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kapitalski in finančni račun (plačilne bilance)
1 Pravna redakcija
Glede transakcij na kapitalskem in finančnem računu plačilne bilance pogodbenici z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma zagotovita prost pretok kapitala, ki se nanaša na kredite v zvezi s trgovinskim poslovanjem ali opravljanjem storitev, v katerih sodeluje rezident ene od pogodbenic, ter finančnimi posojili in krediti z zapadlostjo več kot eno leto.
With regard to transactions on the capital and financial account of balance of payments, from the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall ensure the free movement of capital relating to credits related to commercial transactions or to the provision of services in which a resident of one of the Parties is participating, and to financial loans and credits, with a maturity longer than a year.
2 Pravna redakcija
Glede transakcij na kapitalskem in finančnem računu plačilne bilance pogodbenici z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma zagotovita prost pretok kapitala v zvezi z neposrednimi naložbami v družbe, ustanovljene v skladu z zakonodajo države gostiteljice, in naložbami v skladu z določbami poglavja II naslova IV, kakor tudi likvidacijo ali repatriacijo teh naložb in kakršnega koli dobička, ki iz njih izvira.
With regard to transactions on the capital and financial account of balance of payments, from the entry into force of the Agreement, the Parties shall ensure the free movement of capital relating to direct investments made in companies formed in accordance with the laws of the host country and investments made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter II of Title V, and the liquidation or repatriation of these investments and of any profit stemming therefrom.
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kapitalski in finančni račun (plačilne bilance)