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intervencija ob nesrečah
1 Končna redakcija
(1) Ministrstvo skladno z načelom obveznega ukrepanja ob ekoloških nesrečah ali poškodbah okolja odredi povzročitelju ali pristojni službi obvezno sanacijo, vzpostavitev novega ali nadomestitev prejšnjega stanja, nujno intervencijo in uvedbo izjemnih ukrepov za varovanje, in sicer v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za varovanje posamezne naravne dobrine, in ministrom, pristojnim za zdravstvo, o uporabi ukrepov za zaščito in reševanje, pa tudi v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za zaščito in reševanje.
(1) In accordance with the principle of mandatory action, in times of ecological accident or damage to the environment, the Minister may demand from the party responsible or the competent authority the mandatory rehabilitation, reestablishment, or the restitution of previous conditions, urgent intervention, and the introduction of exceptional measures for protection, with the consent of the Minister responsible for the protection of individual natural goods, the Minister responsible for health, and in cases requiring civil defense and rescue measures the consent of the Minister responsible for civil defense and rescue.
2 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotovitev učinkovitega intervencijskega odziva ob večjih nesrečah države članice:
To ensure their capability for effective intervention response in the event of a major emergency, Member States shall:
3 Pravna redakcija
določanje intervencijskih ekip in druge podpore za intervencijo, ki je na voljo v državah članicah za intervencijo ob nesrečah,
the identification of intervention teams and other intervention support available in Member States for assistance intervention in the event of emergencies,
4 Pravna redakcija
Glavni namen mehanizma je na prošnjo zagotoviti pomoč ob takih nesrečah in izboljšati koordinacijo intervencije, ki jo zagotavljajo države članice in Skupnost, ob upoštevanju posebnih potreb izoliranih, najbolj oddaljenih in drugih regij ali otokov Skupnosti.
The general purpose of the mechanism is to provide, on request, support in the event of such emergencies and to facilitate improved coordination of assistance intervention provided by the Member States and the Community, taking into account the special needs of the isolated, outermost and other regions or islands of the Community.
5 Pravna redakcija
združuje informacije o zmožnostih držav članic za proizvodnjo serumov in cepiv ali o drugi potrebni zdravstveni pomoči in o zalogah, ki bi lahko bile na voljo za intervencijo ob večjih nesrečah, ter te informacije nalaga v informacijski sistemi;
pool information on the capabilities of the Member States for maintaining a production of serums and vaccines or other necessary medical resources and on the stocks which might be available for intervention in the event of a major emergency and compile this information in the information system;
6 Pravna redakcija
v okviru svojih pristojnih služb, zlasti služb za civilno zaščito ali drugih služb za ukrepanje ob nesrečah, vnaprej določijo intervencijske ekipe, ki bi lahko bile na voljo za tako posredovanje ali bi jih bilo mogoče organizirati v zelo kratkem času, da se napotijo običajno v 12 urah po prošnji za pomoč, pri čemer je treba upoštevati, da bi morala biti sestava ekipe odvisna od vrste večje nesreče in od posebnih potreb ob takšnih nesrečah;
within their competent services and, in particular, their civil protection services or other emergency services, identify in advance intervention teams which might be available for such intervention or could be established for intervening at very short notice, in order to be dispatched, generally within 12 hours following a request for assistance, taking into account that team composition should depend on the type of major emergency and on particular needs in that emergency;
7 Pravna redakcija
Na ravni držav članic in Skupnosti je treba sprejeti predhodne ukrepe, da se ob nesrečah omogoči hitra mobilizacija intervencijskih ekip in ustrezno fleksibilna koordinacija ter da se s programom usposabljanja omogoči učinkovita odzivna sposobnost in komplementarnost ekip za oceno stanja in/ali koordinacijo, intervencijskih ekip in druge pomoči, kot je primerno.
Preparatory measures need to be taken at Member State and Community level to enable assistance intervention teams in emergencies to be mobilised rapidly and coordinated with the requisite flexibility and to ensure, through a training programme, the effective response capability and complementarity of assessment and/or coordination teams, intervention teams and other resources, as appropriate.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0277
V okviru mehanizma Skupnosti je pomembna opredelitev jasnih intervencijskih pravil, da se zagotovi učinkovita pomoč ob večjih nesrečah.
In the framework of the Community mechanism, the definition of clear intervention rules is important to ensure efficient assistance in case of emergency.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0277
izboljšanje in preverjanje postopkov in določitev istega jezika za koordinacijo intervencij civilne zaščite ter zmanjšanje odzivnega časa ob večjih nesrečah;
improving and verifying the procedures and establishing a common language for the coordination of civil protection assistance interventions and reducing the response time in major emergencies;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0277
Center za spremljanje in obveščanje mora ob večjih nesrečah zagotoviti takojšnji dostop do bistvenih podatkov o strokovnjakih, intervencijskih ekipah in do druge razpoložljive intervencijske pomoči.
The monitoring and information centre should, in case of emergency, provide immediate access to essential information on experts, intervention teams and other intervention support available.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0277
Vzpostaviti je treba postopek za zagotovitev najnovejših podatkov o virih, ki so na voljo v državah, ki sodelujejo pri mehanizmu, za različne vrste intervencij, da se lahko ob večjih nesrečah omogoči mobilizacija intervencijskih ekip, strokovnjakov in drugih virov in da se zagotovi njihova dobra izraba.
A procedure for the provision of up-to-date information on the resources available in the States participating in the mechanism for different types of interventions should be established, in order to facilitate, in the event of emergency, the mobilisation of intervention teams, experts and other resources and to ensure a better use of those resources.
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intervencija ob nesrečah