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informacije v prostoru in času
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Če se po tem, ko je investitor oziroma projektant zahtevnega objekta pridobil lokacijsko informacijo, izvedbeni prostorski akt spremeni ali nadomesti z novim, tako da izdelani projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja ni več v skladu s prejšnjo namensko rabo oziroma lokacijskimi in drugimi pogoji, ki so veljali v času njene izdaje, lokacijska informacija pa ni vsebovala opozorila, da se pripravljajo spremembe oziroma nov izvedbeni prostorski akt, ima investitor pravico do povrnitve odškodnine za povzročeno škodo, ki mu je nastala zaradi zaupanja v lokacijsko informacijo, vendar samo, če dokaže, da je naročil projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja najpozneje v enem mesecu po izdaji lokacijske informacije in da v primeru spremembe izvedbenega prostorskega akta od izdaje takšne lokacijske informacije ni preteklo več kot šest mesecev, v primeru sprejetja novega izvedbenega akta pa da od njene izdaje ni preteklo več kot eno leto. Zavezanec za povrnitev vlaganj je občina, če je izvedbeni prostorski akt sprejel občinski svet, oziroma država, če je izvedbeni prostorski akt sprejel njen organ, pred začetkom njegove priprave pa občini ni sporočil, da se pripravljajo spremembe oziroma nov izvedbeni prostorski akt.
If, after the project designer or investor of a demanding works acquires location information, the implementing planning document is amended or replaced with a new act such that the project for acquiring the building permit as formulated is no longer in accordance with the previous purpose of use or the location conditions or other conditions that applied at the time the information was issued and the location information contained no warning that amendments or a new implementing planning document was being planned, the investor shall have the right to compensation for the damage incurred thereby for reason of the trust in the location information, but only if the investor proves that the project for acquiring the building permit was commissioned no later than one month after the issue of the location information, and that in the case of the amendment of the implementing planning document no more than six months passed from the issue of such location information or in the case of the adoption of a implementing planning document no more than one year passed from the issue of such location information. The person obliged to reimburse investments shall be the municipal body if the implementing planning document was adopted by the municipal council, or the state if the implementing planning document was adopted by a state body and it failed to inform the municipality before commencing the preparation of the act that amendments or a new implementing planning document was under preparation.
2 Pravna redakcija
Grafične referenčne podatkovne baze uporabijo enoten sistem projekcije za celotno državo in zagotavljajo, da se različne plasti informacij geometrično skladajo v prostoru in času.
The graphical reference database shall apply a homogeneous projection system to the whole country and shall ensure that the different layers of information are geometrically consistent over space and time.
3 Pravna redakcija
ker je postalo nujno, da se ohrani homogenost Sporazuma na področju Statistike in da se zagotovi priprava in diseminacija koherentnih in primerljivih statističnih informacij za opisovanje in nadzor vseh ustreznih gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih vidikov Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, vključiti v Prilogo XXI k Sporazumu številne pravne akte, ki jih je sprejela Evropska skupnost v času, ki je potekel od zadnjih sprememb, narejenih k Prilogi XXI,
Whereas it has become necessary, in order to maintain the homogeneity of the Agreement in the area of statistics and in order to ensure the production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social and environmental aspects of the European Economic Area, to incorporate into Annex XXI to the Agreement a number of legal acts adopted by the European Community during the time which has passed since the last amendments were made to Annex XXI,
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2725
Zlasti mu na njegovo prošnjo dostavlja informacije, omogoča dostop do vseh dokumentov in spisov kakor tudi do podatkov, ki so shranjeni v sistemu, ter dovoljuje dostop do vseh njenih prostorov ob katerem koli času.
In particular, it shall supply information requested by the joint supervisory body, give it access to all documents and paper files as well as access to the data stored in the system and allow it access to all its premises, at all times.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
Postalo je nujno, da se ohrani homogenost Sporazuma na področju statistike in da se zagotovi priprava in diseminacija koherentnih in primerljivih statističnih informacij za opisovanje in nadzor vseh ustreznih gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih vidikov Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, vključiti v Prilogo XXI k Sporazumu dva pravna akta, ki ju je sprejela Evropska skupnost v času, ki je potekel od zadnjih sprememb, narejenih k Prilogi XXI -
It has become necessary, in order to maintain the homogeneity of the Agreement in the area of statistics and in order to ensure the production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social and environmental aspects of the European Economic Area, to incorporate into Annex XXI to the Agreement two legal acts adopted by the European Community during the time which has passed since the last amendments were made to Annex XXI,
6 Prevajalska redakcija
Postalo je nujno, da se ohrani homogenost Sporazuma na področju statistike in da se zagotovi priprava in diseminacija koherentnih in primerljivih statističnih informacij za opisovanje in nadzor vseh ustreznih gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih vidikov Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, vključiti v Prilogo XXI k Sporazumu številne pravne akte, ki jih je sprejela Evropska skupnost v času, ki je potekel od zadnjih sprememb, narejenih k Prilogi XXI,
It has become necessary, in order to maintain the homogeneity of the Agreement in the area of statistics and in order to ensure the production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social and environmental aspects of the European Economic Area, to incorporate into Annex XXI to the Agreement a number of legal acts adopted by the European Community during the time which has passed since the last amendments were made to Annex XXI.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 22000D0023
Postalo je nujno, da se ohrani homogenost Sporazuma na področju statistike in da se zagotovi priprava in diseminacija koherentnih in primerljivih statističnih informacij za opisovanje in nadzor vseh ustreznih gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih vidikov Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, vključiti v Prilogo XXI k Sporazumu številne pravne akte, ki jih je sprejela Evropska skupnost v času, ki je potekel od zadnjih sprememb, narejenih k Prilogi XXI -
It has become necessary, in order to maintain the homogeneity of the Agreement in the area of statistics and in order to ensure the production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social and environmental aspects of the European Economic Area, to incorporate into Annex XXI to the Agreement a number of legal acts adopted by the European Community during the time which has passed since the last amendments were made to Annex XXI,
8 Prevajalska redakcija
ker je postalo nujno, da se ohrani homogenost Sporazuma na področju Statistike in da se zagotovi priprava in diseminacija koherentnih in primerljivih statističnih informacij za opisovanje in nadzor vseh ustreznih gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih vidikov Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, vključiti v Prilogo XXI k Sporazumu številne pravne akte, ki jih je sprejela Evropska skupnost v času, ki je potekel od zadnjih sprememb, narejenih k Prilogi XXI;
Whereas it has become necessary, in order to maintain the homogeneity of the Agreement in the area of statistics and in order to ensure the production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social and environmental aspects of the European Economic Area, to incorporate into Annex XXI to the Agreement a number of legal acts adopted by the European Community during the time which has passed since the last amendments were made to Annex XXI;
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informacije v prostoru in času