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ime odgovorne osebe
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0752
Ime odgovorne osebe
Name of person responsible
2 Pravna redakcija
3 Pravna redakcija
Ime odgovorne osebe:
Name of person responsible:
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Uvod odločbe o prekršku obsega naziv prekrškovnega organa, ki jo je izdal, osebno ime uradne osebe, ki je izdala odločbo o prekršku, osebno ime kršitelja in morebitnega zagovornika, firmo oziroma ime in sedež odgovorne pravne osebe ter označbo prekrška, ki je predmet postopka.
(2) The introduction shall indicate the title of the misdemeanour authority which issued the decision, personal name of the public officer that issued the misdemeanour decision, personal name of the violator and of the possible defence counsel, company name or name and head office of the responsible legal person and label of the misdemeanour which is the subject of the proceedings.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
i. ime glavnega raziskovalca, izobrazba in usposobljenost ter izkušnje raziskovalcev in po potrebi osebe, odgovorne za klinični del, ter ureditev financiranja;
i the name of the principal researcher, qualifications and experience of researchers and, where appropriate, the clinically responsible person, and funding arrangements;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Obdolžilni predlog zoper pravno osebo mora poleg sestavin, predpisanih v tem zakonu, vsebovati tudi firmo oziroma ime, s katerim pravna oseba v skladu s predpisi nastopa v pravnem prometu, ter njen sedež in podatke o odgovorni osebi.
(3) In addition to the elements laid down in this Act, an accusation petition against a legal person must also contain the title or name under which the legal person performs legal transactions in accordance with the law, and the legal person's head office and information on its responsible person.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
osebno ime ter naslov, EMŠO, če je fizična oseba tujec, pa njene rojstne podatke, državljanstvo, stalno oziroma začasno prebivališče, za odgovorno osebo tudi zaposlitev, za pravno osebo pa ime in sedež ter matično številko, kraj in čas storitve prekrška, pravno opredelitev prekrška, znesek globe, številko računa za plačilo in pravni pouk, lahko pa tudi druge podatke v skladu s predpisi.
the personal name and address and EMŠO; in addition, if the natural person is an alien, information on his birth, citizenship, permanent or temporary residence; in the case of a responsible person, also job title; in the case of a legal person, name and head office and registration number, place and time of commitment of the misdemeanour, legal definition of the misdemeanour, amount of the fine, number of the account into which payment shall be made, and legal caution, as well as other information pursuant to regulations.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
EMŠO), če je fizična oseba tujec, pa njene rojstne podatke, državljanstvo, stalno oziroma začasno prebivališče, za odgovorno osebo tudi zaposlitev, za pravno osebo pa ime in sedež ter matično številko, če teh ni, pa podatke, ki jih je lahko pridobil), opis prekrška in navedbo dejstev oziroma dokazov, ki kažejo na sum storitve prekrška.
EMŠO); in addition, if the natural person is an alien, information on his birth, citizenship and permanent or temporary residence; in the case of a responsible person, also job title; in the case of a legal person, name, head office and registration number, where if this information is not available, the information that could be obtained), description of the misdemeanour and specification of the facts, and evidence in support of the suspicion that a misdemeanour has been committed.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
osebne podatke kršitelja ( osebno ime, EMŠO, če je fizična oseba tujec, pa njene rojstne podatke, državljanstvo, stalno oziroma začasno prebivališče, za odgovorno osebo tudi zaposlitev, za pravno osebo pa ime in sedež ter matično številko, če teh ni, pa podatke o kršitelju, ki so bili navedeni oziroma ugotovljeni v postopku), kratek opis dejanja, s katerim je storjen prekršek (kraj in čas storitve, način storitve, ter odločilne okoliščine) in izrek, da je kršitelj storil prekršek, pravno opredelitev prekrška z navedbo predpisa, ki določa prekršek s številčno označbo njegovega člena ter znesek globe in rok, v katerem jo je treba plačati, morebitne izrečene stranske sankcije, odločitev o odvzemu premoženjske koristi, o premoženjskopravnem zahtevku ter o plačilu stroškov postopka.
personal information on the violator (personal name, EMŠO; in addition, if the natural person is an alien, information on his birth, citizenship, permanent or temporary residence; in the case of a responsible person, also job title; in the case of a legal person, name and head office and registration number, while if this information is not available, information on the violator stated or established during the proceedings), a brief description of the act by which the misdemeanour was committed (place and time of commitment of the misdemeanour, method of commitment of the misdemeanour, and decisive circumstances) and a statement that the violator has committed a misdemeanour, legal definition of the misdemeanour indicating the regulation laying down the misdemeanour and the numerical designation of the relevant legal article, and the amount of the fine that shall be paid, the time limit by which it shall be paid, possible secondary sanctions imposed, decision on the deprivation of pecuniary advantage, property claim and on the payment of legal costs.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0023
Banke tkiv sporočijo pristojnemu organu ali organom ime odgovorne osebe iz odstavka 1.
