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kraj zaposlitve
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0455
Kraj zaposlitve
Place of employment
2 Pravna redakcija
Kraj zaposlitve je kraj, kjer se nahaja služba, ki ji je dodeljen.
The place of employment shall be the place in which the department to which he is assigned is located.
3 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
(a) ob nastopu službe za pot iz kraja vpoklica v kraj zaposlitve;
(a) on taking up his appointment, from the place where he was recruited to the place where he is employed;
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(c) ob vsaki premestitvi, zaradi katere se spremeni kraj zaposlitve.
(c) on any transfer involving a change in the place where he is employed.
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uslužbencu, čigar kraj zaposlitve je oddaljen najmanj petdeset kilometrov od:
a staff member whose place of employment is at least 50 km from, either:
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Prejšnje določbe se uporabljajo za uslužbence, katerih kraj zaposlitve je na ozemljih držav članic EU.
The preceding provisions shall apply to staff members whose place of employment is within the territories of the EU Member States.
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Če je kraj zaposlitve izven teh ozemelj, se potovalni čas določi s posebno odredbo, ki upošteva posebne potrebe.
If the place of employment is outside these territories, the travelling time shall be fixed by special decision taking into account particular needs.
8 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Nadomestilo za nastanitev v enaki višini se izplača vsakemu uslužbencu, ki je premeščen v nov kraj zaposlitve in mora zaradi zahtev iz člena 22 Kadrovskih predpisov spremeniti kraj prebivanja.
An installation allowance of the same amount shall be paid to any staff member who is transferred to a new place of employment and is thereby obliged to change his place of residence in order to comply with Article 22 of the Staff Regulations.
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Nadomestilo za nastanitev se izračuna glede na zakonski stan uslužbenca in plačo na dan dejanske zaposlitev ali na dan njegove premestitve v nov kraj zaposlitve.
The installation allowance shall be calculated by reference to the staff member's marital status and salary either on the effective date of his establishment or on the date of his transfer to a new place of employment.
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Uslužbenec, ki ima pravico do gospodinjskega dodatka, njegova družina pa se ne preseli v kraj zaposlitve, dobi le polovico nadomestila, do katerega bi bil sicer upravičen;
A staff member who is entitled to the household allowance and does not settle with his family at the place where he is employed shall receive only half the allowance to which he would otherwise be entitled;
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zadnji pogoj se ne upošteva, če v domovini uslužbenca ni takega zavoda ali kadar otrok obiskuje visokošolski zavod v državi, ki ni država, v kateri je uslužbenčev kraj zaposlitve;
the latter condition shall not apply if there is no such establishment in the country of which the staff member is a national or where the child attends a higher education establishment in a country other than that of the staff member's place of employment;
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Nadomestilo za nastanitev se izplača po predložitvi dokumentov, iz katerih je razvidno, da se je uslužbenec s svojo družino, če je upravičen do gospodinjskega dodatka, preselil v kraj zaposlitve.
The installation allowance shall be paid on production of documents establishing the fact that the staff member, together with his family if he is entitled to the household allowance, has settled at the place where he is employed.
13 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Uslužbenec, katerega kraj zaposlitve je zunaj ozemlja držav članic EU, ima v vsakem koledarskem letu pravico do povračila potnih stroškov do matičnega ali drugega kraja v višini, ki ne presega stroškov za pot do matičnega kraja, zase, in če prejema gospodinjski dodatek, za zakonca in druge vzdrževance v smislu člena 2. Če pa zakonec in osebe iz drugega odstavka člena 2(2) ne živijo z uslužbencem v kraju zaposlitve, imajo vsako koledarsko leto pravico do povračila potnih stroškov od matičnega kraja do kraja zaposlitve ali drugega kraja, v višini, ki ne presega stroškov za pot do matičnega kraja.
Staff members whose place of employment is outside the territory of the EU Member States shall be entitled for themselves and, if they are entitled to receive the household allowance, for their spouse and other dependants within the meaning of Article 2, in each calendar year, to repayment of travel expenses to their place of origin, or to repayment of travel expenses to another place not exceeding the expense of travel to the place of origin. However, if the spouse and the persons referred to in Article 2(2) do not live with the staff member at the place of employment, they shall be entitled each calendar year to reimbursement of travel expenses from the place of origin to the place of employment or to another place not exceeding the cost of the former journey.
