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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
kolikor niso te zadeve urejene z določbami drugih delov tega sporazuma.
in so far as these matters are not regulated under the provisions of other Parts of this Agreement.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
kolikor niso te obresti potrebne za izpolnjevanje obveznosti banke in kritje njenih stroškov.
to the extent that this income is not required to meet the obligations of the Bank or to cover its expenses.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Kolikor je to mogoče, dogovor določa čas ali okoliščine, v katerih se takšno varovanje ne uporablja.
The arrangement shall identify, to the extent possible, the period or circumstances during which such safeguards will not be applied.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Kolikor s tem zakonom ni drugače določeno, se v rednem postopku smiselno uporabljajo določbe zakona o kazenskem postopku o:
Unless otherwise determined by this Act, ordinary court proceedings shall be, mutatis mutandis, subject to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act governing:
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
Kolikor je mogoče se zmanjša vsaka omejitev obsega, v katerem lahko žival zadovoljuje svoje fiziološke in vedenjske potrebe.
Any restriction on the extent to which an animal can satisfy its physiological and ethological needs shall be limited as far as practicable.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-79
Kolikor mogoče točno je treba navesti kraj in čas njihove zagrešitve, njihov pravni opis in sklicevanje na ustrezne pravne določbe;
The time and place of their commission, their legal descriptions and a reference to the relevant legal provisions shall be set out as accurately as possible; and
7 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
Kolikor je mogoče, zajemajo tehnične zahteve glede izobraževanja šole v sodelovanju z izobraževalnim sistemom države gostiteljice.
Technical education requirements shall as far as possible be covered by the Schools in cooperation with the education system of the host country.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
kolikor je mogoče združiti vprašanja, ki so pomembna za države v razvoju, zaradi olajševanja njihovega sodelovanja pri teh študijah;
group, as far as practicable, questions of interest to the developing countries to facilitate their participation in these studies;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Kolikor so v tej listini priznane temeljne pravice, kot izhajajo iz skupnih ustavnih tradicij držav članic, je treba te pravice razlagati skladno s temi tradicijami.
Insofar as this Charter recognises fundamental rights as they result from the constitutional traditions common to the Member States, those rights shall be interpreted in harmony with those traditions.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Kolikor takšni sporazumi niso združljivi z Ustavo, zadevna država članica ali zadevne države članice ustrezno ukrepajo, da odpravijo ugotovljeno nezdružljivost.
To the extent that such agreements are not compatible with the Constitution, the Member State or States concerned shall take all appropriate steps to eliminate the incompatibilities established.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 57
Kolikor je mogoče, je treba lokalne oblasti pravočasno in na primeren način vprašati za mnenje pri načrtovanju in odločanju v vseh stvareh, ki jih neposredno zadevajo.
Local authorities shall be consulted, in so far as possible, in due time and in an appropriate way in the planning and decision-making processes for all matters which concern them directly.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Kolikor je možno in ustrezno ter ne glede na določbe tega člena naloži Evropska centralna banka nacionalnim centralnim bankam opravljanje poslov, ki so sestavni del nalog Evropskega sistema centralnih bank.
To the extent deemed possible and appropriate and without prejudice to the provisions of this Article, the European Central Bank shall have recourse to the national central banks to carry out operations which form part of the tasks of the European System of Central Banks.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Kolikor je pomembno za opravljanje nalog iz člena 3, Europol vzpostavi in vzdržuje medsebojne odnose s tretjimi organi v smislu točk 1 in 3 člena 10(4). Upravni odbor soglasno sestavi pravila, ki urejajo takšne odnose.
Insofar as is relevant for the performance of the tasks described in Article 3, Europol shall establish and maintain cooperative relations with third bodies within the meaning of Article 10 (4), points 1 to 3. The Management Board shall unanimously draw up rules governing such relations.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Kolikor ta listina vsebuje pravice, ki ustrezajo pravicam, zagotovljenim z Evropsko konvencijo o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, sta vsebina in obseg teh pravic enaka kot vsebina in obseg pravic, ki ju določa navedena konvencija.
Insofar as this Charter contains rights which correspond to rights guaranteed by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the meaning and scope of those rights shall be the same as those laid down by the said Convention.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Kolikor sporazumi med eno ali več novimi državami članicami na eni strani in eno ali več tretjimi državami na drugi strani niso združljivi z obveznostmi, ki izhajajo iz Ustave in zlasti iz tega protokola, nove države članice ukrenejo vse potrebno, da odpravijo ugotovljene neskladnosti.
