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končna bilanca
1 Pravna redakcija
Končna bilanca stanja
Closing balance sheet
2 Pravna redakcija
končna bilanca stanja (IV.
closing balance sheet (IV.
3 Pravna redakcija
Končna bilanca stanja (IV.
Closing balance sheet (IV.
4 Pravna redakcija
Končna bilanca stanja prikazuje vrednosti sredstev in obveznosti, ki so v posesti enot na koncu obračunskega obdobja.
The closing balance sheet records the value of assets and liabilities held by units at the end of the accounting period.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
Po zadnjem izplačilu po tem sporazumu Slovenija predloži Švici končno poročilo, v katerem je ocenjeno doseganje cilja tega sporazuma, in končno bilanco stanja porabe prispevka, ki temelji na finančnih revizijah projektov.
Upon the final disbursement under this Agreement, Slovenia shall submit to Switzerland a final report assessing the accomplishment of the objective of this Agreement and a final financial statement on the use of the Contribution, based on the financial audits of the Projects.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Končni dobiček ali izguba se vključi v bilanco za tekoče leto.
The final gain or loss shall be included in the balance for the year.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Odločitev o razrešnici zajema obračune vseh prihodkov in odhodkov Skupnosti, končno bilanco ter sredstva in obveznosti Skupnosti, prikazane v bilanci stanja.
The discharge decision shall cover the accounts of all the Communities' revenue and expenditure, the resulting balance and the assets and liabilities of the Communities shown in the balance sheet.
8 Pravna redakcija
Nato končna bilanca stanja v vrstici prikazuje začetno stanje obveznosti v celici (12,10), oba elementa sprememb obveznosti v celicah (12,7) in (12,9) ter končno neto vrednost (10951) v celici (12,13).
Then, the closing balance sheet presents in the row the opening stock of liabilities (cell 12, 10), both components of changes in liabilities (cells 12, 7 and 12, 9), and the closing net worth (10951), see cell (12, 13).
9 Pravna redakcija
V letno bilanco se vključi samo končni dobiček oziroma izguba.
Only the final gain or loss shall be included in the balance for the year.
10 Pravna redakcija
izbris računa drugih sprememb sredstev, začetne bilance stanja, računa sprememb bilance stanja, končne bilance stanja in računa neto vrednosti, in sicer za celotno gospodarstvo in tujino, ter izbris zunanjega finančnega računa;
deleting the other changes in assets account, the opening balance sheet, the changes in balance sheets account, the closing balance sheet and the net worth account, both for the total economy and for the rest of the world, and deleting the external financial account;
11 Pravna redakcija
Vrednost sredstva ali obveznosti v končni bilanci stanja je enaka vsoti njene vrednosti v začetni bilanci stanja in zneska, prikazanega za omenjeno postavko v računu sprememb bilance stanja.
The value of an asset or liability in the closing balance sheets is equal to the sum of its value in the opening balance sheets and the amount recorded for the said item in the changes in balance sheet account.
12 Pravna redakcija
To pomeni, da je kupčeva cena blaga v leasingu del leasingojemalčevih izdatkov za končno potrošnjo (P.3) na začetku obdobja leasinga in da se blago prikaže samo kot trajno potrošno blago v opombah k njegovi bilanci stanja.
This means that the purchaser's price of the leased good is part of the lessee's final consumption expenditure (P. 3) at the beginning of the leasing period and that the good appears only as a consumer durable in the memorandum item to his balance sheet.
13 Pravna redakcija
za kreditne in druge finančne institucije, kar zadeva člen 1(2) in (3), vsota naslednjih prihodkovnih postavk, opredeljenih v Direktivi Sveta 86/635/EGS z dne 8. decembra 1986 o končnih računih in konsolidiranih bilancah bank in drugih finančnih institucij(*), kjer je to primerno, po odbitku davka na dodano vrednost in drugih davkov, ki neposredno veljajo za te postavke:
for credit institutions and other financial institutions, as regards Article 1 (2) and (3), the sum of the following income items as defined in Council Directive 86/635/EEC of 8 December 1986 on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions (*), after deduction of value added tax and other taxes directly related to those items, where appropriate:
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Končni tečaj je dnevni tečaj na dan bilance stanja.
Closing rate is the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
sredstva in obveznosti za vse predstavljene bilance stanja (t.j. vključno s primerjalnimi) je treba pretvoriti po končnem tečaju na dan vsake predstavljene bilance stanja;
assets and liabilities for all balance sheets presented (i.e. including comparatives) should be translated at the closing rate existing at the date of each balance sheet presented;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
sredstva, dolgovi in kapitalske postavke za vse predstavljene bilance stanja (t.j. vključno s primerjalnimi) je treba prevesti po končnem tečaju na dan najnovejše predstavljene bilance stanja;
assets, liabilities and equity items for all balance sheets presented (i.e. including comparatives) should be translated at the closing rate existing at the date of the most recent balance sheet presented;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2700
naslov spremembe v zalogi končnih proizvodov in nedokončane proizvodnje se uporabi pri izračunu vrednosti proizvodnje (12 12 0) in drugih agregatov in bilanc,
Change in stocks of finished goods and work in progress is used in the calculation of Production value (12 12 0) and other aggregates and balances,
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
Sklep o razrešitvi zajema obračune vseh prihodkov in odhodkov organa Skupnosti, končno bilanco ter sredstva in obveznosti organa Skupnosti, prikazane v finančnem izkazu.
