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nacionalni geografski distribucijski sistem
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0432
Kadar ob sprejetju te direktive v državi članici obstaja sistem razpisov na podlagi preskusov, katerega namen je med imetniki iz odstavka 1 izbrati tiste, ki so imenovani za nadzorovanje novih lekarn, ustanovljenih v skladu z nacionalnim geografskim distribucijskim sistemom, lahko ta država članica z odstopanjem od odstavka 1 zadrži ta sistem razpisov in lahko državljanom držav članic, ki imajo diplomo, spričevalo ali drugo formalno kvalifikacijo iz farmacije iz člena 2(1) in člena 6 Direktive 85/433/EGS, naložijo obveznost sodelovanja na takšnih razpisih.
Where at the time of adoption of this Directive a system of competition based on tests exists in a Member State for the purpose of selecting from among the holders referred to in paragraph 1 those to be appointed to control the new pharmacies to be set up under a national geographical distribution system, that Member State may, by way of derogation from paragraph 1, retain this competition system and may oblige nationals of the Member States holding the diplomas, certificates and other formal qualifications in pharmacy referred to in Article 2 (1) and Article 6 of Directive 85/433/EEC to take part in such a competition.
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nacionalni geografski distribucijski sistem