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mejna kontrolna točka vnosa
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
To spričevalo se izpolni za vse pošiljke, predložene mejni kontrolni točki, bodisi da so to pošiljke, predložene kot usklajene z zahtevami EU in so namenjene za prosti promet, pošiljke, ki bodo usmerjene, ali pošiljke, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev EU in so namenjene za pretovarjanje, tranzit ali vnos v proste cone, prosta skladišča ali carinska skladišča ali za ladijske dobavitelje (oskrbovalce ladij).
This certificate is to be completed for all consignments presented to a border inspection post, whether they are for consignments presented as meeting EU requirements and are for free circulation, consignments that will be subject to channelling or those consignments not meeting EU conditions and destined for transhipment, transit, or their placing in free zones, free warehouses or customs warehouses or for ship suppliers (chandlers).
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0372
(4) Z vidika izkušenj se zdi, da v skladu s členom 7 Direktive 97/78/ES predložitev originalnih veterinarskih dokumentov, uvedenih v tretji državi izvoznici, na mejni kontrolni točki za izpolnitev predpisanih zahtev namembne tretje države ne zadostuje za zagotovitev, da so učinkovito izpolnjeni pogoji zdravstvenega varstva, zahtevani za varen vnos zadevnih proizvodov na ozemlje Skupnosti;
(4) In the light of experience, it appears that the presentation to the border inspection post, pursuant to Article 7 of Directive 97/78/EC, of the original veterinary documents established in the exporting third country to fulfil the regulatory requirement of the third country of destination, is not sufficient to ensure that the animal health conditions required for the safe introduction into the territory of the Community of the products concerned are effectively satisfied;
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
To spričevalo se izpolni za vse pošiljke, predložene mejni kontrolni točki, bodisi da so to pošiljke, predložene kot usklajene z zahtevami EU in so namenjene za prosti promet, pošiljke, ki bodo usmerjene, ali pošiljke, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev EU in so namenjene za pretovarjanje, tranzit ali vnos v proste cone, prosta skladišča ali carinska skladišča ali za ladijske dobavitelje (oskrbovalce ladij).
This certificate is to be completed for all consignments presented to a border inspection post, whether they are for consignments presented as meeting EU requirements and are for free circulation, consignments that will be subject to channelling or those consignments not meeting EU conditions and destined for transhipment, transit, or their placing in free zones, free warehouses or customs warehouses or for ship suppliers (chandlers).
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
Treba je imeti usklajen pristop k pregledovanju tako predloženih pošiljk in k označevanju dokumentov, vrnjenih na mejno kontrolno točko vnosa.
It is necessary to have a harmonised approach to the examination of consignments so presented and to the annotation of documents being returned to the border inspection post of introduction.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
Pregledi naj bi potrdili, da prejeta pošiljka ustreza tisti, odpremljeni z mejne kontrolne točke vnosa, in da se sklada z informacijami iz spričevala, ki spremlja pošiljko v skladu z modelom iz Priloge B k Odločbi Komisije 93/13/EGS [3].
The checks are to confirm that the consignment received conforms to that despatched from the border inspection post of introduction, and that it matches the information given in the certificate accompanying the consignment according to the model shown in Annex B to Commission Decision 93/13/EEC(3).
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0812
Mejna kontrolna točka mora zajemati vse objekte in naprave, opredeljene v členu 4 te odločbe, kjer se predložijo za vnos v Skupnost izdelki živalskega izvora iz tretjih držav, za potrebno kontrolo spremnih dokumentov, kontrolo istovetnosti ter fizični pregled.
A border inspection post must include all the facilities specified in Article 4 of this decision, where products of animal origin from third countries can be presented for introduction into the Community, and undergo the necessary documentary, identity and physical checks.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0372
Z vidika izkušenj se zdi, da v skladu s členom 7 Direktive 97/78/ES predložitev na mejni kontrolni točki originalnih veterinarskih dokumentov, sestavljenih v tretji državi izvoznici, za izpolnitev predpisanih zahtev namembne tretje države, ne zadostuje za zagotovitev, da so učinkovito izpolnjeni pogoji zdravstvenega varstva, zahtevani za varen vnos zadevnih proizvodov na ozemlje Skupnosti;
In the light of experience, it appears that the presentation to the border inspection post, pursuant to Article 7 of Directive 97/78/EC, of the original veterinary documents established in the exporting third country to fulfil the regulatory requirement of the third country of destination, is not sufficient to ensure that the animal health conditions required for the safe introduction into the territory of the Community of the products concerned are effectively satisfied;
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mejna kontrolna točka vnosa