To the extent that agreements between one or more of the new Member States on the one hand, and one or more third countries on the other, are not compatible with the obligations arising from the Constitution and in particular from this Protocol, the new Member States shall take all appropriate steps to eliminate the incompatibilities established.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Kolikor ni v tem zakonu drugače določeno, se v postopku o prekršku smiselno uporabljajo določbe kazenskega zakonika glede silobrana, skrajne sile, sile in grožnje, neprištevnosti, naklepa, malomarnosti, dejanske in pravne zmote, udeležbe pri kaznivem dejanju ter časa in kraja storitve kaznivega dejanja.
Unless otherwise determined by this Act, the provisions of the Criminal Code governing self-defence, necessity, force and threat, insanity, intent, negligence, mistake of fact and mistake of law, participation in a criminal offence, and time and place of commitment of the criminal offence shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to misdemeanour proceedings.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
Kolikor dovoljujejo zakoni, drugi predpisi in programske usmeritve pogodbenic, se US NRC IN URSJV strinjata, da bosta nadaljevali z izmenjavo naslednjih vrst tehničnih informacij, ki se nanašajo na urejanje varnosti, varovanje jedrskih materialov, ravnanje z odpadki in vpliv določenih jedrskih objektov na okolje:
To the extent that the U.S.N.R.C. and the S.N.S.A. are permitted to do so under the laws, regulations, and policy directives of their respective countries, the Parties will continue the exchange of the following types of technical information relating to the regulation of safety, safeguards, waste management, and environmental impact of designated nuclear facilities:
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Kolikor je to potrebno za opravljanje nalog iz člena 3, Europol lahko tudi vzpostavi in vzdržuje odnose s tretjimi državami in tretjimi organi v smislu točk 4, 5, 6 in 7, člena 10(4). Po prejetju mnenja Upravnega odbora, Svet soglasno in v skladu s postopkom iz Naslova VI Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, sestavi pravila, ki urejajo odnose iz prvega stavka.
Insofar as is required for the performance of the tasks described in Article 3, Europol may also establish and maintain relations with third States and third bodies within the meaning of Article 10 (4), points 4, 5, 6 and 7. Having obtained the opinion of the Management Board, the Council, acting unanimously in accordance with the procedure laid down in Title VI of the Treaty on European Union, shall draw up rules governing the relations referred to in the first sentence.
19 Končna redakcija
kolikor je mogoče varujejo prvotno kakovost masla,
safeguard the original quality of the butter as far as possible,
20 Končna redakcija
kolikor je mogoče smotrno zagotavljajo skladiščenje.
ensure storage as rationally as possible.
21 Končna redakcija
Kolikor več je ekstremnega in ekstremizmov (kar je schmittovsko razumljeno, kot kolikor je več politike), toliko varnejši (bolj nepolitičen je) center.
The more extremism and the greater extremes (or, in Schmitt's view, the more politics), the safer (more non-political) is the center.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Kolikor je to mogoče, se podatki iz točke (a) prvega pododstavka razčlenijo po:
As far as possible, the data referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph shall be broken down by:
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
Kolikor je treba in kolikor je to mogoče, se ukrepi, ki se financirajo na podlagi te uredbe, povezujejo z ukrepi, ki so namenjeni krepitvi demokracije, človekovih pravic in pravne države.
If necessary, and as far as possible, the actions financed under this Regulation shall be associated with measures aimed at strengthening democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
24 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
Kolikor je največ mogoče je treba dati prednost zamisli o lastninski pravici končnega upravičenca.
The ultimate beneficiary ownership is the concept preferred which should as far as possible be followed.
25 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 07-04-19
kolikor je mogoče natančne in celovite navedbe o fizičnih ali pravnih osebah, na katere se zaprosilo nanaša,
indications as exact and comprehensive as possible on the natural or legal persons, to which the request relates;
26 Končna redakcija
Kolikor je mogoče, je treba podatke poslati v elektronski obliki (na primer kot priponka k elektronski pošti).
As far as is possible, the data should be transmitted in an electronic format (for example as an e-mail attachment).
27 Končna redakcija
Kolikor več je dogodkov v nekem tednu, toliko manj je neposredne produkcije seksizma, šovinizma in rasizma... 'na suho'.
The more events during the week, the less direct production of sexism, chauvinism, racism and so forth just for the sake of it.
28 Končna redakcija
Kolikor niso v tej pogodbi določene izjeme, se cene oblikujejo kot rezultat uravnavanja ponudbe in povpraševanja v skladu s členom 60;
Save where exceptions are provided for in this Treaty, prices shall be determined as a result of balancing supply against demand as provided in Article 60;
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Kolikor ta uredba ne predvideva drugače, se uporabljajo carinske stopnje iz skupne carinske tarife za proizvode, naštete v členu 1(2).
Unless this Regulation provides otherwise, the rates of duty in the Common Custom Tariff shall apply to the products listed in Article 1(2).
