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izvorni dokument
1 Pravna redakcija
Varnostni ukrepi, ki veljajo za izvorni dokument, veljajo tudi za njegove razmnožene primerke in/ali prevode.
The security measures applicable to the original document shall also be applicable to reproductions and/or translations thereof.
2 Pravna redakcija
V nasprotnem primeru ti organi dokumente preverjajo najpozneje vsakih pet let, da tako zagotovijo potrebno izvorno razvrstitev dokumenta.
Otherwise, they shall keep the documents under review every five years, at the latest, in order to ensure that the original classification is necessary.
3 Pravna redakcija
V nasprotnem primeru strani izvora dokumente preverjajo najpozneje na vsakih pet let, da tako zagotovijo potrebno izvorno razvrstitev dokumenta [SVII(1)].
Otherwise they shall keep the documents under review every five years at the latest, in order to ensure that the original classification is necessary [SVII(1)].
4 Pravna redakcija
V nasprotnem primeru strani izvora dokumente preverjajo najpozneje na vsakih pet let, da tako zagotovijo potrebno izvorno razvrstitev dokumenta [SIII(10)].
Otherwise they shall keep the documents under review every five years at the latest, in order to ensure that the original classification is necessary [SIII(10)].
5 Pravna redakcija
Dokumente na stopnji SECRET UE in nižje drugim naslovnikom lahko razpošilja izvorni naslovnik na podlagi potrebe po seznanitvi s podatki zaradi opravljanja funkcije ali delovnih nalog.
Documents classified SECRET UE and below may be redistributed by the original addressee to other addressees based on a need to know.
6 Pravna redakcija
Uradni veterinar mora vedno imeti prost dostop do vseh delov obrata za obdelavo uplenjene divjadi, da bi zagotovil skladnost s to direktivo, in kadar obstaja dvom glede izvora mesa ali uplenjene divjadi, do ustreznih dokumentov, ki mu omogočijo, da izsledi izvorno lovsko območje.
The official veterinarian must at all times have free access to all parts of processing houses in order to ensure that this Directive is being complied with and, where there is doubt as to the origin of meat or killed wild game, to relevant documents which enable him to trace the hunting area of origin.
7 Pravna redakcija
na zahtevo pokaže dokumente, ki pojasnjujejo namen in pogoje nameravanega bivanja, in ima zadostna sredstva za preživljanje v času nameravanega bivanja in za povratek v izvorno državo ali za tranzit v tretjo državo, v katero bo dejansko tudi lahko vstopil, ali ima možnost zakonito pridobiti taka sredstva;
that the aliens produce, if necessary, documents justifying the purpose and conditions of the intended stay and that they have sufficient means of subsistence, both for the period of the intended stay and for the return to their country of origin or transit to a third State into which they are certain to be admitted, or are in a position to acquire such means lawfully;
8 Pravna redakcija
ker so izkušnje pokazale, da bi moral registracijski dokument za ugotavljanje istovetnosti serij mehkužcev, določen v točki 6 Poglavja II v prilogi k Direktivi 91/492/EGS, vsebovati podatke o zdravstvenem stanju izvornega območja ter o postopkih prečiščevanja ali ponovne nasaditve, ki so bili opravljeni na mehkužcih;
Whereas experience has shown that the registration document for the identification of the batches of molluscs provided for in point 6 of Chapter II of the Annex to Directive 91/492/EEC should contain information concerning the health status of the area of origin and any purification or relaying operations that have been carried out on the molluscs;
9 Pravna redakcija
Izvorne države članice sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe, da kaznujejo vse kršitve veterinarske ali zootehnične zakonodaje fizičnih ali pravnih oseb, kadar se ugotovi, da so bila kršena pravila Skupnosti, predvsem kadar se ugotovi, da spričevala, dokumenti ali identifikacijske oznake ne ustrezajo dejanskemu statusu živali ali njihovim gospodarstvom izvora ali dejanskim lastnostim proizvodov.
Member States of dispatch shall take the appropriate measures to penalize any infringement of veterinary or zootechnical legislation by natural or legal persons where it is found that Community rules have been infringed, and in particular where it is found that certificates, documents or identification marks do not correspond to the status of the animals or to their holdings of origin or to the actual characteristics of the products.
