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nadzorna pristojnost
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100
V okviru svoje pristojnosti nadzorni odbor:
Within the framework of its competency the supervisory committee shall:
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Komisija ES in Nadzorni organ EFTA v okviru svojih pristojnosti zagotovita uporabo določb tega člena in po potrebi sprejmeta ustrezne ukrepe, naslovljene na države v njuni pristojnosti.
The EC Commission as well as the EFTA Surveillance Authority shall ensure within their respective competence the application of the provisions of this Article and shall, where necessary, address appropriate measures to the States falling within their respective territory.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(2) Evropski parlament lahko pred razrešnico Komisiji ali za druge namene v zvezi z izvajanjem dodeljenih pristojnosti za izvrševanje proračuna od Komisije zahteva podatke o izvrševanju odhodkov ali delovanju finančnih nadzornih sistemov.
Before giving a discharge to the Commission, or for any other purpose in connection with the exercise of its powers over the implementation of the budget, the European Parliament may ask to hear the Commission give evidence with regard to the execution of expenditure or the operation of financial control systems.
4 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Ne glede na možnost prenosa določenih nadzornih pristojnosti in odgovornosti, ki jo predpisuje zakonodaja Skupnosti, prisotnost koordinatorja, ki so mu dodeljene različne naloge glede dopolnilnega nadzora reguliranih oseb v finančnem konglomeratu, ne sme vplivati na naloge in odgovornosti pristojnih organov, ki jih predpisujejo sektorski predpisi.
Without prejudice to the possibility of delegating specific supervisory competences and responsibilities as provided for by Community legislation, the presence of a coordinator entrusted with specific tasks concerning the supplementary supervision of regulated entities in a financial conglomerate shall not affect the tasks and responsibilities of the competent authorities as provided for by the sectoral rules.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Brez vpliva na uresničevanje glasovalnih pravic po 6. členu ima Evropska skupnost pravico, da je zastopana in vključena v delo vseh organov EUROCONTROL-a, v katerih ima katera koli njena država članica pravico biti zastopana kot pogodbenica, in v katerih se lahko obravnavajo zadeve, ki spadajo pod njeno pristojnost, razen organov, ki imajo nadzorno funkcijo.
Without prejudice to the exercise of its voting rights under Article 6, the European Community shall be entitled to be represented and involved in the work of all bodies of EUROCONTROL in which any of its Member States is entitled to be represented as a Contracting Party, and where matters falling within its competence may be dealt with, with the exception of bodies which have an audit function.
6 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Pristojnosti nadzornega sveta banke
Responsibilities of a Bank's Supervisory Board
7 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Poleg pristojnosti, ki jih ima nadzorni svet po ZGD, ima nadzorni svet banke tudi naslednje pristojnosti:
In addition to the responsibilities of a supervisory board under the Law on Commercial Companies, the supervisory board of a bank shall have the following responsibilities:
8 Končna redakcija
Pristojnosti nadzornega sveta zavarovalne delniške družbe
Competences of the supervisory board of an insurance public limited company
9 Končna redakcija
Poleg pristojnosti, ki jih ima nadzorni svet po ZGD, ima nadzorni svet zavarovalne delniške družbe tudi naslednje pristojnosti:
In addition to the responsibilities of a supervisory board pursuant to the CA, the supervisory board of an insurance public limited company shall have the following responsibilities:
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
Stalni odbor izvaja svoje naloge brez poseganja v pristojnosti skupnega nadzornega organa.
The Standing Committee shall carry out its tasks without prejudice to the powers of the Joint Supervisory Authority.
11 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) V času trajanja izredne uprave izvršuje pristojnosti nadzornega sveta Banka Slovenije.
(1) During the period of special administration, the competencies of the supervisory board shall be conducted by the Bank of Slovenia
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
Stalni odbor se sme posvetovati s skupnim nadzornim organom na področjih iz njegove pristojnosti.
The Committee shall be authorised to consult the Authority in areas within its sphere of competence.