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Kolikor je to potrebno za tako ocenjevanje, mora urejati načrtovanje, proizvodnjo in delovanje te premične tlačne opreme ter vsebovati:
It must, as far as is relevant for such assessment, cover the design, manufacture and operation of the transportable pressure equipment and contain:
31 Končna redakcija
Kolikor je možno in ustrezno ter brez poseganja v določbe tega člena naloži ECB nacionalnim centralnim bankam opravljanje poslov, ki so sestavni del nalog ESCB.
To the extent deemed possible and appropriate and without prejudice to the provisions of this Article, the ECB shall have recourse to the national central banks to carry out operations which form part of the tasks of the ESCB.
32 Končna redakcija
Kolikor je potrebno, pripravijo tudi uskladitev pravil, ki urejajo nekatere vidike zakonodaje o tujcih glede državljanov držav, ki niso članice Evropskih skupnosti.
In so far as is necessary, they shall also prepare the harmonisation of their rules governing certain aspects of the law on aliens in regard to nationals of States that are not members of the European Communities.
33 Končna redakcija
Kolikor takšni sporazumi niso združljivi s to pogodbo, država članica ali države članice, ki jih to zadeva, ustrezno ukrepajo, da bi odpravile ugotovljeno nezdružljivost.
To the extent that such agreements are not compatible with this Treaty, the Member State or States concerned shall take all appropriate steps to eliminate the incompatibilities established.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Kolikor se to določilo ne upošteva, nobeno od vin, pridelanih iz grozdja, potrganega v teh vinogradih in na vinogradniških parcelah, ne sme nositi oznake kakovostno vino pdpo.
Where this provision is not observed, none of the wines obtained from grapes harvested within the vineyard or vineyard plot shall be entitled to the designation "quality wine psr".
35 Končna redakcija
Kolikor določbe iz te priloge vsebujejo sklice na določbe drugih konvencij, se ti sklici nadomestijo s sklici na ustrezne določbe te uredbe, razen če že ta priloga ne vsebuje določb teh konvencij.
In so far as the provisions contained in this Annex provide for references to the provisions of other conventions, references shall be replaced by references to the corresponding provisons of this Regulation, unless the provisions of the conventions in question are themselves contained in this Annex.
36 Končna redakcija
Kolikor država članica koristi to odstopanje, ne sme sprejemati predpisov v zvezi s pogoji ribolova v omenjenih vodah, ki bi bili manj omejevalni od tistih, ki se v praksi uporabljajo v času pristopa.
Member States may not, in so far as they avail themselves of this derogation, adopt provisions dealing with conditions for fishing in those waters which are less restrictive than those applied in practice at the time of accession.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Kolikor je to potrebno za podporo trga z namiznimi vini, se lahko sprejmejo intervencijski ukrepi za proizvode, navedene v členu 1(2)(b), razen namiznega vina, v skladu s postopkom, določenim v členu 75.
To the extent necessary to support the market in table wines, interventions measures may be adopted in respect of the products listed in Article 1(2)(b) other than table wine in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 75.
38 Končna redakcija
Kolikor pa se tiče poslovnosti, življenja, ki ga Eliza v resnici živi popolnoma ločljivo od življenja v sanjah in fantaziranju, ima rada Freddyja in polkovnika; in nima rada Higginsa in gospoda Doolittla.
But when it comes to business, to the life that she really leads as distinguished from the life of dreams and fancies, she likes Freddy and she likes the Colonel; and she does not like Higgins and Mr Doolittle.
39 Končna redakcija
Kolikor ta zakon nima posebnih določb za volitve poslancev italijanske oziroma madžarske narodne skupnosti, se za te volitve smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, ki veljajo za volitve drugih poslancev.
If no specific provisions are made in this Act, the election of deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities shall be regulated by the provisions of this Act applying to the elections of other deputies.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Kolikor to ni drugače določeno, se lahko samo grozdje, ki izvira iz sort, naštetih v razvrstitvi v skladu s členom 19 kot sorte vinske trte ali proizvodi, ki iz njih izvirajo, uporablja v Skupnosti za proizvodnjo:
Except where otherwise decided, only grapes belonging to varieties listed in the classification established in accordance with Article 19 as wine grape varieties, or products derived therefrom, may be used in the Community for the manufacture of:
41 Končna redakcija
Kolikor je to predvideno v tej pogodbi, Evropski parlament sodeluje v procesu sprejemanja aktov Skupnosti z izvajanjem svojih pristojnosti v skladu s postopki iz členov 251 in 252 ter z dajanjem privolitve ali svetovalnih mnenj.
