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1 Končna redakcija
2 Končna redakcija
3 Končna redakcija
Kakšen je političen učinek tega 'kramljajočega diskurza'?
What is the political effect of this 'chatty discourse'?
4 Končna redakcija
Izrekel sem pravično zaničevanje nasproti kramarskim principom.
I am expressing my righteous contempt for Commercialism.
5 Končna redakcija
'Kramljajoča, dialogična komunikacija' simulira parasocialno interakcijo z gledalci.
The 'chatty communication' simulates a para-social interaction with the audience.
6 Končna redakcija
Kramljanje je ob narativizaciji glavno sredstvo ustvarjanja 'samoumevnih interpretacij'.
The chat, together with the narration, is the main instrument of the creation of 'self-evident interpretations'.
7 Končna redakcija
Za teletabloide velja, da voditelji ne kramljajo kot subjekti, temveč kot korporativni znaki.
The newspresenters in the tele-tabloids do not chat as subjects, but rather as corporate symbols.
8 Končna redakcija
Oba diskurza - kramljajoči in nevtralni dokumentarno realistični - soobstojata in se medsebojno izmenjujeta.
Both discourses - chatty mannerism and neutral documentary realism - coexist and mutually interchange.
9 Končna redakcija
Kramljajoča spontana neformalnost ni prepuščena naključju, ampak je konverzacija popolnoma institucionalizirana.
The chatty spontaneity and informality is not left to chance; on the contrary, the conversation is fully institutionalised.
10 Končna redakcija
Prav g. Kramberger je predlagal, da takšno dogajanje bolj kot ranču pritiče grajskim kompleksom in skupaj z go. Bercetovo ponudil grad Snežnik.
It was Mr Kramberger who suggested that such an event was better suited to a castle complex than to a ranch, and together with Mrs Berce proposed Castle Sne§nik as a suitable venue.
11 Končna redakcija
S kramljajočim dodajanjem komentarjev voditelj računa na 'običajnega človeka', za katerega interpretira dogodke znotraj univerzuma zdravega razuma:
By adding his/her chatty mannerism the newspresenter counts on an 'ordinary person' for whom he/she interprets events within the framework of the common sense universe:
12 Končna redakcija
Obenem je novice, kjer je uporabljen kramljajoči diskurz, mogoče obravnavati humorno in/ali ironično, kramljajoče in jih na ta način tudi razumeti.
Where a conversational style of discourse is used in the news, the news can also be viewed and understood as humorous, ironic, or as chat.
13 Končna redakcija
Med povabljenimi je bilo kar nekaj strokovnjakov, med njimi arhitekt Dušan Kramberger in pokojna Vesna Berce, tedaj oskrbnica in kustosinja gradu Snežnik.
Those invited included a number of experts on the Middle Ages, among them the architect Duçan Kramberger and the late Vesna Berce, then the manager and curator of Sne§nik Castle.
14 Končna redakcija
Kramljanje, igranje kart, modrovanje ali zgolj posedanje ob tej pijači lahko traja v nedogled, še posebej če ga spremljajo izdatne porcije mastnih hišnih dobrot.
In the company of this drink, conversation, card games, philosophising and simple idling can go on forever, particularly when accompanied by copious portions of the rich house fare.
15 Končna redakcija
Najbolj implicitna, najmanj očitna in obenem najbolj učinkovita tehnika ustvarjanja pomena s kramljajočim dialogom je kodiranje pomena z obrazno mimiko in glasom voditelja.
The most implicit, the least evident, as well as the most effective technique of creating the meaning by chatty mannerism, is the use of facial expression and voice.
16 Končna redakcija
Reciprociteta perspektiv, ki jo predpostavlja kramljanje med voditeljem in impliciranim gledalcem, mora biti vedno imitirana, saj je mogoča le v pravi interakciji face to face.
The reciprocity of perspectives, assumed in the chat between the newspresenter and the implicit viewer, must always be imitated, for it is only possible in actual face-toface interaction.