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166 eurov, če je železniška razdalja med krajem zaposlitve in matičnim krajem med 725 in 1450 km,
EUR 166, if the distance by train between the place of employment and the place of origin is between 725 km and 1450 km,
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331,99 eurov, če je železniška razdalja med krajem zaposlitve in matičnim krajem večja od 1450 km.
EUR 331,99, if the distance by train between the place of employment and the place of origin is greater than 1450 km.
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Pavšalno plačilo temelji na dodatku po kilometru razdalje med uslužbenčevim krajem zaposlitve in krajem vpoklica ali matičnim krajem;
The flat-rate payment shall be based on an allowance per kilometre of distance between the staff member's place of employment and place of recruitment or origin;
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CELEX: 32004D0676
Če želi začasni uslužbenec prebiti dopust zunaj kraja zaposlitve, mora prej dobiti dovoljenje OPSP.
If a member of temporary staff wishes to spend leave elsewhere than at the place where he is employed he shall obtain prior permission from the AACC.
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Ob prenehanju delovnega razmerja ali ob smrti uslužbenca se povrnejo stroški selitve iz kraja zaposlitve v matični kraj.
On termination of service or on the death of a staff member, the expenses incurred in respect of removal from the place where he was employed to his place of origin shall be reimbursed.
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CELEX: 32004D0676
Začasni uslužbenec stanuje v kraju zaposlitve ali v taki oddaljenosti od njega, ki še omogoča neovirano opravljanje dela.
A member of temporary staff shall reside either in the place where he is employed or at no greater distance therefrom as is compatible with the proper performance of his duties.
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CELEX: 32004D0676
Tako določen matični kraj lahko OPSP med službovanjem uslužbenca ali ob prenehanju zaposlitve spremeni s posebnim sklepom.
The place of origin as so determined may by special decision of the AACC be changed while the staff member is in service or when he leaves the service.
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Osnova za izračun povračila je železniška vozovnica prvega razreda za najkrajšo in najbolj cenovno ugodno običajno železniško pot med krajem zaposlitve ali krajem vpoklica ali matičnim krajem.
The basis for calculating the reimbursement shall be the first-class rail fare on the shortest and most economical habitual route by rail between the place of employment and the place of recruitment or origin.
22 Objavljeno
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druga polovica se izplača, ko se njegova družina preseli v kraj njegove zaposlitve, če to stori v roku, določenem v členu 9(3).
the second half shall be paid when his family settles at the place where he is employed, provided that it does so within the periods laid down in Article 9(3).
23 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Člen 8 Priloge V o potnih stroških prevoza od kraja zaposlitve do matičnega kraja se uporablja samo za tiste začasne uslužbence, ki so dopolnili najmanj devet mesecev službe.
Article 8 of Annex V on annual payment of travel expenses from place of employment to place of origin, shall apply only to temporary staff who have completed not less than nine months' service.
24 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Nadomestilo za selitev ob prenehanju zaposlitve se ponderira po stopnji, določeni za kraj, v katerem je bil uslužbenec nazadnje zaposlen.
The resettlement allowance shall be weighted at the rate fixed for the place where the staff member was last employed.
25 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
K trajanju dopusta iz oddelka 1 zgoraj se prišteje potovalni čas, določen glede na trajanje vožnje po železnici med krajem dopusta in krajem zaposlitve, ki se izračuna takole:
To the period of leave provided for in Section 1 shall be added travelling time based on the distance by rail between the place of leave and the place of employment, calculated as follows:
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CELEX: 32004D0676
Če uslužbenca premestijo v kraj, v katerem njegova družina stalno prebiva, preden se je družina preselila v kraj njegove zaposlitve, uslužbenec ni upravičen do nadomestila za nastanitev.
Where the staff member is transferred to the place where his family resides before his family has settled at the place where he is employed, he shall not thereby be entitled to an installation advance.
