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identifikacijski pogoji
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Odgovorni projektant mora vsako zaključeno sestavino načrta, ki ga je izdelal, potrditi s svojim podpisom in identifikacijsko številko, s čimer jamči, da je načrt, ki ga je izdelal, v skladu s prostorskimi akti in gradbenimi predpisi ter pogoji pristojnih soglasodajalcev.
For each completed element of the plan formulated thereby the responsible project designer must confirm it with his signature and identification number, thereby guaranteeing that the plan formulated by the responsible project designer is in accordance with the spatial planning documents and building regulations, and with the conditions of the relevant approving authorities.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
- ime in priimek osebe, - datum in kraj rojstva, - državljanstvo, - stalno oziroma začasno prebivališče, - doseženo izobrazbo (s podatki o predloženih potrdilih o usposobljenosti in drugih listinah o izpolnjevanju pogojev za pridobitev licence, skupaj s podatki o izdajatelju, datumu izdaje in drugih identifikacijskih podatkih),
- name and surname of the person, date and place of birth, citizenship, permanent or temporary residence, education completed (with data on attached certificates of qualification and other documents on meeting conditions for obtaining a licence, together with data on the issuing body, the date of issue and other identification data),
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
Poleg podatkov iz tega odstavka lahko pristojni organi držav članic dovolijo, da imetnik uporablja črtno kodo in dodaja podatke, pod pogojem, da to ne vpliva na čitljivost identifikacijske številke.
In addition to the information provided for in this paragraph, the competent authorities of the Member States may authorise a bar code and the addition of supplementary information by the keeper, provided that the legibility of the identification number is not affected.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
Projekt je pokazal, da se pri identifikaciji ovc in koz lahko doseže bistven napredek z uporabo elektronskih identifikacijskih oznak za te živali, pod pogojem, da so izpolnjeni nekateri pogoji glede spremljevalnih ukrepov.
That project demonstrated that a substantial improvement in ovine and caprine animal identification systems could be achieved by using electronic identifiers for those animals, provided that certain conditions concerning the accompanying measures were fulfilled.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0793
Slote, dodeljene enemu letalskemu prevozniku, lahko uporabi(jo) drugi letalski prevoznik(i), udeleženi pri skupnih operacijah, pod pogojem, da identifikacijska oznaka letalskega prevoznika, ki so mu sloti dodeljeni, ostane pri skupnem letu za namene koordinacije in spremljanja.
Slots allocated to one air carrier may be used by (an)other air carrier(s) participating in a joint operation, provided that the designator code of the air carrier to whom the slots are allocated remains on the shared flight for coordination and monitoring purposes.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0026
Da bi lahko spremljali gibanje plovil med državami članicami in da bi zagotovili nedvoumno povezavo med podatki, zbranimi v registru ribolovne flote Skupnosti in podatke iz drugih informacijskih sistemov, ki se nanašajo na ribiške aktivnosti, je pomembno, da se dodeli enotna identifikacijska številka vsakemu ribiškemu plovilu Skupnosti, ki se pod nobenimi pogoji ne sme prerazporediti ali spremeniti.
In order to monitor the movements of vessels between Member States and to ensure an unequivocal link between the information contained in the Community fishing fleet register and the data from other information systems relating to fishing activities, it is important to allocate a unique identification number to each Community fishing vessel, which under no circumstances may be reassigned or altered.
7 Pravna redakcija
Vendar, da bi izpolnili pogoje, ki se zahtevajo za potrditev in izračun vsote identifikacijskih točk:
However, in order to qualify for the identification points required for confirmation and the sum of identification points to be calculated:
8 Pravna redakcija
ker bi bilo treba urediti tudi pogoje za premike kopitarjev, ki imajo identifikacijski dokument, po nacionalnem ozemlju;
Whereas the conditions for the movement on national territory of equidae bearing an identification document should also be regulated;
9 Pravna redakcija
Odobritev in alfanumerična identifikacijska številka se podelita vsakemu obratu, ki ju zahteva in izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:
Approval shall be granted and alphanumeric identification allocated to any establishment so requesting which meets the following conditions:
10 Pravna redakcija
spremljanje skladiščnih pogojev in primerjava skladiščnega mesta in identifikacijske oznake žit ali riža s skladiščno evidenco,
monitoring of storage conditions and comparison of the storage point and of the identity of the cereals or rice with the store's records,
11 Pravna redakcija
"Pristojne oblasti lahko dovolijo zavijanje proizvodov pod pogojem, da identifikacijska etiketa ali žig na vsakem proizvodu iz člena 3(2) ostane vidna."