17 Končna redakcija
Novice kot žanrska mešanica kramljanja, informiranja, komentiranja, melodrame in vizualnega spektakla sicer še vedno prinašajo informacije, toda ljudje jih gledajo kot popularne žanre.
Although the genre of news is a mixture of chat, information, commentary, melodrama, and visual spectacle, it still carries information, but people watch it as a popular genre.
18 Končna redakcija
Način govora (dialogična interakcija, kramljanje, ozgodbenje, dramatizacija govora in obrazne mimike) je seveda ozko povezan s predpostavko voditelja o občinstvu, na katero se naslavlja.
Certainly, the manner of speaking (face-to-face interaction, chatty mannerism, storytelling, and dramatisation of utterance and face work) is closely related to the newspresenter's assumptions about the audience that he/she addresses.
19 Končna redakcija
To so bili Heckel (1850), Steindachner (1860), Kner (1863, 1867), Kornhuber (1893), Bassani (1879, 1880) in Gorjanovicy-Kramberger (1895). Slednji je iz teh plasti določil kar 27 ribjih vrst.
The authors were Heckel (1850), Steindachner (1860), Kner (1863, 1867), Kornhuber (1893), Bassani (1879, 1880) and Gorjanovicy-Kramberger (1895) who determined 27 fish species from these beds.
20 Končna redakcija
Toda po drugi strani so televizijske novice vedno bolj kramljajoč, družabni žanr, kjer je osrednjega pomena komunikacija ne informacija, gledalci pa jih gledajo bolj ritualno kot instrumentalno.
On the other hand, however, the television news broadcast is becoming an increasingly chatty social genre, in which the main emphasis is placed on communication rather than information, while the audience consumes it ritually rather than instrumentally.
21 Končna redakcija
V teletabloidih sta zdrav razum in ljudski glas pomembnejša od ekpertize, vizualna dramatizacija je važnejša od informiranja, spretnost kramljanja in zgodba ali montaža važnejša od argumenta.
The common sense and popular voice are more important in tele-tabloids than expertise, the visual dramatisation more important than information, the art of chatting and the story, or editing, more important than argumentation.
22 Končna redakcija
Direktiva se ne uporablja za trgovino in distribucijo mediscinskih proizvodov, kakor jih opredeljuje Direktiva št. 65/65/EGS, ali za trgovske dejavnosti potujočih trgovcev, kramarjev ali krošnjarjev.
This Directive shall not apply to the trade and distribution of medicinal products as defined by Directive No 65/65/EEC, or to the commercial activities of itinerant traders, hawkers or pedlars.
23 Končna redakcija
Stil modnega pisanja Pisanje o modi uporablja tehnike popularnega žurnalizma, v katerem so informacije in dejstva predstavljeni v obliki posnemanja medosebne komunikacije, implicitnih dialogov in prijetnega kramljanja.
The style of fashion texts Fashion texts use the techniques of popular journalism in which information and facts are presented in such a way as to imitate a real-life conversation, implicit dialogues and pleasant chats.
24 Končna redakcija
Pogostoma so se v literaturi pojavljala imena " komenski ploščasti apnenec ", " komenski skrilavec " in celo " ribji skrilavec ", predvsem zaradi najdb bogate ribje favne v okolici Komna (Gorjanovicy-Kramberger, 1895).
In literature often appeared names as " Komen platy limestone ", " Komen shale ", and even " fish shale ", principally owing to finds of rich fish fauna in the surroundings of Komen (Gorjanovicy-Kramberger, 1895).
25 Končna redakcija
Proces preoblikovanja žurnalističnega javnega diskurza v 'kramljajoč javni diskurz' nekje na križišču med oglaševanjem, informiranjem in zabavo seveda nosi s seboj nove in drugačne oblike 'apolitičnega' političnega jezika.
Of course, the process of the transformation of the journalistic public discourse into the 'discourse of chatty mannerism' at the crossroads of advertisement, information and fun, implies new and different forms of 'apolitical' political language.
