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naknadna kontrola
1 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna kontrola obrazcev A.RL.2 se opravi naključno ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o pravem poreklu zadevnega blaga ali njegovih sestavnih delov.
Verification of form A.RL. 2 is carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubt as to the true origin of the goods in question or of constituents thereof.
2 Prevod
NAKNADNA KONTROLA (če se izvod uporabi kot dokaz skupnostnega statusa blaga)
A POSTERIORI CONTROL (Where this copy is used for establishing the Community status of the goods)
3 Končna redakcija
V Skupnosti se določijo poskusna polja Skupnosti, na katerih se vsako leto opravi naknadna kontrola naključno vzetih vzorcev semena;
Community test fields shall be established within the Community for the annual post-control of seed samples taken during check sampling;
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Vzorci za pregled semena za potrditev in za naknadno kontrolo se odvzamejo iz homogenih partij;
For the examination of seed for certification and for post-control tests, samples shall be drawn from homogeneous lots;
5 Končna redakcija
Izpolnjevanje pogojev, katerim mora seme ustrezati, se lahko preveri s poskusi naknadne kontrole.
Satisfaction of the conditions with which the seed must comply may be checked during the post-control tests.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Te določbe veljajo tudi, če se vzorci standardnega semena uradno odvzamejo za naknadno kontrolo.
These provisions shall also apply where samples of standard seed are drawn officially for post-control tests.
7 Končna redakcija
ki je predmet uradne naknadne kontrole z naključnim nadzorom, ki preveri sortno pristnost in sortno čistost;
which is subject to official post-control by check inspection to verify its varietal identity and varietal purity;
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Ti primerjalni poskusi se uporabijo za usklajevanje tehničnih metod potrjevanja in naknadne kontrole, da se pridobijo enakovredni rezultati.
These comparative tests shall be used to harmonise the technical methods of certification and post-control examination so as to obtain results which are equivalent.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vzorci za pregled semena za potrjevanje in za naknadno kontrolo odvzamejo uradno in v skladu z ustreznimi metodami.
Member States shall require that for the examination of seed for certification and for post-control tests, samples are drawn officially in accordance with appropriate methods.
10 Končna redakcija
semenski posevek, ki ga je treba pregledati, se zasnuje iz semena, ki je bilo uradno naknadno kontrolirano, rezultati take kontrole pa so zadovoljivi;
the seed crop to be inspected shall be grown from seed which has undergone official post-control, the results of which have been satisfactory;
11 Končna redakcija
Uvedejo se poljski preskusi Skupnosti za vsakoletno naknadno kontrolo osnovnega semena in vseh vrst certificiranega semena, odvzetega med kontrolnim vzorčenjem;
Community test fields shall be established within the Community for the annual post-control of basic seed and certified seed of all kinds taken during check sampling;
12 Končna redakcija
delež vzorcev iz partij semena, požetega iz semenskega posevka, se odvzame za uradno naknadno kontrolo in, kjer je to primerno, za uradno laboratorijsko testiranje semena glede sortne pristnosti in čistosti.
a proportion of samples from the seed lots harvested from the seed crops shall be drawn for official post-control and, where appropriate, for official laboratory seed testing in respect of varietal identity and purity.
13 Končna redakcija
Zato je treba dovoliti trženje preverjenega standardnega semena, ki mora imeti tudi sortno pristnost in čistost, vendar so te značilnosti predmet le uradne naknadne kontrole, ki se opravlja na polju z vzorčenjem.
The marketing of checked standard seed which must also possess varietal identity and purity should therefore be allowed, these characteristics being subject, however, only to official post-control carried out in the field by sampling.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Primerjalni poskusi Skupnosti se izvedejo v okviru Skupnosti za naknadno kontrolo vzorcev osnovnega semena, z izjemo semena hibridnih in sintetičnih sort, ter certificiranega ali standardnega semena zelenjadnic, odvzetega med vzorčenjem.
