Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Objavljeno
V začetnem obdobju ni najti nobenih drugih simptomov ali znakov.
There are no other symptoms and signs present in the first period.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-33
Če skupna komisija ne more najti rešitve, se spor reši po diplomatski poti.
If the Joint Commission cannot find a solution, the dispute shall be solved through diplomatic channels.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-113
Skupni odbor poskuša v ta namen najti vsa možna sredstva za nemoteno izvajanje tega sporazuma.
For that purpose, the Joint Committee shall consider every possible means of maintaining the smooth functioning of this Agreement.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Vlada si prizadeva skupaj z agencijo najti čim boljšo mogočo rešitev za šolanje otrok osebja agencije.
The Government shall do its utmost to find, jointly with the Agency, the best possible solution for the schooling of children of the Agency's staff.
5 Objavljeno
Evropska konvencija o bioetiki je skušala najti soglasje, da bi zaščitila človekovo dostojanstvo in svobodo;
The European Convention on Biothics tried to find a consensus to save human dignity and freedom,
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
Če rešitve ni mogoče najti v treh mesecih, lahko zadevne pogodbenice sporazumno določijo mediatorja za razrešitev spora.
If no solution is found within three months, the Contracting Parties concerned may by common accord choose a mediator to resolve the dispute.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-68
dejavno spremljati izvajanje tega memoranduma in najti primerne rešitve za odprta vprašanja, ki se pojavijo med izvajanjem;
To follow-up the implementation of this MoU concluded and to find the appropriate solutions to the open issues that may arise during its application.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-57
(8) Arbitražno sodišče lahko pogodbenicama ob njunem soglasju v vsaki fazi postopka pomaga najti prijateljsko rešitev spora.
(8) The Arbitration Tribunal may at any stage of the procedure with the consent of both Parties assist them in reaching a friendly settlement.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
Če ni mogoče najti rešitve, pogodbenici uporabita mehanizem reševanja sporov iz člena 86 Pridružitvenega sporazuma iz marca 2000.
If no solution can be found, the Parties shall make use of the dispute settlement mechanism provided for in Article 86 of the March 2000 Association Agreement.
10 Objavljeno
Zaporedje izkustva bolezni nam pomaga razumeti, kako in zakaj bolnik v danem trenutku poskuša najti zase najbolj sprejemljiv način vedenja.
The stage of illness experience helps us understand how why the patient is trying to find himself the most acceptable behaviour in the certain moment.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(b) čim podrobnejši podatki o tem, kje oseba je, ali o njeni istovetnosti ali o kraju, ki ga je treba najti ali ugotoviti, da bi zagotovili iskano pomoč,
(b) As much detailed information as possible about the location or identification of any person or place that must be found or identified in order for the assistance sought to be provided;
12 Objavljeno
Namen nominacijskega postopka je najti kandidata, ki bo ustrezal glede na posebne lastnosti in potrebe družbe, kakršne izkazuje profil potrebnih kandidatov.
The purpose of the nomination procedure is to find a candidate who will be suitable with regard to the special characteristics and needs of the company such as are demonstrated by the profile of the needed candidates.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se vroča na delovnem mestu tistega, ki naj se mu vroči, pa tega ni najti tam, se lahko vroči pisanje osebi, ki je zaposlena na tistem mestu, če ga hoče sprejeti.
If the service is attempted to be made in the place of work of the recipient, but the latter is not found there, the documents may be left with any person employed in the same place, if they are willing to accept it.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
Pri izbiri vidljivosti, ki vpliva na določitev odsekov, na katerih je neprekinjena črta zaželena ali ne, in izbiri dolžine črte je skoraj nujno treba najti kompromis.
The choice of range of vision to be used in determining the sections on which a continuous line is or is not desirable, and the choice of the length of the line, is bound to be a compromise.
15 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
Skrb za trajnostni razvoj je izrecno opredeljena kot vse pomembnejša strateška naloga države(23), ki mora najti svoje mesto v okviru razvojnih usmeritev vseh razvojnih sektorjev.
Sustainable development is defined as an increasingly important strategic task of the State, which has to find its place in the orientations of all development sectors.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
O sporih med državami članicami glede razlage ali uporabe te konvencije na začetni stopnji razpravlja Svet v skladu s postopkom iz Naslova VI Pogodbe o Evropski uniji z namenom najti rešitev.
