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monetarni odnosi
1 Končna redakcija
monetarni odnosi
monetary relations
2 Končna redakcija
o monetarnih odnosih z Republiko San Marino, Vatikansko mestno državo in Kneževino Monako
on monetary relations with the Republic of San Marino, the Vatican City and the Principality of Monaco
3 Končna redakcija
Konferenca potrjuje, da je cilj Skupnosti prispevati k stabilnim mednarodnim monetarnim odnosom.
The Conference affirms that the Community shall aim to contribute to stable international monetary relations.
4 Končna redakcija
Izjava o monetarnih odnosih z Republiko San Marino, Vatikansko mestno državo in Kneževino Monako
Declaration on monetary relations with the Republic of San Marino, the Vatican City and the Principality of Monaco
5 Končna redakcija
Konferenca se strinja, da Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti do uvedbe ekuja kot enotne valute Skupnosti ne vpliva na obstoječe monetarne odnose med Italijo in San Marinom in Vatikansko mestno državo ter med Francijo in Monakom.
The Conference agrees that the existing monetary relations between Italy and San Marino and the Vatican City and between France and Monaco remain unaffected by the Treaty establishing the European Community until the introduction of the ECU as the single currency of the Community.
6 Končna redakcija
KER opredelitev obračunske enote in načinov zamenjave te enote v valute držav članic, ki je vsebovana v sedanjem besedilu drugega pododstavka člena 4(1) in člena 7(3) in (4) Statuta banke, ni več popolnoma v skladu z razmerami v mednarodnih monetarnih odnosih;
WHEREAS the definition of the unit of account and the methods of conversion as between this unit and the currencies of the Member States contained in the present text of the second subparagraph of Article 4 (1), and Article 7 (3) and (4) of the Statute of the Bank are no longer entirely in keeping with the circumstances of the international monetary relations;
7 Pravna redakcija
o stališču Skupnosti do sporazuma o monetarnih odnosih z Vatikanom
on the position to be taken by the Community regarding an agreement concerning the monetary relations with Vatican City
8 Pravna redakcija
o stališču Skupnosti do sporazuma o monetarnih odnosih s Kneževino Monako
on the position to be taken by the Community regarding an agreement concerning the monetary relations with the Principality of Monaco
9 Pravna redakcija
o stališču Skupnosti do sporazuma o monetarnih odnosih z Republiko San Marino
on the position to be taken by the Community regarding an agreement concerning the monetary relations with the Republic of San Marino
10 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA SVETA z dne 31. decembra 1998 o stališču Skupnosti do sporazuma o monetarnih odnosih z Vatikanom (1999/98/ES)
Council Decision of 31 December 1998 on the position to be taken by the Community regarding an agreement concerning the monetary relations with Vatican City
11 Pravna redakcija
varstvo javnega interesa (javna varnost, mednarodni odnosi, monetarna stabilnost, sodni postopki, inšpekcije in preiskave),
the protection of the public interest (public security, international relations, monetary stability, court proceedings, inspections and investigations),
12 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA SVETA z dne 31. decembra 1998 o stališču Skupnosti do sporazuma o monetarnih odnosih s Kneževino Monako (1999/96/ES)
Council Decision of 31 December 1998 on the position to be taken by the Community regarding an agreement concerning the monetary relations with the Principality of Monaco
13 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA SVETA z dne 31. decembra 1998 o stališču Skupnosti do sporazuma o monetarnih odnosih z Republiko San Marino (1999/97/ES)
Council Decision of 31 December 1998 on the position to be taken by the Community regarding an agreement concerning the monetary relations with the Republic of San Marino
14 Pravna redakcija
zaščito interesov Unije, zlasti tistih v zvezi z javno varnostjo, mednarodnimi odnosi, monetarno stabilnostjo in finančnimi interesi.
protection of the interests of the Union, in particular those relating to public safety, international relations, monetary stability and financial interests.