13 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) V postopku prisilne likvidacije izvršuje pristojnosti nadzornega sveta banke in pristojnosti skupščine, razen pristojnosti na podlagi določb iz 1. točke 150. člena tega zakona, Banka Slovenije.
(2) During the compulsory liquidation proceedings, the competencies of the supervisory board of the bank and the competencies of the general meeting of shareholders, except the competencies based on point 1 of article 150 of the present law, shall be conducted by the Bank of Slovenia.
14 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(4) Z dnem izdaje odločbe o izredni upravi prenehajo vse pristojnosti in pooblastila članom uprave in nadzornega sveta banke, ter pristojnosti skupščine, razen pristojnosti iz 143. člena tega zakona.
(4) On the day of issue of the decision on special administration shall cease all competencies and authorities of the members of the management board and supervisory board of the bank, and the competencies of the general meeting of shareholders of shareholders, except for the competency under article 143 of the present law.
15 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
7. če te podatke potrebuje Banka Slovenije oziroma drug nadzorni organ za potrebe nadzora, ki ga vodi v okviru svojih pristojnosti,
7. if these data are needed by the Bank of Slovenia or another supervisory authority for the needs of supervision carried out in the framework of its competencies,
16 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) Z dnem izdaje odločbe o prisilni likvidaciji prenehajo vse pristojnosti in pooblastila članom uprave in članom nadzornega sveta banke, ter pooblastila skupščine, razen pristojnosti na podlagi določb iz 1. točke 150. člena tega zakona.
(1) As of the date of issue of the decision on compulsory liquidation, all competencies and authorities of the members of the management board and supervisory board of the bank, and the authorities of the general meeting of shareholders, except the competencies on the basis of the provisions under point 1 of article 150 of the present law, shall expire.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Stopnjo nadzora bi bilo treba fiksirati na 1 % kmetov, ki sodijo v območje pristojnosti vsakega nadzornega organa, ki je izbran na podlagi ustrezne analize tveganja.
That control-rate should be fixed at 1 % of farmers falling under the area of competence of each control authority to be selected on the basis of an appropriate risk analysis.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Ta ocena pristojnega organa reguliranega trga ne sme posegati v pristojnosti nacionalnih centralnih bank kot nadzornikov sistemov poravnave ali drugih organov nadzora nad takimi sistemi.
This assessment of the competent authority of the regulated market shall be without prejudice to the competencies of the national central banks as overseers of settlement systems or other supervisory authorities on such systems.
19 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v pooblastila in pristojnosti iz odstavka 1 Računsko sodišče Evropskih skupnosti pred začetkom veljavnosti te pogodbe izvaja dana pooblastila in pristojnosti nad Nadzorno komisijo Evropskih skupnosti in nad Nadzornim organom Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo pod pogoji, določenimi v različnih dokumentih, ki se nanašajo na Nadzorni odbor in na Nadzorni organ.
Without prejudice to the powers and jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1, the Court of Auditors of the European Communities shall exercise the powers and jurisdiction conferred, before the entry into force of this Treaty, upon the Audit Board of the European Communities and upon the Auditor of the European Coal and Steel Community under the conditions laid down in the various instruments referring to the Audit Board and to the Auditor.
20 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) V primeru iz prvega odstavka tega člena ima pristojni nadzorni organ oziroma osebe, ki jih pooblasti, enake pristojnosti kot Banka Slovenije na podlagi določb 194. do 201. člena tega zakona.
(2) In the case specified in the first paragraph of this article, the competent supervisory authority or persons authorised by it shall have responsibilities identical to those of the Bank of Slovenia on the basis of the provisions of articles 194 to 201 of the present law.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Vsak posameznik, za katerega veljajo ti Kadrovski predpisi, lahko pri evropskem nadzorniku za varstvo podatkov, v okviru njegovih pristojnosti, vloži zahtevo ali pritožbo v smislu člena 90(1) in (2).
