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krepiti odnose
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
V ŽELJI po krepitvi teh odnosov in plodnem sodelovanju med državama,
DESIROUS of strengthening these relations and the fruitful cooperation between the two countries;
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
in zaradi nadaljnjega razvoja in krepitve prijateljskih odnosov med državami
and with the aim of further developing and strengthening friendly relations among the countries,
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
d) Krepiti sedanje odnose med pogodbenicama na podlagi solidarnosti in skupnega interesa.
(d) to strengthen the existing relations between the Parties on the basis of solidarity and mutual interest;
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-30
v želji, da bi prispevali h krepitvi miru, zaupanja in stabilnosti ter razvijanju dobrih mednarodnih odnosov, in
desiring to contribute to the strengthening of peace, confidence, stability, and development of good international relations,
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 90-2008
zaradi nadaljnjega razvoja ter krepitve trgovinskih, finančnih in ekonomskih odnosov med državama pogodbenih strani
and with a view to developing and strengthening trading, financial and economic relations between the states of the Parties,
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-37
b) krepitev spoštljivega odnosa do pravic invalidov na vseh ravneh izobraževalnega sistema, tudi med otroki v zgodnji dobi;
(b) Fostering at all levels of the education system, including in all children from an early age, an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
v želji po krepitvi prijateljskih stikov ter razvijanju gospodarskih in drugih odnosov med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Kazahstan;
desiring to strengthen friendly ties and develop economic and other relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Kazakhstan;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
v prepričanju, da takšno sodelovanje prispeva k boljšemu medsebojnemu razumevanju in krepitvi dvostranskih odnosov na različnih ravneh,
Being convinced that such cooperation contributes to a better mutual understanding and to strengthening of bilateral relations at various levels,
9 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
v prepričanju, da bo sodelovanje na vojaškem področju prispevalo k nadaljnji krepitvi medsebojnih odnosov med Republiko Slovenijo in Ukrajino,
being convinced that the co-operation in the military sphere will contribute to further strengthening of the mutual relations between Republic of Slovenia and Ukraine,
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 71-2008
v želji po krepitvi sedanjih prijateljskih vezi med državama in izboljšanju medsebojnih odnosov v izobraževanju, umetnosti, kulturi in športu
Motivated by the desire to strengthen the existing ties of friendship between both countries and to increase their relations in the areas of education, art, culture and sport,
11 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-30
potrjujoč pripravljenost, da ustvarita enakopravne in prijateljske medsebojne odnose, temelječe na vzajemni koristi, ki bodo prispevali k razvijanju in krepitvi sodelovanja na področju obrambe,
confirming the will to create equal and friendly relations between the Parties based on mutual benefit which would contribute to the development and strengthening of cooperation in the field of defence,
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-6
ob upoštevanju obojestranske koristi, ki izhaja iz povečanega trgovanja in želje po nadaljnji krepitvi teh odnosov, zlasti s pospeševanjem dvostranske trgovine, gospodarskih vezi in tesnejšega sodelovanja, in
Considering the mutual benefit arising from increased trade and the desire to further strengthen these relations, especially through the promotion of bilateral trade, economic ties and closer cooperation, and
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-46
ob upoštevanju obojestranske koristi, ki izvira iz povečanega obsega trgovine in želje po nadaljnji krepitvi odnosov predvsem s spodbujanjem dvostranske trgovine, gospodarskih vezi in tesnejšega sodelovanja, ter
taking into account the mutual benefit arising from increased trade and the wish to strengthen further the relations, especially through the promotion of bilateral trade, economic ties and closer cooperation; and
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Zaradi spodbujanja stalne in uravnotežene krepitve trgovine in ekonomskih odnosov med pogodbenicami v skladu s členom 1 pogodbenice soglašajo, da je treba zmanjšati gospodarska in socialna neskladja med njihovimi regijami.
