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kraj glavne obravnave
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Kraj glavne obravnave
Place of trial
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
zaradi bistvenih kršitev določb postopka v upravnem sporu, razen če se kršitev nanaša na krajevno pristojnost, obveznost glavne obravnave in izključitev javnosti glavne obravnave;
due to essential violations of procedural provisions in an administrative dispute, unless the violation concerns territorial jurisdiction, the obligation of the main hearing, and the exclusion of the public from the main hearing;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se opravi nov narok pred istim senatom, se glavna obravnava nadaljuje in predsednik senata pove na kratko potek prejšnjih narokov;
If the composition of the panel remains the same, the main hearing shall be continued and the presiding judge shall give a brief description of the course of the previous session;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Glavna dejavnost centra je obravnava vlog za letališke tranzitne vizume (vizumi A), tranzitne vizume (vizumi B) in vizume za kratkoročno bivanje (vizumi C).
The main activity of the Centre is the processing of applications for airport transit visas (visas A), transit visas (visas B) and short-stay visas (visas C).
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Sodišče se lahko izreče za krajevno nepristojno na ugovor tožene stranke, ki ga lahko ta poda najkasneje v odgovoru na tožbo, do razpisa glavne obravnave.
Until the appointment of the main hearing, the court may declare the lack of territorial jurisdiction upon a jurisdictional plea by the defendant, provided that the such plea is not filed later than along with his defence plea.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Družbe ali podjetja, ustanovljena v skladu z zakonodajo posamezne države članice, ki imajo statutarni sedež, glavno upravo ali glavni kraj poslovanja v Uniji, se v tem pododdelku obravnavajo enako kakor fizične osebe, ki so državljani držav članic.
Companies or firms formed in accordance with the law of a Member State and having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the Union shall, for the purposes of this Subsection, be treated in the same way as natural persons who are nationals of Member States.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Družbe ali podjetja, ustanovljena v skladu z zakonodajo posamezne države članice ES ali države Efte, ki imajo registrirani sedež, glavno upravo ali glavni kraj poslovanja na ozemlju pogodbenice, se v tem poglavju obravnavajo enako kakor fizične osebe, ki so državljani držav članic ES ali držav Efte.
Companies or firms formed in accordance with the law of an EC Member State or an EFTA State and having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the territory of the Contracting Parties shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, be treated in the same way as natural persons who are nationals of EC Member States or EFTA States.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
upoštevajoč, da je eden izmed glavnih namenov izmenjave not med Vlado Združenega kraljestva in Vlado Republike Ciper o upravi suverenih con z dne 16. avgusta 1960 in priložene izjave Združenega kraljestva zavarovanje interesov oseb, ki prebivajo ali delajo v suverenih conah, in ob ugotovitvi, da morajo imeti omenjene osebe tako v možnem obsegu isto obravnavanje kot tiste, ki prebivajo ali delajo v Republiki Ciper,
Noting the Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus concerning the administration of the Sovereign Base Areas, dated 16 August 1960, and the attached Declaration by the United Kingdom Government that one of the main objects to be achieved is the protection of the interests of those resident or working in the Sovereign Base Areas, and considering in this context that the said persons should have, to the extent possible, the same treatment as those resident or working in the Republic of Cyprus;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
zaradi bistvene kršitve določb pravdnega postopka iz drugega odstavka 339. člena tega zakona, razen če se kršitev nanaša na krajevno pristojnost (4. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena) ali na pristojnost arbitraže (5. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je sodnik sodišča prve stopnje izdal sodbo brez glavne obravnave, čeprav bi jo moral opraviti (10. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je bilo odločeno o zahtevku, o katerem že teče pravda (12. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena) ali če je bila v nasprotju z zakonom izključena javnost glavne obravnave (13. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena);
on the ground of severe violation of civil procedure provisions referred to in the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act, except if violation relates to the territorial jurisdiction (clause 4 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act) or to arbitration agreement (clause 5 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if the judge of the court of first instance has rendered a judgment without a prior hearing of the case (clause 10 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), if the court has decided upon a claim pending some other action (clause 12 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if the public has been wrongfully excluded from the main hearing (clause 13 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act);
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
Tožbo za odškodnino, ki jo obravnava 45. člen, je treba po izbiri tožnika vložiti na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic bodisi na sodišču, na katerem se lahko vloži tožba proti pogodbenemu prevozniku, kot določa 33. člen te konvencije, ali na sodišču, ki je pristojno v kraju, v katerem dejanski prevoznik običajno prebiva ali ima svoj glavni sedež podjetja.
