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količinska ureditev
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Obravnava pri uvozu proizvodov grenlandskega porekla v Unijo, za katere velja skupna tržna ureditev za ribiške proizvode, ob upoštevanju mehanizmov skupne tržne ureditve vključuje oprostitev plačila carin in dajatev z enakim učinkom ter izključuje količinske omejitve ali ukrepe z enakim učinkom, če so možnosti dostopa do grenlandskih ribolovnih območij, priznane Uniji na podlagi sporazuma med Unijo in pristojnim organom za Grenlandijo, za Unijo zadovoljive.
The treatment on import into the Union of products subject to the common organisation of the market in fishery products and originating in Greenland shall, while complying with the mechanisms of the common market organisation, involve exemption from customs duties and charges having equivalent effect and the absence of quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect if the possibilities for access to Greenland fishing zones granted to the Union pursuant to an agreement between the Union and the authority responsible for Greenland are satisfactory to the Union.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Določbe za zagotovitev uspešnega in pravilnega izvajanja načrtov, vključno s spremljanjem in vrednotenjem, določitev količinskih kazalcev za vrednotenje, ureditev kontrol in sankcij ter ustreznega obveščanja javnosti.
Provisions to ensure the effective and correct implementation of the plans, including monitoring and evaluation, a definition of quantified indicators for evaluation, arrangements for controls and sanctions and adequate publicity
3 Končna redakcija
Ureditev, ki se uporablja v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi v zvezi s carinami in dajatvami z enakim učinkom ter količinskimi omejitvami in ukrepi z enakim učinkom v trgovini med Španijo in drugimi državami članicami ter med Španijo in tretjimi državami, se v Španiji uporablja od 1. marca 1986 z upoštevanjem nasprotnih določb v tem poglavju za proizvode, ki so na dan pristopa zajeti v skupno ureditev trgov.
The system applicable in the Community as at present constituted in respect of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect and quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect in trade between Spain and the other Member States and between Spain and third countries shall apply in Spain from 1 March 1986, subject to any provision to the contrary in this Chapter, in respect of products covered, on the date of accession, by the common organization of markets.
4 Končna redakcija
Ureditev, ki se uporablja v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi v zvezi s carinami in dajatvami z enakim učinkom ter količinskimi omejitvami in ukrepi z enakim učinkom v trgovini med Portugalsko in drugimi državami članicami ter med Portugalsko in tretjimi državami, se na Portugalskem uporablja od 1. marca 1986 z upoštevanjem nasprotnih določb v tem poglavju za proizvode, ki so na dan pristopa zajeti v skupno ureditev trgov.
In trade between Portugal and the other Member States and between Portugal and third countries the system applicable in the Community as at present constituted in respect of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect and quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall apply in Portugal from 1 March 1986, subject to any provision to the contrary in this Chapter in respect of products covered, on the date of accession by the common organization of markets.
5 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, ki so ob datumu pristopa zajeti v skupno ureditev trga, se sistem, ki se uporablja v Skupnosti v prvotni sestavi za carine in dajatve z enakim učinkom ter količinske omejitve in ukrepe z enakim učinkom, v skladu s členi 55 in 59, v novih državah članicah uporablja od 1. februarja 1973.
In respect of products covered, on the date of accession, by a common organization of the market, the system applicable in the Community as originally constituted in respect of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect and quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall, subject to Articles 55 and 59, apply in the new Member States from 1 February 1973.
6 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, ki 1. marca 1986 niso zajeti v skupno ureditev trgov, se na ta dan odpravijo dajatve z enakim učinkom, kot ga imajo carine, ter količinske omejitve in ukrepi z enakim učinkom, razen če so na dan pristopa sestavni del nacionalne ureditve trgov na Portugalskem ali v drugi državi članici.
In respect of products not covered, on 1 March 1986, by the common organization of markets, the abolition of charges having equivalent effect to customs duties and of quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall take place on that date, unless they form an integral part of a national market organization in Portugal or in another Member State on the date of accession.
7 Končna redakcija
Med pogajanji za potrebne prilagoditve količinskih omejitev predvidenih v dvostranskih sporazumih med Skupnostjo in Rusko federacijo, Ukrajino in Kazahstanom ali pri sprejemanju kakršnihkoli drugih ureditev v ta namen, je potrebno upoštevati potrebe po uvozu, ki izvirajo iz predvidenega razmaha estonske jeklarske industrije v bližnji prihodnosti.
When negotiating the necessary adjustments to the quantitative restrictions provided for in the bilateral steel agreements between the Community and the Russian Federation, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan, or adopting any other arrangements to that effect, the import needs resulting from the foreseeable expansion of the Estonian steel industry in the near future will have to be taken into account.
8 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, ki 1. marca 1986 niso zajeti v skupno ureditev trgov, se določbe iz Naslova II četrtega dela o odpravi dajatev z enakim učinkom, kot ga imajo carine, ter postopni odpravi količinskih omejitev in ukrepov z enakim učinkom ne uporabljajo za te dajatve, omejitve in ukrepe, če so na dan pristopa del nacionalne ureditve trgov v Španiji ali kaki drugi državi članici.
In respect of products not covered, on 1 March 1986, by the common organization of markets, the provisions of Title II of Part Four concerning the elimination of charges having equivalent effect to customs duties and the progressive abolition of quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall not apply to those charges, restrictions and measures if they form part of a national market organization in Spain or in another Member State on the date of accession.