Disputes between Member States on the interpretation or application of this Convention shall in an initial stage be discussed by the Council in accordance with the procedure set out in Title VI of the Treaty on European Union with the aim of finding a settlement.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Izvršni direktor nudi pomoč pri pripravi projektnih predlogov v skladu s členom 25 in si prizadeva pod pogoji, ki jih določi Svet, najti ustrezno in zagotovljeno financiranje za projekte, ki jih odobri Svet.
The Executive Director shall provide assistance in the development of project proposals in accordance with Article 25 and endeavour to seek, on such terms and conditions as the Council may decide, adequate and assured finance for projects approved by the Council.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(b) je oseba na begu ali je ni moč najti in je bilo storjeno vse ustrezno, da se zagotovi njena navzočnost na Sodišču in da se oseba obvesti o obtožbah in o tem, da bo potekalo zaslišanje za potrditev te obtožnice.
(b) Fled or cannot be found and all reasonable steps have been taken to secure his or her appearance before the Court and to inform the person of the charges and that a hearing to confirm those charges will be held.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
O sporih v zvezi z zavrnitvijo odprave imunitete Europola ali osebe, ki zaradi svojega službenega položaja uživa imuniteto iz člena 8(1), razpravlja Svet po postopku iz naslova VI Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, s ciljem najti rešitev.
Disputes on a refusal to waive an immunity of Europol or of a person who, by reason of his official position, enjoys immunity as mentioned in Article 8 (1), shall be discussed by the Council in accordance with the procedure set out in Title VI of the Treaty on European Union with the aim of finding a settlement.
20 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
Katerikoli taki ukrepi, vključno s časovno naravnanostjo in obsegom, se lahko uvedejo po posvetovanju, ki ima namen najti medsebojno zadovoljivo rešitev med določenimi članicami. O ukrepih je treba obvestiti TMB z zadovoljivo utemeljitvijo.
Any such actions, together with their timing and scope, may be taken after consultations held with a view to arriving at a mutually satisfactory solution between the concerned Members and shall be notified to the TMB with full justification.
21 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
Politika nadzora in zmanjševanja tveganja, kot del optimalnega gospodarjenja z vodami, omogoča najti kompromis med nadaljevanjem dejavnosti na vodah pod določenimi pogoji in s kompenzacijo negativnih učinkov z zmanjševanjem možnosti, da se ti pojavijo.
The risk control and reduction policy, as a part of optimal water management, helps to find a compromise between the continuation of activities affecting waters under specific conditions and the remediation of negative effects by reducing the possibility of their emergence.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-57
Pogodbenice se brez razlikovanja med posameznimi izdajatelji televizijskih programov zavezujejo s skupnimi močmi najti najprimernejša sredstva in postopke v podporo delovanja in razvoja evropske produkcije, zlasti v deželah z majhno avdiovizualno produkcijo oziroma na omejenem jezikovnem območju.
The Parties undertake to look together for the most appropriate instruments and procedures to support, without discrimination between broadcasters, the activity and development of European production, particularly in countries with a low audiovisual production capacity or restricted language area.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
V ŽELJI zagotoviti, da se odločitve sprejemajo v kar najtesnejši povezavi z državljani Unije,
WISHING to ensure that decisions are taken as closely as possible to the citizens of the Union;
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
petega odstavka 1. člena ali četrtega odstavka 2. člena tega protokola, država prosilka pa vztraja pri svojem zaprosilu in ni mogoče najti rešitve, zaprošena država pošlje utemeljeno odločitev o zavrnitvi zaprosila v vednost Svetu zaradi morebitne ocene pravosodnega sodelovanja med državami članicami.
Article 1(5) or Article 2(4) of this Protocol, and the requesting Member State maintains its request, and no solution can be found, the reasoned decision to refuse the request shall be forwarded to the Council for information by the requested Member State, for possible evaluation of the functioning of judicial cooperation between Member States.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Pristojnost Sodišča je omejena na najtežja hudodelstva, ki zadevajo mednarodno skupnost kot celoto.
The jurisdiction of the Court shall be limited to the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole.
26 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Na vsako zadevo, ki vpliva na izpolnjevanje obveznosti po teh določbah, je treba Svet opozoriti, in ta se mora na zahtevo ene članice posvetovati s katerokoli članico ali članicami o zadevi, za katero ni bilo mogoče najti zadovoljive rešitve z dvostranskimi ali večstranskimi posvetovanji med določenimi članicami.
