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končno vodenje
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
Za namene te uredbe pomeni »predelava in trženje ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva« vse dejavnosti, vključno z vodenjem, obdelavo, proizvodnjo in distribucijo, med časom iztovarjanja ali spravila in fazo končnega proizvoda;
For the purposes of this Regulation, "processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products" means all operations, including handling, treatment, production and distribution, between the time of landing or harvesting and the end-product stage;
2 Pravna redakcija
obvezno vodenje evidenc po členu 10(2)(c), kadar so proizvodi, ki vsebujejo markerje, vdelani v končne proizvode;
an obligation to keep records as referred to in Article 10 (2) (c) where products containing tracers are incorporated into final products;
3 Pravna redakcija
ker so zanesljivi in redni podatki o uporabi masla, smetane in koncentriranega masla v vmesnih in končnih proizvodih, o uporabnikih in blagovnih tokovih bistvenega pomena za pravilno vodenje sheme pomoči;
Whereas reliable and regular data on the utilization of butter, cream and concentrated butter in intermediate and final products and on users and trade flows are essential for the proper management of the aid scheme;
4 Pravna redakcija
ob neizpolnitvi obvez, zlasti glede kakovosti končnega proizvoda, vključno s proizvodom, odstranjenim pri sortiranju ali vodenju podrobnega popisa, je kazen enaka znesku pomoči, ki ustreza količini, predelani med tekočim tržnim letom.
in the case of failure to fulfil commitments, in particular concerning the quality of the finished product, including the product eliminated by sorting and/or the keeping of detailed accounts, the penalty shall be equivalent to the amount of aid corresponding to the quantities processed during the marketing year concerned.
5 Pravna redakcija
Raziskovanja se zlasti načrtujejo za področja politik globalizacije, notranje in zunanje organiziranosti podjetja (in bolj na splošno proizvodnega sistema), pa tudi sodelovanja med podjetji, duha podjetništva in vodenja, povpraševanja in končno zaposlovanja in človeških virov.
These developments are in particular planned for the areas globalisation, internal and external organisation of businesses (and more generally, the production system) as well as cooperation between businesses, the spirit of enterprise and governance, demand, and finally employment and human resources.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
je urad imel možnost, da nadzira vodenje preskušanja, in - kadar končno poročilo ni takoj dosegljivo, se uradu predloži vmesna poročila o vsakem obdobju rasti, preden se predloži poročilo o preskušanju.
the Office has had the opportunity to monitor the conduct of the technical examination concerned, and - where the final report is not immediately available, the interim reports on each growing period are submitted to the Office prior to the examination report.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
Mednarodni usmerjevalni odbor za študijo izvedljivosti je v svojem končnem poročilu priporočil začetek programa IPS in predlagal strukturo vodenja, tehnične teme in določbe v zvezi s pravicami intelektualne lastnine.
The International Steering Committee for the feasibility study in its final report recommended the commencement of the IMS programme and proposed a management structure, technical themes, and intellectual property rights provisions for it.
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končno vodenje