Insofar as provided in this Treaty, the European Parliament shall participate in the process leading up to the adoption of Community acts by exercising its powers under the procedures laid down in Articles 251 and 252 and by giving its assent or delivering advisory opinions.
42 Končna redakcija
Kolikor je to predvideno v tej pogodbi, Evropski parlament sodeluje v procesu sprejemanja aktov Skupnosti z izvajanjem svojih pristojnosti v skladu s postopki iz členov 189b in 189c ter z dajanjem privolitve ali svetovalnih mnenj.
In so far as provided in this Treaty, the European Parliament shall participate in the process leading up to the adoption of Community acts by exercising its powers under the procedures laid down in Articles 189b and 189c and by giving its assent or delivering advisory opinions.
43 Končna redakcija
kolikor se te omejitve uporabe ne uporabljajo za vse uporabnike, vključno s TO kot uporabniki, lahko povzročijo diskriminacijo nasproti določenim uporabnikom, kar jih postavlja v konkurenčno neugodnejši položaj (člen 86(c)),
-to the extent that these usage restrictions are not applied to all users, including the TOs themselves as users, they may result in discrimination against certain users, placing them at a competitive disadvantage (Article 86 (c)),
44 Končna redakcija
kolikor se z njimi rezervira izbira že vzpostavljenih smeri za TO in se ta izbira nanaša na določeno zmogljivost, lahko omejujejo uporabo drugih zmogljivosti in s tem izvajanje morebitnih storitev na škodo tehnološkega napredka.
(ii)to the extent that they reserve the choice of routes already set up to the TOs, and this choice concerns one determined facility, they could limit the use of other facilities and thus services provision possibly to the detriment of technological progress.
45 Končna redakcija
Kolikor države članice potrebujejo surovine za izdelavo proizvodov za izvoz iz Skupnosti, ki konkurirajo proizvodom tretjih držav, zgornji sporazumi ali pogodbe ne smejo ovirati uvoza za ta namen potrebnih surovin iz tretjih držav.
To the extent that Member States require raw materials for the manufacture of products to be exported outside the Community in competition with products of third countries, the above agreements or contracts shall not form an obstacle to the importation of raw materials for this purpose from third countries.
46 Končna redakcija
kolikor je mogoče, glede podatkov o zavarovanju vozila, kakršni so običajno navedeni na zeleni karti, ki jih ima oseba, ki ima vozilo, v obsegu, v kakršnem te podatke zahteva država članica, na ozemlju katere to vozilo običajno je.
in so far as is possible, as to the details of the insurance of the vehicle, as they normally appear on the green card, which are in the possession of the person having custody of the vehicle, to the extent that these details are required by the Member State in whose territory the vehicle is normally based.
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Kolikor je to potrebno za ustrezno delovanje skupne ureditve trga za vino, lahko Svet na predlog Komisije s kvalificirano večino v posebnih primerih v celoti ali deloma prepove uporabo postopka aktivnega oplemenitenja za proizvode v skladu s členom 1.
To the extent necessary for the proper working of the common organisation of the market in wine, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal form the Commission, may in particular cases prohibit the use of inward-processing arrangements wholly or partially in respect of the products listed in Article 1.
48 Končna redakcija
kolikor usklajujejo izbiro TO glede smeri, ki jih je treba vzpostaviti v mednarodnih storitvah, lahko omejujejo konkurenco med TO kot dobavitelji uporabniških telekomunikacijskih vozlišč na področju naložb in proizvodnje, z možnim vplivom na tarife.
to the extent that they coordinate the TOs' choice of the routes to be set up in international services, they may limit competition between TOs as suppliers to users' communications hubs, in terms of investments and production, with a possible effect on tariffs.
49 Končna redakcija
Kolikor je potrebno za pravilno delovan je skupne ureditve trga za goveje in telečje meso, lahko v posebnih primerih Svet s kvalificirano večino na predlog Komisije v celoti ali delno prepove uporabo aktivnega in pasivnega oplemenitenja za proizvode iz člena 1.
To the extent necessary for the proper working of the common organisation of the market in beef and veal, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, on a proposal from the Commission, may, in special cases, prohibit in whole or in part the use of inward or outward processing arrangements in respect of products listed in Article 1.
50 Končna redakcija
Kolikor sporazumi med eno ali več novimi državami članicami na eni strani in eno ali več tretjimi državami na drugi strani niso združljivi z obveznostmi, ki izhajajo iz tega akta, nove države članice ukrenejo vse potrebno, da odpravijo ugotovljene neskladnosti.
To the extent that agreements between one or more of the new Member States on the one hand, and one or more third countries on the other, are not compatible with the obligations arising from this Act, the new Member State shall take all appropriate steps to eliminate the incompatibilities established.
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