With a view to promoting a continuous and balanced strengthening of trade and economic relations between the Contracting Parties, as provided for in Article 1, the Contracting Parties agree on the need to reduce the economic and social disparities between their regions.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 71/2008
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Kolumbije, v nadaljevanju "pogodbenici", sta se v želji po krepitvi sedanjih prijateljskih vezi med državama in izboljšanju medsebojnih odnosov v izobraževanju, umetnosti, kulturi in športu dogovorili:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Colombia, hereinafter referred to as ` the Parties` , Motivated by the desire to strengthen the existing ties of friendship between both countries and to increase their relations in the areas of education, art, culture and sport, Have agreed as follows:
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Cilj tega združitvenega sporazuma je z enakimi pogoji konkurence in spoštovanjem istih pravil spodbujati stalno in uravnoteženo krepitev trgovinskih in ekonomskih odnosov med pogodbenicami, da bi ustvarili homogen Evropski gospodarski prostor, v nadaljnjem besedilu EGP.
The aim of this Agreement of association is to promote a continuous and balanced strengthening of trade and economic relations between the Contracting Parties with equal conditions of competition, and the respect of the same rules, with a view to creating a homogeneous European Economic Area, hereinafter referred to as the EEA.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
Za čezmejno sodelovanje se v smislu te konvencije štejejo vsako dogovarjanje, katerega namen je krepiti in razvijati sosedske odnose med teritorialnimi skupnostmi ali oblastmi, ki so pod jurisdikcijo dveh ali več pogodbenic, vsak sporazum in dogovor, sklenjena v ta namen.
For the purpose of this Convention, transfrontier co-operation shall mean any concerted action designed to reinforce and foster neighbourly relations between territorial communities or authorities within the jurisdiction of two or more Contracting Parties and the conclusion of any agreement and arrangement necessary for this purpose.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-68
ob upoštevanju obojestranskih koristi od povečane trgovine in naložb ter v želji po nadaljnji krepitvi odnosov, zlasti s spodbujanjem dvostranske trgovine, naložb, pravic intelektualne lastnine, sodelovanja v izobraževanju, gospodarskih vezi in tesnejšega sodelovanja, ter
taking into account the mutual benefit arising from increased trade and investment, and the wish to strengthen further the relations, especially through the promotion of bilateral trade, investment, intellectual property rights, educational cooperation, economic ties and closer cooperation; and
19 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-21
Pogodbenice bodo s krepitvijo svojih svobodnih institucij, doseganjem boljšega razumevanja načel, na katerih temeljijo te institucije, in s spodbujanjem razmer, ki omogočajo stabilnost in blaginjo, prispevale k nadaljnjemu razvoju miroljubnih in prijateljskih mednarodnih odnosov.
The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being.
20 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
ob upoštevanju potrebe po prispevanju h krepitvi miru, zaupanja in stabilnosti ter k razvoju odnosov med državami v Evropi in v svetu kot celoti ter v duhu Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov, Helsinške sklepne listine, Pariške listine za novo Evropo ter Sporazuma med državami članicami Nata in drugimi državami, ki sodelujejo v Partnerstvu za mir, glede statusa njihovih oboroženih sil (PzM SOFA) in dodatnega protokola k PzM SOFA,
Taking into account the need to contribute to the strengthening of peace, confidence and stability and to the development of relations between the states in Europe and world as a whole, and in the spirit of the United Nations Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter for new Europe and the Agreement between the NATO Member States and other Countries participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their Armed Forces (PfP SOFA) and the additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA,
21 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-1002-2008-1
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Ruske federacije, v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbeni strani, sta se zaradi izvajanja Memoranduma med Vlado Ruske federacije in Vlado Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlado Republike Hrvaške, Vlado Republike Makedonije, Vlado Srbije in Črne gore, Vlado Republike Slovenije o poravnavi medsebojnih finančnih terjatev po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ, z dne 17. septembra 2003 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: memorandum), v želji po dokončni določitvi deleža obveznosti bivše ZSSR v končnem saldu po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo SFRJ in bivšo ZSSR, ki pripada Republiki Sloveniji v skladu s 5. členom memoranduma, zaradi nadaljnjega razvoja ter krepitve trgovinskih, finančnih in ekonomskih odnosov med državama pogodbenih strani dogovorili:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation, collectively referred to as » the Parties «, with a view of implementing the Memorandum between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, the Government of Serbia and Montenegro, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the Settlement of Mutual Financial Claims related to Settlement of Accounts under the Commodity Exchange between the former USSR and the former SFRY of 17 September 2003 (hereinafter ` the Memorandum ` ), desiring to provide for the final settlement of the portion of liabilities of the former USSR to the Republic of Slovenia in the final balance of settlement related to commodity exchange between the former SFRY and the former USSR according to Article 5 of the Memorandum, and with a view to developing and strengthening trading, financial and economic relations between the states of the Parties, hereby have agreed as follows:
22 Končna redakcija
Skupna izjava o nameri glede razvoja in krepitve odnosov z državami Latinske Amerike
Joint declaration of intent on the development and intensification of relations with the countries of Latin America
23 Končna redakcija
Odločene so, da ob upoštevanju vloge ZEU kot obrambne komponente Evropske unije in kot sredstva za krepitev evropskega stebra Atlantskega zavezništva postavijo odnos med ZEU in drugimi evropskimi državami na nove temelje zavoljo stabilnosti in varnosti v Evropi.
