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izvedba del
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7.4. odstranitev objekta je izvedba del, s katerimi se objekt odstrani, poruši ali razgradi in vzpostavi prejšnje stanje;
7.4. The removal of a works is the execution of works by which a works is removed, demolished or deconstructed and the previous situation restored.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7.1. gradnja novega objekta je izvedba del, s katerimi se zgradi nov objekt oziroma se objekt dozida ali nadzida in zaradi katerih se bistveno spremeni njegov zunanji izgled;
7.1. The construction of a new works is the execution of works by which a new works is constructed or a works is completed or upgraded and owing to which its external appearance is significantly altered.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
10. vzdrževanje objekta je izvedba del, s katerimi se ohranja objekt v dobrem stanju in omogoča njegova uporaba, obsega pa redna vzdrževalna dela, investicijska vzdrževalna dela in vzdrževalna dela v javno korist;
10. The maintenance of a works is the execution of works by which the works is kept in a sound state and the use thereof is facilitated, and includes regular maintenance works, investment maintenance works and maintenance works of public benefit.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
9. sprememba namembnosti je izvedba del, ki ne predstavljajo gradnje in s katerimi se tudi ne spreminja zunanjega videza objekta, predstavljajo pa takšno spremembo rabe objekta oziroma njegovega dela, da se z njo posledično poveča vpliv objekta na okolico;
9. A change in the intended purpose of use is the execution of works that do not entail construction and by which the external appearance of a works is not altered, but that do entail a change in the use of the works or a part thereof such that its impact on the environs consequently increases.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
9.1. sprememba rabe je takšna izvedba del, ki predstavlja spremembo namembnosti, vendar se zaradi nje ne spremeni velikost in zunanji izgled objekta ter ne povečuje vplivov na okolico, ali takšna sprememba namembnosti, ko se opravljanje dejavnosti v poslovnem prostoru nadomesti z drugo, takšni dejavnosti podobno dejavnostjo;
A change in use is the execution of works that entail a change in the intended purpose of use but owing to which there is no alteration in the size or external appearance of the works and no increase in its impact on the environs, or a change in the intended purpose of use when the performance of activities in commercial premises is replaced with other similar activities.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7.3. nadomestna gradnja je izvedba del, ko se na mestu poprej odstranjenega objekta ali v njegovi neposredni bližini, vendar znotraj gradbene parcele, zgradi nov objekt, s katerim se bistveno ne spremeni namembnost, zunanjost, velikost in vplivi na okolje dosedanjega objekta, ki se ga pred začetkom uporabe nadomestnega objekta odstrani;
7.3. Replacement construction is the execution of works when a new works is constructed on the site of a previously removed works or within the immediate vicinity thereof, within the building plot, by which there is no change in the intended purpose of use, exterior, size and environmental impact of the previous works that is removed before the use of the replacement works commences.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7.2. rekonstrukcija objekta je spreminjanje tehničnih značilnosti obstoječega objekta in prilagajanje objekta spremenjeni namembnosti ali spremenjenim potrebam oziroma izvedba del, s katerimi se bistveno ne spremeni velikost, zunanji izgled in namembnost objekta, spreminjajo pa se njegovi konstrukcijski elementi, zmogljivost ter izvedejo druge njegove izboljšave;
7.2. The reconstruction of a works is an alteration of the technical properties of an existing works and adaptation of the works to a change in the intended purpose of use or a change in needs, or the execution of works by which there is no significant change in the size, external appearance or intended purpose of use but there is a change in construction elements or capacity and by which other improvements therein are carried out.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
8.1. strojni park je gradbena mehanizacija in druge naprave, ki se nahajajo na gradbišču in so namenjene za izvedbo pripravljalnih del na gradbišču, izvedbo gradbenih del, montažo in vgraditev strojnih in električnih inštalacij in opreme ter izvedbo zaključnih gradbenih del in proizvodnjo gradbenih proizvodov;
8.1. The machine fleet is the construction machinery and other appliances located on the construction site and intended for the execution of preparatory works on the construction site, the execution of construction works, the assembly and building-in of machinery and electrical installations and equipment, the execution of finishing construction works and the production of construction products.