Any matter affecting the compliance with the obligations under these provisions may be drawn to the attention of the Council, which, at the request of a Member, shall consult with any Member or Members in respect of such matter in respect of which it has not been possible to find a satisfactory solution through bilateral or plurilateral consultations between the Members concerned.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
b če takih pravil ni, se uporablja pravo sistema ali pravni predpisi, s katerimi je otrok najtesneje povezan.
b in the absence of such rules, the law of the system or the set of rules of law with which the child has the closest connection applies.
28 Objavljeno
Pred tridesetimi leti, ko so na kliniki priključili prvega novorojenčka v dihalnis tiski na umetna pljuča, in zlasti po odprtju prvega, sodobno opremeljenega centra za intenzivno terapijo otrok v KC 1974, so se pediatri-intenzivisti soočili z etičnimi dvomi, na katere so morali sami najti odgovore, kako ukrepati v interesu otroka in njegove družine.
There follows a short history of the Department of Paediatric Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana/UMC/, and a description of its special features, which are today known in the world as the "Ljubljana model".
29 Objavljeno
Janeza Bleiweisa (1808-1881), drugi njegov lik v očeh raznih kritikov in tretji prispevek njegovega najtesnejšega sodelavca dr.
Janez Bleiweis (1808-1881), the second essay speaks of him as a figure in the eyes of various critics, while the third one pertains to the contribution of his closest collaborator, dr.
30 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
"Vlade Kraljevine Belgije, Kraljevine Nizozemske in Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg menijo, da je treba za to, da bo ta protokol začel veljati, do konca leta 1996 najti ustrezno rešitev za pristojnost Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za razlago protokola, po možnosti v okviru sedanjih razprav o podelitvi pristojnosti Sodišču za predhodno odločanje o razlagi Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti."
"The Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg take the view that, for this Protocol to enter into force, a satisfactory solution to the question of the competence to be conferred on the Court of Justice of the European Communities for the interpretation of the Protocol must be found by the end of November 1996, preferably within the framework of the current discussions on the conferral of competence on the Court of Justice to give preliminary rulings on the interpretation of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests."
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Pri tem ne smemo pozabiti, da gre v primeru zdravljenj v bolnišnici za najtežje oblike bolezni, ki jih ni več mogoče zdraviti ambulantno.
It should be kept in mind, however, that in the case of hospital treatment the most severe forms of the disease which can no longer be treated in out-patient clinics, are involved.
32 Objavljeno
Napovedujem tudi znižanje materialnih stroškov zaradi vzpostavitve enotne pregledne doktrine diagnosticiranja in zdravljenja najtežjih bolnikov.
Author predicts also a decrease of material expenditures owing to the establishment of a uniform, surveyable doctrine of diagnosing and treatment of the most serious patients.
33 Objavljeno
V nasprotju z dosedanjim splošnim prepričanjem naši rezultati potrjujejo, da lahko poteka klopni meningoencefalitis tudi v otroškem obdobju v najtežji obliki in pušča težke posledice.
Contrary to common belief, severe forms of TBE with long lasting or permanent sequelae develop in childhood.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
država, katere državljanstvo ima otrok, pomeni ozemeljsko enoto, določeno v skladu s pravom te države, če ustreznih določb ni, pa ozemeljsko enoto, s katero je otrok najtesneje povezan;
4 any reference to the State of which the child is a national shall be construed as referring to the territorial unit designated by the law of that State or, in the absence of relevant rules, to the territorial unit with which the child has the closest connection;
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Sodišče je trajna institucija in je pooblaščeno, da izvaja svojo jurisdikcijo nad storilci najtežjih mednarodnih hudodelstev, kot so opisana v tem statutu, in dopolnjuje kazenske jurisdikcije držav.
It shall be a permanent institution and shall have the power to exercise its jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of international concern, as referred to in this Statute, and shall be complementary to national criminal jurisdictions.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
2.4.3 Kadar so ustanovljeni ločeni pomorski in letalski centri za usklajevanje reševanja ali reševalni podcentri za isto območje, pogodbenica zagotovi najtesnejše možno sodelovanje med temi centri ali podcentri.
2.4.3 Whenever separate maritime and aeronautical rescue co-ordination centres or rescue sub-centres are established to serve the same area, the Party concerned shall ensure the closest practicable co-ordination between the centres or sub-centres.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
ii) v vsakem drugem primeru pa sodišča tiste pogodbenice, ki jih je na zahtevo prizadete pogodbenice določilo razsodišče, navedeno v 17. členu, in za katera je ugotovilo, da so najtesneje povezana s tem primerom.
ii) in any other case, with the courts of the Contracting Party determined, at the request of a Contracting Party concerned, by the Tribunal referred to in Article 17 as being the most closely related to the case in question.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
2.4.1 Pogodbenice zagotovijo najtesnejše možno usklajevanje med pomorskimi in letalskimi službami, da bi zagotovile kar se da učinkovito in uspešno iskanje in reševanje v svojih območjih iskanja in reševanja in nad njimi.