They are determined, taking into account the role of WEU as the defence component of the European Union and as the means to strengthen the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance, to put the relationship between WEU and the other European States on a new basis for the sake of stability and security in Europe.
24 Končna redakcija
Vse te tehnike »skrbi zase« pomenijo regulacijo odnosa subjekta do samega sebe, krepitev lastne identitete z nenehnim samoopazovanjem, s podrobnim spoznavanjem svojega telesa in z neprestanim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje lastne podobe, ki jo ženske ocenjuje »od zunaj«, skozi moški pogled, ki odseva v kozmetičnih in modnih oglasih.
All self-care techniques in fact mean the regulation of the subject's attitude towards itself, reinforcement of identity through incessant self-observation, with the help of a thorough knowledge about one's own body and continual efforts to improve the image. Women do not assess themselves from within, but view themselves from the external, male perspective which is reflected in cosmetic and fashion advertisements.
25 Pravna redakcija
OB PRIZNAVANJU pomena nadaljnje krepitve vezi in odnosov med Skupnostjo in Vietnamom;
RECOGNIZING the importance of further strengthening the links and enhancing the relations between the Community and Vietnam;
26 Pravna redakcija
OB PRIZNAVANJU pomena nadaljnje krepitve vezi in odnosov med Skupnostjo in Bangladešem,
RECOGNISING the importance of further strengthening the links and enhancing the relations between the Community and Bangladesh,
27 Pravna redakcija
- z medsebojnim dialogom in sodelovanjem krepiti razvoj uravnoteženih gospodarskih in družbenih odnosov med pogodbenicama,
- to foster the development of balanced economic and social relations between the Parties through dialogue and cooperation,
28 Pravna redakcija
Še naprej je treba krepiti te odnose s pomočjo intenzivnega procesa posvetovanja in sodelovanja glede vedno več vprašanj.
It is therefore necessary to further strengthen these relations by means of an intensified process of consultation and cooperation on an increasing number of issues.
29 Pravna redakcija
Z namenom krepitve sodelovanja se pogodbenici zavezujeta, da bosta spodbujali nadaljnji razvoj gospodarskih odnosov med njima.
With a view to enhancing cooperation between them, the Parties undertake to promote further development of economic relations between them.
30 Pravna redakcija
ZAVEDAJOČ SE širšega cilja razvijanja in krepitve skupnega okvirja mednarodnih odnosov, zlasti med Evropo in Latinsko Ameriko;
MINDFUL of the broader aim to develop and reinforce the overall framework of international relations, in particular, between Europe and Latin America;
31 Pravna redakcija
Cilj tega sporazuma je krepitev obstoječih odnosov med pogodbenicama in priprava pogojev za ustvarjanje združenja med regijama.
The objectives of this Agreement shall be to strengthen existing relations between the Parties and to prepare the conditions enabling an interregional association to be created.
