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lastninski odnosi
1 Končna redakcija
Večina sprememb se je nanašala na regulacijo lastninskih odnosov.
Most of these changes pertained to the regulation of ownership relations.
2 Končna redakcija
Skupina poslancev, ki je sodelovala pri pripravi zakona o lastninskem preoblikovanju, je menila, naj se mediji (z izjemo javnega zavoda rtv Slovenija katerega lastniške odnose je dokončno definiral že zakon o rtv iz leta 1994)pri lastninjenju izenačijo z drugimi podjetji.
A group of mps who participated in the drafting of the Transformation of the Ownership of Enterprises Act were of the opinion that media privatisation (with the exception of the public institution RTV Slovenija whose ownership was regulated by the 1994 rtv law)should have been governed by the law observed in the privatisation of any other company.
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lastninski odnosi