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kot dober gospodar
1 Pravna redakcija
Zavarovalec je upravičen do odškodnine na koncu čakalnega roka, opredeljenega v točki 24, če so izpolnjeni pogoji za izpolnitev zavarovanja in odškodnine, če je zahtevek pravno veljaven in je zavarovalec obravnaval tveganje kot dober gospodar.
The policyholder is entitled to indemnification at the end of the claim waiting period as defined in point 24, provided that the conditions precedent to the insurance and the indemnification have been fulfilled, the claim is legally valid, and the policyholder has managed the risk with due diligence.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Če bi gospodarska družba opremo uvrstila kot kalupe tudi za računovodske namene, obstoječe amortizacijske dobe za stroje, tj. 13 let, ne bi bilo mogoče uporabiti.
If the company had classified the assets as moulds also for accounting purposes, the existing period of depreciation for machines, i.e. 13 years, could not have been applied.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0022
dela z dolžno skrbnostjo, kot dober gospodar in kot dober strokovnjak, v najboljšo korist svojih strank in integritete trga,
acts with due skill, care and diligence, in the best interests of its clients and the integrity of the market,
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Toda sprememba ocenjene dobe koristnosti ali pričakovanega vzorca uporabe gospodarskih koristi amortizirljivega sredstva vpliva na obračunano amortizacijo tako v tekočem obdobju kot tudi v vsakem obdobju v preostali dobi koristnosti sredstva.
However, a change in the estimated useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of economic benefits of a depreciable asset affects the depreciation expense in the current period and in each period during the remaining useful life of the asset.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
trajanje izkoriščanja je v določenem razmerju do gospodarske življenjske dobe rudarskega projekta, upoštevajoč take dejavnike, kot so izčrpavanje rude, koristna življenjska doba rudarske opreme in sredstev za predelavo ter gospodarsko rentabilnost.
the duration of exploitation should be related to the economic life of the mining project, taking into consideration such factors as the depletion of the ore, the useful life of mining equipment and processing facilities and commercial viability.
6 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Upnik mora nepremičnino upravljati v imenu in na račun dolžnika kot dober gospodar in dati sodišču na njegovo zahtevo obračun o upravljanju.
The creditor shall administer the immovable property with good and reasonable care in the name and on behalf of the debtor, and shall produce, at the request of the court, a statement on administration.
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kot dober gospodar