26 Končna redakcija
Subjektivizacija novic - predvsem verbalna in vizualna konstrukcija dogodkov v zgodbe, 'zadovoljno kramljanje' in konstrukcija lokalnega zvezdništva televizijskih voditeljev je največja sprememba televizijskih novic zadnjega desetletja.
The subjectivisation of news - primarily the verbal and visual construction of events into stories, 'happy chat', and the construction of the local celebrity out of television newspresenter - is the paramount change in the television news of the last decade.
27 Končna redakcija
Nasprotje med zavzetim, kramljajočim voditeljem kot našim človekom, ki mu gre zaupati, saj raziskuje in sprašuje v naše dobro in za nas, in na drugi strani nevtralnim super profesionalcem, je jedro 'ideološkega učinka' tv novic zabave.
The contrast between the engaged, chatting newspresenter, taken as our man/woman whom we can trust since he/she investigates and questions on our behalf, on the one hand, and the neutral super-professional on the other hand, is the main 'ideological effect' of the entertainment news.
28 Končna redakcija
dramatizirano oz. melodramatizirano uporabo glasu, narativno povezovanje ločenih novic (ki daje ločenim dogodkov skupen pomen), kramljanje, spremembe v uporabi diskurza, ko prehajajo od 'bolj pomembnih' področij realnosti k 'manj pomembnim'.
a dramatic, or melodramatic use of voice, a narrative combination of separate news items (which gives a common meaning to separate events), chatty mannerism, and changes in the use of discourse while shifting from 'more important' to 'less important' spheres of reality.
29 Končna redakcija
Kramljajoči diskurz, sočutje, odnos s človeškim obrazom in dramatizacija se stalno mešajo z neosebnim lingvističnim kodom, vsevedno profesionalnostjo in vizualizacijo, ki konotira takojšnost, realističnost, tehnološko sofisticiranost novic:
The chatty style, the compassion, the friendly attitude, and dramatisation combine all the time with the impersonal linguistic code, omni-informed professionalism and visualisation connoting the immediacy, realism, and technological sophistication of the news:
30 Končna redakcija
Prav kontrast med zavzetim, kramljajočim voditeljem, tipičnim človekom, ki mu gre zaupati, saj preiskuje za nas in poskuša vzpostaviti intimen odnos z gledalci na eni strani, in nevtralnim superprofesionalcem na drugi pa je vir 'ideološkega učinka' zabavnih novic.
Precisely the contrast between the engaged, chatty newspresenter - a typical man/woman who can be trusted, for he/she investigates on our behalf and endeavours to establish an intimate relationship with the audience - on the one hand, and the neutral super-professional on the other, is the source of the 'ideological effect' of the entertainment news.
31 Končna redakcija
Novic očitno ne moremo več obravnavati kot ločeni žanr, ki 'posreduje informacije', saj se v teletabloidnem žurnalizmu srečujejo politika in pop kultura, informiranje in 'razvedrilo', melodrama in informacija, informiranje in moraliziranje, preiskovanje in kramljanje.
Obviously news can no longer be viewed as a distinct genre that 'transmits information', since tele-tabloid journalism mixes politics with popular culture, information with 'entertainment', melodrama with information, information with moralising, investigation with chat.
32 Končna redakcija
Obenem vse troje - vizualna manipulacija novic, ki vzpostavlja voditeljev status, metatekstualna identiteta voditelja kot nacionalne osebnosti, ki ima svoje sekundarno življenje v drugih medijih, in kramljajoča komunikacija voditelja z gledalci - prispeva k personifikaciji voditelja.
At the same time, all three features - the visual manipulation of the news, which affirms the newspresenter's status; the meta-textual identity of the newspresenter as a national personality with his/her own secondary life in other popular media; and the conversational interaction between the newspresenter and the audience - contribute to the personification of the newspresenter.