9 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
8.6.2 Pred izvedbo vsakršnega ZK-V pooblaščenec oceni stroške zahtevanih del in pridobi od predlagatelja soglasje za te stroške pred začetkom del.
8.6.2 Before any GQA is performed, the Delegatee will cost the work requested and obtain the Delegator's consent to these costs before starting work.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
III. del (POLFAC) se uporablja za prošnjo za pomoč drugih pogodbenic in za opredelitev izvedbenih zadev, povezanih s to pomočjo.
Part III (POLFAC)? is used for requesting assistance from other Parties and for defining operational matters related to this assistance.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
Nacionalni koordinacijski organ lahko del navedenih nalog in pristojnosti prenese na enega ali več vmesnih organov in izvedbenih agencij.
The NCU can delegate part of the tasks and responsibilities mentioned above to one or more Intermediate Bodies and Executing Agencies.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-23
(3) Organa, pristojna za izvajanje tega sporazuma, lahko za izvedbo določenih del, ki izhajajo iz tega sporazuma, pooblastita tretje osebe.
(3) Authorities competent for the implementation of this Agreement may empower the third parties to carry out the particular works arising from this Agreement.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7. gradnja je izvedba gradbenih in drugih del in obsega gradnjo novega objekta, rekonstrukcijo objekta, nadomestno gradnjo in odstranitev objekta;
7. Construction is the execution of construction works and other works, and includes the construction of a new works, the reconstruction of a works, replacement construction and the removal of a works.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
(a) vsako pogodbenico, ki uporablja DDT, naj oblikuje in izvaja akcijski načrt kot del izvedbenega načrta, opisanega v 7. členu. Akcijski načrt vsebuje:
(a) Each Party using DDT to develop and implement an action plan as part of the implementation plan specified in Article 7. That action plan shall include:
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Projekt izvedenih del je projekt za izvedbo, dopolnjen s prikazom vseh izvedenih del in morebitnih sprememb v vseh delih projekta za izvedbo, ki so nastale med gradnjo, na podlagi katerega je mogoče na tehničnem pregledu ugotoviti, ali je zgrajeni oziroma rekonstruirani objekt v skladu z gradbenim dovoljenjem.
The project of executed works is the project for execution supplemented with an illustration of all the works executed and any changes in any sections of the project for execution that occurred during construction, based on which it is possible to determine in a technical inspection whether the constructed or reconstructed works is in accordance with the building permit.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
Vsak državni izvedbeni organ je odgovoren za točnost vseh podatkov, ki se nanašajo na njegovo pogodbenico in na del načrta, ki obravnava pripravljenost in odzivanje.
Each national Operational Authority is responsible for the accuracy of all information pertinent to its Party and related to the part of the Plan dealing with preparedness and response.
17 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
O posebnih dogovorih glede delitve stroškov v zvezi s programi sodelovanja bo sporazum sklenjen kot del vsakršnega izvedbenega dogovora, ki bi bil oblikovan v skladu s tem MOS.
Specific cost sharing arrangements relating to co-operation or collaborative programmes will be negotiated as part of any specific Implementing Arrangement which may be developed under this MOU.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek se lahko izda gradbeno dovoljenje tudi za del objekta oziroma za izvedbo posameznih gradbenih ali inštalacijskih del oziroma tehnoloških naprav, če gre za gradnjo objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture.
Irrespective of the previous paragraph, a building permit may also be issued for a part of a works or for the execution of individual construction or installation works or the installation of technological appliances if it is a matter of the construction of a works of public infraworks.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
6. investitorju oziroma nadzorniku sproti izročati vso dokumentacijo, ateste, dokazila o pregledih in meritvah ustreznosti izvedbe del, ki se nanašajo na vgrajene materiale in proizvode,
6. Constantly make available to the investor or supervisor all documentation, attestations, and evidence on the inspection and measurement of the suitability of the execution of works that relate to the material and products built in
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Pogodbenici zagotavljata pomoč ustanoviteljema in podjetju pri pridobivanju vseh potrebnih dovoljenj in soglasij, povezanih z izvedbo projekta, pod pogoji, ki jih določa pravo zadevne države, kakor tudi pri dobavah potrebnih naprav in opreme, opravljanju gradbenih del in drugih storitev, potrebnih za izvedbo projekta.