Community comparative tests shall be carried out within the Community for the post-control examination of samples of basic seed, with the exception to that of hybrid and synthetic varieties, and of certified or standard vegetable seed, taken during sampling.
15 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da je seme kategorij »certificirano seme« in »standardno seme« predmet uradne naknadne kontrole na polju, kjer se s preverjanjem primerja njihovo sortno pristnost in sortno čistost s standardnimi vzorci.
Member States shall ensure that seed of the categories "certified seed" and "standard seed" is subject to official post-control in the field by inspection to compare their varietal identity and varietal purity against standard controls.
16 Končna redakcija
Primerjalni poskusi Skupnosti se izvajajo v okviru Skupnosti za naknadno kontrolo vzorcev osnovnega semena, z izjemo semena hibridnih ali sintetičnih sort, ter certificiranega semena vseh kategorij oljnic in predivnic, odvzetega med vzorčenjem.
Community comparative tests shall be carried out within the Community for the post-control of samples of basic seed, with the exception of that of hybrid or synthetic varieties, and of certified seed of all categories of oil and fibre plants, taken during sampling.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Če se pri poskusih naknadne kontrole na polju vedno znova ugotovi, da seme katere koli sorte ne izpolnjuje pogojev, določenih za sortno pristnost ali sortno čistost, države članice zagotovijo, da se osebi, ki trži, popolnoma ali delno prepove trženje takšnega semena (če je to primerno, za določeno obdobje).
If it is repeatedly found, during post-control tests carried out in the field, that seed of any one variety does not adequately satisfy the conditions laid down in respect of varietal identity or varietal purity, Member States shall ensure that the person marketing it is wholly or partially forbidden to market such seed (where appropriate, for a specified period).
18 Končna redakcija
Za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja, ki jih uporabljajo države članice, in za zagotovitev možnosti primerjave med semenom, potrjenim znotraj Skupnosti, in tistim iz tretjih držav, bi morali predpisati primerjalne poskuse Skupnosti v državah članicah, ki bi dopuščali letno naknadno kontrolo semena iz kategorije "certificirano seme".
In order to harmonise the technical methods of certification used in the Member States and to enable comparisons to be made between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community comparative tests should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of the category "certified seed".
19 Končna redakcija
ker bi za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja, ki se uporabljajo v različnih državah članicah, in za lažje prihodnje primerjanje semena, potrjenega v Skupnosti, ter semena iz tretjih držav v državah članicah morali uvesti poskusna polja Skupnosti, kar bi omogočalo vsakoletno naknadno kontrolo različnih kategorij "certificiranega semena";
Whereas, in order to harmonise the technical methods of certification used in the various Member States and to enable comparisons to be made in the future between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community test fields should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of the various categories of "certified seed";
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja, ki se uporablja v državah članicah, in da se omogočijo primerjave, ki jih je treba narediti med semenom, potrjenim v Skupnosti, in semenom iz tretjih držav, je treba v državah članicah vzpostaviti primerjalne poskuse, ki bodo omogočili letno naknadno kontrolo semena različnih kategorij »certificiranega semena«.
In order to harmonise the technical methods of certification used in the Member States and to enable comparisons to be made between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community comparative tests should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of the various categories of "certified seed".
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Odredbodajalec na podlagi prenosa vzpostavi v skladu z minimalnimi standardi, ki jih sprejme vsaka institucija, ter ob upoštevanju tveganj v zvezi s poslovodnim okoljem in naravo financiranih ukrepov, organizacijsko strukturo in notranje postopke za poslovodenje in kontrolo, ki so primerni za opravljanje njegovih nalog, po potrebi vključno z naknadnim preverjanjem.
