaja sum na klinično obliko bolezni.
The PCR technique is rapid (the results are usually available within 24 hours), detects all genotypes of swine vesicular disease virus, and is sufficiently sensitive for use on samples collected from cases of suspect clinical disease.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0205
"V vseh primerih, kadar se domneva, da serija zamrznjenih ali hitro zamrznjenih piščancev ni bila v skladu s to uredbo, se s testiranjem pri minimalni pogostosti kontrol iz odstavka 4 nadaljuje šele takrat, ko pokažejo negativne rezultate tri zaporedne kontrole, ki jih je treba opraviti v skladu s Prilogami V ali VI z naključno vzetimi vzorci iz treh različnih dnevnih proizvodenj v roku največ štirih tednov.
'They shall in all cases, where a batch of frozen or quick-frozen chickens was deemed not to comply with this Regulation, resume testing at the minimum frequency of checks referred to in paragraph 4 only after three successive checks according to Annexes V or VI, to be carried out by sampling from three different days of production within a maximum of four weeks, have shown negative results.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0590
Poleg tega Odločba Komisije 2000/764/ES [6], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Odločbo 2001/8/ES [7] o testiranju govedi glede prisotnosti goveje spongiformne encefalopatije, določa, da mora biti vse govedo, starejše od 30 mesecev, ki je bilo zaklano kot običajno za prehrano ljudi, testirano z enim od odobrenih hitrih testov, navedenih v Prilogi IVa k Odločbi Komisije 98/272/ES [8] najpozneje od 1. julija 2001.
Moreover, Commission Decision 2000/764/EC(6), as last amended by Decision 2001/8/EC(7) on the testing of bovine animals for the presence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, lays down that all bovine animals over 30 months of age subject to normal slaughter for human consumption are to be examined by one of the approved rapid tests listed in Annex IVa to Commission Decision 98/272/EC(8) as from 1 July 2001 at the latest.
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hitro testiranje