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napaka v ocenjevanju
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0056
Delo članov izpitne komisije mora spremljati in nadzorovati telo, ki ga pooblasti država članica, da se zagotovi pravilno in dosledno ocenjevanje napak v skladu z merili iz te priloge.
The work of driving examiners must be monitored and supervised, by a body authorised by the Member State, to ensure correct and consistent application of fault assessment in accordance with the standards laid down in this Annex.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0439
Delo članov izpitne komisije za vožnjo mora spremljati in nadzorovati organ, ki ga pooblasti država članica, da se zagotovi pravilna in dosledna uporaba ocenjevanja napak v skladu s standardi, določenimi v tej prilogi.
The work of driving examiners must be monitored and supervised, by a body authorized by the Member State, to ensure correct and consistent application of fault assessment in accordance with the standards laid down in this Annex.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0452
Komentarji bi morali npr. zajemati postopek izbire teh modelov (tj. zakaj je bil izbran dani model namesto alternativnih), če ustreza, združena napaka ocenjevanja ustreznih ocen, elementi preverjanja predpostavk v modelu, preverjanje ocenitvene moči modela z uporabo historičnih podatkov, primerjava izsledkov oz. podatkov, ki jih model generira, z drugimi sorodnimi viri podatkov, uporaba skrininga in študij o navzkrižnem preverjanju, testiranja občutljivosti modela na ocene parametrov, validacija inputiranih podatkov v model.
Comments should for example cover the selection procedure of these models (i.e. why a given model has been chosen in preference to alternative ones), if relevant the associated estimation error of the corresponding estimates, elements on the verification of the assumptions underlying the model, the test of the predictive power of the model using historical data, the comparison of the results generated by the model with other related sources of data, the use of screening and cross-validation studies, the tests of sensitivity of the model to parameters' estimation, the validation of the data inputs to the model.
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napaka v ocenjevanju