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izbris zadev za obravnavo
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Sodišče lahko v kateri koli fazi postopka zahtevo za obravnavo izbriše s seznama zadev, če je na podlagi okoliščin možno sklepati:
The Court may at any stage of the proceedings decide to strike an application out of its list of cases where the circumstances lead to the conclusion that
2 Prevajalska redakcija
Če se mednarodna registracija na zahtevo urada izvora v skladu s členom 6(4) izbriše glede na vse ali nekatere proizvode in storitve, navedene v zadevni registraciji, in oseba, ki je bila nosilec mednarodne registracije, vloži prijavo za registracijo iste znamke pri uradu katere koli od pogodbenic na ozemlju, na katerem je mednarodna registracija veljala, se ta prijava obravnava, kot da bi bila vložena z datumom mednarodne registracije v skladu s členom 3(4) ali z datumom vpisa ozemeljske razširitve v skladu s členom 3 ter (2) in, če je mednarodna registracija imela prednost, ima enako prednost, pod pogojem:
Where, in the event that the international registration is cancelled at the request of the office of origin under Article 6(4), in respect of all or some of the goods and services listed in the said registration, the person who was the holder of the international registration files an application for the registration of the same mark with the office of any of the contracting parties in the territory of which the international registration had effect, that application shall be treated as if it had been filed on the date of the international registration according to Article 3(4) or on the date of recordal of the territorial extension according to Article 3ter(2) and, if the international registration enjoyed priority, shall enjoy the same priority, provided that:
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izbris zadev za obravnavo