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namestnik tajnika sodišča
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Namestnik tajnika sodišča, osebje tožilstva in osebje tajništva sodišča
Deputy Registrar, staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and staff of the Registry
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
(k) »namestnik tajnika sodišča« pomeni namestnika tajnika sodišča, ki ga izvoli sodišče v skladu s četrtim odstavkom 43. člena statuta;
(k) ` Deputy Registrar` means the Deputy Registrar elected by the Court in accordance with article 43, paragraph 4, of the Statute;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Namestnik tajnika sodišča, osebje tožilstva in osebje tajništva sodišča uživajo privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti, ki so potrebni za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog.
The Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the staff of the Registry shall enjoy such privileges, immunities and facilities as are necessary for the independent performance of their functions.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Preden začnejo opravljati svoje naloge po tem statutu, se sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca, tajnik sodišča in namestnik tajnika sodišča na javnem zasedanju slovesno zaobljubijo, da bodo svoje naloge opravljali nepristransko in vestno.
Before taking up their respective duties under this Statute, the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar and the Deputy Registrar shall each make a solemn undertaking in open court to exercise his or her respective functions impartially and conscientiously.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca in tajnik sodišča
Judges, Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutors and Registrar
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
(d) namestniku tajnika in osebju tajništva sodišča tajnik sodišča;
(d) In the case of the Deputy Registrar and the staff of the Registry, by the Registrar;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Po potrebi in na priporočilo tajnika Sodišča sodniki na enak način izvolijo namestnika tajnika Sodišča.
If the need arises and upon the recommendation of the Registrar, the judges shall elect, in the same manner, a Deputy Registrar.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(c) potni stroški in dnevnice sodnikov, tožilca, namestnikov tožilca, tajnika sodišča, namestnika tajnika sodišča in osebja katerega koli organa Sodišča,
(c) Travel and subsistence costs of the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar and staff of any organ of the Court;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Sklep o odstavitvi tajnika Sodišča ali njegovega namestnika s funkcije se sprejme z absolutno večino sodnikov.
A decision as to the removal from office of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar shall be made by an absolute majority of the judges.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Za sodnika, tožilca, namestnika tožilca, tajnika sodišča ali namestnika tajnika sodišča, ki je pri svojem ravnanju storil manjši prekršek od navedenega v prvem odstavku 46. člena, se uporabijo disciplinski ukrepi v skladu s Pravili o postopku in dokazih.
A judge, Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor, Registrar or Deputy Registrar who has committed misconduct of a less serious nature than that set out in article 46, paragraph 1, shall be subject to disciplinary measures, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Plače, honorarji in dnevnice, ki jih sodnikom, tožilcu, namestnikom tožilca in tajniku sodišča izplača sodišče, niso obdavčeni.
The salaries, emoluments and allowances paid to the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar by the Court shall be exempt from taxation.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Tajnik Sodišča in njegov namestnik morata biti osebi velikega moralnega ugleda, visoko strokovno usposobljeni ter odlično znati in tekoče govoriti vsaj enega od delovnih jezikov sodišča.
The Registrar and the Deputy Registrar shall be persons of high moral character, be highly competent and have an excellent knowledge of and be fluent in at least one of the working languages of the Court.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca, tajnik sodišča in njegov namestnik prejemajo take plače, dnevnice in povrnitev stroškov, kot jih določi Skupščina držav pogodbenic.
The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar and the Deputy Registrar shall receive such salaries, allowances and expenses as may be decided upon by the Assembly of States Parties.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Privilegije in imunitete lahko odvzamejo: (a) sodniku ali tožilcu sodniki z absolutno večino, (b) tajniku Sodišča predsedstvo, (c) namestnikom tožilca in osebju tožilstva tožilec, (d) namestniku tajnika in osebju tajništva Sodišča tajnik Sodišča.
The privileges and immunities of: (a) A judge or the Prosecutor may be waived by an absolute majority of the judges; (b) The Registrar may be waived by the Presidency; (c) The Deputy Prosecutors and staff of the Office of the Prosecutor may be waived by the Prosecutor; (d) The Deputy Registrar and staff of the Registry may be waived by the Registrar.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Mandat namestnika tajnika Sodišča traja pet let ali tako krajše obdobje, kot ga lahko določijo sodniki z absolutno večino; ob izvolitvi se lahko tudi določi, da naloge opravlja po potrebi.
The Deputy Registrar shall hold office for a term of five years or such shorter term as may be decided upon by an absolute majority of the judges, and may be elected on the basis that the Deputy Registrar shall be called upon to serve as required.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Tajnik sodišča redno sporoča vsem državam pogodbenicam kategorije in imena sodnikov, tožilca, namestnikov tožilca, tajnika sodišča, namestnika tajnika sodišča, osebja tožilstva, osebja tajništva in zagovornika, na katere se nanašajo določbe tega sporazuma.
The Registrar shall communicate periodically to all States Parties the categories and names of the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor, the staff of the Registry and counsel to whom the provisions of the present Agreement apply.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Države pogodbenice niso dolžne priznati oprostitve davka na dohodek pokojnin ali rent, izplačanih nekdanjim namestnikom tajnika sodišča, članom osebja tožilstva in članom osebja tajništva sodišča ter njihovim vzdrževancem.
States Parties shall not be obliged to exempt from income tax pensions or annuities paid to former Deputy Registrars, members of the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor, members of the staff of the Registry and their dependants.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Če je obdavčenje odvisno od prebivališča, se obdobja, med katerimi so sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca in tajnik sodišča prisotni v državi pogodbenici zaradi izpolnjevanja svojih nalog, ne štejejo za obdobja bivanja.
Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon residence, periods during which the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar are present in a State Party for the discharge of their functions shall not be considered as periods of residence for purposes of taxation.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Države pogodbenice priznavajo in sprejemajo prepustnice Združenih narodov ali potne listine, ki jih sodišče izda sodnikom, tožilcu, namestnikom tožilca, tajniku sodišča, namestniku tajnika sodišča, osebju tožilstva in osebju tajništva, kot veljavne potne listine.
The States Parties shall recognize and accept the United Nations laissez-passer or the travel document issued by the Court to the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the staff of the Registry as valid travel documents.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Sodnik, tožilec, namestnik tožilca, tajnik sodišča ali njegov namestnik, katerega ravnanje ali sposobnost za opravljanje njegovih nalog, kot zahteva ta statut, se spodbija v skladu s tem členom, ima vse možnosti za predložitev in sprejemanje dokazov in za uveljavljanje svojih stališč v skladu s Pravili postopka in dokazovanja.
A judge, Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor, Registrar or Deputy Registrar whose conduct or ability to exercise the functions of the office as required by this Statute is challenged under this article shall have full opportunity to present and receive evidence and to make submissions in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca in tajnik sodišča ter njihovi družinski člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, imajo pri izstopu iz države, v kateri so, ter pri vstopu v državo, v kateri zaseda sodišče, in izstopu iz nje vse olajšave.
The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar and members of their families forming part of their households shall be accorded every facility for leaving the country where they may happen to be and for entering and leaving the country where the Court is sitting.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Sodnikom, tožilcu, namestnikom tožilca in tajniku sodišča ter njihovim družinskim članom, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, se v času mednarodne krize priznavajo enake olajšave pri vračanju v domovino, kot jih imajo po Dunajski konvenciji diplomatski predstavniki.
The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar and members of their families forming part of their households shall be accorded the same repatriation facilities in time of international crisis as are accorded to diplomatic agents under the Vienna Convention.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca in tajnik sodišča uživajo, kadar sodelujejo pri delu sodišča ali v zvezi z delom sodišča, iste privilegije in imunitete, kot se priznavajo vodjem diplomatskih predstavništev, in se jim po poteku njihovega mandata še naprej priznava imuniteta pred vsakršnim sodnim postopkom glede izgovorjenih ali zapisanih besed ter dejanj, ki so jih storili pri opravljanju svoje funkcije.
The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar shall, when engaged on or with respect to the business of the Court, enjoy the same privileges and immunities as are accorded to heads of diplomatic missions and shall, after the expiry of their terms of office, continue to be accorded immunity from legal process of every kind in respect of words which had been spoken or written and acts which had been performed by them in their official capacity.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca in tajnik sodišča uživajo, kadar sodelujejo pri delu Sodišča ali v zvezi z delom Sodišča, iste privilegije in imunitete, kot se priznavajo vodjem diplomatskih predstavništev, in se jim po preteku njihovega mandata še naprej priznava imuniteta pred vsakršnim sodnim postopkom glede izgovorjenih ali zapisanih besed ter dejanj, ki so jih storili pri opravljanju svoje funkcije.
The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar shall, when engaged on or with respect to the business of the Court, enjoy the same privileges and immunities as are accorded to heads of diplomatic missions and shall, after the expiry of their terms of office, continue to be accorded immunity from legal process of every kind in respect of words spoken or written and acts performed by them in their official capacity.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Na potovanjih, povezanih z opravljanjem njihovih nalog, uživajo sodniki, tožilec, namestniki tožilca in tajnik sodišča v vseh državah pogodbenicah, čez katere morajo potovati, vse privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti, ki se v državah pogodbenicah po Dunajski konvenciji v podobnih okoliščinah priznavajo diplomatskim predstavnikom.
On journeys in connection with the exercise of their functions, the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar shall in all States Parties through which they may have to pass enjoy all the privileges, immunities and facilities granted by States Parties to diplomatic agents in similar circumstances under the Vienna Convention.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Če sodnik, tožilec, namestnik tožilca ali tajnik sodišča z namenom, da bi bil na razpolago sodišču, prebiva v kateri koli državi pogodbenici, ki ni država, katere državljan je, ali v kateri ima stalno prebivališče, se mu skupaj z družinskimi člani, s katerimi živi v skupnem gospodinjstvu, med bivanjem priznavajo diplomatski privilegiji, imunitete in ugodnosti.
If a judge, the Prosecutor, a Deputy Prosecutor or the Registrar, for the purpose of holding himself or herself at the disposal of the Court, resides in any State Party other than that of which he or she is a national or permanent resident, he or she shall, together with family members forming part of his or her household, be accorded diplomatic privileges, immunities and facilities during the period of residence.
27 Pravna redakcija
Sodni tajnik poskrbi, da se v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti objavi sestava senatov in kriteriji, uporabljani pri dodeljevanju primerov senatom, volitve predsednika Sodišča prve stopnje in predsednikov senatov, imenovanje sodnega tajnika in vsakega njegovega namestnika.
The Registrar shall cause to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities the composition of the Chambers and the criteria applied in the allocation of cases to them, the election of the President of the Court of First Instance and of the Presidents of Chambers, the appointment of the Registrar and of any Deputy Registrar.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31968R0260
sodnega tajnika in namestnike poročevalce Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti,
the Registrar and Assistant Rapporteurs at the Court of Justice,
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1247
Namestnik nadzornika je glede določitve plače, dodatkov, starostne pokojnine in vseh drugih nadomestil na podlagi plače izenačen s sodnim tajnikom Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti.
The Assistant Supervisor shall be on a par with the Registrar of the Court of Justice of the European Communities as regards the determination of remuneration, allowances, retirement pension and any other benefit in lieu of remuneration.
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namestnik tajnika sodišča