The authorising officer by delegation shall put in place, in compliance with the minimum standards adopted by each institution and having due regard to the risks associated with the management environment and the nature of the actions financed, the organisational structure and the internal management and control procedures suited to the performance of his/her duties, including where appropriate ex post verifications.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0728
Na podlagi ukrepov, ki so v veljavi v Skupnosti glede sistemov dvojne kontrole ter predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora, ki ga Skupnost izvaja nad tekstilnimi izdelki ob uvozu v Skupnost, se je na zavezujoče tarifne informacije, ki jih izdajajo carinski organi držav članic in ki niso v skladu s to uredbo, v skladu s členom 12(6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2913/92, mogoče še naprej sklicevati v obdobju 60 dni.
Subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information issued by the customs authorities of Member States which is not in accordance with this Regulation, can continue to be invoked for a period of 60 days, under Article 12(6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja in nadzora, ki se uporablja v državah članicah, in da se omogočijo primerjave, ki jih je treba narediti med semenom, potrjenim v Skupnosti, in semenom iz tretjih držav, je treba v državah članicah vzpostaviti primerjalne poskuse, ki bodo omogočili letno naknadno kontrolo semena nekaterih sort kategorije »osnovno seme« in semena kategorij »certificirano seme« in «standardno seme«.
In order to harmonise the technical methods of certification and control used in the Member States and to enable comparisons to be made between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community comparative tests should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of certain varieties of the category "basic seed" and of seed of the categories "certified seed" and "standard seed".
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0728
Primerno je zagotoviti, da se, na podlagi ukrepov, ki veljajo v Skupnosti glede sistemov dvojne kontrole ter predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora, ki ga Skupnost izvaja nad tekstilnimi izdelki ob uvozu v Skupnost, imetnik, v skladu s členom 12(6) Uredbe Sveta (EES) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti [2], v obdobju 60 dni lahko še naprej sklicuje na zavezujoče tarifne informacije, ki jih izdajajo carinski organi držav članic v zvezi z uvrščanjem blaga v kombinirani nomenklaturi in ki niso v skladu s to uredbo.
It is appropriate to provide that, subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information issued by the customs authorities of Member States in respect of the classification of goods in the Combined Nomenclature and which is not in accordance with this Regulation, can continue to be invoked for a period of 60 days by the holder, under Article 12(6) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code(2).
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
H NAKNADNA KONTROLA (če se ta izvod uporabi kot dokaz skupnostnega statusa blaga)
H APOSTERIORI CONTROL (Where this copy is used for establishing the Community status of the goods)
26 Pravna redakcija
Kontrolni izvod T5 se lahko izda naknadno pod pogojem, da:
Control copy T5 may be issued retrospectively on condition that:
27 Pravna redakcija
Preverjene vknjižbe po carinjenju, zadevnem carinskem postopku ali obravnavi (naknadne kontrole)
Entries checked after customs clearance, customs procedure or treatment concerned (post clearance controls)
28 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je kontrolni izvod T5 izdan naknadno, vsebuje eno od naslednjih z rdečo zapisanih besedil:
Where control copy T5 is issued retrospectively, it shall contain in red one of the following phrases:
29 Pravna redakcija
Priloga se lahko naknadno spremeni, sistem dvojne kontrole pa odpravi na podlagi sklepa Sveta za sodelovanje.
The Annex may subsequently be amended or the double-checking system abolished by means of a Decision of the Cooperation Council.
30 Pravna redakcija
Primerjalni poskusi se izvajajo za namene naknadnih kontrol vzorcev semen iz serij, ki se tržijo v obeh pogodbenicah.
Comparative trials shall be held with a view to ex post checks of samples of seeds taken from batches marketed in the two Parties.
31 Pravna redakcija
Priloga se lahko naknadno spremeni, sistem dvojne kontrole pa odpravi na podlagi sklepa Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sveta.
The Annex may subsequently be amended or the double-checking system abolished by means of a Decision of the Stabilisation and Association Council.
32 Pravna redakcija
Znotraj skupnosti se opravijo primerjalni poskusi naknadne kontrole vzorcev certificiranega semena pese, odvzetega med vzorčenjem.
Community comparative tests shall be carried out within the Community for the post-control of samples of certified beet seed taken during sampling.