Tissue establishments shall inform the competent authority or authorities of the name of the responsible person referred to in paragraph 1.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Ime in naslov osebe, odgovorne za pritrjevanje etiket, ali njena identifikacijska oznaka.
2. Name and address of the person responsible for affixing the labels or his identification mark.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0324
ime in naslov ali blagovno znamko osebe, ki je odgovorna za trženje aerosolnih razpršilnikov,
the name and address or trade mark of the person responsible for marketing the aerosol dispenser,
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0373
ime ali blagovna znamka in naslov ali sedež osebe, ki je odgovorna za podatke iz tega odstavka;
14 Končna redakcija
3. ime in priimek ter naslov družbenikov osebne družbe oziroma družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo oziroma ime in priimek ter naslov ustanoviteljev delniške družbe.
3. names, surnames and addresses of partners of a partnership or of a limited liability company, or names, surnames and addresses of founders of a joint-stock company.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0023
Pri trajni ali začasni zamenjavi odgovorne osebe banka tkiv takoj sporoči pristojnemu organu ime nove odgovorne osebe in datum, ko ta oseba prevzame dolžnosti.
Where the responsible person is permanently or temporarily replaced, the tissue establishment shall immediately inform the competent authority of the name of the new responsible person and the date on which the duties of that person commence.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Države članice poskrbijo za uradno objavo kataloga sort, sprejetih na njihovem ozemlju in, kjer se zahteva vzdrževanje sorte, ime osebe ali oseb, odgovornih za to v svojih državah.
Member States shall arrange for official publication of the catalogue of varieties accepted in their territory and, where maintenance breeding of the variety is required, the name of the person or persons responsible for this in their countries.
17 Končna redakcija
Niso le ljudje stroji, ki novice posredujejo, temveč so osebnosti, ki so odgovorne za izjavljanje, ki sprašujejo in raziskujejo za nas in so za nas gledalce pripravljeni zastaviti svoje dobro ime.
They are not merely man-machines mediating the news, but the personalities responsible for declaration, who ask and investigate and are even prepared to risk their reputation for their audience.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
ime ali poslovni naziv ter stalni naslov ali prijavljeno mesto poslovanja osebe, odgovorne za dajanje zdravila v promet, in če ne gre za isto osebo, izdelovalca ali izdelovalcev, ki so vključeni, ter mesto izdelave;
name or business name and permanent address or registered place of business of the person responsible for placing the product on the market and, if different, of the manufacturer or manufacturers involved and of the sites of manufacture;
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Registratorji morajo od svojih strank zahtevati točne kontaktne podatke, kot so polno ime, naslov sedeža, telefonska številka in elektronski naslov kakor tudi informacije o fizični ali pravni osebi, ki je odgovorna za tehnične postopke domenskega imena.
Registrars should require accurate contact information from their clients, such as full name, address of domicile, telephone number and electronic mail, as well as information concerning a natural or legal person responsible for the technical operation of the domain name.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2278
Kratek opis programa: Odgovorna oseba za stike pri pristojnem organu: (ime, naslov, telefonska številka in številka faksa, e-poštni naslov odgovorne osebe/organa), začetni in končni datum za izvedbo programa, skupni stroški programa in pomoči, za katero je bilo zaprošeno (odstotek skupnih stroškov), členitev stroškov po ukrepih, začasen razpored izvajanja ter agencija, ki ji je treba nakazati finančno pomoč Skupnosti k programu (ime, podatki o banki), potrditev, da se delo ne bo začelo pred predložitvijo programa, potrditev, da se noben zahtevek v okviru programa ne bo predložil drugim skladom Skupnosti, finančni načrt državnega programa: uporabite obrazca 1 in 1b.
