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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
Istovetnost oblikovalca; opis; zahtevek
Identity of Creator; Description; Claim
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
Istovetnost kopije s prejšnjo prijavo mora potrditi organ, ki je prejšnjo prijavo prejel, priloženo pa ji mora biti potrdilo tega organa, v katerem je naveden datum vložitve prejšnje prijave.
The copy must be certified as an exact copy of the previous application by the authority which received the previous application and must be accompanied by a certificate issued by that authority stating the date of filing of the previous application.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
Istovetnost blaga, izvoženega s prijavo o predvideni vrnitvi
Identification of goods exported with notification of intended return
4 Pravna redakcija
istovetnost plovila,
the vessel identification,
5 Končna redakcija
Istovetnost se lahko ugotovi na podlagi vsakega osebnega dokumenta, ki izkazuje osebne podatke volivca.
Identity may be ascertained on the basis of any personal document, which provides personal data on the voter.
6 Pravna redakcija
istovetnost teh tretjih oseb je poznana Kanadi,
such third parties have been identified by Canada;
7 Pravna redakcija
Istovetnost imetnika prepustnice ni bila ugotovljena
The identity of the pass-holder has not been established
8 Pravna redakcija
Istovetnost blaga se praviloma zagotavlja z namestitvijo carinskih oznak.
As a general rule, identification of the goods shall be ensured by sealing.
9 Pravna redakcija
Istovetnost imetnika prepustnice ni bila ugotovljena....................................................................
The identity of the pass-holder has not been established.......................................................................
10 Pravna redakcija
istovetnost zasledujočih policistov mora biti enostavno ugotovljiva bodisi po uniformi, traku na roki ali oznakah na njihovem vozilu;
The pursuing officers shall be easily identifiable, either by their uniform, by means of an armband or by accessories fitted to their vehicles;
11 Pravna redakcija
Istovetnost blaga se zagotavlja v skladu s členom 349. Urad odhoda pa običajno ne namešča carinskih oznak na velike zabojnike, kadar ukrepe za zagotovitev istovetnosti sprejmejo železniške družbe.
Identification of goods shall be ensured in accordance with Article 349. However, the office of departure shall not normally seal large containers where identification measures are taken by the railway companies.
12 Pravna redakcija
istovetnost (priimek in ime, vsa prejšnja imena, vzdevek ali alias, datum in kraj rojstva, sedanje in vsa prejšnja državljanstva prosilca za azil in, če je potrebno, podatke o družinskih članih prosilca za azil);
identity (surname and forename, any previous names, nicknames or aliases, date and place of birth, present nationality and any previous nationalities of the asylum seeker and, where appropriate, of the asylum seeker's family members);
13 Pravna redakcija
Istovetnost vseh plovil za ribolov kozic, ki imajo na podlagi sporazuma dovoljenje za gospodarski ribolov v vodah Mozambika, se ugotavlja s pomočjo številke registracije in identifikacije, ki jo dodeli državni sekretar za ribištvo.
All shrimp vessels authorized under the Agreement to fish in Mozambique's waters shall be identifiable by means of a registration number and identification number given by the Secretary of State for Fisheries.
14 Pravna redakcija
istovetnost obrata z uradno številko dovoljenja ali, v primeru ločenega registriranja avkcijskih ali grosističnih trgov iz tretjega pododstavka člena 7(1) iz te direktive, registracijsko številko avkcijskega ali grosističnega trga.
identification of the establishment by its official approval number or, in the case of separate registering of auction or wholesale markets as laid down in Article 7(1), third subparagraph of this Directive, the registration number of the auction or wholesale market.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0477
istovetnost lastnika;
identity of the holder;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0045
istovetnost upravljavca;
the identity of the controller;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Istovetnost blaga se zagotavlja v skladu s členom 349.
Identification of goods shall be ensured in accordance with Article 349.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0046
istovetnost upravljavca in njegovega predstavnika, če obstaja;
the identity of the controller and of his representative, if any;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
Istovetnost blaga se zagotavlja v skladu s členom 11 konvencije.
Identification of goods shall be ensured in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
Istovetnost pobudnice se ne razkrije v registru poenotenih posebnih pobud na oglasni deski OLIS.