33 Pravna redakcija
Za blago, ki bo naknadno predloženo v carinski postopek Skupnosti (razen sprostitve v prosti promet), se poleg kraja, kjer je blago predloženo v carinsko kontrolo, navede oznaka "V CARINSKEM POSTOPKU".
For goods which are subsequently to be placed under a community customs procedure (other than release for free circulation) the notation 'UNDER CUSTOMS PROCEDURE' is to be made together with the place where the goods enter customs control.
34 Pravna redakcija
delež vzorcev iz partij semen, požetih iz semenskih posevkov, je odvzet za uradno naknadno kontrolo in, kjer je primerno, za uradno laboratorijsko testiranje semena glede sortne pristnosti in čistosti.
a proportion of samples from the seed lots harvested from the seed crops shall be drawn for official postcontrol and, where appropriate, for official laboratory seed testing in respect of varietal identity and purity.
35 Pravna redakcija
delež vzorcev iz partij semena, požetega iz semenskih posevkov, se odvzame za uradno naknadno kontrolo in, če je to primerno, za uradno laboratorijsko testiranje semena glede sortne pristnosti in čistosti;
a proportion of samples from the seed lots harvested from the seed crops shall be drawn for official post-control and, where appropriate, for official laboratory seed testing in respect of varietal identity and purity;
36 Pravna redakcija
Če se na mejni kontrolni točki pošiljke izdelkov priglasijo za naknadno pretovarjanje, mora oseba, ki je odgovorna za tovor, obvestiti pristojnega uradnega veterinarja na mejni kontrolni točki ob prispetju in s sredstvi, ki jih določijo pristojni organi, o ocenjenem času za razkladanje pošiljke, o namembni mejni kontrolni točki in, če je to potrebno, o točnem mestu, kjer je pošiljka.
When consignments of products are presented at a border inspection post for subsequent transhipment, the person responsible for the load must notify the official veterinarian responsible at the border inspection post, at the time of arrival and by a means fixed by the competent authority, of the estimated time of unloading of the consignment, the border inspection post of destination, and if necessary the exact location of the consignment.
37 Pravna redakcija
se v skladu z zahtevami pristojnih organov ugotovi, da si z naknadno izdajo kontrolnega izvoda T5 ne da zagotoviti finančnih koristi, ki ne bi bile zagotovljene na podlagi uporabljenega tranzitnega postopka, carinskega statusa blaga ter njegove uporabe in/ali namembnega kraja.
it is established to the satisfaction of the competent authorities that the retrospective issue of control copy T5 cannot give rise to the securing of financial benefits which would not be warranted in the light of any transit procedure used, the customs status of the goods and their use and/or destination.
38 Pravna redakcija
Te kontrole na kraju samem zajemajo naknadne preglede dokumentov, primerjavo z vpisi v računalniško zbirko podatkov in preverjanje zbirnikov, ki se nanašajo na potrdila o zakolu, ali podatke, ki so bili poslani drugim državam članicam skladno s členom 35(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 2342/1999.
These on-the-spot checks shall comprise a posteriori scrutiny of documents, a comparison with the entries in the computerised database and checks of summaries relating to the slaughter certificates, or information in place thereof, which were sent to other Member States in accordance with Article 35(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2342/1999.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0711
(5) Za zagotovitev pravilnega delovanja sistema in zaradi kratkega roka, ki je na voljo za preverjanje vlagateljev bi bilo treba sprejeti določbe o naknadni revizijski kontroli, ki jo opravijo organi novih držav članic pri izvajalcih, ki zaprosijo za uvozna dovoljenja v novih državah članicah.
(5) To ensure the proper functioning of the system and due to the short period of time available for the verification of applicants, provisions concerning expost audit controls to be undertaken by the authorities of the new Member States on the operators applying for import licences in the new Member States should be adopted.
