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homologacijski standard
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
1.3 Pri izpolnjevanju zahteve iz točke 1.1 mora homologacijski organ upoštevati tudi certifikat po standardu ISO 9002, ki si ga je pridobil proizvajalec (ki zajema izdelek ali izdelke v postopku homologacije), ali po enakovrednem akreditacijskem standardu.
The approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's registration to harmonized standard ISO 9002 (the scope of which covers the product(s) to be approved) or an equivalent accreditation standard as satisfying the requirements of paragraph 1.1.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0891
Ker pogoji, pri katerih se ti preskusi izvajajo, ponavadi niso standardni pogoji za homologacijsko preskušanje, se namesto vrednosti iz tabel I in II. uporabljajo vrednosti iz tabele VI, ki omogočajo več svobode.
Since the conditions under which these tests are carried out are usually not the standard conditions for type approval, the values in Table VI below, which give more latitude, are used instead of the values set out in Tables I and II.
3 Pravna redakcija
Če se homologacijski organ strinja s standardnim odstopanjem proizvodnje, kakor ga podaja proizvajalec skladno s Prilogo X k Direktivi 70/156/EGS, se preskusi opravijo skladno z Dodatkom 1 te priloge.
If the authority is satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer in accordance with Annex X to Directive 70/156/EEC, the tests are carried out according to Appendix 1 of this Annex.
4 Pravna redakcija
Homologacijski organ mora sprejeti tudi registracijo proizvajalca v zvezi s harmoniziranim standardom ISO 9002 (katerega področje zajema izdelek(e), ki ga (jih) je treba homologirati) ali ustreznim uradno priznanim standardom kot zadostitev zahtevam iz odstavka 1.1.
The approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's registration to Harmonized Standard ISO 9002 (the scope of which covers the products) to be approved) or an equivalent accreditation standard as satisfying the requirements of paragraph 1.1.
5 Pravna redakcija
1.3 Homologacijski organ mora sprejeti tudi certifikat, podeljen proizvajalcu na podlagi harmoniziranega standarda ISO 9002 (katerega področje uporabe zajema izdelek(-e), ki ga (jih) je treba homologirati) ali ustreznega uradno priznanega standarda kot upoštevanje zahtev iz odstavka 1.1. Proizvajalec mora predložiti podatke o certifikatu in se obvezati, da bo obveščal homologacijski organ o vsaki spremembi veljavnosti ali področja uporabe certifikata.
The approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's registration to Harmonized Standard ISO 9002 (the scope of which covers the product(s) to be approved) or an equivalent accreditation standard as satisfying the requirements of paragraph 1. 1. The manufacturer must provide details of the registration and undertake to inform the approval authority of any revisions to its validity or scope.
6 Pravna redakcija
Vmesnik za povezavo med vozilom in napravo za diagnozo mora ustrezati zahtevam standarda ISO DIS 15031-3. Položaj namestitve mora biti po dogovoru s homologacijskim organom takšen, da je hitro dostopen servisnemu osebju, vendar zaščiten pred priredbami osebja, ki ni usposobljeno za ta namen.
The connection interface between the vehicle and the diagnostic tester must meet all the requirements of ISO DIS 15031-3. The installation position must be subject to agreement of the approval authority such that it is readily accessible by service personnel but protected from tampering by non-qualified personnel.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0068
Ta direktiva je namenjena približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi z emisijskimi standardi in homologacijskimi postopki za motorje, vgrajene v premične stroje.
This Directive aims at approximating the laws of the Member States relating to emission standards and type-approval procedures for engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
Homologacijski organ mora sprejeti tudi registracijo proizvajalca v zvezi s harmoniziranim standardom ISO 9002 (katerega področje zajema izdelek(-e), ki ga (jih) je treba homologirati) ali ustreznim uradno priznanim standardom kot zadostitev zahtevam iz odstavka 1.1.
The approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's registration to Harmonized Standard ISO 9002 (the scope of which covers the product(s) to be approved) or an equivalent accreditation standard as satisfying the requirements of paragraph 1.1.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0068
Homologacijski organ mora pri preverjanju, ali obstajajo zadovoljivi ukrepi in postopki za zagotavljanje učinkovitega nadzora nad skladnostjo proizvodnje pred podelitvijo homologacije, upoštevati kot zadovoljiv tudi certifikat (katerega področje vključuje zadevne motorje), podeljen proizvajalcu na podlagi usklajenega standarda EN 29002 ali enakovrednega akreditacijskega standarda.
With regard to the verification of the existence of satisfactory arrangements and procedures for ensuring effective control of production conformity before granting type-approval, the approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's registration to harmonized standard EN 29002 (whose scope covers the engines concerned) or an equivalent accreditation standard as satisfying the requirements.
10 Prevod
Homologacijski organ mora sprejeti tudi registracijo proizvajalca v zvezi s harmoniziranim standardom ISO 9002 (katerega področje zajema izdelek(e), ki ga (jih) je treba homologirati) ali ustreznim uradno priznanim standardom kot zadostitev zahtevam iz odstavka 1.1. Proizvajalec mora zagotoviti podatke o registraciji in se zavezati, da bo homologacijski organ obvestil o vseh spremembah veljavnosti ali obsega registracije.
The approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's registration to Harmonized Standard ISO 9002 (the scope of which covers the produces) to be approved) or an equivalent accreditation standard as satisfying the requirements of paragraph 1.1. The manufacturer must provide details of the registration and undertake to inform the approval authority of any revisions to its validity or scope.
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homologacijski standard