10 Pravna redakcija
Do ugotovitev Komisije mora izvorna država članica na zahtevo namembne države članice okrepiti preglede živali in proizvodov, ki prihajajo z zadevnega gospodarstva, centra, organizacije, odobrenega sejma ali zbirnega centra ali regije, in v primeru resnih razlogov, ki vplivajo na javno zdravstvo ali zdravstveno varstvo živali, začasno prekliče izdajanje vseh spričeval ali transportnih dokumentov.
Pending the Commission's findings, the Member State of dispatch must, at the request of the Member State of destination, intensify checks on animals and products coming from the holding, centre, organization, approved market or assembly centre or region in question, and if there are serious public or animal health grounds, suspend issue of any certificates or movement documents.
11 Pravna redakcija
To je mogoče opustiti, če ni utemeljenega dvoma glede poštenosti prosilca, namena potovanja ali prosilčevega dejanskega namena, da se vrne v izvorno državo, in če ugleden in zaupanja vreden subjekt, ki organizira izlete za skupine, diplomatskim in konzularnim predstavništvom predloži potrebno dokumentacijo in z razumno zanesljivostjo potrdi poštenost prosilca, namen potovanja in prosilčev dejanski namen, da se vrne (glej točko III.4).
However, this may be dispensed in so far as, where there is no reasonable doubt as to the good faith of the applicant, the purpose of the journey or the applicant's actual intention of returning to the country of origin, a reputable and solvent entity, organising trips for groups, supplies the diplomatic mission or consular post with the necessary documentation and vouches, with reasonable reliability, for the applicant's good faith, the purpose of the journey and the applicant's actual intention of returning (see point III. 4).
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
"izvorni dokument" pomeni vsak elektronski dokument, ki vsebuje kombinirano opozorilo in ga da na razpolago Komisija;
"source document" means any of the electronic files made available by the Commission which contains a combined warning;
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
Knjižnica izvornih dokumentov
Library of source documents
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
Komisija da izvorne dokumente na razpolago na zahtevo.
The source documents shall be made available by the Commission on request.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
"kombinirano opozorilo" pomeni opozorilo, ki vsebuje fotografijo ali drugo ilustracijo in ustrezno besedilo dodatnega opozorila iz člena 5(2)(b) in iz Priloge I k Direktivi 2001/37/ES, kot ga vsebuje vsak izvorni dokument.
"combined warning" means the warning consisting of a photograph or other illustration and the corresponding text of the additional warning provided for in Article 5(2)(b) and in Annex I to Directive 2001/37/EC, as contained in each source document.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
Komisiji pri pripravi knjižnice izvornih dokumentov pomagajo znanstveniki in tehnični strokovnjaki.
The Commission shall be assisted by scientific and technical experts in preparing the library of source documents.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0098
Ta direktiva določa generično (izvorno) opredelitev pojma "dokument" v skladu z razvojem informacijske družbe.
This Directive lays down a generic definition of the term "document", in line with developments in the information society.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
Izbrani izvorni dokumenti se predložijo v mnenje odboru, ustanovljenemu na podlagi člena 10 Direktive 2001/37/ES.
The selected source documents shall be submitted, for opinion, to the Committee established under Article 10 of Directive 2001/37/EC.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
Države članice lahko med izvornimi dokumenti izberejo tistega, ki je najprimernejši za potrošnike v njihovi državi.
Member States may choose the source documents best adapted to consumers in their countries.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0844
Dokumente s stopnjo SECRET UE in z nižjo stopnjo tajnosti drugim naslovnikom lahko pošilja izvorni naslovnik na podlagi "potrebe vedeti".
Documents classified EU SECRET and below may be redistributed by the original addressee to other addressees based on a need to know.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
mora biti natisnjeno na drugi najvidnejši ploskvi zavojčka tobaka, ob upoštevanju formata in dimenzij izvornega dokumenta in grafične celovitosti slike in besedila;
be printed on the other most visible surface of the tobacco package, respecting the format and proportions of the source document and the graphical integrity of the picture and the text;
22 Prevajalska redakcija
Imetnik dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom je CHMP obvestil, da se mora zaradi prevajanja starih izrazov v nove postopek začeti s ponovnim šifriranjem izvornih dokumentov.