Each Party shall provide support to the founders and the company in obtaining, under the conditions prescribed by the law of its state, all necessary permits and approvals related to the implementation of the project, as well as to the supplies of required machinery and equipment, construction works and other services required for the implementation of the project.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Z deli, ki so v zvezi s spremembo rabe, se lahko začne brez gradbenega dovoljenja, če investitor pred začetkom del pridobi lokacijsko informacijo, iz katere izhaja, da je takšna spremenjena raba skladna z izvedbenim prostorskim aktom.
Works in connection with a change in use may commence without a building permit if prior to commencing the works the investor acquires location information from which it proceeds that such a change in use is in accordance with the implementing planning document.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
Depozitar skliče konferenco držav pogodbenic pet let po začetku veljavnosti sprememb, sprejetih 8. julija 2005, da se preverita izvajanje te konvencije in njena ustreznost, kar zadeva preambulo, celoten izvedbeni del in priloge z vidika takratnih razmer.
A conference of States Parties shall be convened by the depositary five years after the entry into force of the Amendment adopted on 8 July 2005 to review the implementation of this Convention and its adequacy as concerns the preamble, the whole of the operative part and the annexes in the light of the then prevailing situation.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Šteje se, da je izvajalec opravil vse potrebno, da se po končani gradnji izdela projekt izvedenih del, če so v gradbenem dnevniku dokumentirane vse spremembe oziroma dopolnitve projekta za izvedbo, nastale med gradnjo in sta takšne spremembe in dopolnitve sproti potrjevala nadzornik in odgovorni projektant.
The contractor shall be deemed to have done everything that is required for the project of works executed to be formulated after construction is completed if all changes and additions to the project for execution that arose during construction are documented in the construction diary and the changes and additions were immediately approved by the supervisor and the responsible project designer.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
14. če pri pregledu projekta za izvedbo ne opozori investitorja, projektanta in revidenta na morebitne ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti in ne zahteva njihove odprave oziroma če pri pregledu projekta za izvedbo ugotovi takšne napake, zaradi katerih bi lahko bila ogrožena varnost objekta, življenje in zdravje ljudi, promet, sosedni objekti ali okolje, investitor oziroma projektant pa kljub njegovemu opozorilu za odpravo teh napak ne poskrbi, takšnih napak ne javi pristojni inšpekciji in do dokončne odločitve ne ustavi del (prvi odstavek 84. člena);
14. During review of the project for execution it fails to warn the investor, the project designer and the auditor of any deficiencies identified or fails to request the rectification thereof, or during review of the project for execution it identifies errors owing to which a threat could be presented to the safety of the works, to the lives and health of people, to traffic, to neighbouring works or to the environment, the investor or project designer fail to attend to the rectification of such errors despite its warning, and it fails to report such errors to the relevant inspectorate and suspend the works until a final decision (first paragraph of Article 84).
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Če naj bi se investicijska vzdrževalna dela izvajala na objektu, ki je varovan v skladu s predpisi o kulturni dediščini, ali na zunanjščini objekta, ki meji na javno površino, je potrebno pred začetkom takšnih del pridobiti lokacijsko informacijo, iz katere izhaja, da takšna dela niso v nasprotju z izvedbenim prostorskim aktom.
If investment maintenance works are to be carried out on a works that is protected in accordance with regulations on cultural heritage or on the exterior of a works that borders a public area, prior to commencing such works it shall be necessary to acquire location information from which it proceeds that such works do not contravene the implementing planning document.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(4) V zahtevi za izdajo uporabnega dovoljenja je treba navesti, da je objekt zgrajen oziroma rekonstruiran v skladu z gradbenim dovoljenjem, številko in datum gradbenega dovoljenja, podatke o projektantu, ki je izdelal projekt za izvedbo in projekt izvedenih del ter podatke o izvajalcu oziroma izvajalcih, ki so objekt gradili oziroma rekonstruirali.