The identity of the initiator is not revealed on the Common Line Register on the Bulletin Board of the OLIS.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1804
Istovetnost zdravljene živine je treba nedvoumno opredeliti posamično, če gre za velike živali;
Livestock treated must be clearly identified, individually in the case of large animals;
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2273
istovetnost upravljavca stabilizacije, razen če v času objave še ni znana; v tem primeru jo je treba razkriti javnosti še pred začetkom stabilizacijskih dejavnosti;
the identity of the stabilisation manager, unless this is not known at the time of publication in which case it must be publicly disclosed before any stabilisation activity begins;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0091
istovetnost fizičnih ali pravnih oseb, družb ali podjetij, ki so podpisala ali v imenu katerih je bil podpisan statut ali ustanovitveni akt ali, če družba ni bila sočasno ustanovljena, osnutke teh dokumentov;
the identity of the natural or legal persons or companies or firms by whom or in whose name the statutes or the instrument of incorporation, or where the company was not formed at the same time, the drafts of these documents, have been signed;
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(c) se istovetnost vsakega uradnika, ki vnaša ali spreminja podatke ali programe, evidentira v dnevnik delovnih operacij;
(c) the identity of each official entering, or modifying, data or programmes is recorded in an operations log,
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-36
c) začasnim potrdilom o istovetnosti,
c) a provisional attestation of identity;
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) preveri lokacijo, istovetnost, količino in sestavo vsega jedrskega materiala, za katerega velja varovanje po tem sporazumu; in
(b) verify the location, identity, quantity and composition of all nuclear material subject to safeguards under this Agreement; and
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(i) istovetnost, bivališče in dejavnost oseb, osumljenih, da so vpletene v ta kazniva dejanja, ali kraj bivanja drugih vpletenih oseb;
(i) The identity, whereabouts and activities of persons suspected of involvement in such offences or the location of other persons concerned;
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
podatke, ki omogočajo njegovo istovetnost (ime in številko vozniškega dovoljenja ali ime in številko voznikove kartice), in ga podpiše;
Details that enable the driver to be identified (name and number of his driving licence or name and number of his driver card), including his signature;
29 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
d) vsako dostopno informacijo, ki ugotavlja istovetnost skrbnika shranjenih računalniških podatkov ali določi kraj, kjer je računalniški sistem;
d any available information identifying the custodian of the stored computer data or the location of the computer system;
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(a) Sodišče lahko zahteva začasno premestitev osebe, ki je v priporu, da se ugotovi njena istovetnost ali da se pridobi pričanje ali druga pomoč.
(a) The Court may request the temporary transfer of a person in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other assistance.
31 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Toda lahko obstajajo primeri, ko je možno natančno ugotoviti dodano vrednost na podlagi predelave brez posebnih težav, četudi bi se istovetnost uvoženega blaga izgubila.
However, there can be instances where, although the identity of the imported goods is lost, the value added by the processing can be determined accurately without unreasonable difficulty.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Istovetnost oblikovalca] Kadar so v mednarodni prijavi navedbe v zvezi z istovetnostjo oblikovalca modela, se v skladu z upravnimi navodili navedejo njegovo ime, priimek in naslov.
(1) [Identity of Creator] Where the international application contains indications concerning the identity of the creator of the industrial design, his name and address shall be given in accordance with the Administrative Instructions.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Odobritev pristojnega uradnika in njegovega nadrejenega se lahko izvede elektronsko, če je zagotovljena ustrezna stopnja varnosti in se istovetnost podpisnika vnese v elektronsko evidenco.
The approval of the authorising official and supervisor may be made by electronic means, provided an appropriate level of security is ensured, and the identity of the signatory is entered in the electronic records.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Brez vpliva na morebitne ukrepe za varovanje oseb pravosodni organ zaprošene države po končanem zaslišanju sestavi zapisnik, v katerem se navedejo datum in kraj zaslišanja, istovetnost zaslišane osebe, istovetnost in funkcija vseh drugih oseb, udeleženih pri zaslišanju v zaprošeni državi, morebitne dane prisege in tehnične razmere, v katerih je potekalo zaslišanje.
Without prejudice to any measures agreed for the protection of the persons, the judicial authority of the requested Member State shall on the conclusion of the hearing draw up minutes indicating the date and place of the hearing, the identity of the person heard, the identities and functions of all other persons in the requested Member State participating in the hearing, any oaths taken and the technical conditions under which the hearing took place.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-123
(ii) preveri istovetnost prosilca, potrdi osebne podatke v obrazcu zahtevka na podlagi dokumentov, ki jih je predložil prosilec, in kadar je potrebno, naredi overjene fotokopije izvirnikov;
(ii) the identity of the claimant will be checked, personal data on the claim form confirmed on the basis of documents submitted by the claimant, and, if necessary,certified copies of the originals will be made;
36 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Po drugi strani so lahko primeri, ko uvoženo blago ohranja svojo istovetnost, vendar pa pomeni tako majhno sestavino prodanega blaga v državi uvoza, da bi bila uporaba te metode vrednotenja neupravičena.