The discharge decision shall cover the accounts of all the revenue and expenditure of the Community body, the resulting balance and the assets and liabilities of the Community body shown in the financial statement.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
kapitalske postavke, razen čistega poslovnega izida obdobja, ki so vključene v bilanco nabranega poslovnega izida, je treba pretvoriti po končnem tečaju na dan vsake predstavljene bilance stanja;
equity items other than the net profit or loss for the period that is included in the balance of accumulated profit or loss should be translated at the closing rate existing at the date of each balance sheet presented;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Če je znesek zaslužka v vsakem letu službovanja v stalnem razmerju s končno plačo, vpliva povečanje plač v prihodnosti na znesek, s katerim je treba poravnati obvezo za službovanje pred datumom bilance stanja, toda ne ustvarja dodatne obveze.
Where the amount of a benefit is a constant proportion of final salary for each year of service, future salary increases will affect the amount required to settle the obligation that exists for service before the balance sheet date, but do not create an additional obligation.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0076
Upravljavec izračuna ustrezne masne bilance, da določi vrednosti emisij na končnem iztoku, ki se lahko pripišejo odpadni vodi, nastali pri čiščenju odpadnih plinov, zato da preveri skladnost z mejnimi vrednostmi emisij iz Priloge IV za iztok odpadne vode iz procesa čiščenja odpadnega plina.
The operator shall take appropriate mass balance calculations in order to determine the emission levels in the final waste water discharge that can be attributed to the waste water arising from the cleaning of exhaust gases in order to check compliance with the emission limit values set out in Annex IV for the waste water stream from the exhaust gas cleaning process.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0226
ker morajo zaradi preglednosti med državami članicami ter za nadzor in pravilno izvajanje dodatnih plačil po Uredbi (ES) št. 2443/96 države članice obvestiti Komisijo o uporabljenem modelu podpor in nacionalnih izvedbenih določbah, ki jih uporabijo za izvedbo ukrepov navedene uredbe, ter o končni bilanci stanja;
Whereas for the sake of transparency between Member States, and the monitoring and proper administration of the additional payments provided for in Regulation (EC) No 2443/96 the Member States should inform the Commission of the grant model used and the national detailed rules of application for implementing the measures provided for in that Regulation and of the final balance;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Kadar so računovodski izkazi predstavljeni v drugi valuti in ne v meritveni valuti, določeni po SOP-19, in je meritvena valuta valuta hiperinflacijskega gospodarstva, mora podjetje poleg razkritij, ki jih zahteva MRS 29.39, razkriti tudi končne menjalne tečaje med meritveno valuto in predstavitveno valuto na dan vsake predstavljene bilance stanja.
When financial statements are presented in a currency other than the measurement currency determined under SIC-19, and the measurement currency is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy, an enterprise should disclose the closing exchange rates between the measurement currency and the presentation currency existing at the date of each balance sheet presented, in addition to the disclosures required by IAS 29.39.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R1310
za kreditne in druge finančne institucije, kar zadeva člen 1(2) in (3), vsota naslednjih prihodkovnih postavk, opredeljenih v Direktivi Sveta 86/635/EGS z dne 8. decembra 1986 o končnih računih in konsolidiranih bilancah bank in drugih finančnih institucij [5], kjer je to primerno, po odbitku davka na dodano vrednost in drugih davkov, ki neposredno veljajo za te postavke:
for credit institutions and other financial institutions, as regards Article 1 (2) and (3), the sum of the following income items as defined in Council Directive 86/635/EEC of 8 December 1986 on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions (5), after deduction of value added tax and other taxes directly related to those items, where appropriate:
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0076
Če ta zunanja čistilna naprava ni namenjena le čiščenju odpadne vode iz sežiganja, upravljavec izračuna ustrezne masne bilance, kot je predvideno v odstavkih 4(a), (b) in (c), da določi vrednosti emisij na končnem iztoku, ki se lahko pripišejo odpadni vodi, nastali pri čiščenju odpadnih plinov, zato da preveri skladnost z mejnimi vrednostmi emisij iz Priloge IV za iztok odpadne vode iz procesa čiščenja odpadnih plinov.
If this off-site treatment plant is not only dedicated to treat waste water from incineration, the operator shall take the appropriate mass balance calculations, as provided for under paragraph 4(a), (b) and (c), in order to determine the emission levels in the final waste water discharge that can be attributed to the waste water arising from the cleaning of exhaust gases in order to check compliance with the emission limit values set out in Annex IV for the waste water stream from the exhaust gas cleaning process.
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končna bilanca