40 Pravna redakcija
Namembni urad lahko overi naknadno izdani kontrolni izvod T5 samo, kadar ugotovi, da je bilo blago, zajeto v tem dokumentu, uporabljeno v skladu z namenom, in/ali je dospelo na namembni kraj, ki je predviden ali predpisan v ukrepu Skupnosti za uvažanje, izvažanje ali prevažanje tega blaga znotraj carinskega območja Skupnosti.
Control copy T5 issued retrospectively may be annotated by the office of destination only where that office establishes that the goods covered by the document in question have been used for the purpose and/or have reached the destination provided for or prescribed by the Community measure on the importation, exportation or movement within the customs territory of the Community of those goods.
41 Pravna redakcija
Za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja, ki jih uporabljajo države članice, in možnost primerjave med semenom, potrjenim znotraj Skupnosti, in tistim iz tretjih držav, bi morali predpisati primerjalne poskuse Skupnosti v državah članicah, ki bi dopuščali letno naknadno kontrolo semena iz kategorije "certificirano seme".
In order to harmonise the technical methods of certification used in the Member States and to enable comparisons to be made between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community comparative tests should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of the category `certified seed'.
42 Pravna redakcija
dejanski kraj dostave, če blago ni bilo dostavljeno na naslov, naveden v polju 7. Za blago, ki bo izvoženo, je pri kraju izvoza potrebna oznaka "IZVOZ IZVEN SKUPNOSTI". Za blago, ki bo naknadno predloženo v carinski postopek Skupnosti (razen sprostitve v prosti promet), se poleg kraja, kjer je blago predloženo v carinsko kontrolo, navede oznaka "V CARINSKEM POSTOPKU".
the actual place of delivery if the goods are not to be delivered to the address indicated in Box 7. For goods to be exported the notation 'EXPORT OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY· is to be made together with the place of export For goods which are subsequently to be placed under a community customs procedure (other than release for free circulation) the notation 'UNDER CUSTOMS PROCEDURE- is to be made together with the place where the goods enter customs control.
43 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31993R2225
dejanski kraj dostave, če blago ni bilo dostavljeno na naslov, naveden v polju 7. Za blago, ki bo izvoženo, je pri kraju izvoza potrebna oznaka "IZVOZ IZVEN SKUPNOSTI". Za blago, ki bo naknadno predloženo v carinski postopek Skupnosti (razen sprostitve v prosti promet), se poleg kraja, kjer je blago predloženo v carinsko kontrolo, navede oznaka "V CARINSKEM POSTOPKU".
the actual place of delivery if the goods are not to be delivered to the address indicated in Box 7. For goods to be exported the notation 'EXPORT OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY· is to be made together with the place of export For goods which are subsequently to be placed under a community customs procedure (other than release for free circulation) the notation 'UNDER CUSTOMS PROCEDURE- is to be made together with the place where the goods enter customs control.
44 Pravna redakcija
kontrolni organ, to je nepristranski organ, ki ima tako organizacijo, osebje, pooblastila in integriteto, da lahko skladno z določenimi merili opravlja naloge ocenjevanja, priporočanja za odobritev in naknadne presoje proizvajalčevih postopkov kontrole kakovosti ter izbiranje in vrednotenje proizvodov na gradbišču, v proizvodnem obratu ali kje drugje po posebnih merilih;
inspection body, which means an impartial body having the organization, staffing, competence and integrity to perform according to specified criteria functions such as assessing, recommending for acceptance and subsequent audit of manufacturers' quality control operations, and selection and evaluation of products on site or in factories or elsewhere, according to specific criteria;
45 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi zahtevajo, da ima vsaka kreditna institucija varne upravne in računovodske postopke ter ustrezne mehanizme notranje kontrole za identificiranje in registriranje vseh velikih izpostavljenosti ter njihovih naknadnih sprememb, kakor opredeljuje in zahteva ta direktiva, in za spremljanje izpostavljenosti vsake kreditne institucije glede na njeno lastno politiko izpostavljenosti.