Any action for damages contemplated in Article 45 must be brought, at the option of the plaintiff, in the territory of one of the States Parties, either before a court in which an action may be brought against the contracting carrier, as provided in Article 33, or before the court having jurisdiction at the place where the actual carrier has its domicile or its principal place of business.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
zaradi bistvenih kršitev določb pravdnega postopka iz prvega in drugega odstavka 339. člena tega zakona, razen če se kršitev nanaša na krajevno pristojnost (4. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena) ali na pristojnost arbitraže (5. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je sodišče prve stopnje izdalo sodbo brez glavne obravnave, moralo pa bi opraviti glavno obravnavo (10. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je bilo odločeno o zahtevku, o katerem že teče pravda (12. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), ali če je bila v nasprotju z zakonom izključena javnost glavne obravnave (13. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena);
on the ground of severe violation of civil procedure provisions referred to in the first and second paragraphs of article 339 of the present Act, except if violation relates to the territorial jurisdiction (clause 4 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act) or to arbitration agreement (clause 5 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if without having heard the parties the judge of the court of first instance has rendered a judgment which should have been rendered following the main hearing (clause 10 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), if the court has decided upon a claim pending some other action (clause 12 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if the public has been wrongfully excluded from the main hearing (clause 13 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act);
12 Končna redakcija
Družbe ali podjetja, ustanovljena v skladu z zakonodajo posamezne države članice, ki imajo statutarni sedež, glavno upravo ali glavni kraj poslovanja v Skupnosti, se v tem poglavju obravnavajo enako kakor fizične osebe, ki so državljani držav članic.
Companies or firms formed in accordance with the law of a Member State and having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the Community shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, be treated in the same way as natural persons who are nationals of Member States.
13 Končna redakcija
UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da je eden izmed glavnih namenov izmenjave not med Vlado Združenega kraljestva in Vlado Republike Ciper o upravi suverenih con z dne 16. avgusta 1960 in priložene izjave Združenega kraljestva zavarovanje interesov oseb, ki prebivajo ali delajo v suverenih conah, in ob ugotovitvi, da morajo imeti omenjene osebe tako v možnem obsegu isto obravnavanje kot tiste, ki prebivajo ali delajo v Republiki Ciper,
NOTING the Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus concerning the administration of the Sovereign Base Areas, dated 16 August 1960, and the attached Declaration by the United Kingdom Government that one of the main objects to be achieved is the protection of the interests of those resident or working in the Sovereign Base Areas, and considering in this context that the said persons should have, to the extent possible, the same treatment as those resident or working in the Republic of Cyprus,
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0107
vsi kraji poslovanja, ki jih v isti državi članici vzpostavi družba za upravljanje, ki ima glavni sedež v drugi državi članici, se obravnavajo kot ena podružnica;
all the places of business set up in the same Member State by a management company with headquarters in another Member State shall be regarded as a single branch;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0014
V svoji Zeleni knjigi "Prihodnja politika glede hrupa" je Komisija obravnavala hrup v okolju kot enega izmed glavnih krajevnih okoljskih problemov v Evropi in oznanila svoj namen, da predlaga okvirno direktivo za nadzor nad emisijo hrupa opreme, ki se uporablja na prostem.
In its Green Paper "Future Noise Policy", the Commission addressed noise in the environment as one of the main local environmental problems in Europe, and announced its intention to propose a framework directive to control noise emission by equipment for use outdoors.
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kraj glavne obravnave