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meritorna odločba
1 Pravna redakcija
Sodišče, ki obravnava tožbo zaradi kršitve ali zagrožene kršitve na podlagi nacionalnega modela, tožbo zavrne, če je bila izdana pravnomočna meritorna odločba na isti pravni podlagi in med istimi strankami na podlagi modela Skupnosti, ki nudi hkratno varstvo.
The court hearing an action for infringement or for threatened infringement on the basis of a national design right shall reject the action if a final judgment on the merits has been given on the same cause of action and between the same parties on the basis of a Community design providing simultaneous protection.
2 Pravna redakcija
Če v desetih dneh po obvestilu o prekinitvi sprostitve blaga ali zadržanju carinski urad iz člena 6 (1) ni obveščen o tem, da je bila zadeva predana organu, pristojnemu za sprejem meritornih odločitev o zadevi v skladu s členom 6 (2), ali da je ustrezno pooblaščeni organ sprejel začasne ukrepe, se blago sprosti ob pogoju, da so izpolnjene vse carinske formalnosti in da je odločba o zadržanju preklicana.
If, within 10 working days of notification of suspension of release or of detention, the customs office referred to in Article 6 (1) has not been informed that the matter has been referred to the authority competent to take a substantive decision on the case in accordance with Article 6 (2) or that the duly empowered authority has adopted interim measures, the goods shall be released, provided that all the customs formalities have been complied with and the detention order has been revoked.
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meritorna odločba