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(b) ob prenehanju delovnega razmerja v smislu člena 95 Kadrovskih predpisov za pot iz kraja zaposlitve v matični kraj, kot je opredeljen v odstavku 3 tega člena;
(b) on termination of service within the meaning of Article 95 of the Staff Regulations, from the place where he is employed to the place of origin as defined in paragraph 3 of this Article;
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Potni stroški za službena potovanja po železnici se povrnejo ob predložitvi dodatne dokumentacije na podlagi stroškov prevoza v prvem razredu po najkrajši poti med krajem zaposlitve in krajem službenega potovanja.
Travel expenses for missions carried out by rail shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents on the basis of the cost of transport in first class by the shortest route between the place of employment and the place of the mission.
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v enakih pogojih kot v prvi in drugi alinei, osebam, upravičenim do dodatka, ki niso aktivno zaposlene, pri čemer se upošteva kraj prebivanja namesto kraja zaposlitve.
in the same condition as in the first and second indents, persons entitled to the allowance who are not in active service, taking account of the place of residence instead of the place of employment.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-11
(a) zahtevke delavcev za izplačilo plač za predpisano obdobje, ki ne sme biti krajše od zadnjih treh mesecev pred insolventnostjo delodajalca ali pred prenehanjem zaposlitve;
(a) the workers' claims for wages relating to a prescribed period, which shall not be less than three months, prior to the insolvency or prior to the termination of the employment;
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-11
(a) zahtevke delavcev za izplačilo plač za predpisano obdobje, ki ne sme biti krajše od zadnjih osmih tednov pred insolventnostjo delodajalca ali pred prenehanjem zaposlitve;
(a) the workers' claims for wages relating to a prescribed period, which shall not be less than eight weeks, prior to the insolvency or prior to the termination of the employment;
32 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Začasni uslužbenec, zaposlen za čas, ki ni krajši od enega leta, ima, kakor predvideva člen 5 Priloge V, pravico do nadomestila za nastanitev za pričakovano obdobje zaposlitve v višini:
A member of the temporary staff engaged for a period of not less than one year shall receive an installation allowance as provided for in Article 5 of Annex V amounting, for an expected period of service of:
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
a) zahtevke delavcev za plače v predpisanem obdobju, ki ni krajše od treh mesecev po prednostnem sistemu in osem tednov po jamstvenem sistemu, pred plačilno nesposobnostjo ali prenehanjem zaposlitve;
a the workers claims for wages relating to a prescribed period, which shall not be less than three months under a privilege system and eight weeks under a guarantee system, prior to the insolvency or to the termination of employment;
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CELEX: 32004D0676
V obdobju, ko dela s krajšim delovnim časom, uslužbenec ne sme delati preko polnega delovnega časa ali imeti kakršne koli zaposlitve ali dela, razen take, ki je v skladu s členom 16 Kadrovskih predpisov.
During the period of part-time work, the staff member may not work overtime or engage in any gainful activity, other than an activity in accordance with Article 16 of the Staff Regulations.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
Odstotek, določen v razpredelnici, priloženi k XI. delu, se lahko sorazmerno zmanjša, če je zahtevana doba za dajatev, ki ustreza zmanjšanemu odstotku, daljša od pet let plačevanja prispevka ali zaposlitve, vendar krajša od 15 let plačevanja prispevka ali zaposlitve; zmanjšana dajatev se izplača v skladu z določbami drugega odstavka tega člena.
4 A proportional reduction of the percentage indicated in the Schedule appended to Part XI may be effected where the qualifying period for the pension corresponding to the reduced percentage exceeds five years of contribution or employment but is less than 15 years of contribution or employment; a reduced benefit shall be payable in conformity with paragraph 2 of this article.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
Odstotek, določen v razpredelnici, priloženi k XI. delu, se lahko sorazmerno zmanjša, če je zahtevana doba za dajatev, ki ustreza zmanjšanemu odstotku, daljša od pet let plačevanja prispevka ali zaposlitve, vendar krajša od 15 let plačevanja prispevka ali zaposlitve; zmanjšana dajatev se izplača v skladu z določbami drugega odstavka tega člena.