'However, the competent authorities may authorize the wrapping of the products on condition that the identification mark or seal on each product, referred to in Article 3 (2), still remains visible'.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
Na jajca razreda A, uvožena iz Litve, Madžarske, Češke republike in Norveške, se v državi porekla odtisne identifikacijsko številko proizvajalca pod pogoji iz člena 8.
Grade A eggs imported from Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Norway shall be stamped in the country of origin with the distinguishing number of the producer on the terms and conditions set out in Article 8.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
Poleg podatkov iz tega odstavka lahko pristojni organi držav članic dovolijo, da imetnik uporablja črtno kodo in dodaja podatke, pod pogojem, da to ne vpliva na čitljivost identifikacijske številke.
In addition to the information provided for in this paragraph, the competent authorities of the Member States may authorise a bar code and the addition of supplementary information by the keeper, provided that the legibility of the identification number is not affected.
14 Pravna redakcija
ker je zaradi trgovske prakse primerno dovoliti zavijanje zadevnih proizvodov pod pogojem, da identifikacijska etiketa ali žig na vsakem proizvodu ostane jasno vidna z zunanje strani ovoja, da se prepreči kakršna koli zamenjava;
Whereas, however, for reasons of commercial practice, it is appropriate to permit the wrapping of the products in question on condition that the identification mark or seal on each product remains clearly visible from the outside of the wrapping so as to prevent any substitution;
15 Pravna redakcija
vsem posodam, ki so bile toplotno obdelane pri praktično popolnoma enakih pogojih, mora biti dodeljena serijska identifikacijska oznaka v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 89/396/EGS z dne 14. junija 1989 o navedbah ali oznakah za ugotavljanje istovetnosti serije, kateri pripada živilo fn.
all containers which have undergone heat treatment under practically identical conditions must be given a batch identification mark, in accordance with Council Directive 89/396/EEC of 14 June 1989 on indications or marks identifying the lot to which a foodstuff belongs (1).
16 Pravna redakcija
sem izvedel dokumentacijski, identifikacijski ter fizični pregled, ki se zahtevajo v skladu z Direktivo 91/496/EGS in s temi pregledi ugotovil, da so živali primerne za vstop na ozemlje Skupnosti ter da pošiljka izpolnjuje uvozne pogoje Skupnosti v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali (4);
the documentary, identity and physical checks required under Directive 91/496/EEC have been carried out, that the animals have been found to be suitable for entry into the territory of the Community, and that the consignment fulfils the Community animal health import conditions (4);
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
(7) Leta 1998 je Komisija začela izvajati obsežen projekt elektronske identifikacije živali (IDEA), za katerega je bilo končno poročilo dokončano 30. aprila 2002. Projekt je pokazal, da se pri identifikaciji ovc in koz lahko doseže bistven napredek z uporabo elektronskih identifikacijskih oznak za te živali, pod pogojem, da so izpolnjeni nekateri pogoji glede spremljevalnih ukrepov.
(7) In 1998 the Commission launched a large-scale project on the electronic identification of animals (IDEA), and its final report was completed on 30 April 2002. That project demonstrated that a substantial improvement in ovine and caprine animal identification systems could be achieved by using electronic identifiers for those animals, provided that certain conditions concerning the accompanying measures were fulfilled.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0026
(7) Da bi lahko spremljali gibanje plovil med državami članicami in da bi zagotovili nedvoumno povezavo med podatki, zbranimi v registru ribolovne flote Skupnosti in podatke iz drugih informacijskih sistemov, ki se nanašajo na ribiške aktivnosti, je pomembno, da se dodeli enotna identifikacijska številka vsakemu ribiškemu plovilu Skupnosti, ki se pod nobenimi pogoji ne sme prerazporediti ali spremeniti.
