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izdajateljska in garancijska združenja
1 Pravna redakcija
OB UGOTOVITVI, da so izdajateljska in garancijska združenja, ki delujejo v skladu z Konvencijo o vozilih 1956, ista, kot bodo delovala v skladu s Istanbulsko konvencijo,
NOTING that the carnet issuing the guaranteeing associations operating under the Vehicle Convention 1956 are the same as those which will operate under the Istanbul Convention,
2 Pravna redakcija
ZAHTEVA, da izvršni sekretar Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo uradno obvesti pogodbene stranke Konvencije o vozilih 1956 o jamstvu proti carinski upravi, ki ga prevzamejo izdajateljska in garancijska združenja, predvidenih v obeh konvencijah.
REQUESTS the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe to notify the Contracting Parties to the Vehicle Convention 1956 of the undertaking by the issuing and guaranteeing associations to guarantee, vis-a-vis the customs administrations, the carnets provided for in the two Conventions.
3 Pravna redakcija
PRIZNAVAJOČ pripravljenost izdajateljskih in garancijskih združenj, ki delujejo po Konvenciji o vozilih, da omogočijo delovanje ustreznih izdajateljskih in garancijskih verig za gospodarska cestna motorna vozila in prikolice v skladu s Prilogama A in C Istanbulske konvencije in njihovo soglasje, da jamčijo za zvezke CPD, ki jih predvidevata obe konvenciji,
APPRECIATING the willingness of the issuing and guaranteeing associations operating under the Vehicle Convention to render the relevant issuing and guaranteeing chains operational also under Annexes A and C to the Istanbul Convention in so far as road motor vehicles for commercial use and trailers are concerned, and their commitment to guarantee CPD carnets provided for in the two Conventions,
4 Pravna redakcija
ZAVEDAJOČ se pomembnosti, da je zagotovljen nemoten prehod s Konvencije o vozilih 1956 na Prilogo C k Istanbulski konvenciji in, da se preprečijo nepotrebne težave izdajateljskim in garancijskim združenjem,
CONSCIOUS of the importance of ensuring a smooth transfer from the Vehicle Convention 1956 to Annex C to the Istanbul Convention and of avoiding undue hardship to the issuing and guaranteeing associations,
5 Pravna redakcija
To uradno obvestilo je treba poslati v enem letu po datumu, ko izvršni sekretar uradno obvesti pogodbene stranke o prevzemu jamstev s strani izdajateljskih in garancijskih združenj, predvidenih v obeh konvencijah;
Such notification shall be made within one year following the date on which the Executive Secretary notifies Contracting Parties of the undertaking by the issuing and guaranteeing associations to guarantee the carnets provided for in the two Conventions.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
To uradno obvestilo je treba poslati v enem letu po datumu, ko izvršni sekretar uradno obvesti pogodbene stranke o prevzemu jamstev s strani izdajateljskih in garancijskih združenj, predvidenih v obeh konvencijah;
Such notification shall be made within one year following the date on which the Executive Secretary notifies Contracting Parties of the undertaking by the issuing and guaranteeing associations to guarantee the carnets provided for in the two Conventions;
7 Prevajalska redakcija
PRIZNAVAJOČ pripravljenost izdajateljska in garancijska združenj, ki delujejo po Konvenciji o vozilih, da omogočijo delovanje ustreznih izdajateljskih in garancijskih verig za zasebna cestna motorna vozila in prikolice v skladu s Prilogama A in C k Carigrajski konvenciji, in njihovo zavezo, da jamčijo za zvezke CPD, ki jih predvidevata obe konvenciji,
APPRECIATING the willingness of the issuing and guaranteeing associations operating under the Vehicle Convention to render the relevant issuing and guaranteeing chains operational also under Annexes A and C to the Istanbul Convention in so far as road motor vehicles for private use and trailers are concerned, and their commitment to guarantee CPD carnets provided for in the two Conventions,
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izdajateljska in garancijska združenja