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metoda primerjave posameznih poslov
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
V tem primeru torej metoda primerjave posameznih poslov ni dobila podpore kot ustrezna metoda za izračun stopnje dampinga.
On this basis the transaction-to-transaction method was not upheld as an appropriate method to calculate the dumping margin in this case.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
V tem primeru torej metoda primerjave posameznih poslov ni dobila podpore kot ustrezna metoda za izračun stopnje dampinga.
On this basis the transaction-to-transaction method was not upheld as an appropriate method to calculate the dumping margin in this case.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
V skladu s členom 2(11) osnovne uredbe izračun stopnje dampinga po drugi simetrični metodi temelji na primerjavi posameznih normalnih vrednosti različnih vrst obravnavanih izdelkov z ustreznimi posameznimi izvoznimi cenami posameznih poslov.
According to Article 2(11) of the basic Regulation the second symmetrical method bases the calculation of the dumping margin on a comparison of individual normal values of the different types of the product concerned with the corresponding individual export prices on a transaction-to-transaction basis.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
Svet pa je v dokončni protidampinški uredbi, v kateri je v uvodni določbi 22 navedel, da obstaja vzorec, ki se močno razlikuje po posameznih kupcih, regijah ali časovnih obdobjih, le zaključil, da prva izmed dveh simetričnih metod (metoda primerjave povprečij) ni pokazala popolnega obsega dampinga, izvajanega v tem okviru, ne da bi navedel drugo simetrično metodo (primerjavo posameznih poslov).
However, in the definitive anti-dumping Regulation the Council, duly having mentioned in recital 22 that there was a pattern which differed significantly among different purchasers, regions or time periods, only concluded that the first of the two symmetrical methods (the average-to-average method) did not reflect the full degree of dumping being practised in that context, without addressing the second symmetrical method (the transaction-to-transaction method).
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
(10) V skladu s členom 2(11) osnovne uredbe izračun stopnje dampinga po drugi simetrični metodi temelji na primerjavi posameznih normalnih vrednosti različnih vrst obravnavanih izdelkov z ustreznimi posameznimi izvoznimi cenami posameznih poslov.
(10) According to Article 2(11) of the basic Regulation the second symmetrical method bases the calculation of the dumping margin on a comparison of individual normal values of the different types of the product concerned with the corresponding individual export prices on a transaction-to-transaction basis.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
Svet pa je v dokončni protidampinški uredbi, v kateri je v uvodni določbi 22 navedel, da obstaja vzorec, ki se močno razlikuje po posameznih kupcih, regijah ali časovnih obdobjih, le zaključil, da prva izmed dveh simetričnih metod (metoda primerjave povprečij) ni pokazala popolnega obsega dampinga, izvajanega v tem okviru, ne da bi navedel drugo simetrično metodo (primerjavo posameznih poslov).
However, in the definitive anti-dumping Regulation the Council, duly having mentioned in recital 22 that there was a pattern which differed significantly among different purchasers, regions or time periods, only concluded that the first of the two symmetrical methods (the average-to-average method) did not reflect the full degree of dumping being practised in that context, without addressing the second symmetrical method (the transaction-to-transaction method).
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
V skladu s členom 2(11) osnovne uredbe izračun stopnje dampinga po drugi simetrični metodi temelji na primerjavi posameznih normalnih vrednosti različnih vrst obravnavanih izdelkov z ustreznimi posameznimi izvoznimi cenami posameznih poslov.
According to Article 2(11) of the basic Regulation the second symmetrical method bases the calculation of the dumping margin on a comparison of individual normal values of the different types of the product concerned with the corresponding individual export prices on a transaction-to-transaction basis.
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metoda primerjave posameznih poslov