4 A proportional reduction of the percentage indicated in the Schedule appended to Part XI may be effected where the qualifying period for the benefit corresponding to the reduced percentage exceeds five years of contribution or employment but is less than 15 years of contribution or employment; a reduced benefit shall be payable in conformity with paragraph 2 of this article.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-11
(b) zahtevke delavcev za plačilo za dopust, ki izhajajo iz dela, opravljenega v predpisanem obdobju, ki ne sme biti krajše od zadnjih šestih mesecev pred insolventnostjo delodajalca ali prenehanjem zaposlitve;
(b) the workers' claims for holiday pay due as a result of work performed during a prescribed period, which shall not be less than six months, prior to the insolvency or prior to the termination of the employment;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-11
(c) zahtevke delavcev za denarna nadomestila za druge oblike plačane odsotnosti v predpisanem obdobju, ki ne sme biti krajše od zadnjih treh mesecev pred insolventnostjo delodajalca ali pred prenehanjem zaposlitve;
(c) the workers' claims for amounts due in respect of other types of paid absence relating to a prescribed period, which shall not be less than three months, prior to the insolvency or prior to the termination of the employment;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-11
(c) zahtevke delavcev za denarna nadomestila za druge oblike plačane odsotnosti v predpisanem obdobju, ki ne sme biti krajše od zadnjih osmih tednov pred insolventnostjo delodajalca ali pred prenehanjem zaposlitve;
(c) the workers' claims for amounts due in respect of other types of paid absence relating to a prescribed period, which shall not be less than eight weeks, prior to the insolvency or prior to the termination of employment;
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CELEX: 32004D0676
Uslužbencu se vsako koledarsko leto izplača znesek, ki je enak stroškom prevoza od kraja zaposlitve do matičnega kraja, opredeljenega v členu 7, če pa je upravičen do gospodinjskega dodatka, se znesek izplača tudi zakoncu in vzdrževanim družinskim članom v smislu člena 2.
Staff members shall be entitled to be paid in each calendar year a sum equivalent to the cost of travel from the place of employment to the place of origin as defined in Article 7 for themselves and, if they are entitled to the household allowance, for the spouse and dependants within the meaning of Article 2.
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CELEX: 32004D0676
Razen če je sprejeta posebna odločitev, se predujmi ne izplačujejo, če službena pot verjetno ne bo trajala dlje kakor štiriindvajset ur in se opravi v državi, v kateri uporabljajo isto valuto kakor v kraju zaposlitve uslužbenca.
Save where a special decision is taken, no advance shall be payable where the mission is not expected to involve an absence of more than 24 hours and is to be carried out in a country using the same currency as that used in the place where the staff member is employed.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
Odstotek, določen v razpredelnici, priloženi k XI. delu, se lahko sorazmerno zmanjša, če je zahtevana doba za dajatev, ki ustreza zmanjšanemu odstotku, daljša od 10 let plačevanja prispevka ali zaposlitve, vendar krajša od 30 let plačevanja prispevka ali zaposlitve; če je taka zahtevana doba daljša od 15 let, se izplača zmanjšana dajatev v skladu z določbami drugega odstavka tega člena.
4 A proportional reduction of the percentage indicated in the Schedule appended to Part XI may be effected where the qualifying period for the benefit corresponding to the reduced percentage exceeds ten years of contribution or employment but is less than 30 years of contribution or employment; if such qualifying period exceeds 15 years, a reduced benefit shall be payable in conformity with paragraph 2 of this article.
43 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Razen v posebnih primerih, ki se določijo s posebnim sklepom, in predvsem kadar je uslužbenec poklican z dopusta, se povračilo potnih stroškov omeji na stroške najbolj cenovno ugodnega potovanja med krajem zaposlitve in krajem službenega potovanja, ki ne zahteva, da bi uslužbenec znatno podaljšal službeno pot.
Save in special cases, to be determined by special decision and in particular where a staff member is called back from leave, the reimbursement of mission expenses shall be limited to the cost of the most economical journey between the place of employment and the place of mission which does not require the staff member on mission to extend his stay significantly.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-11
se zavedala pomembnosti ustvarjalne in svobodno izbrane zaposlitve za vse delavce, gospodarske pomembnosti dela s krajšim delovnim časom, potrebe, da se v politiki zaposlovanja upošteva vloga dela s krajšim delovnim časom pri pospeševanju dodatnih priložnosti za zaposlitev, potrebe po zagotovitvi varstva delavcev, ki delajo krajši delovni čas, na področjih dostopa do zaposlitve, delovnih pogojev in socialne varnosti ter
Recognizing the importance of productive and freely chosen employment for all workers, the economic importance of part-time work, the need for employment policies to take into account the role of part-time work in facilitating additional employment opportunities, and the need to ensure protection for part-time workers in the areas of access to employment, working conditions and social security, and
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Nadomestilo za selitev ob prenehanju zaposlitve se izplača na podlagi dokaza, da se je uslužbenec z družino ali, če uslužbenec umre, le njegova družina preselila v kraj, ki je najmanj sedemdeset kilometrov oddaljen od kraja, v katerem je bil zaposlen.