Short description of the programme: Contact for the competent authority: (name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address of the contact person/body), starting and closing dates for implementation of the programme, total cost of the programme and aid applied for (percentage of total cost), breakdown of costs by measure, provisional scheduling of implementation and agency to which the Community financial assistance to the programme is to be paid (name, bank details), confirmation that work will not commence before the programme has been submited, confirmation that no applications under the programme will be submitted to other Community Funds, financial programming of the national programme: use forms 1 and 1b.
21 Pravna redakcija
Pri pravni osebi bi bilo treba navesti tudi ime odgovorne osebe.
In the case of a legal person the name of the person responsible should also be given.
22 Pravna redakcija
V primeru mladoletnika, ime(na) odgovorne odrasle osebe
In case of a minor, name(s) of responsible adult:..................................................................................
23 Pravna redakcija
V primeru mladoletnika, ime(na) odgovorne odrasle osebe:
In case of a minor, name(s) of responsible adult:
24 Pravna redakcija
Ime osebe, ki je neposredno odgovorna za vsakodnevne dejavnosti skupine
Name of person directly responsible for day-today activities of the group
25 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov osebe, ki je odgovorna za pridelavo ali pripravo proizvoda,
the name and address of the person responsible for the production or preparation of the product,
26 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež osebe, odgovorne za podrobnosti iz tega odstavka;
the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the person responsible for the particulars referred to in this paragraph;
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0113
ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež osebe, odgovorne za podrobnosti iz tega odstavka;
the name or business name and address or registered place of business of the person responsible for the particulars referred to in this paragraph;
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0113
ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež osebe, odgovorne za podrobnosti iz tega odstavka;
the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the person responsible for the particulars in this paragraph;
29 Pravna redakcija
Ime ali blagovna znamka ali trgovsko ime in naslov osebe, ki je odgovorna za dajanje gnojila v promet in ima sedež v Skupnosti.
The name or trade name or trademark and the address of the person responsible for marketing the fertilizer, established within the Community.
30 Pravna redakcija
ime poklicnega zdravnika ali druge pooblaščene osebe ter ustanove, odgovorne za preiskave,
the name of the medical practitioner or other authorized person and of the institution responsible for the investigations,
31 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov osebe, ki je odgovorna za ureditev prvega gibanja, če ni ista kot pošiljatelj.
the name and address of the person responsible for aranging the first movement, if different from the consignor.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0599
navedite ime in naslov fizične ali pravne osebe, odgovorne za sprejem pošiljke v namembni državi.
Indicate the name and address of the natural or legal person responsible for receiving the consignment in the country of destination.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0101
ime odgovorne osebe,
name of person responsible,
34 Pravna redakcija
Odgovornost za določene naloge (ime ali položaj osebe, odgovorne za čiščenje in razkuževanje ter za nadzor)
Responsibility for specific tasks (name or position of the person responsible for cleaning and disinfecting, as well as for supervision)
35 Pravna redakcija
Ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež osebe, odgovorne za dajanje proizvoda v promet, če ta oseba ni proizvajalec.
Name or business name and address or registered place of business of the person responsible for placing the product on the market, if he is not the manufacturer.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1831
(b) ime ali naziv podjetja in naslov ali registrirani sedež poslovanja osebe, odgovorne za podatke iz tega člena;
(b) the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the person responsible for the particulars referred to in this Article;
37 Pravna redakcija
Če ta sistem sestavlja svinčena ali kakšna druga vrsta plombe, mora ta imeti ime ali znak odgovorne osebe iz 1(e).
If this system consists of a lead or other type of seal, the seal must bear the name or mark of the person responsible referred to under 1 (e).
38 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov zastopnika graditelja s sedežem v Skupnosti ali, če je ustrezno, osebe, ki je odgovorna dajanje v promet,
the name and address of the representative of the builder established in the Community or, if appropriate, of the person responsible for the placing on the market,
39 Pravna redakcija
vpišite "dobavitelj", "prejemnik" ali ime in naslov osebe, ki je odgovorna za ureditev prvega gibanja, če ni ista kot osebe, navedene v polju 1 ali polju 4;
enter 'supplier', 'recipient' or the name and address of the person responsible for arranging the first movement, if different from the persons indicated in box 1 or box 4;
40 Pravna redakcija
Ime ali naziv in stalni naslov ali sedež osebe, odgovorne za dajanje zdravila (zdravil) za uporabo v veterinarski medicini v promet.