9 Končna redakcija
Obravnava pri uvozu proizvodov grenlandskega porekla v Skupnost, za katere velja skupna tržna ureditev za ribiške proizvode, ob upoštevanju mehanizmov skupne tržne ureditve vključuje oprostitev plačila carin in dajatev z enakim učinkom ter izključuje količinske omejitve ali ukrepe z enakim učinkom, če so možnosti dostopa do grenlandskih ribolovnih območij, priznane Skupnosti na podlagi sporazuma med Skupnostjo in pristojnim organom za Grenlandijo, za Skupnost zadovoljive.
The treatment on import into the Community of products subject to the common organization of the market in fishery products, originating in Greenland, shall, while complying with the mechanisms of the common market organization, involve exemption from customs duties and charges having equivalent effect and the absence of quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect if the possibilities for access to Greenland fishing zones granted to the Community pursuant to an agreement between the Community and the authority responsible for Greenland are satisfactory to the Community.
10 Pravna redakcija
Določbe za zagotovitev uspešnega in pravilnega izvajanja načrtov, vključno s spremljanjem in vrednotenjem, določitev količinskih kazalcev za vrednotenje, ureditev nadzora in sankcij ter ustreznega obveščanja javnosti
Provisions to ensure the effective and correct implementation of the plans, including monitoring and evaluation, a definition of quantified indicators for evaluation, arrangements for controls and sanctions and adequate publicity
11 Pravna redakcija
Romunija in Skupnost se zavezujeta, da se bosta čim prej dogovorili o novem protokolu o količinskih ureditvah in drugih sorodnih zadevah v zvezi z njuno trgovino s tekstilnimi izdelki, pri čemer bosta upoštevali prihodnjo ureditev mednarodne trgovine s tekstilnimi izdelki, ki je predmet diskusije v večstranskih pogajanjih v Ženevi.
Romania and the Community hereby undertake to negotiate a new Protocol on quantitative arrangements and other related issues on their trade in textile products as soon as possible, taking into account the future regime governing international trade in textile products under discussion in the multilateral negotiations in Geneva.
12 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju instrumentov, ki vzpostavljajo skupno ureditev kmetijskih trgov in instrumentov o predelanih kmetijskih proizvodih, sprejetih v skladu s členom 235 Pogodbe, zlasti tistih določb teh instrumentov, ki omogočajo odstopanja od splošnega načela, da se lahko količinske omejitve ali ukrepe z enakim učinkom nadomesti samo z ukrepi, ki so predvideni v teh instrumentih;
Having regard to the instruments establishing common organisation of agricultural markets and to the instruments concerning processed agricultural products adopted in pursuance of Article 235 of the Treaty, in particular the provisions of those instruments which allow for derogation from the general principle that quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect may be replaced solely by the measures provided for in those same instruments;
13 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju instrumentov, ki vzpostavljajo skupno ureditev kmetijskih trgov, in instrumentov v zvezi s predelanimi kmetijskimi proizvodi, sprejetih po členu 235 Pogodbe, zlasti predpisov tistih instrumentov, ki dovoljujejo odstopanje od splošnega načela, da lahko količinske omejitve ali ukrepe z enakim učinkom nadomestijo samo ukrepi, ki jih predvidevajo ti isti instrumenti,
Having regard to the instruments establishing common organization of agricultural markets and to the instruments concerning processed agricultural products adopted in pursuance of Article 235 of the Treaty, in particular the provisions of those instruments which allow for derogation from the general principle that all quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect may be replaced solely by the measures provided for in those same instruments,
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3285
ob upoštevanju instrumentov, ki vzpostavljajo skupno ureditev kmetijskih trgov, in instrumentov v zvezi s predelanimi kmetijskimi proizvodi, predvsem če dopuščajo odstopanje od splošnega načela, da lahko količinske omejitve ali ukrepe z enakim učinkom nadomestijo samo ukrepi, ki jih določajo navedeni instrumenti,
Having regard to the instruments establishing the common organization of agricultural markets and the instruments concerning processed agricultural products, in particular in so far as they provide for derogation from the general principle that quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect may be replaced solely by the measures provided for in the said instruments,
15 Prevajalska redakcija
Nadaljnji razvoj trgovine in industrijskega sodelovanja med industrijo tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil v Skupnosti in v Bolgariji je temeljno načelo tega protokola, ki določa količinsko ureditev, ki se uporablja v trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki in oblačili (v nadaljevanju "tekstilni izdelki") s poreklom iz Bolgarije in iz Skupnosti, navedenimi v Prilogi I k temu protokolu.
The further development of trade and industrial cooperation between the textile and clothing industries in the Community and in Bulgaria is an underlying principle of this Protocol which establishes the quantitative arrangements applicable to trade in textile and clothing products (hereinafter 'textile products`) originating in Bulgaria and in the Community, which are listed in Annex I to this Protocol.
16 Prevod
Bolgarija in Skupnost se zavezujeta, da se bosta čim prej dogovorili o novem protokolu o količinskih ureditvah in drugih sorodnih zadevah v zvezi z njuno trgovino s tekstilnimi izdelki, pri čemer bosta upoštevali prihodnjo ureditev mednarodne trgovine s tekstilnimi izdelki, ki je predmet obravnave večstranskih pogajanj v Ženevi.
Bulgaria and the Community hereby undertake to negotiate a new Protocol on quantitative arrangements and other related issues on their trade in textile products as soon as possible, taking into account the future regime governing international trade in textile products under discussion in the multilateral negotiations in Geneva.
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količinska ureditev