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kompenzacijska pogodba
1 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
(a) prelevmanov, premij, dopolnilnih ali kompenzacijskih zneskov, dodatnih zneskov ali faktorjev carinskih dajatev po skupni carinski tarifi in drugih dajatev, ki jih določijo ali jih bodo določile institucije Skupnosti za trgovino z državami nečlanicami, carinskih dajatev na proizvode po potekli Pogodbi o Evropski skupnosti za premog in jeklo ter tudi iz prispevkov in drugih dajatev, določenih v okviru skupne ureditve trgov za sladkor;
(a) levies, premiums, additional or compensatory amounts, additional amounts or factors, Common Customs Tariff duties and other duties established or to be established by the institutions of the Communities in respect of trade with non-member countries, customs duties on products under the expired Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community as well as contributions and other duties provided for within the framework of the common organisation of the markets in sugar;
2 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski zneski se določijo na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, določenih za osnovne proizvode, in v skladu s pravili, ki se uporabljajo za izračun nadomestil, določenih v Uredbi (EGS) št. 204/69, ki določa splošne predpise za dodeljevanje izvoznih nadomestil in predpise za določanje zneskov za nekatere kmetijske proizvode, ki se izvažajo kot blago, ki ni zajeto v Prilogo II k Pogodbi.
Compensatory amounts shall be determined on the basis of the compensatory amounts fixed for the basic products and in accordance with the rules applicable for the calculation of the refunds provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 204/69, establishing the general rules concerning the granting of export refunds and the rules for fixing the amounts thereof, with respect to certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty.
3 Končna redakcija
za izvoz tega blaga iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi v Španijo se uporablja kompenzacijski znesek, določen na osnovi kompenzacijskih zneskov za osnovne proizvode in v skladu s pravili, ki se uporabljajo za izračun nadomestil iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3035/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o splošnih pravilih za dodeljevanje izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode v obliki blaga, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi II Pogodbe, ter meril za določitev zneskov takšnih nadomestil za blago iz te uredbe.
A compensatory amount determined on the basis of the compensatory amounts fixed for the basic products and in accordance with the rules applicable for the calculation of the refunds provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3035/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down general rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds, shall, for the goods covered by this Regulation, be applied on exportation of those goods from the Community as at present constituted into Spain.
4 Končna redakcija
kompenzacijski znesek, določen na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, določenih za osnovne proizvode in v skladu s predpisi, ki se uporabljajo za izračun nadomestil, predvidenih v Uredbi (EGS) št. 2682/72 o določitvi splošnih predpisov za dodeljevanje izvoznih nadomestil za določene kmetijske proizvode, izvažane v obliki blaga, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi II k Pogodbi, ter meril za določitev zneska takšnih nadomestil, se uporablja pri izvozu blaga, zajetega v tej uredbi, razen za albumine, iz Skupnosti v Grčijo,
a compensatory amount determined on the basis of the compensatory amounts fixed for the basic products and in accordance with the rules applicable for the calculation of the refunds provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2682/72 laying down the general rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds shall for the goods covered by this Regulation with the exception of albumins be applied on exportation of those goods from the Community into Greece,
5 Končna redakcija
za izvoz tega blaga iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi na Portugalsko se uporablja kompenzacijski znesek, določen na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov iz člena 240 ali kompenzacijskega mehanizma iz člena 270 za osnovne proizvode in v skladu s pravili, ki se uporabljajo za izračun nadomestil iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3035/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o splošnih pravilih za dodeljevanje izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode v obliki blaga, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi II Pogodbe, ter meril za določitev zneskov takšnih nadomestil za blago iz te uredbe.
A compensatory amount determined on the basis of the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 240 or of the compensatory mechanism referred to in Article 270 fixed for the basic products and in accordance with the rules applicable for the calculation of the refunds provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3035/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down general rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds shall, for the goods covered by this Regulation, be applied on exportation of those goods from the Community as at present constituted into Portugal.
6 Pravna redakcija
Ne glede na odstavek l(b), se drugi pogodbenici ne zagotovi kompenzacijskih prilagoditev, če sprememba obsega pogodbenice po tem naslovu zadeva:
otwithstanding paragraph l(b), no compensatory adjustments shall be provided to the other Party where the modification by a Party of its coverage under this Title concerns:
7 Pravna redakcija
Pri nestandardiziranih pogodbah na obrestno mero v tuji valuti pride do vpliva na povprečno nabavno vrednost pozicije te valute v kompenzacijskem plačilu.