The MAH however informed the CHMP that due to the need for translating the old terms into the new ones, the process must start by a recoding of the source documents.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0083
Pri zdravilih, pridobljenih iz človeške krvi ali plazme, se opišejo in dokumentirajo izvor ter merila in postopki za zbiranje, prevoz in shranjevanje izvornega materiala.
For medicinal products derived from human blood or plasma, the origin and the criteria and procedures for collection, transportation and storage of the source material shall be described and documented.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
Komisija najkasneje do 30. septembra 2004 zagotovi knjižnico predhodno testiranih izvornih dokumentov, v kateri da na razpolago izbor več fotografij ali drugih ilustracij za dodatna opozorila, navedena v Prilogi I k Direktivi 2001/37/ES.
By 30 September 2004 at the latest, the Commission shall provide a library of pre-tested source documents in order to make available a choice of several photographs or other illustrations for each of the additional warnings listed in Annex I to Directive 2001/37/EC.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0497
ker je označevanje zdravstvene ustreznosti mesa in odobritev prevoznega dokumenta s strani uradnega veterinarja v izvorni vzrejni ustanovi najboljši način, kako pristojnim organom namembnega kraja zagotoviti, da je pošiljka mesa skladna z določbami te direktive;
Whereas health marking of meat and authorization of the transport document by the official veterinarian of the establishment of origin is the best way of satisfying the competent authorities of the place of destination that a consignment of meat complies with the provisions of this Directive;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L1026
Če država članica gostiteljica od svojih državljanov, ki želijo začeti z opravljanjem ali opravljati dejavnosti iz člena 1, zahteva spričevalo o telesnem ali duševnem zdravju, navedena država sprejme kot zadostno dokazilo predložen dokument, ki se zahteva v izvorni državi članici ali državi članici, iz katere tuji državljan prihaja.
Where a host Member State requires of its own nationals wishing to take up or pursue the activities referred to in Article 1, a certificate of physical or mental health, that State shall accept as sufficient evidence thereof the presentation of the document required in the Member State of origin or the Member State from which the foreign national comes.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0641
Če države članice zahtevajo zdravstvena opozorila v obliki barvnih fotografij ali drugih ilustracij, mora biti embalaža tobačnih izdelkov, za katere se take fotografije zahtevajo, opremljena s kombiniranim opozorilom, povzetim izključno iz izvornih dokumentov, ki jih da na razpolago Komisija, brez vsakih sprememb katerega koli njegovega sestavnega dela.
Where Member States require health warnings in the form of colour photographs or other illustrations, tobacco packages for which such photographs are required shall carry a combined warning taken exclusively from the source documents provided by the Commission, without any changes to any of its components.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0585
To je mogoče opustiti, če ni utemeljenega dvoma glede poštenosti prosilca, namena potovanja ali prosilčevega dejanskega namena, da se vrne v izvorno državo, in če ugleden in zaupanja vreden subjekt, ki organizira izlete za skupine, diplomatskim in konzularnim predstavništvom predloži potrebno dokumentacijo in z razumno zanesljivostjo potrdi poštenost prosilca, namen potovanja in prosilčev dejanski namen, da se vrne (glej točko III.4).
However, this may be dispensed in so far as, where there is no reasonable doubt as to the good faith of the applicant, the purpose of the journey or the applicant's actual intention of returning to the country of origin, a reputable and solvent entity, organising trips for groups, supplies the diplomatic mission or consular post with the necessary documentation and vouches, with reasonable reliability, for the applicant's good faith, the purpose of the journey and the applicant's actual intention of returning (see point III.4).
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L1026
Če izvorna država članica ali država članica, iz katere tuji državljan prihaja, od oseb, ki želijo prvič začeti zadevne dejavnosti, ne zahteva dokaza o ugledu ali dobrem imenu, lahko država članica gostiteljica od državljanov izvorne države članice ali države članice, iz katere tuji državljan prihaja, zahteva izpisek iz "kazenske evidence" ali, če te ni, enakovreden dokument, ki ga je izdal pristojni organ izvorne države članice ali države članice, iz katere tuji državljan prihaja.
Where the Member State of origin or the Member State from which the foreign national comes does not require proof of good character or good repute of persons wishing to take up the activities in question for the first time, the host Member State may require of nationals of the Member State of origin or of the Member State from which the foreign national comes an extract from the "judicial record" or, failing this, an equivalent document issued by a competent authority in the Member State of origin or the Member State from which the foreign national comes.
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