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inventar goriva
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(c) lastnosti jedrskega gorivnega cikla v državah, zlasti število in vrste objektov in naprav, ki vsebujejo jedrski material, za katerega velja varovanje po tem sporazumu, lastnosti takšnih objektov in naprav, ki so pomembne za varovanje po tem sporazumu, še zlasti pa stopnjo hrambe; nadalje obseg, do katerega projektna izvedba takih objektov in naprav olajšuje preverjanje pretoka inventarja jedrskega materiala; in obseg medsebojne povezanosti informacij iz različnih con materialne bilance;
(c) characteristics of the nuclear fuel cycle in the States, in particular, the number and types of facilities containing nuclear material subject to safeguards under this Agreement, the characteristics of such facilities relevant to safeguards under this Agreement, notably the degree of containment; the extent to which the design of such facilities facilitates verification of the flow and inventory of nuclear material; and the extent to which information from different material balance areas can be correlated;
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R3227
Vsako spremembo v zvezi s programom popisa inventarja ali ustavitve reaktorja zaradi menjave goriva je treba Komisiji sporočiti brez odlašanja.
Any change affecting programmes for the taking of physical inventories or for the shutting down of reactors to reload shall be communicated to the Commission without delay.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R3227
Kar zadeva jedrske preobrazbe, je treba izračunane podatke vključiti v poročilo o spremembi inventarja najkasneje takrat, ko se izrabljeno jedrsko gorivo prenese iz cone materialne bilance v reaktorju.
As far as nuclear transformations are concerned, calculated data will be reported in the inventory change report at the latest when irradiated fuel is transferred from the reactor material balance area.
4 Prevod
lastnosti jedrskega gorivnega cikla v državah, zlasti število in vrste objektov in naprav, ki vsebujejo jedrski material, za katerega veljajo nadzorni ukrepi po tem sporazumu, lastnosti takšnih objektov in naprav, ki so pomembne za nadzorne ukrepe po tem sporazumu, še zlasti pa stopnjo hrambe; nadalje obseg, do katerega projektna izvedba takih objektov in naprav olajšuje preverjanje pretoka inventarja jedrskega materiala; in obseg medsebojne povezanosti informacij iz različnih con materialne bilance;
characteristics of the nuclear fuel cycle in the States, in particular, the number and types of facilities containing nuclear material subject to safeguards under this Agreement, the characteristics of such facilities relevant to safeguards under this Agreement, notably the degree of containment; the extent to which the design of such facilities facilitates verification of the flow and inventory of nuclear material; and the extent to which information from different material balance areas can be correlated;
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inventar goriva