2.4.1 Parties shall ensure that the closest practicable co-ordination between maritime and aeronautical services so as to provide for the most effective and efficient search and rescue services in and over their search and rescue regions.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
potrjujejo, da najtežja hudodelstva, ki zadevajo mednarodno skupnost kot celoto, ne smejo ostati nekaznovana in da je treba zagotoviti njihov učinkovit pregon s sprejemanjem ukrepov na državni ravni ter z okrepitvijo mednarodnega sodelovanja,
Affirming that the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured by taking measures at the national level and by enhancing international cooperation,
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
so odločene, da v ta namen in v dobro sedanjih in prihodnjih generacij ustanovijo neodvisno stalno Mednarodno kazensko sodišče, povezano s sistemom Združenih narodov in pristojno za najtežja hudodelstva, ki prizadevajo mednarodno skupnost kot celoto,
Determined to these ends and for the sake of present and future generations, to establish an independent permanent International Criminal Court in relationship with the United Nations system, with jurisdiction over the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole,
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
ii) v vsakem drugem primeru pa sodišča tiste pogodbenice, ki jih je na zahtevo prizadete pogodbenice določilo razsodišče, navedeno v 17. členu, za katera je ugotovilo, da so to sodišča tiste pogodbenice, ki je najtesneje povezana z nesrečo in prizadeta zaradi njenih posledic.
ii) in any other case, with the courts determined, at the request of a Contracting Party concerned, by the Tribunal referred to in Article 17 as being the courts of that Contracting Party which is most closely related to and affected by the consequences of the incident.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
glede na to, da je bilo z Rimskim statutom Mednarodnega kazenskega sodišča, ki ga je 17. julija 1998 sprejela Diplomatska konferenca pooblaščencev Združenih narodov, ustanovljeno Mednarodno kazensko sodišče s pooblastilom, da izvaja svojo jurisdikcijo nad storilci najtežjih mednarodnih hudodelstev;
Whereas the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted on 17 July 1998 by the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries established the International Criminal Court with the power to exercise its jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of international concern;
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
d) Kadar se zgodi jedrska nesreča na območju, za katero se upoštevajo okoliščine iz odstavka d) 17. člena, so pristojna sodišča, ki jih je na zahtevo prizadete pogodbenice določilo razsodišče, navedeno v 17. členu, za katera je ugotovilo, da so to sodišča tiste pogodbenice, ki je najtesneje povezana z nesrečo in prizadeta zaradi njenih posledic.
d) Where a nuclear incident occurs in an area in respect of which the circumstances of Article 17(d) apply, jurisdiction shall lie with the courts determined, at the request of a Contracting Party concerned, by the Tribunal referred to in Article 17 as being the courts of that Contracting Party which is most closely related to and affected by the consequences of the incident.
44 Končna redakcija
Mode za otroke ni mogoče najti v nobeni moški reviji.
Fashion for children cannot be found in any men's magazine.
45 Končna redakcija
Treba jih bo najti in morda celo s palico nagnati med narod!'
We must find them and chase them with sticks to join the people'.
46 Končna redakcija
Da bi demokracija preživela, je treba najti ustrezno zdravilo.
If democracy is to survive, a suitable remedy must be found.
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0477
ker je azbest škodljiva snov, ki jo je mogoče najti v mnogih okoliščinah pri delu;
Whereas asbestos is a harmful agent found in a large number of circumstances at work;
48 Končna redakcija
HIGGINS (razmišljeno hodi sem ter tja po sobi). Ampak jaz ne morem nobene reči najti.
HIGGINS [wandering distractedly across the room] But I cant find anything.
49 Končna redakcija
Pri skrajnih oblikah nasilja, si ni mogoče zamisliti takega, ki ga ne bi mogli najti na internetu.
There is no imaginable form of extreme violence that is not represented on the Internet.
50 Končna redakcija
Skupni odbor EGP preuči zadevo s ciljem najti sprejemljivo rešitev, da bi Sporazum EGP deloval nemoteno.
The EEA Joint Committee shall examine the matter with a view to finding an acceptable solution in order to maintain the good functioning of the EEA Agreement.
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