Any person to whom these Staff Regulations apply may submit to the European Data Protection Supervisor a request or a complaint within the meaning of Article 90(1) and (2), within his sphere of competence.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Če pristojnost evropskega urada vključuje opravljanje storitev za tretje osebe za denarno nadomestilo, nadzorni odbor določi posebne določbe za izvajanje teh storitev in za vodenje ustrezne evidence.
Should the remit of a European office involve supplies to third parties for pecuniary interest, the Management Committee shall lay down the specific provisions governing how these supplies are to be made and the keeping of the corresponding accounts.
23 Končna redakcija
(3) V primeru iz prvega odstavka tega člena ima pristojni nadzorni organ oziroma osebe, ki jih pooblasti, enake pristojnosti kot Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor na podlagi določb 301. do 306. člena tega zakona.
(3) In the case under the first paragraph hereunder, the competent supervisory authority or persons authorised by it shall have the same responsibilities as the Insurance Supervision Agency under the provisions of Articles 276 to 281 of this Act.
24 Končna redakcija
V nekaterih državah je politika zadržala možnost vplivanja na delovanje javnega servisa z imenovanjem svojih predstavnikov v nadzorna telesa ali pa z zelo široko definiranimi pristojnostmi pri imenovanju vodilnih ljudi.
In some of these countries politics retained the possibility of influencing public service broadcasters through retaining the right to appoint its representatives in supervising bodies, or through broadly defined authority to appoint management.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
nadzorne ukrepe, ki veljajo za ribiška plovila pod zastavo pogodbenice Konvencije o ohranjanju živih morskih virov na Antarktiki (Konvencija), ki delujejo na območju Skupnosti v vodah zunaj nacionalne sodne pristojnosti.
control measures applicable to fishing vessels flying the flag of a Contracting Party to the Convention for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources, (Convention), operating in the Convention area in waters located beyond the limits of national jurisdictions;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Za preprečitev neupravičenega podvajanja kontrole pristojni organ upošteva nadzor, ki ga nad sistemom obračuna in poravnave že izvajajo nacionalne centralne banke kot nadzorniki sistemov obračuna in poravnave ali drugi nadzorni organi s pristojnostjo za take sisteme.
In order to avoid undue duplication of control, the competent authority shall take into account the oversight/supervision of the clearing and settlement system already exercised by the national central banks as overseers of clearing and settlement systems or by other supervisory authorities with a competence in such systems.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
Nacionalni nadzorni organi sprejmejo ustrezne dogovore za tesno medsebojno sodelovanje, da bi zagotovili ustrezni nadzor izvajalcev navigacijskih služb z veljavnim dovoljenjem iz ene države članice, ki pa izvajajo storitve, povezane z zračnim prostorom, ki je v pristojnosti druge države članice.
National supervisory authorities shall make appropriate arrangements for close cooperation with each other to ensure adequate supervision of air navigation service providers holding a valid certificate from one Member State that also provide services relating to the airspace falling under the responsibility of another Member State.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
Nacionalni nadzorni organi iz člena 4 okvirne uredbe zagotovijo primerni nadzor uporabe te uredbe, zlasti glede varnega in učinkovitega delovanja izvajalcev navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa, povezanih z zračnim prostorom, ki sodijo v pristojnost države članice, ki je zadevni organ določila ali ustanovila.
The national supervisory authorities referred to in Article 4 of the framework Regulation shall ensure the appropriate supervision of the application of this Regulation, in particular with regard to the safe and efficient operation of air navigation service providers which provide services relating to the airspace falling under the responsibility of the Member State which nominated or established the relevant authority.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Če sam ne izvaja nadzora sistema(-ov) kakovosti pod točko 4, mora priglašeni organ, odgovoren za ES-verifikacijo, usklajevati nadzorne dejavnosti katerega koli drugega priglašenega organa, pristojnosti za to nalogo, da zagotovi pravilno upravljanje vmesnikov med različnimi sistemi kakovosti v zvezi z integracijo podsistema.