15 Pravna redakcija
Italija zagotovi, da je obstoječi sporazum z Vatikanom združljiv s sporazumom med Skupnostjo in Vatikanom glede njunih monetarnih odnosov.
Italy shall ensure that its existing agreement with Vatican City is compatible with the agreement between the Community and Vatican City concerning their monetary relations.
16 Pravna redakcija
zaščita javnih interesov (npr. javna varnost, mednarodni odnosi, monetarna stabilnost, sodni postopki, nadzorne in preiskovalne dejavnosti),
the protection of the public interest (e.g. public safety, international relations, monetary stability, legal proceedings, inspection and inquiry activities),
17 Pravna redakcija
varovanje javnega interesa (zlasti javne varnosti, mednarodnih odnosov, monetarne stabilnosti, sodnih postopkov, inšpekcijskih in preiskovalnih dejavnosti),
the protection of the public interest (in particular public security, international relations, monetary stability, court proceedings, inspections and investigation),
18 Pravna redakcija
Italija zagotovi, da so obstoječi sporazumi z Republiko San Marino združljivi s sporazumom med Skupnostjo in Republiko San Marino glede njunih monetarnih odnosov.
Italy shall ensure that its existing agreements with the Republic of San Marino are compatible with the agreement between the Community and the Republic of San Marino concerning their monetary relations.
19 Pravna redakcija
Francija pregleda obstoječe sporazume s Kneževino Monako, da bi zagotovila njihovo združljivost s sporazumom med Skupnostjo in Kneževino Monako glede njunih monetarnih odnosov.
France shall review its existing arrangements with the Principality of Monaco in order to make them compatible with the agreement between the Community and the Principality of Monaco concerning their monetary relations.
20 Pravna redakcija
ker je obstoječi sporazum med Italijo in Vatikanom treba spremeniti oziroma nadomestiti, da bi se izognili kakršnim koli neskladnostim med tem sporazumom ter sporazumom med Skupnostjo in Vatikanom o njunih monetarnih odnosih,
Whereas the existing agreement between Italy and Vatican City should be amended or, as the case may be, replaced so as to avoid any inconsistencies between such agreement and the agreement between the Community and Vatican City concerning their monetary relations,
21 Pravna redakcija
ker je obstoječe sporazume med Francijo in Kneževino Monako treba spremeniti oziroma nadomestiti, da bi se izognili kakršnim koli neskladnostim med temi sporazumi ter sporazumom med Skupnostjo in Kneževino Monako o njunih monetarnih odnosih,
Whereas existing arrangements between France and the Principality of Monaco should be amended or, as the case may be, replaced so as to avoid any inconsistencies between such arrangements and the agreement between the Community and the Principality of Monaco concerning their monetary relations,
22 Pravna redakcija
ker je obstoječe sporazume med Italijo in Republiko San Marino treba spremeniti oziroma nadomestiti, da bi se izognili kakršnim koli nedoslednostim med temi sporazumi ter sporazumom med Skupnostjo in Republiko San Marino o njunih monetarnih odnosih,
Whereas existing agreements between Italy and the Republic of San Marino should be amended or, as the case may be, replaced so as to avoid any inconsistencies between such agreements and the agreement between the Community and the Republic of San Marino concerning their monetary relations,
23 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici bosta vzpostavili tudi reden gospodarski dialog, ki bo zajemal vsa področja makroekonomske politike in bo v okviru njunih pristojnosti vključeval tudi proračunsko politiko, plačilne bilance in monetarno politiko, da se še dodatno okrepijo gospodarski odnosi med Skupnostjo in Republiko Jemen.
In addition, in order further to strengthen economic relations between the Community and the Republic of Yemen, a regular economic dialogue will be set up between the two parties, covering all areas of macro-economic policy and including, within the limits of their respective competence, budgetary policy, balance of payments and monetary policy.
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monetarni odnosi