(7) In order to monitor the movements of vessels between Member States and to ensure an unequivocal link between the information contained in the Community fishing fleet register and the data from other information systems relating to fishing activities, it is important to allocate a unique identification number to each Community fishing vessel, which under no circumstances may be reassigned or altered.
19 Pravna redakcija
podroben protokol preskušanja z opisom uporabljenih metod, opreme, instrumentov in materialov, podatke kot so živalska vrsta, pasma ali rod, kategorija živali, od kod živali izhajajo, identifikacijska številka živali, pogoji, pod katerimi so živali bile vzrejene in krmljene (med drugim je treba navesti ali so bile proste določenih patogenih organizmov in/ali protiteles, vrsto ter količino krmnih dodatkov, ki jih je vsebovala krma), odmerek, način dajanja zdravila, shema dajanja zdravila ter datumi dajanja zdravila ter opis statističnih metod obdelave podatkov;
a detailed experimental protocol giving a description of the methods, apparatus and materials used, details such as species, breed or strain of animals, categories of animals, where they were obtained, their identification and number, the conditions under which they were housed and fed (stating inter alia whether they were free from any specified pathogens and/or specified antibodies, the nature and quantity of any additives contained in the feed), dose, route, schedule and dates of administration, a description of the statistical methods used;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0046
Države članice določijo pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko obdela nacionalna identifikacijska številka ali kateri koli drug identifikator splošne uporabe.
Member States shall determine the conditions under which a national identification number or any other identifier of general application may be processed.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
Projekt je pokazal, da se pri identifikaciji ovc in koz lahko doseže bistven napredek z uporabo elektronskih identifikacijskih oznak za te živali, pod pogojem, da so izpolnjeni nekateri pogoji glede spremljevalnih ukrepov.
That project demonstrated that a substantial improvement in ovine and caprine animal identification systems could be achieved by using electronic identifiers for those animals, provided that certain conditions concerning the accompanying measures were fulfilled.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
Kopitarje, katerih istovetnost ni sporna in je v njihovem identifikacijskem dokumentu nesporno označeno, da niso namenjeni zakolu ali zakolu v nadzorovanih pogojih, se v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti lahko uvršča med izjeme.
Equidae clearly identified and specifically marked in their identification document as not intended for slaughter or intented for slaughter under controlled conditions in accordance with Community law qualify for such exemptions;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0744
V drugem pododstavku člena 2(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 32/82 se doda naslednji stavek: "Vendar lahko pristojni organi odobrijo zavijanje proizvodov, pod pogojem, da identifikacijska oznaka ali žig na vsakem proizvodu iz člena 3(2) ostane še vedno viden."
The following sentence is added to the second subparagraph of Article 2(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 32/82:"However, the competent authorities may authorise the wrapping of the products on condition that the identification mark or seal on each product, referred to in Article 3(2), still remains visible."
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0071
ker je treba dovoliti, da se ribiški proizvodi, pridobljeni na krovu zamrzovalnih plovil, ki izpolnjujejo higienske zahteve, določene v Direktivi 92/48/EGS, dajo na trg pod enakimi identifikacijskimi pogoji kakor ribiški proizvodi, ki so bili zamrznjeni v obratih na kopnem;
Whereas fishery products obtained on board freezer vessels which meet the hygiene requirements laid down in Directive 92/48/EEC should be permitted to be placed on the market on the same identification terms as fishery products frozen in establishments on land;
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0793
Slote, dodeljene enemu letalskemu prevozniku, lahko uporabi(jo) drugi letalski prevoznik(i), udeleženi pri skupnih operacijah, pod pogojem, da identifikacijska oznaka letalskega prevoznika, ki so mu sloti dodeljeni, ostane pri skupnem letu za namene koordinacije in spremljanja.