33 Končna redakcija
Z interakcijo besedila, studijskim kramljanjem med voditelji in voditeljev z zamišljenimi gledalci, posnetki s 'kraja dogodka', grafično vizualizacijo dogodka in grafičnim ubesedovanjem novice učinkujejo kot da so neposredovan, takojšen, transparenten in objektiviran pogled na realnost.
The interaction of narratives; chat between either the newspresenters themselves, or between the newspresenters and imaginary audience; pictures from the 'scene of event'; graphic visualisation of the event; and graphic lettering - all these make the news function as if it were a non-mediated, immediate, transparent and objectified view of reality.
34 Končna redakcija
Kritika diskurza 'zadovoljnega kramljanja', analiza estetske ikonografije televizijskega prostora (scene, garderobe, grafike) in melodramskega ozgodbenja ne pomenita, da kličemo k vrnitvi nazaj k objektivistični koncepciji novic, k nevtralni figuri bralca-posredovalca novic in hard news žurnalizmu.
A critique of the discourse of 'happy talk' and an analysis of the aesthetic iconography of the television space (set design, image of the newspresenters, graphics) and melodramatic storytelling do not mean that we are pleading for a return to the objectivist conception of the news, to the neutral figure of the newsreader-mediator of the news, and to hard news journalism.
35 Končna redakcija
Preostale zgodbe ni treba pokazati v dogajanju in bi bila v resnici komaj vredna pripovedovanja, če bi ne bila naša domišljija tako oslabljena zaradi lenobne odvisnosti od konfekcijskih in poceni predmetov po kramarijah, v katerih ima romantika zaloge svojih "srečnih koncev", da onemogoča vse zgodbe.
The rest of the story need not be shewn in action, and indeed, would hardly need telling if our imaginations were not so enfeebled by their lazy dependence on the ready-mades and reach-me-downs of the ragshop in which Romance keeps its stock of "happy endings" to misfit all stories.
36 Končna redakcija
»Mar ne prevzame ena od partnerk vlogo moškega?« (29, 1989), zanima konec osemdesetih novinarko Jane, ki se ji sicer podrejo vsi prejšnji stereotipi: »Ko sta prišli Anja in Irena se je podrl prvi stereotip: da so namreč lezbijke možačaste, nekoliko krampaste ženske, ki hočejo biti čim bolj podobne moškim, čeprav jih ne marajo.« (29, 1989)
Similarly, a Jana journalist asks: 'Doesn't one of the partners take on the male role?' (29, 1989) and later admits that none of the stereotypes she had been aware of was confirmed in practice. 'When Anja and Irena came in ... the first stereotype proved false, the one that all lesbians are masculine in appearance and somewhat robust and that they strive to resemble men as closely as possible although they do not like them' (29, 1989).
37 Končna redakcija
Čeprav je ta esej kritika kramljajočega družabnega diskurza v novicah-zabavi, to ne pomeni, da so konvencije standardnega informativnega političnega žurnalizma, kjer breztelesni duh bralca novic odmaknjeno in objektivirano bere novice o velikih ljudeh in velikih dogodkih v veliki politiki, manj ideološke, manj izključujoče in bolj emancipatorične.
This essay is a criticism of the chatty discourse in newsentertainment. This does not mean, however, that the conventions of standard informative political journalism, in which the bodiless spirit of the newsreader impersonally and impartially reads the news about famous personalities and major events in high-level politics, are less ideological, less excluding, and more emancipatory.
38 Končna redakcija
Pridobivanje Komenskega in Tomajskega apnenca je dalo pomemeben prispevek geološki znanosti, saj so prav ob izkopavanju teh plasti našli bogato in raznovrstno fosilno favno, med katero so prevladovali predvsem skeleti rib in plazilcev (Gorjanovicy-Kramberger, 1895; Calligaris et al., 1994; Jurkovšek & Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1995; Summesberger et al., 1996a).