The competent authorities shall require that every credit institution have sound administrative and accounting procedures and adequate internal control mechanisms for the purpose of identifying and recording all large exposures and subsequent changes to them, as defined and required by this Directive, and for that of monitoring those exposures in the light of each credit institution's own exposure policies.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2345
Na podlagi ukrepov, ki so v veljavi v Skupnosti glede sistemov dvojne kontrole ter predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora, ki ga Skupnost izvaja nad tekstilnimi izdelki ob uvozu v Skupnost, se je na zavezujoče tarifne informacije, ki jih izdajajo carinski organi držav članic in ki niso v skladu s to uredbo, v skladu s členom 12 (6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2913/92, mogoče sklicevati v obdobju 60 dni.
Subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information issued by the customs authorities of Member States which is not in accordance with this Regulation, can continue to be invoked for a period of 60 days, under Article 12(6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1562
Ob upoštevanju ukrepov, veljavnih v Skupnosti v zvezi s sistemom dvojne kontrole in predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora Skupnosti za tekstilne izdelke ob uvozu v Skupnost, se v obdobju 60 dni lahko še naprej navajajo zavezujoče tarifne informacije glede uvrstitve blaga v kombinirano nomenklaturo, ki jih izdajo carinski organi držav članic in ki niso skladne s to uredbo, skladno z določbami člena 12(6) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92.
Subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information in the matter of classification of goods in the combined nomenclature issued by the customs authorities of the Member States which no longer conform to this Regulation may continue to be invoked in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 for a period of 60 days.
48 Pravna redakcija
Homologacijski organ države pogodbenice, ki podeljuje homologacijo v skladu s pravilnikom, priloženim k temu sporazumu, mora preveriti, ali obstajajo ustrezne ureditve in dokumentirani načrti za kontrolo, o katerih se dogovori s proizvajalcem za vsako homologacijo, da se v določenih časovnih presledkih opravijo preskusi ali z njimi povezana naknadna preverjanja, potrebna zaradi ugotavljanja stalne skladnosti s homologiranim tipom, vključno, kadar je primerno, s preskusi, določenimi v navedenm pravilniku.
The approval authority of a Contracting Party granting a type-approval pursuant to a Regulation annexed to this Agreement must verify the existence of adequate arrangements and documented control plans, to be agreed with the manufacturer for each approval, to carry out at specified intervals those tests or associated checks necessary to verify continued conformity with the approved type, including, specifically, where applicable, tests specified in the said Regulation.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1562
ker je primerno, da ob upoštevanju ukrepov, veljavnih v Skupnosti v zvezi s sistemom dvojne kontrole in predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora Skupnosti za tekstilne izdelke ob uvozu v Skupnost, upravičenec lahko še naprej navaja zavezujoče tarifne informacije glede uvrstitve blaga v kombinirano nomenklaturo, ki jih izdajo carinski organi držav članic in ki niso skladne s to uredbo, skladno z določbami člena 12(6) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti fn v obdobju 60 dni;
Whereas it is appropriate that, subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information in the matter of classification of goods in the combined nomenclature issued by the customs authorities of the Member States which do not conform to this Regulation may continue to be invoked in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (6) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992, establishing the Community Customs Code fn, for a period of 60 days by the holder;
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0728
Primerno je zagotoviti, da se, na podlagi ukrepov, ki veljajo v Skupnosti glede sistemov dvojne kontrole ter predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora, ki ga Skupnost izvaja nad tekstilnimi izdelki ob uvozu v Skupnost, imetnik, v skladu s členom 12 (6) Uredbe Sveta (EES) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti fn, v obdobju 60 dni še naprej lahko sklicuje na zavezujoče tarifne informacije, ki jih izdajajo carinski organi držav članic v zvezi z razvrščanjem blaga v kombinirani nomenklaturi in ki niso v skladu s to uredbo.
(4) It is appropriate to provide that, subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information issued by the customs authorities of Member States in respect of the classification of goods in the Combined Nomenclature and which is not in accordance with this Regulation, can continue to be invoked for a period of 60 days by the holder, under Article 12(6) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code fn.
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