The notified body responsible for the EC verification, if not carrying out the surveillance of the quality system(s) concerned as under point 4, must coordinate the surveillance activities of any other notified body responsible for that task, in order to ensure that correct management of interfaces between the different quality systems in view of subsystem integration has been performed.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
To osebje je pod neposredno pristojnostjo nadzornika.
Such personnel shall be under the direct authority of the supervisor.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
Vrednotenja EPD so v pristojnosti Komisije v koordinaciji z nadzornim odborom.
Evaluations of the SPD shall be the responsibility of the Commission, in coordination with the Monitoring Committee.
32 Pravna redakcija
o pristojnostih in nalogah Nadzornega organa EFTA na področju državnih pomoči
on the powers and functions of the EFTA Surveillance Authority in the field of State aid
33 Pravna redakcija
Vabilo se naslovi tudi na države, ki so v pristojnosti drugega nadzornega organa.
The invitation shall also extend to the States falling within the competence of the other surveillance authority.
34 Pravna redakcija
Stalni odbor izvaja svoje naloge brez poseganja v pristojnosti skupnega nadzornega organa.
The Standing Committee shall carry out its tasks without prejudice to the powers of the Joint Supervisory Authority.
35 Pravna redakcija
Nadzorni odbori delujejo v okviru pristojnosti, vključno s sodno pristojnostjo, države članice.
The Monitoring Committees shall act under the authority and within the legal jurisdiction of the Member State.
36 Pravna redakcija
Stalni odbor se sme posvetovati s skupnim nadzornim organom na področjih iz njegove pristojnosti.
The Committee shall be authorised to consult the Authority in areas within its sphere of competence.
37 Pravna redakcija
Za Švico je nadzorni organ lahko zvezni organ za celotno območje države ali pa kantonalni organ za področja, ki so v njegovi pristojnosti.
With regard to Switzerland, the monitoring authority may be a federal authority for the whole of the country or a cantonal authority for the areas for which it is responsible.
38 Pravna redakcija
"Preden se projekti izvedejo, Komisija ES ali nadzorni organ EFTA v okviru svojih pristojnosti preverita njihovo združljivost s Sporazumom EGP.";
'Before they are implemented, the EC Commission or the EFTA Surveillance Authority shall, in their respective competence, verify the compatibility of these projects with the EEA Agreement.`;
39 Pravna redakcija
Pooblastila tega skupnega nadzornega organa nesmejo posegati v sodno pristojnost nacionalnih sodišč ali v pritožbene postopke, ki bi jim lahko bili predloženi.
The powers of this joint supervisory body should be without prejudice to the jurisdiction of national courts or to the arrangements for any appeals which may be brought before them.
40 Pravna redakcija
Direktor lahko svoje pristojnosti prenese na podrejene pod pogoji, ki jih določi sam, in znotraj okvirov, določenih z aktom o prenosu pristojnosti, ki se predloži pooblaščeni osebi, računovodji, finančnemu nadzorniku, upravnemu odboru in Skupnemu revizijskemu odboru.
The Director may delegate his powers under conditions to be laid down by him and within the limits set by the act of delegation, which shall be communicated to the empowered person, the Accounting Officer, the Financial Controller, the Management Board and the joint Audit Committee.
41 Pravna redakcija
Vsak nadzorni organ in države, ki spadajo v njegovo pristojnost, imajo pravico biti navzoči v Svetovalnem odboru drugega nadzornega organa, kjer lahko izrazijo tudi svoja stališča;
Each surveillance authority and the States falling within its competence shall be entitled to be present in the Advisory Committees of the other surveillance authority and to express their views therein;
42 Pravna redakcija
"Komisija ES in nadzorni organ EFTA poskrbita, da se določbe iz tega člena uporabljajo in, kadar je to primerno, na članice, ki spadajo v njuno pristojnost, naslovita ustrezne ukrepe."
'The EC Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority shall see to it that the provisions of this Article are applied and shall, where necessary, address appropriate measures to States falling within their respective competence.`
43 Pravna redakcija
Če podjetja za komuniciranje z nadzornim organom izberejo jezik, ki ni eden od uradnih jezikov držav pod pristojnostjo tega organa, pa tudi ne njegov delovni jezik, se uporablja odstavek 2.