Production of the Komen and Tomaj limestones gave an important contribution to the geological science, since during excavation of these beds very abundant and diverse fossil fauna was collected among which primarily the fish and reptile skeletons prevailed (Gorjanovicy-Kramberger, 1895; Calligaris et al., 1994; Jurkovšek & Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1995; Summesberger et al., 1996a).
39 Končna redakcija
Voditeljeva kramljajoča neposrednost je strogo konvencionalno kodirana, tako kot npr. v kakšni od melodramskih oblik (npr. soap operi), kjer noben vizualni kod ni prepuščen naključju, ampak je mogoče iz tega, kako je bilo nekaj izrečeno, takoj prepoznati, kaj je bilo rečeno, s kakšnim človekom/vlogo imamo opravka in kakšno dejanje lahko pričakujemo.
The newspresenter's chatty directness is formulaic and conventionally coded, as in melodrama - soap opera, for instance - In which no visual code is left to chance: the manner of how something is said enables the viewer immediately to understand what was said, what kind of person we are seeing, and what kind of development we can expect to evolve.
40 Končna redakcija
Novice o politiki in velikih možeh ob pomembnih dogodkih vedno bolj postajajo zgodbe o kaosu v družbi, komunikativno pa so se preoblikovale v mešanico zdravorazumskega kramljanja, družabnosti, fatalistične melodrame, vizualnega spektakla, v simulacijo tehnološke sofisticiranosti, superprofesionalnosti, v retorično simulacijo dramatskega konflikta in ... informiranja.
News about politics and famous personalities at important occasions are increasingly becoming stories about chaos in society, and from the communicative point of view they have been modified into an amalgam of common-sense chat, sociability, fatalistic melodrama, visual spectacle, simulation of technological sophistication, super-professionalism, rhetorical simulation of dramatic conflict, and... information.
41 Končna redakcija
Na splošno lahko rečemo, da je slovenski televizijski žurnalizem (na nacionalni televiziji tako kot na komercialni) bliže 'razvedrilu' kot informiranju, bolj simulacija avtentičnosti kot 'ogledalo realnosti', bolj melodramatsko ozgodbenje dogodkov kot kronologija dogodkov in argumentirana interpretacija, bolj komuniciranje in kramljanje voditeljev korporativnih znakov kot informiranje.
In general we can say that Slovene television journalism (both on public service and commercial television channels) is closer to 'entertainment' than to information. It is a simulation of authenticity rather than a 'reflection of reality'; a melodramatic narration of events rather than a chronology of events and their interpretation based on arguments; communication and the informal chat of newspresenters marked by corporate symbols rather than information.
42 Končna redakcija
pripovedovanje dogodkov kot 'človeških zgodb', uporabo individualnega izkustva kot referenčnega okvira za razumevanje strukturnih fenomenov, osredotočanje na individualno izkustvu in emocionalno stanje žrtev ali prič dogodka, približevanje televizijske govorice vsakdanji govorici, klišejske govorne figure, simulacija kramljajoče neposredne komunikacije bralcev novic z gledalci, načrtna konstrukcija metatekstualne zvezdniške identitete bralcev novic ... itd.
the narration of events as 'human interest stories', the use of individual experience as a referential framework for the understanding of structural phenomena, focusing on individual experiences and the emotional states of victims of or witnesses to an event, the similarity of television language to everyday language, chatty mannerism, simulation of the chatty, faceto- face communication between the newsreader and the audience, planned and systematic construction of the metatextual identity of newsreaders as celebrities, and so forth.
43 Končna redakcija
ideološkega učinka televizijskih tabloidov ne gre iskati predvsem v drugačni vsebini novic in drugačni selekciji dogodkov, temveč v retoriki in ikonografiji televizijskega prostora: premišljeni barvi voditeljevega suknjiča, ki mora konotirati nevtralno profesionalnost, osupli dramatizaciji njegovega glasu, kramljanju in izmenjavi pogledov voditeljskega para med sabo in z zamišljenimi gledalci, ikonografiji uvodne sekvence.... in v pomenih, ki jih ta sredstva konotirajo.
the ideological effect of the television tabloids is not to be sought primarily in the modified content of the news and the modified selection of events, but rather in the rhetoric and iconography of the television space: the colour of the newspresenter's jacket, which must connote neutral professionalism, the dramatisation of his voice, the banter and exchange of looks between the newspresenters and with the audience, the iconography of the title sequence - and in the meanings that these devices connote.