If forward rate agreements in a foreign currency are held, there shall be an effect on the average cost of this currency position in the compensation payment.
8 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor ali pogodbenica izvoznica v 30 dneh od prejetja zadeve ni sprejela sklepa, ki bi odpravil težave, sme pogodbenica uvoznica za uvoženi izdelek obračunati kompenzacijsko dajatev.
If the Joint Committee or the exporting Contracting Party has not taken a decision putting an end to the difficulties within 30 days of the matter being referred, the importing Contracting Party is authorized to levy a compensatory charge on the product imported.
9 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor ali pogodbenica izvoznica v tridesetih dneh od prejetja zadeve ne sprejmeta sklepa, ki bi odpravil težave, sme pogodbenica uvoznica za uvoženi izdelek obračunati kompenzacijsko dajatev.
If the Joint Committee or the exporting Contracting Party has not taken a decision putting an end to the difficulties within thirty days of the matter being referred, the importing Contracting Party is authorized to levy a compensatory charge on the product imported.
10 Pravna redakcija
Če pogodbenici v 60 dneh od zahteve prve pogodbenice za posvetovanja ne dosežeta soglasja, lahko prva pogodbenica opravi ustrezne kompenzacijske prilagoditve svojih obveznosti.
If agreement is not reached within 60 days of the request for consultations made by the first Party, such first Party may make appropriate compensatory adjustments to its obligations.
11 Pravna redakcija
(b) drugi pogodbenici, v 30 dneh po datumu takšnega uradnega obvestila, zagotovi ustrezne kompenzacijske prilagoditve njenega obsega, da ohrani raven obsega, ki je primerljiva s tisto pred spremembo.
(b) provides the other Party, within 30 days following the date of such notification, appropriate compensatory adjustments to its coverage in order to maintain a level of coverage comparable to that existing prior to the modification.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22001D0140
Sistem kompenzacijskih nadomestil za predelane kmetijske proizvode iz Protokola 3 k Sporazumu, ki ni nikoli začel veljati, je treba nadomestiti s preprostejšo ureditvijo, ki temelji na dvostranskih dogovorih med pogodbenicami.
The price compensation arrangements for processed agricultural products in Protocol 3 to the Agreement, which have never entered into force, should be replaced by simpler arrangements based upon the bilateral arrangements between the Contracting Parties.
13 Pravna redakcija
V primeru, da druga pogodbenica meni, da bi lahko predlagana sprememba škodljivo vplivala na njene pravice iz tega sporazuma, lahko predloži Svetu za sodelovanje v presojo in odločanje predlog za kompenzacijske spremembe sporazuma.
In the event that the other Party considers that the proposed amendment could detrimentally impact on its rights in terms of the Agreement, it may submit a proposal for compensatory adjustments of the Agreement to the Cooperation Council for consideration and decision.
14 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v katerikoli ločeni sporazum med pogodbenicama tega sporazuma, Izrael glede svojih kompenzacijskih zahtev in postopkov ter svojih ravni pragov, ne obravnava dobaviteljev, ponudnikov storitev, izdelkov in storitev iz ES manj ugodno kot dobavitelje, ponudnike storitev, izdelke in storitve drugih pogodbenic Sporazuma o javnih naročilih.
Without prejudice to any separate agreement between the Parties to this Agreement, with regard to its offset requirements and procedures and its thresholds' levels, Israel shall treat EC suppliers, service providers, products and services no less favourably than other GPA Parties' suppliers, service providers, products and services.