32 Pravna redakcija
UPOŠTEVAJOČ pomen, ki ga pogodbenici pripisujeta razvoju in krepitvi njunih odnosov, zlasti na področju trgovine in gospodarstva;
CONSIDERING the importance that the Parties attach to the strengthening and development of their relations, notably in the commercial and economic field;
33 Pravna redakcija
sestanke ministrov, odgovornih za zadeve skupnega interesa, kadar pogodbenici menita, da so potrebni za krepitev medsebojnih odnosov;
meetings of other Ministers responsible for matters of mutual interest where such meetings are deemed necessary by the Parties in order to strengthen mutual relations;
34 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se zavežeta spodbujati carinsko sodelovanje z namenom izboljšanja in krepitve pravnega okvirja za njune trgovinske odnose.
The Parties undertake to promote customs cooperation with a view to improving and consolidating the legal framework for their trade relations.
35 Pravna redakcija
Glavni cilj tega sporazuma je krepiti in razvijati različne vidike sodelovanja med pogodbenicama prek dialoga in partnerstva, da bi dosegli tesnejše in bolj kakovostne odnose.
The principal objective of this Agreement is to enhance and develop, through dialogue and partnership, the various aspects of cooperation between the Contracting Parties in order to achieve a closer and upgraded relationship.
36 Pravna redakcija
OB PRIZNAVANJU pozitivnih učinkov procesa gospodarskih reform za posodobitev indijskega gospodarstva, usmerjenih v krepitev trgovinskih in gospodarskih odnosov med Indijo in Skupnostjo,
RECOGNIZING the positive consequences of the process of economic reforms for modernization of the economy undertaking in India for enhancing commercial and economic relations between India and the Community;
37 Pravna redakcija
PRIZNAVAJOČ prednosti krepitve medsebojnih odnosov in njihove umestitve v institucionaliziran okvir z uporabo obstoječe institucionalne strukture v Skupnosti in državah Medmorske Amerike,
RECOGNIZING the advantages of strengthening their mutual relations and placing them on an institutionalized footing by making use of the existing institutional structure in the Community and in the Central American Isthmus,
38 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici izjavljata svoj skupni interes za krepitev trgovinskih odnosov in se zavezujeta, da bosta v okviru svoje veljavne zakonodaje spodbujali širitev in razvejanje medsebojne trgovine.
The Contracting Parties declare their common interest in strengthening their trade relations and undertake to promote, within the framework of the current legislation of each of the Parties, the expansion and diversification of trade between them.
39 Pravna redakcija
V DUHU sodelovanja, ki izhaja iz Konvencije iz Lomeja in simbolizira skupno željo strank po krepitvi prijateljskih odnosov med afriškimi, karibskimi in pacifiškimi državami ter Skupnostjo;
IN THE SPIRIT of cooperation resulting from the Lomé Convention, symbolizing the Parties' common desire to intensify friendly relations between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the Community;
40 Pravna redakcija
V DUHU sodelovanja, ki izhaja iz Konvencije iz Lomeja in simbolizira skupno željo strank po krepitvi prijateljskih odnosov med afriškimi, karibskimi in pacifiškimi državami ter Skupnostjo;
IN THE SPIRIT of cooperation resulting from the Lomé Convention, symbolizing the Parties' common desire to intensify friendly relations between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the Community;
41 Pravna redakcija
- pospeševati trgovino in širitev skladnih gospodarskih in družbenih odnosov med pogodbenicama, zlasti prek dialoga in sodelovanja, z namenom krepiti razvoj in blaginjo Maroka in njegovih prebivalcev,
- promote trade and the expansion of harmonious economic and social relations between the Parties, notably through dialogue and cooperation, so as to foster the development and prosperity of Morocco and its people,
42 Pravna redakcija
OB UPOŠTEVANJU želje Skupnosti, njenih držav članic in Maroka po krepitvi teh povezav in vzpostavitvi trajnih odnosov, temelječih na vzajemnosti, solidarnosti, partnerstvu in obojestranskem razvoju;
CONSIDERING that the Community, its Member States and Morocco wish to strengthen those links and to establish lasting relations, based on reciprocity, solidarity, partnership and co-development;
43 Pravna redakcija
SE ZAVEDAJO pomena dejavnosti Ekonomske komisije OZN za Evropo pri krepitvi teh odnosov in sodelovanja, zlasti na področju onesnaževanja zraka, vključno s prenosom onesnaževal zraka na velike razdalje,
AWARE of the significance of the activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in strengthening such relations and cooperation, particularly in the field of air pollution including long-range transport of air pollutants,
44 Pravna redakcija
Evropska unija in Avstralija sta se v Skupni deklaraciji iz leta 1997 dogovorili o okrepitvi medsebojnih odnosov in sodelovanje na večih področjih, na katerih imata skupne interese. Za nadaljnjo krepitev odnosov je potrebno intenzivno posvetovanje in sodelovanje v zvezi z vse več dvostranskimi in mednarodnimi vprašanji.