In the request for the issue of a permit for use it shall be necessary to cite that the works has been constructed or reconstructed in accordance with the building permit and to cite the number and date of the building permit, information on the project designer that formulated the project for execution and the project of works executed, and information on the contractor or contractors that constructed or reconstructed the works.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
10.3. vzdrževalna dela v javno korist pomenijo izvedbo takšnih vzdrževalnih in drugih del, za katera je v posebnem zakonu ali predpisu, izdanem na podlagi takšnega posebnega zakona določeno, da se z namenom zagotavljanja opravljanja določene vrste gospodarske javne službe lahko spremeni tudi zmogljivost objekta in z njo povezana njegova velikost;
10.3. Maintenance works of public benefit entail the execution of maintenance works and other works for which it is stipulated by a separate act of law or regulations issued on the basis of a separate act of law that the capacity of the works and in this connection the size of the works may be altered for the purpose of ensuring the provision of a specific type of public service.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Izvajalec mora pred začetkom in med izvajanjem posameznih del opraviti pregled projekta za izvedbo in opozoriti investitorja, projektanta in revidenta na morebitne ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti ter zahtevati njihovo odpravo. Če izvajalec pri pregledu potrjenega projekta za izvedbo ugotovi takšne napake, zaradi katerih bi lahko bila ogrožena varnost objekta, življenje in zdravje ljudi, promet, sosedni objekti ali okolje, investitor oziroma projektant pa kljub njegovemu opozorilu za odpravo teh napak ne poskrbi, je izvajalec dolžan takšne napake javiti pristojni inšpekciji in do dokončne odločitve ustaviti dela.
(1) Before commencing and while carrying out individual works, the contractor must review the project for execution and warn the investor, the project designer and the auditor of any deficiencies identified, requesting the rectification thereof. If, during the review of the approved project for execution, the contractor identifies errors owing to which a threat could be presented to the safety of the works, to the lives and health of people, to traffic, to neighbouring works or to the environment, and the investor or project designer fails to attend to the rectification of such errors despite the warning,
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
10.2. investicijska vzdrževalna dela pomenijo izvedbo popravil, gradbenih, inštalacijskih in obrtniških del ter izboljšav, ki sledijo napredku tehnike, z njimi pa se ne posega v konstrukcijo objekta in tudi ne spreminja njegove zmogljivosti, velikosti, namembnosti in zunanjega videza, inštalacije, napeljave, tehnološke naprave in oprema pa se posodobijo oziroma izvedejo druge njihove izboljšave;
10.2. Investment maintenance works entail the execution of repairs, construction works, installation works, artisan works and improvements that follow the progress of techniques and by which there is no encroachment upon the construction of the works, by which there is no alteration in the capacity, size, intended purpose of use or external appearance of the works and by which the installations, fittings, technological appliances and equipment are modernised or other improvements therein are carried out.
30 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
b) Pri pogodbah, zlasti o izvedbi analiz in meritev, dobavi, postavitvi ali gradnji industrijske, komercialne ali znanstvene opreme ali poslovnih prostorov ali javnih del, kadar ima podjetje stalno poslovno enoto v drugi državi pogodbenici, se dobiček take stalne poslovne enote ne določi od celotnega zneska pogodbe, ampak samo od tistega dela pogodbe, ki ga stalna poslovna enota dejansko izvede v državi pogodbenici, v kateri je stalna poslovna enota.