44 Končna redakcija
Vsi trije vidiki družabnih novic - konstrukcija metatekstualne identitete voditelja kot nacionalne osebnosti s svojim sekundarnim življenjem v drugih medijih, estetska manipulacija novic, ki z vizualnimi sredstvi vzpostavlja voditeljev vrhovni položaj v 'televizijskem prostoru', in vrhovni položaj v hierarhiji glasov, ki zastopajo institucijo, ter kramljajoči manerizmi voditelja - ter prispevajo tako k personifikaciji in humanizaciji voditelja kot tudi k zabavni in prijetni družabni priliki.
All three aspects of social news - the construction of the meta-textual identity of the newspresenter as a public personality with his/her secondary life in other media; the aesthetic manipulation of the news, employing visual means to construct the leading role of newspresenter in the 'televised space' and in the hierarchy of voices representing the institution; and the chatty mannerism of the newspresenter - contribute both to the personification and humanisation of the newspresenter and to an entertaining and pleasurable social event.
45 Končna redakcija
Ko novice dogodek pripovedujejo kot jasno polarizirano dramo o boju med dobrim in zlom, ko nam ponujajo moralno sodbo o svetu, ko estetska vizualizacija televizijskih novic lahko ustvarja občutek familijarnosti in zaupanja med tistim, ki novice bere, in gledalci v dnevni sobi in ko nam bere novice na intimno kramljajoč način ženska/ moški, ki mu gre zaupati, saj v našem imenu preiskuje, išče in razkriva resnico, igrajo novice enako vlogo kot drugi psevdoterapevtski diskurzi v popularni medijski kulturi.
When the news represents an event in terms of a clearly polarised drama about the struggle between good and evil, when it offers a moral judgement on the world, when the aesthetic visualisation of the television news can create a sense of familiarity and trust between the newsreader and the audience in their living rooms, and when the news is read in an intimate and chatting manner by a man/woman who can be trusted, since he/she investigates, seeks out and exposes the truth on our behalf, the news plays the same role as other pseudo-therapeutic discourses within popular media culture.
46 Končna redakcija
Intimnost, sočutje, prijazno kramljanje navadnega človeka, ki je na naši strani, njegova mimika in dramatizirani glas, ki situacijo v dnevniku takoj opredeli kot družabno, se srečuje z neosebnim lingvističnim kodom, neverjetnim tempom prezentacije in intervjuvanja, oblačilnimi kodi voditeljev, ki imitirajo kode iz poslovnega sveta, tehnično in estetsko sofisticirano mizansceno, hierarhičnimi odnosi med voditeljem ali voditeljema in vsemi drugimi glasovi v novicah, ki konotirajo popolnoma kompetenten profesionalizem, takojšnost in nevtralnost novic.
Intimacy, compassion, the friendly informal chat of an ordinary person who is one of us, his/her facial expressions, and the dramatisation in his/her voice that immediately defines the situation as sociable, meet with an impersonal linguistic code, incredible pace of presentation and interviewing, the dress codes of newspresenters which imitate those of the business world, technically and aesthetically refined mise-en-scene, hierarchical relationships between the newspresenter, or newspresenters, and all the other voices in the news, which connote the totally competent professionalism, immediacy and neutrality of the news.
47 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
48 Pravna redakcija
Krampi in kopače
Mattocks and picks
49 Pravna redakcija
Psittacula krameri echo
Psittacula krameri echo
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1497
Psittacula krameri (III GH)
Psittacula krameri (III GH)
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