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nacionalni sistemi CERT
1 Pravna redakcija
Odločitev o izvedbi tega ukrepa temelji na oceni tveganja ob upoštevanju dejavnikov, kakor so zadevni proizvodi, dotedanje izkušnje gospodarske panoge ali izvozne države v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem zahtev, proizvedene in uvožene ali izvožene količine, spremembe infrastrukture in vrsta nacionalnih inšpekcij in certifikacijskih sistemov.
The decision to include this step shall be based upon a risk assessment, taking into account factors such as the products concerned, the past history of compliance with requirements by the industry sector or exporting country, quantities produced and imported or exported, changes in infrastructure and the nature of the national inspection and certification systems.
2 Pravna redakcija
Sklep o vključitvi tega koraka naj temelji na oceni tveganja, pri čemer se upoštevajo dejavniki, kot so zadevne živali, živalski proizvodi, rastline ali rastlinski proizvodi, zgodovina skladnosti z zahtevami v gospodarskem sektorju ali državi izvoznici, obseg proizvedenega ter uvoženega ali izvoženega proizvoda, spremembe v infrastrukturi in nacionalni sistemi inšpekcije in certificiranja.
The decision to include this step should be based on a risk assessment, taking into account factors such as the animals, animal products, plants or plant products concerned, the history of conformity with requirements by the industry sector or exporting country, the volume of product produced and imported or exported, changes in infrastructure and the national inspection and certification systems.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
ker se tudi certificiranje skladnosti in nacionalni certifikacijski sistemi za stroje precej razlikujejo;
whereas, furthermore, conformity certification and national certification systems for machinery differ considerably;
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1376
Podpora bo zagotovljena storitvam javnega interesa, namenjenim vsem vidikom varnosti, vključno s sodelovanjem za učinkovito mreženje v Evropski uniji prek nacionalnih sistemov CERT.
Support will be provided for services in the public interest aimed at all aspects of security including cooperation for effective networking within the European Union on national CERT systems.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0844
Postopki ocenjevanja in certificiranja se lahko skrajšajo (na primer tako, da zajemajo samo vidike integracije), kadar sistemi temeljijo na obstoječih nacionalno ocenjenih in certificiranih računalniških varnostnih produktih.
The degree of evaluation and certification processes involved may be lessened (for example, only involving integration aspects) where systems are based on existing nationally evaluated and certified computer security products.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0264
ker v skladu s členom 12 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1836/93 velja za podjetja, ki izvajajo nacionalne, evropske in mednarodne standarde za sisteme in pregled okoljskega upravljanja ter so po ustreznih certifikacijskih postopkih dobila potrdilo o tem, da izpolnjujejo te standarde, kot da izpolnjujejo ustrezne zahteve Uredbe (EGS) št. 1836/93, pod pogojem, da zlasti standarde in postopke prizna Komisija po postopkih iz člena 19 Uredbe;
Whereas Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93 establishes that companies implementing national, European or international standards for environmental management systems and audits and certified, according to appropriate certification procedures, as complying with those standards shall be considered as meeting the corresponding requirements of Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93, provided that, in particular, the standards and procedures are recognized by the Commission acting in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 19 of the same Regulation;
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nacionalni sistemi CERT