Name or corporate name and permanent address of the person responsible for placing the veterinary medicinal product(s) on the market.
41 Pravna redakcija
ime fizične ali pravne osebe ali sklic nanjo, tako da vzbuja napačen vtis o istovetnosti prijavitelja, osebe, odgovorne za vzdrževanje sorte, ali žlahtnitelja.
the name of a natural or legal person, or a reference thereto, so as to convey a false impression concerning the identity of the applicant, the person responsible for the maintenance of the variety, or the breeder.
42 Pravna redakcija
ime in polni naslov osebe s sedežem v Skupnosti, odgovorne za dajanje v promet, ne glede na to ali je proizvajalec, uvoznik ali distributer,
name and full address of the person established in the Community who is responsible for the placing on the market, whether it be the manufacturer, the importer or the distributor,
43 Pravna redakcija
Na aparatih mora proizvajalec označiti tip, lot in/ali serijske številke ter ime proizvajalca ali osebe, ki je odgovorna za dajanje aparatov na trg.
Apparatus shall be identified by the manufacturer by means of type, batch and/or serial numbers and by the name of the manufacturer or the person responsible for placing the apparatus on the market.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2032
- kadar gre za skupni dosje, ime vseh zadevnih udeležencev in osebo, ki jo ti imenujejo kot odgovorno za skupni dosje in za obdelavo dosjeja v skladu s to uredbo;
- in the case of a collective dossier, the name of all participants concerned and a person designated by them as being responsible for the collective dossier and the processing of the dossier in accordance with this Regulation;
45 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov osebe, odgovorne za pridelavo ali pripravo proizvoda ali, če je naveden drugi prodajalec, izjava, ki prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu omogoča nedvoumno identifikacijo osebe, ki je odgovorna za pripravo proizvoda;
the name and address of the person responsible for the production or preparation of the product, or, where another seller is mentioned, a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the person responsible for the preparation of the product;
46 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov osebe, odgovorne za pridelavo ali pripravo proizvoda ali, če je naveden drugi prodajalec, izjava, ki prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu omogoča nedvoumno identifikacijo osebe, ki je odgovorna za pridelavo proizvoda;
the name and address of the person responsible for the production or preparation of the product, or, where another seller is mentioned, a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the person responsible for the production of the product;
47 Pravna redakcija
ime ali poslovni naziv ter stalni naslov ali prijavljeno mesto poslovanja osebe, odgovorne za dajanje zdravila v promet, in če ne gre za isto osebo, izdelovalca ali izdelovalcev, ki so vključeni ter mesta izdelave;
name or business name and permanent address or registered place of business of the person responsible for placing the product on the market and, if different, of the manufacturer or manufacturers involved and of the sites of manufacture;
48 Pravna redakcija
Kadarkoli tretja oseba pošlje pisno zaprosilo v administrativni oddelek Parlamenta, je treba prejem zaprosila takoj potrditi, označiti je treba priimek, ime, funkcijo in službeni naslov osebe, odgovorne za njeno obravnavo.
Whenever an outside person sends a written request to an administrative department of Parliament, its receipt must be rapidly acknowledged, specifying the surname, forename, position, and office address of the person responsible for processing it.
49 Pravna redakcija
s svojo podobnostjo dobro znanemu tržnemu imenu, ki ni registrirana blagovna znamka ali ime sorte, namiguje, da je sorta neka druga sorta, ali daje napačen vtis o identiteti prijavitelja, osebe, odgovorne za vzdrževanje sorte, ali žlahtnitelja;
by dint of its similarity to a well-known trading name other than a registered trade mark or variety denomination, it suggests that the variety is another variety, or conveys a false impression concerning the identity of the applicant, the person responsible for the maintenance of the variety, or the breeder;
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3769
(a) podrobnosti o svoji izobrazbi in strokovnih izkušnjah na področju, urejenem s to direktivo in, če gre za pravno osebo, ime, ustrezne kvalifikacije in strokovne izkušnje direktorja ali osebe, ki je odgovorna in jamči, da so pri izvozu navedenih snovi postopali v skladu z določbami te uredbe;
(a) details of his qualifications and professional experience in the field covered by this Regulation and, in the case of a legal person, the name, relevant qualifications and professional experience of the director or the person responsible for ensuring that exports of scheduled substances are carried out in compliance with the provisions of this Regulation;
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ime odgovorne osebe