b) In the case of contracts, in particular for the survey, supply, installation or construction of industrial, commercial or scientific equipment or premises, or of public works, where the enterprise has a permanent establishment in the other Contracting State, the profits of such permanent establishment shall not be determined on the basis of the total amount of the contract, but only on the basis of that part of the contract which is effectively carried out by the permanent establishment in the Contracting State in which it is situated.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
10.1. redna vzdrževalna dela pomenijo izvedbo manjših popravil in del na objektu ali v prostorih, ki se nahajajo v objektu, kot so prepleskanje, popravilo vrat, oken, zamenjava poda, zamenjava stavbnega pohištva s pohištvom enakih dimenzij in podobno ter s katerimi se ne spreminja zmogljivost inštalacij, opreme in tehnoloških naprav, ne posega v konstrukcijo objekta in tudi ne spreminja zmogljivosti, velikosti, namembnosti in zunanjega videza objekta;
Regular maintenance works entail the execution of minor repairs and works on a works or in premises located in a works, such as repainting, door repair, window repair, floor replacement, or replacement of fittings with fittings of equal dimensions, by which the capacity of installations, equipment and technological appliances is not altered, there is no encroachment on the construction of the works and there is no alteration in the capacity, size, intended purpose of use or external appearance of the works.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(4) Ne glede na določbe prejšnjih odstavkov ni potrebno pridobiti niti gradbenega dovoljenja niti lokacijske informacije za enostavni objekt, ki ga izvajalec gospodarske javne službe postavlja na objekt gospodarske javne infrastrukture in je neposredno namenjen izvajanju gospodarske javne službe ali upravljanju gospodarske javne infrastrukture. Gradbeno dovoljenje in lokacijska informacija tudi nista potrebna za izvedbo zaključnih del v poslovnih prostorih, ki se nahajajo v novozgrajeni stavbi, za katero je bilo pridobljeno uporabno dovoljenje in so zato določeni deli te stavbe že v uporabi, če se s takšnimi deli ne posega v skupne prostore ali spreminja zunanji izgled takšne stavbe.
Irrespective of the provisions of the previous paragraphs, it shall not be necessary to acquire a building permit or location information for a simple works that a provider of public services is erecting on a works of public infraworks and that is intended directly for the provision of public services or the management of public infraworks. Neither shall it be necessary to acquire a building permit or location information for the execution of finishing works in commercial premises located in a newly constructed building for which a permit of use has been acquired and specific parts of which are therefore already in use, provided such works do not encroach upon joint premises or alter the external appearance of the building.
33 Končna redakcija
2. projektiranje in izvedba del, povezanih z določenimi dejavnostmi, navedenimi v prilogi številka II, ki je sestavni del tega zakona,
2. design and execution of works linked to the specific activities set out in Annex II to this Act,
34 Končna redakcija
č) vzorci, opis ali fotografije izdelkov, opisa in izvedba del in storitev, ki jih bo ponudnik izvedel. Naročnik lahko v primeru dvoma zahteva dokazilo o njihovi istovetnosti;
c) samples, a description or photographs of products, a description of works to be executed or services to be provided by the tenderer. In the case of doubt, contractors may request proof of their authenticity,
35 Končna redakcija
javno naročilo za izvedbo gradbenih del
works contract
36 Končna redakcija
Te izvedbene določbe bodo del obveznosti, ki jih prevzamejo stranke do Komisije.
These implementing provisions will form part of the commitments entered into by the parties vis-à-vis the Commission.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0016
določen del lota (pošiljke) za izvedbo metode vzorčenja na tem določenem delu.
designated part of a lot in order to apply the sampling method on that designated part.
38 Končna redakcija
IV. kategorija Pogoji, ki se zahtevajo za sklepanje javnih naročil za izvedbo del in dobav
Class XIV: Conditions imposed in respect of the placing of public contracts for works and supplies
39 Končna redakcija
pogoji, ki se zahtevajo za sklepanje javnih naročil za izvedbo del in dobav (XIV. kategorija).
conditions imposed in respect of the placing of public contracts for works and supplies (Class XIV).
40 Končna redakcija
Znižanje ali oprostitev takse za obremenjevanje ne sme trajati dlje od povprečnega časa za izvedbo istovrstnih investicijskih del.
The reduction of or exemption from payment of the tax for an environmental strain shall not last longer than the average time span necessary for the execution of similar investment work.
41 Končna redakcija
2. v skladu s tehničnimi specifikacijami, veljavnimi v Republiki Sloveniji, ki veljajo za načrtovanje, način izračunavanja, izvedbo del in uporabo materialov,
2. in accordance with the technical specifications applicable in the Republic of Slovenia with respect to design, calculation methods, execution of works and use of materials,
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
Odstranitev ali sprememba namembnosti zgradb, ki spominjajo na prejšnje kontrolne ovire, in izvedba zahtevnejših cestnih del, na primer izravnava trase, bodo izvedene med drugo fazo.