On the other hand, there can also be instances where the imported goods maintain their identity but form such a minor element in the goods sold in the country of importation that the use of this valuation method would be unjustified.
37 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
Carinski organi v državi vstopa potrdijo vstop blaga tako, da vrnejo overjeno kopijo vstopnega dokumenta, overjen računalniški izpis ali drug ustrezen dokument, ki zagotavlja istovetnost blaga, ki se preverja.
The customs authorities in the country of entry will confirm the entry of goods by returning an authenticated copy of the entry document, an authenticated computer print-out or other relevant document which guarantees the identity of the goods subject to checks.
38 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Splošno je sprejeto, da metode vrednotenja, ki je določena v drugem odstavku 5. člena, običajno ne bi bilo možno uporabiti, če bi kot posledica nadaljnje predelave uvoženo blago izgubilo svojo istovetnost.
It is recognized that the method of valuation provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 5 would normally not be applicable when, as a result of the further processing, the imported goods lose their identity.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
(b) poskrbela za ugotovitev istovetnosti priče ali izvedenca;
(b) ensure the identification of the witness or expert;
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(ii) številka mednarodne registracije, po možnosti skupaj z drugimi navedbami, po katerih je mogoče potrditi njeno istovetnost, kot so besedni elementi znamke ali številka osnovne prijave ali osnovne registracije,
(ii) the number of the international registration, preferably accompanied by other indications enabling the identity of the international registration to be confirmed, such as the verbal elements of the mark or the basic application or basic registration number,
41 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
(ii) popolnim opisom domnevnega subvencioniranega proizvoda, ime države ali držav porekla ali izvoza, istovetnost vsakega znanega izvoznika ali tujega proizvajalca in seznam znanih oseb, ki sporni proizvod uvažajo;
(ii) a complete description of the allegedly subsidized product, the names of the country or countries of origin or export in question, the identity of each known exporter or foreign producer and a list of known persons importing the product in question;
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(i) navedba o istovetnosti oblikovalca modela, ki se prijavlja;
(i) indications concerning the identity of the creator of the industrial design that is the subject of that application;
43 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
(ii) popoln opis domnevanega dumpinškega proizvoda, imena države oziroma držav porekla ali določenega izvoza, istovetnost vsakega znanega izvoznika ali tujega proizvajalca in seznam znanih oseb, ki uvažajo določen proizvod;
(ii) a complete description of the allegedly dumped product, the names of the country or countries of origin or export in question, the identity of each known exporter or foreign producer and a list of known persons importing the product in question;
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(a) ime osebe in vse druge pomembne podatke za ugotavljanje istovetnosti,
(a) The name of the person and any other relevant identifying information;
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(a) uvedbo postopkov za fizično zaščito takih oseb v potrebnem in uresničljivem obsegu, kot je na primer preselitev, in po potrebi omogočanje osebi, da ne razkrije informacij, ki zadevajo njeno istovetnost in bivališče, ali jih samo delno razkrije;
(a) Establishing procedures for the physical protection of such persons, such as, to the extent necessary and feasible, relocating them and permitting, where appropriate, non-disclosure or limitations on the disclosure of information concerning the identity and whereabouts of such persons;
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(a) ugotovitev istovetnosti osebe in ugotovitev kraja, kjer so osebe ali predmeti,
(a) The identification and whereabouts of persons or the location of items;
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
(c) podatke za ugotovitev istovetnosti osebe, katere telekomunikacije se prestrezajo;
(c) information for the purpose of identifying the subject of this interception;
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
(c) podatke za ugotovitev istovetnosti osebe, katere telekomunikacije se prestrezajo;
(c) information for the purpose of identifying the subject of the interception;
49 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
(i) istovetnostjo vlagatelja ter opisom obsega in vrednosti domače proizvodnje enakega proizvoda vlagatelja.
(i) the identity of the applicant and a description of the volume and value of the domestic production of the like product by the applicant.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
(ii) na koncu vožnje natisne podatke o obdobjih, ki jih je zapisala snemalna naprava, izpiše vsa obdobja, ko je opravljal drugo delo, čas razpoložljivosti in počitek po zapisu, narejenem pred začetkom vožnje, če jih ni zapisal tahograf, in na ta dokument zapiše podatke, ki omogočajo njegovo istovetnost (ime in številko vozniškega dovoljenja ali ime in številko voznikove kartice), in ga podpiše."
(ii) At the end of his journey, print out the information relating to periods of time recorded by the control device, record any periods of other work, availability and rest undertaken since the printout that was made at the start of the journey, where not recorded by the tachograph, and mark on that document details that enable the driver to be identified (name and number of his driving licence or name and number of his driver card), including his signature.”
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