The resettlement allowance shall be paid against evidence that the staff member and his family, or, where the staff member has died, his family only, have resettled at a place situated not less than 70 km from the place where the staff member was employed.
46 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
V primeru smrti začasnega uslužbenca, zakonca začasnega uslužbenca, vzdrževanega otroka ali katere koli druge vzdrževane osebe v smislu člena 2 Priloge V, ki je živela v gospodinjstvu začasnega uslužbenca, Agencija povrne stroške, povezane s prevozom posmrtnih ostankov od kraja zaposlitve začasnega uslužbenca do matičnega kraja.
In the event of the death of a member of temporary staff, a member of temporary staff's spouse or dependent child, or any other dependent person within the meaning of Article 2 of Annex V who lived as part of the member of temporary staff's household, the Agency shall reimburse the costs involved in transporting the body from the member of temporary staff's place of employment to his place of origin.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
c) zahtevke delavcev za zneske, ki jim pripadajo za druge vrste plačane odsotnosti in se nanašajo na predpisano obdobje, ki ni krajše od treh mesecev po prednostnem sistemu in osem tednov po jamstvenem sistemu pred plačilno nesposobnostjo ali prenehanjem zaposlitve.
c the workers claims for amounts due in respect of other types of paid absence relating to a prescribed period, which shall not be less than three months under a privilege system and eight weeks under a guarantee system, prior to the insolvency or the termination of the employment.
48 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
Plače, mezde in drugi podobni prejemki, ki jih dobi rezident države pogodbenice iz zaposlitve, ki se izvaja na ladji ali letalu, ki prevaža zaloge ali osebje na kraj ali med kraji, kadar se dejavnosti, povezane z raziskovanjem ali izkoriščanjem morskega dna in podzemlja ter njunih naravnih virov, opravljajo v drugi državi pogodbenici, ali iz zaposlitve, ki se izvaja na vlačilcih ali drugih pomožnih plovilih za take dejavnosti, se lahko obdavčijo v državi pogodbenici, katere rezident je podjetje, ki opravlja take dejavnosti.
Salaries, wages and similar remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment exercised aboard a ship or aircraft engaged in the transportation of supplies or personnel to a location, or between locations, where activities connected with the exploration or exploitation of the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources are being carried on in the other Contracting State, or in respect of an employment exercised aboard tugboats or other vessels operated auxiliary to such activities, may be taxed in the Contracting State of which the enterprise carrying on such activities is a resident.
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(b) uslužbencem, ki so ali so bili državljani države, na ozemlju katere je kraj njihove zaposlitve, vendar so v desetih letih pred datumom začetka svoje službe stalno prebivali zunaj evropskega ozemlja te države zaradi razlogov, ki niso povezani z opravljanjem dela v državni službi ali v službi mednarodne organizacije.
(b) to staff members who are or have been nationals of the State in whose territory the place where they are employed is situated but who during the 10 years ending at the date of their entering the service habitually resided outside the European territory of that State for reasons other than the performance of duties in the service of a State or of an international organisation.
50 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
uslužbencu, ki dela v kraju, najmanj petdeset kilometrov oddaljenem od visokošolske ustanove v državi, katere državljan je ali v kateri uporabljajo njegov materin jezik, če otrok dejansko obiskuje visokošolski zavod, ki je najmanj petdeset kilometrov oddaljen od kraja zaposlitve, in če ima uslužbenec pravico do izselitvenega dodatka;
a staff member whose place of employment is at least 50 km from an establishment of higher education in the country of which he is a national or working in his language, provided that the child actually attends an establishment of higher education at least 50 km from the place of employment and the staff member is entitled to the expatriation allowance;
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kraj zaposlitve