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mesto izkopa
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-23
(4) V skladu z določbami tega sporazuma in za zagotovitev dostojnega mesta zadnjega počitka kakor tudi upoštevanja določb mednarodnega humanitarnega prava, osebnostnih pravic žrtev vojne in zakonitih interesov njihovih znanih sorodnikov se o vsakem ponovnem pokopu sestavi zapisnik, ki med drugim navaja podatke o datumu izkopa in ponovnega pokopa, predhodnem in novem kraju vojnega grobišča ter osebne podatke o žrtvah vojne, ki so pokopane v navedenih vojnih grobiščih, če so ti podatki znani.
(4) The record shall be written about every re-interment in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and by reason of ensuring the dignified place of the last final rest as well as respecting the provisions of international humanitarian law, personality rights of war victims and legal interests of their known relatives, including the data on the date of carrying out the exhumation and re-interment, of the previous and the new place of the war grave, and as well as the personal data of the war victims buried in those war graves, if known.
2 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: 025-11-0385-2010-1
V skladu z določbami tega sporazuma in za zagotovitev dostojnega mesta zadnjega počitka kakor tudi upoštevanja določb mednarodnega humanitarnega prava, osebnostnih pravic žrtev vojne in zakonitih interesov njihovih znanih sorodnikov se o vsakem ponovnem pokopu sestavi zapisnik, ki med drugim navaja podatke o datumu izkopa in ponovnega pokopa, predhodnem in novem kraju vojnega grobišča ter osebne podatke o žrtvah vojne, ki so pokopane v navedenih vojnih grobiščih, če so ti podatki znani.
The record shall be written about every re-interment in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and by reason of ensuring the dignified place of the last final rest as well as respecting the provisions of international humanitarian law, personality rights of war victims and legal interests of their known relatives, including the data on the date of carrying out the exhumation and re-interment, of the previous and the new place of the war grave, and as well as the personal data of the war victims buried in those war graves, if known.
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