The European Union and Australia agreed to strengthen their relationship and to cooperate across the many areas in which they have shared interests in the Joint Declaration of 1997. With a view to further strengthen these relations, an intensified process of consultation and cooperation on an increasing number of bilateral and international issues is necessary.
45 Pravna redakcija
KER sta Skupnost in Združene države Amerike prepričani, da bosta s krepitvijo in širitvijo njunih odnosov na podlagi enakosti prispevali k nadaljnji mednarodni stabilnosti kakor tudi političnemu in gospodarskemu napredku;
WHEREAS the Community and the United States of America are convinced that by strengthening and expanding their partnership on an equal footing they will contribute to continued international stability as well as to political and economic progress;
46 Pravna redakcija
Splošni cilj je podpora politikam zunanjih odnosov Evropske unije z zagotavljanjem ustrezne in osredotočene statistične tehnične pomoči za krepitev statističnih zmogljivosti v državah, ki prejemajo pomoč Evropske unije.
The overall objective is to support the EU external relations policies by providing appropriate and focused statistical technical assistance in order to strengthen statistical capacity in countries benefiting from EU aid.
47 Pravna redakcija
OB VNOVIČNI POTRDITVI svoje odločenosti, da bosta sodelovala v okviru sredozemske politike razširjene Skupnosti, kar bo prispevalo h gospodarskemu razvoju Izraela in pospeševanju krepitve odnosov med Skupnostjo in Izraelom,
REAFFIRMING their resolve to implement, under the Mediterranean policy of the enlarged Community, cooperation which will contribute to the economic development of Israel and promote the strengthening of relations between the Community and Israel,
48 Pravna redakcija
OB UPOŠTEVANJU njunega skupnega interesa za pospeševanje in krepitev regionalnega sodelovanja in dialoga med severom in jugom, V PREPRIČANJU, da je razvoj njunih odnosov presegel področje uporabe Sporazuma, sklenjenega leta 1976,
NOTING their common interest in fostering and strengthening regional cooperation and the North-South dialogue, BELIEVING that relations between them have developed beyond the scope of the Agreement concluded in 1976,
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Temelj pridružitve ČDO Skupnosti, v nadaljnjem besedilu "pridružitev ČDO-ES", je cilj, zapisan v členu 182 Pogodbe, namreč krepiti gospodarski in družbeni razvoj ČDO ter vzpostaviti tesne odnose med njimi in Skupnostjo v celoti.
The association of the OCTs with the Community, hereinafter referred to as the "OCT-EC Association", shall have as its basis the purpose set out in Article 182 of the Treaty, namely to promote the economic and social development of the OCTs and to establish close economic relations between them and the Community as a whole.
50 Pravna redakcija
PRIZNAVAJOČ, da je bilo v pripravljalnem obdobju v skladu s cilji Sporazuma o pridružitvi storjenega veliko za krepitev gospodarskih odnosov na splošno in zlasti za razširitev trgovine med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Turčijo;
ACKNOWLEDGING that the preparatory stage has done much, in accordance with the objectives of the Association Agreement, to strengthen economic relations in general, and to expand trade in particular, between the European Economic Community and Turkey;
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krepiti odnose