If they choose to address a surveillance authority in a language which is not one of the official languages of the States falling within the competence of that authority, or a working language of that authority, paragraph 2 shall apply.
44 Pravna redakcija
Za Skupnost je nadzorni organ iz člena 8 tega Sporazuma lahko Komisija Evropskih skupnosti ali pa neodvisni državni organ države članice, ki nimata pristojnosti odločati na podlagi tega Sporazuma.
With regard to the Community, the monitoring authority referred to in Article 8 of this Agreement may be the Commission of the European Communities or an independent national authority of a Member State without either having sole authority to act under this Agreement.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Vsak posameznik, za katerega veljajo ti Kadrovski predpisi, lahko pri evropskem nadzorniku za varstvo podatkov, v okviru njegovih pristojnosti, vloži zahtevo ali pritožbo v smislu člena 90(1) in (2).
Any person to whom these Staff Regulations apply may submit to the European Data Protection Supervisor a request or a complaint within the meaning of Article 90(1) and (2), within his sphere of competence.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
(a) nadzorne ukrepe, ki veljajo za ribiška plovila pod zastavo pogodbenice Konvencije o ohranjanju živih morskih virov na Antarktiki (Konvencija), ki delujejo na območju Skupnosti v vodah zunaj nacionalne sodne pristojnosti.
(a) control measures applicable to fishing vessels flying the flag of a Contracting Party to the Convention for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources, (Convention), operating in the Convention area in waters located beyond the limits of national jurisdictions;
47 Pravna redakcija
O imenovanju odredbodajalcev, računovodje, pomožnih računovodij in upraviteljev računov akontacij ter o dejanjih prenosa pristojnosti oziroma imenovanja skladno s členoma 19(1) in 21 se obvesti Skupni revizijski odbor in finančnega nadzornika.
The Joint Audit Committee and the Financial Controller shall be informed of the appointment of Authorising Officers, the Accounting Officer, Assistant Accounting Officers and Administrators of imprest accounts, and of the acts of delegation or appointment pursuant to Article 19(1) and Article 21.
48 Pravna redakcija
Če podjetja za komuniciranje z nadzornim organom izberejo jezik, ki ni eden od uradnih jezikov držav spadajo pod pristojnostjo tega organa, pa tudi ne njegov delovni jezik, hkrati dostavijo celotno dokumentacijo s prevodom v uradni jezik tega organa.
If undertakings choose to address a surveillance authority in a language which is not one of the official languages of the States falling within the competence of that authority, or a working language of that authority, they shall simultaneously supplement all documentation with a translation into an official language of that authority.
49 Pravna redakcija
v členu 7, uvodni odstavek, se besedilo "na podlagi člena 7 Uredbe št. 19/65/EGS' glasi "bodisi na lastno pobudo bodisi na zahtevo drugega nadzornega organa ali države, ki spada v njegovo pristojnost, ali fizičnih ali pravnih oseb z upravičenim interesom";
in Article 7, introductory paragraph, the phrase 'pursuant to Article 7 of Regulation No 19/65/EEC` shall read 'either on its own initiative or at the request of the other surveillance authority or a State falling within its competence or of natural or legal persons claiming a legitimate interest`;
50 Pravna redakcija
(e) v uvodnem odstavku člena 10 se stavek "na podlagi člena 7 Uredbe št. 19/65/EGS" glasi "bodisi na lastno pobudo bodisi na zahtevo drugega nadzornega organa ali države, ki spada v njegovo pristojnost, ali fizičnih ali pravnih oseb z upravičenim interesom";
(e) in Article 10, introductory paragraph, the phrase 'pursuant to Article 7 of Regulation No 19/65/EEC` shall read 'either on its own initiative or at the request of the other surveillance authority or a State falling within its competence or of natural or legal persons claiming a legitimate interest`;
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nadzorna pristojnost