Slots allocated to one air carrier may be used by (an)other air carrier(s) participating in a joint operation, provided that the designator code of the air carrier to whom the slots are allocated remains on the shared flight for coordination and monitoring purposes.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0493
vsem posodam, ki so bile toplotno obdelane pri praktično popolnoma enakih pogojih, mora biti dodeljena serijska identifikacijska oznaka v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 89/396/EGS z dne 14. junija 1989 o navedbah ali oznakah za ugotavljanje istovetnosti serije, kateri pripada živilo [14].
all containers which have undergone heat treatment under practically identical conditions must be given a batch identification mark, in accordance with Council Directive 89/396/EEC of 14 June 1989 on indications or marks identifying the lot to which a foodstuff belongs (;).
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0527
sem izvedel dokumentacijski, identifikacijski ter fizični pregled, ki se zahtevajo v skladu z Direktivo 91/496/EGS in s temi pregledi ugotovil, da so živali primerne za vstop na ozemlje Skupnosti ter da pošiljka izpolnjuje uvozne pogoje Skupnosti v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali ;
the documentary, identity and physical checks required under Directive 91/496/EEC have been carried out, that the animals have been found to be suitable for entry into the territory of the Community, and that the consignment fulfils the Community animal health import conditions;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R3330
V teh državah članicah zgoraj navedeni davčni organi poleg identifikacijske številke, navedene v odstavku 6, zagotovijo statističnim službam iz odstavka 1 podatke, zajete v registru, ki se uporablja za opredelitev gospodarskih subjektov, ki trgujejo znotraj Skupnosti, pod pogoji, ki jih zahteva uporaba te uredbe.
In those Member States, the abovementioned tax authorities shall, in addition to the identification number referred to in paragraph 6, supply the statistical departments referred to in paragraph 1 with the information included in that register which is used to identify those intra-Community operators, under the conditions required for application of this Regulation.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0680
države članice lahko dovolijo, da davčni zavezanci, ki izpolnjujejo naslednje tri pogoje, izpolnjujejo letna rekapitulacijska poročila, ki vsebujejo identifikacijske številke oseb, katerim so ti davčni zavezanci dobavljali blago pod pogoji iz člena 28c(A), s katerimi so identificirane za davek na dodano vrednost v drugih državah članicah:
Member States may authorize taxable persons who meet the following three conditions to file one-year recapitulative statements indicating the numbers by which the persons to whom those taxable persons have supplied goods under the conditions laid down in Article 28c (A) are identified for purposes of value added tax in other Member States:
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0427
registrirane kopitarje v prometu spremlja identifikacijski dokument, ki ga sestavi Komisija v skladu s postopki iz člena 10, izdajo pa ga organizacije ali združenja iz člena 5 te direktive in člena 2(c) Direktive 90/426/EGS z dne 26. junija 1990 o pogojih zdravstvenega stanja živali v prometu med državami članicami in uvozu kopitarjev iz tretjih držav[4].
in their movements, registered equidae are accompanied by an identification document drawn up by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10 and issued by the organizations or associations referred to in Article 5 of this Directive and Article 2 (c) of Directive 90/426/EEC of 26 June 1990, on animal health conditions governing the movement between Member States and import from third countries of equidae (4).
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0026
Da bi lahko spremljali gibanje plovil med državami članicami in da bi zagotovili nedvoumno povezavo med podatki, zbranimi v registru ribolovne flote Skupnosti in podatke iz drugih informacijskih sistemov, ki se nanašajo na ribiške aktivnosti, je pomembno, da se dodeli enotna identifikacijska številka vsakemu ribiškemu plovilu Skupnosti, ki se pod nobenimi pogoji ne sme prerazporediti ali spremeniti.
In order to monitor the movements of vessels between Member States and to ensure an unequivocal link between the information contained in the Community fishing fleet register and the data from other information systems relating to fishing activities, it is important to allocate a unique identification number to each Community fishing vessel, which under no circumstances may be reassigned or altered.
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identifikacijski pogoji