15 Pravna redakcija
Če se slednja strinja, da je bila predvidena taka obravnava, kot trdi prva pogodbenica, vendar pa izjavi, da taka obravnava ni možna, ker je sodišče ali drugi pristojni organ odločil da zadevnega izdelka ne more razvrstiti na podlagi carinskih zakonov te pogodbenice, tako da bi dopuščali obravnavo, ki je predvidena s to pogodbo, se obe pogodbenici, skupaj s katerimi koli drugimi pogodbenicami, ki imajo pomemben interes, nemudoma začneta nadalje pogajati z namenom, da dosežeta kompenzacijsko prilagoditev;
If the latter agrees that the treatment contemplated was that claimed by the first Contracting Party, but declares that such treatment cannot be accorded because a court or other proper authority has ruled to the effect that the product involved cannot be classified under the tariff laws of such Contracting Party so as to permit the treatment contemplated in this Treaty, the two Contracting Parties, together with any other Contracting Parties substantially interested, shall enter promptly into further negotiations with a view to a compensatory adjustment of the matter;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R1805
Tečaj za izračun denarnih kompenzacijskih zneskov za valutno izravnavo ali kompenzacijskih zneskov za pristop iz odstavka 1 je tečaj, ki velja na dan sklenitve prodajne pogodbe.
The rate to be used to calculate the monetary and accession compensatory amounts referred to in paragraph 1 shall be that applicable on the day on which the contract of sale is concluded.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1866
ker je treba zaradi nadzora nad proizvodnjo škroba kot pogoj za odobritev takšnih kompenzacijskih plačil zahtevati predložitev pogodbe o pridelavi;
whereas, with a view to controlling the production of starch, the granting of such compensatory payments should be conditional on the presentation of a cultivation contract;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1866
"Brez poseganja v določbe prvega pododstavka se kompenzacijsko plačilo izplača samo za količino krompirja, zajeto v pogodbi med pridelovalcem krompirja in proizvajalcem škroba."
'Without prejudice to the provisions of the first subparagraph, the compensatory payment shall be paid only in repect of the quantitiy of potatoes covered by a contract between the potato producer and the starch manufacturer.'
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
Kozmetične obrestne mere so obrestne mere, nižje od ustrezne CIRR, ki uživajo uradno podporo in lahko zajemajo neki kompenzacijski ukrep, kakršen je na primer povečanje pogodbene vrednosti ali kakšna druga uskladitev pogodbe.
Cosmetic interest rates are rates below the relevant CIRR which benefit from official support, and which may involve a compensatory measure including a corresponding increase in the contract value or other contractual adjustment.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R2185
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 2185/87 z dne 23. julija 1987 o vračilu izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode, izvožene v obliki nekaterega blaga, ki ga ne zajema Priloga II k Pogodbi, in o določanju višine pristopnega kompenzacijskega zneska
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 2185/87 of 23 July 1987 on the repayment of export refunds for certain agricultural products exported in the form of certain goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty and the charging of accession compensatory amounts
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1863
"(b) Brez poseganja v točko (a) naj bi se kompenzacijsko plačilo plačalo samo za količino krompirja, ki je predmet pogodbe, sklenjene med pridelovalcem krompirja in podjetjem za proizvodnjo krompirjevega škroba, v okviru kvote, dodeljene takemu podjetju, kakršno je navedeno v členu 2(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1868/94."
'(b) Without prejudice to (a), the compensatory payment shall be paid only in respect of the quantity of potatoes covered by a contract concluded between the potato producer and the undertaking producing potato starch within the limit of the quota allocated to such undertaking, as referred to in Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1868/94.`
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0039
Ukrepi, ki jih sprejme država članica, vključno z ustanovitvijo kompenzacijskega sklada ali s kakršnokoli spremembo v njegovem delovanju oziroma kakršnimkoli izvajanjem ali plačilom iz sklada, lahko zajemajo pomoč, ki jo dodeli država članica ali se zagotovi iz državnih virov v kakršnikoli obliki v skladu s členom 87(1) Pogodbe, za kar je treba predhodno obvestiti Komisijo v skladu s členom 88(3) Pogodbe.
Measures adopted by a Member State, including the establishment of a compensation fund or any change in its operation or any implementation of, or payment from, it, may involve aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever within the meaning of Article 87(1) of the Treaty necessitating prior notification to the Commission pursuant to Article 88(3) thereof.
23 Prevod
drugi pogodbenici, v 30 dneh po datumu takšnega uradnega obvestila, zagotovi ustrezne kompenzacijske prilagoditve njenega obsega, da ohrani raven obsega, ki je primerljiva s tisto pred spremembo.
provides the other Party, within 30 days following the date of such notification, appropriate compensatory adjustments to its coverage in order to maintain a level of coverage comparable to that existing prior to the modification.
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kompenzacijska pogodba