The question of dismantling other buildings or putting them to a different use, collection of the barriers used previously and important tasks such as rectifying the layout, will be tackled during the second stage.
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
določajo splošna merila za določanje transakcij, pri katerih je izvedba za več vrednostnih papirjev del ene transakcije, ali naročil, za katere veljajo drugačni pogoji od trenutne tržne cene;
specify the general criteria for determining those transactions where execution in several securities is part of one transaction or orders that are subject to conditions other than current market price;
44 Končna redakcija
4. ime uspešnega ponudnika in razloge za izbiro njegove ponudbe, če je ponudnik navedel, da bo naročilo izvedel s pomočjo podizvajalcev, tudi vsak del izvedbe naročila, ki ga bo izvedel podizvajalec,
4. the name of the successful tenderer and the reasons for selecting this particular bid and, if the tenderer had stated that the contract will be carried out with the help of subcontractors, the share of the contract to be carried out by subcontractors shall also be stated,
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
Država članica to dokumentacijo preuči in ob upoštevanju izvedbene strategije iz veljavne TSI odloči, ali je obseg del tolikšen, da je potrebno novo dovoljenje za začetek obratovanja v smislu te direktive.
The Member State shall examine this file and, taking account of the implementation strategy indicated in the applicable TSI, shall decide whether the size of the works means that a new authorisation for placing in service within the meaning of this Directive is needed.
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0553
Kovinske plošče v naslednji tabeli, ki so v teh državah članicah namenjene uporabi z drugimi vrstami podlage, je treba testirati, da bi prikazali skladnost z nacionalnimi predpisi o načrtovanju in izvedbi del.
Metal sheets in the following table that are intended to be used in these countries with other types of underlayer will require testing to demonstrate compliance with national provisions on the design and execution of works.
47 Končna redakcija
Ta kategorija zajema primere, ko mora železniško podjetje v skladu z določbami, ki so jih sprejeli javni organi, skleniti del svojih naročil za izvedbo del in dobav z domačimi podjetji, s sedežem v določenih regijah države članice, ali z določenimi kategorijami domačih izvajalcev.
This class covers cases where, pursuant to a provision laid down by the public authorities, a railway undertaking is required to place a proportion of its contracts for works and supplies with domestic undertakings based in certain regions of the Member State, or with specified categories of domestic contractors.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0553
Naštete proizvode/materiale za strešno kritino je treba uporabljati v skladu z nacionalnimi predpisi o načrtovanju in izvedbi del, predvsem v zvezi s sestavo in odpornostjo sosednjih plasti proti ognju in drugih proizvodov v strešni konstrukciji.
The roof covering products/materials listed must be used in accordance with national provisions on the design and execution of works, particularly in relation to the composition and reaction to fire performance of adjacent layers and other products within the roof assembly.
49 Končna redakcija
1. za dodatne gradnje ali storitve, ki niso vključene v prvotno dodeljenem projektu ali v prvem javnem naročilu, ki pa so zaradi nepredvidljivih okoliščin postale potrebne za izvedbo naročila, pod pogojem, da se naročilo odda izvajalcu del ali storitev, ki izvaja prvotno naročilo:
1. for additional construction or services not included in the initially awarded project or in the first public procurement which, due to unpredictable circumstances, became necessary for the execution of contract provided that the contract be awarded to the initial supplier of works or services:
50 Končna redakcija
1. za dodatne gradnje ali storitve, ki niso vključene v prvotno dodeljenem projektu ali v prvem javnem naročilu, ki pa so zaradi nepredvidljivih okoliščin postale potrebne za izvedbo naročila, pod pogojem, da se naročilo odda izvajalcu del ali storitev, ki izvaja prvotno naročilo:
In addition to cases stated in Article 20(1) above, contractors may award a contract by negotiated procedure without prior publication:
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